Internet Stalkers


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Have you ever had someone "stalk" you on the internet?

It's creepy as hell, isn't it? I wonder why those freaks do that?
Yes I left a board because of that.It was more annoying than scary but despite my claim that I would not be bullied off the board, the truth is I caved. Can't be too careful these days.

I keep my facebook on private and only have friends that are truly friends. Too many busy bodies and back stabbers around.
Have you ever had someone "stalk" you on the internet?

It's creepy as hell, isn't it? I wonder why those freaks do that?

Yep. It's usually the people you least expect. Their obsessive personality is just creepy. Few stalkers can see how their actions are hurting others which means that most don't know they are stalking.
Have you ever had someone "stalk" you on the internet?

It's creepy as hell, isn't it? I wonder why those freaks do that?

There are some seriously obsessed persons out there, on the net or not. Then there are the drama magnets who think anything annoying is equivalent to stalking. When it goes from just electrons to real life, then there is something to worry about. Maybe if those overly dramatic cases actually experienced a stalker, they wouldn't use the term so loosely.
Have you ever had someone "stalk" you on the internet?

It's creepy as hell, isn't it? I wonder why those freaks do that?

There are some seriously obsessed persons out there, on the net or not. Then there are the drama magnets who think anything annoying is equivalent to stalking. When it goes from just electrons to real life, then there is something to worry about. Maybe if those overly dramatic cases actually experienced a stalker, they wouldn't use the term so loosely.

Flypaper for freaks... that's me... and you. :lol::lol::lol:
I have had people annoyingly follow me around on message boards but nothing more than that, I would be pretty easy to stalk as my info isnt hard to find, as long as they cant hack into my bank and credit card accounts it doesnt bother me nor do I fear someone taking it to the next level and stalking me in real life as you would have to be a pretty pathetic character to do such.
Have you ever had someone "stalk" you on the internet?

It's creepy as hell, isn't it? I wonder why those freaks do that?

There are some seriously obsessed persons out there, on the net or not. Then there are the drama magnets who think anything annoying is equivalent to stalking. When it goes from just electrons to real life, then there is something to worry about. Maybe if those overly dramatic cases actually experienced a stalker, they wouldn't use the term so loosely.

Flypaper for freaks... that's me... and you. :lol::lol::lol:

Hmmmm, I wonder why? :confused:
I have had people annoyingly follow me around on message boards but nothing more than that, I would be pretty easy to stalk as my info isnt hard to find, as long as they cant hack into my bank and credit card accounts it doesnt bother me nor do I fear someone taking it to the next level and stalking me in real life as you would have to be a pretty pathetic character to do such.

I had one person on another board threaten to track me down in real life and do some fairly grisly things, now that I think about it there were two people on two different boards, but that's all they were - threats. Nothing ever happened. Having people following you around a message board can be annoying, but doesn't really qualify as "stalking".
There are some seriously obsessed persons out there, on the net or not. Then there are the drama magnets who think anything annoying is equivalent to stalking. When it goes from just electrons to real life, then there is something to worry about. Maybe if those overly dramatic cases actually experienced a stalker, they wouldn't use the term so loosely.

Flypaper for freaks... that's me... and you. :lol::lol::lol:

Hmmmm, I wonder why? :confused:

Secretly I'm stalking Echo Zulu.:lol: Rumor has it she makes great Christmas candy and I want some!!! Fudge. I crave fudge...:lol::lol::lol:

Does anybody out there make good sugar cookies???????? If so, I'll stop stalking Echo Zulu and stalk you!
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Following people around a board can be harmless, but following every post, no matter what time of day or night, can be very very creepy. Esp.if it only includes vicious personal attacks. You can usually tell the difference between a weird fixation and a hate filled obsession. 3 percent of the people in this country are sociopaths. And I'm pretty sure they all hang out on the internet.

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