Interpetation of the "Mark of the beast"


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

I'm still long in stocks - I'll bet $1.00 he is too if he's under 55, not broke and not stupid.

Fortunately, most people live their lives with a reasonable grasp of reality and some semblance of hope in spite of the whole 'religion thing'.
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I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

I really don't put a lot of stock in Revelation. When you consider why it was written and how (probably under the influence of pyschotropic substances), it's easy to see the intent behind it: to get the fledging Christians who were starting to break away back in line so that the greatness of organized religion could march on.

I'd rather read the Gospel and pay attention to the things Christ actually did and said and be inspired by his acts.

The people that cling to revelation today do so with the same motive in which it was written: to scare people back in line.
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

I really don't put a lot of stock in Revelation. When you consider why it was written and how (probably under the influence of pyschotropic substances), it's easy to see the intent behind it: to get the fledging Christians who were starting to break away back in line so that the greatness of organized religion could march on.

I'd rather read the Gospel and pay attention to the things Christ actually did and said and be inspired by his acts.

The people that cling to revelation today do so with the same motive in which it was written: to scare people back in line.

[ame=]YouTube - MARGARITAVILLE[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The Pina Colada Song[/ame]
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, ...?

I have not done a lot of studying on the mark of the beast, but I would suggest you do a bit of research on the teaching of 'free will' in the Bible. You just may find out that a lot of what is taught in the churches today is false teachings
I am also curious about the mark that is put on the 144,000 chosen of God that is placed on their forehead. Ironically when studying this, I found that the Hindu's believe Vishnu marks his loyal few with a "V" on their forehead. Vishnu also appears as Kalki (his last avatar) who is the savior of the righteous and also rides a white horse.
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

Have you ever seen the Final Destination movies??:eek:
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?


Proverbs Chapter 16 verse 9 In his mind a man plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps.

I believe there is the free will of the heart. The steps guides our Father in heaven.

I believe bible prophecy shows historical events that are coming.


Did the Lord guide the steps of Osama bin Laden, or the BTK Killer?
All I can do is read and meditate in the Word and be open to the Spirit for interpretation.
I can't make that interpretation for others.
I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

In regard to free will, yes we have it, lest we wouldn't be able to choose between good and evil. "Love" is not forced. We cannot force anyone to love us. If we sit down and think about it, love is a choice we make in action, to love one another.

As for the mark of the Beast, this is something that the "final" AntiChrist (the man of lawlessness) will set up - the most evil of all evil men. Unbelievers will receive the mark, because well, they didn't believe God in the first place, or chose to reject Jesus Christ That still doesn't mean we don't have free will. It is Satan who is evil, who wants to kill, and destroy. It is the will of a person if they want to follow Satan, or God. Under some guise of peace and love, this future AntiChrist will deceive MANY. The MANY are those who reject the Truth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Too many. :(

Satan is not some obviously two horned mean looking devil like stories depict, he is absolutely beautiful, charming, and comes transformed as an angel of light. He first and foremost wants to keep people away from believing there is a God, and also that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and also likes to attack the brethren first and foremost. People who do not yet know the Lord and His Truth do not get attacked as much as believers, well because, he already has them in his grasp. He is cunning, he is the adversary of life. Take heart, however, everything was conquered and finished with the work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. God's Word tells us:

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

1 John 5:5
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

As for what the "mark" is for certain, I don't know. Theologians discuss it all the time, and some claim to know, but I do not. Some say it is literal, some say it is spiritual. I believe it it will be both. The closest thing I've seen that it could be, is the "microchip", but I could never say for sure right now if that will be the "mark" or not. However, I will never get one.

Revelation 13
6And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation is an awesome book to read (especially Revelation Chapter 13) and holds a special blessing for those who read it. We may not understand all of it yet, but it's amazing reading.

Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

As for "when" this time will be, we are to live as it could happen TODAY. We never know when the Lord will come, He has made this clear. We live and love and learn daily. We may stumble and fall, but thank the Lord so much for His Mercy and Grace, and all He did on the Cross, dying for the sins of the world, rising again, so that we may have life with Him. No greater love than to die for those you love. Praise the Lord.

Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

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In regard to free will, yes we have it, lest we wouldn't be able to choose between good and evil. "Love" is not forced. We cannot force anyone to love us. If we sit down and think about it, love is a choice we make in action, to love one another.

As for the mark of the Beast, this is something that the "final" AntiChrist (the man of lawlessness) will set up - the most evil of all evil men. ...

Have you ever seen or heard someone say, "I tried to love him/her but I just couldn't"? Or "how can I love someone who has not shown love for me?". No, love is NOT a choice it is a reaction us humans have when we feel love(or attraction) elsewhere.

1Jn 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1Jn 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1Jn 4:9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
1Jn 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1Jn 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
1Jn 4:12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
1Jn 4:13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
1Jn 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
1Jn 4:15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
1Jn 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
1Jn 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
1Jn 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.
1Jn 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
1Jn 4:21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

The love you have for the Lord is because the Lord first loved you. NOT that you love the Lord by your own means.
Sorry bout that,

1. I believe it will be a tattoo on the forehead or arm, with the numbers *666*.:evil:
2. With all the tat shops around now days, it won't be hard to get all you in when the orders come down.

I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

I really don't put a lot of stock in Revelation. When you consider why it was written and how (probably under the influence of pyschotropic substances), it's easy to see the intent behind it: to get the fledging Christians who were starting to break away back in line so that the greatness of organized religion could march on.

I'd rather read the Gospel and pay attention to the things Christ actually did and said and be inspired by his acts.

The people that cling to revelation today do so with the same motive in which it was written: to scare people back in line.

Scare people? It's to give people hope. That even though we will pass through dark times, God will save those who follow Him.
I have spent time with this man, I trust him, he has fought to become wise and knowledgeable
[ame=]YouTube - Walid Shoebat - Mark of the Beast[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is evil, so I could buy into this Mr. Fitnah.
2. I see Islam as being nothing but Anti-Christ, so its an easy sell to me.
3. Allah has always been Islams secret moon god, they worship the cycles of the moon, like crazy people howl at the moon, they are indeed an unstable movement.
4. And everyday here in America we allow Islam more space, that in itself is crazy.
5. Islam will take billions of souls to hell, not to mention the billions it already has won.

I had a recent discussion with a born again christian who believes that the end of times is near, and will be here within his life time. He pointed to prophesy and is looking for the mark of the beast as a clear sign that he is right. I pointed out to him that the concept of prophesy is flawed because if you know the prophesy you can undo it. For example, I tell you you will be hit by a car at three pm on tuesday and die. You stay at home and don't leave the house and consequently you don't get hit by the car. Is the prophesy true or false? it turned out to be false because you knew ahead of time what would happen, so you changed your actions and thwarted the prophesy.

I told him that God had intended for us to heed the book of revelation and to change our ways before the outcome described comes to pass. He seems to believe that it will come to pass no matter what we do. If he is right what does that say about God giving us free will?

As an aside I would be curious to know what everyone else thinks about this so-called "mark of the beast". I believe that people have enough knowledge about the mark that there would be no way such a law requiring the mark would ever be accepted let alone passed.

Also, what is the mark interpeted to be? a tattoo, a microchip, social security number, or whatever. Where is the mark to be placed? on the forehead, hand, or anywhere on the body. How loosely is the prophesy interpeted? will any combination suffice?

I really don't put a lot of stock in Revelation. When you consider why it was written and how (probably under the influence of pyschotropic substances), it's easy to see the intent behind it: to get the fledging Christians who were starting to break away back in line so that the greatness of organized religion could march on.

I'd rather read the Gospel and pay attention to the things Christ actually did and said and be inspired by his acts.

The people that cling to revelation today do so with the same motive in which it was written: to scare people back in line.

There are untold treasures in such doubt from those that doubt. It isn't to the shame of those that warn. Psychological edged philosophy wedges it's way through the cracks of society and divides even the strongest of bonds. To what levels do one interprets? It seems that the greatest failing within us is ourselves not religion and not Christianity's bible.
Sorry bout that,

1. I believe it will be a tattoo on the forehead or arm, with the numbers *666*.:evil:
2. With all the tat shops around now days, it won't be hard to get all you in when the orders come down.

LOL, like anyone cares what you believe.

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