Interview on the situation in Kobani


Nov 14, 2012
Good development in Kobani.

YPJ (Women’s Defense Units) Commander Azime Deniz spoke to ANF about the latest situation in Kobanê where the attacks by the ISIS and the resistance by YPG/YPJ has entered the third month.
Deniz said that following two months in defensive position, they have now moved into active defense and offensive position, having liberated a number of locations and achieved superiority on all three fronts.
The YPJ Commander also remarked that they were prepared against a possible new wave of major attacks by the ISIS gangs.
Could you evaluate for us the final situation in the Kobanê resistance?
When the expansive attacks by ISIS aiming to occupy Kobanê first began, we developed a committed resistance and remained in defensive position as a tactics. Over the last one month, we have moved into active defense and offensive position, while on the other hand also maintaining our defense position. Our tactics mainly advanced by holding and protecting every single house, street and neighborhood we captured. In other words, we didn’t pursue the offensive in the form of hitting, striking and retreating. We made advances by holding the areas and positions where we hit and stroke the enemy. Of course we didn’t pursue this tactics only by holding the area and attacking, we also predicated it on defense, further strengthening our lines of defense and enriching them with new defense techniques. When we liberated a street, we also turned it into a line of defense. Owing to various and enriched tactics, we have made significant progresses over the last one month, also bearing a spirit of sacrifice, which has weakened the ISIS and not allowed it to resist at many positions, while we developed resistance in the areas we had been weakened, and inflicted severe blows on the ISIS gangs.
We also mounted a devoted resistance during the period we remained in defensive position but it is unavoidable for a military force to receive a blow in that position, no matter how strong it is. In this sense, we started to respond to each attack by the ISIS and launched the “Kobanê Liberation Offensive” after two months in defensive position. Our first operation was launched in the Botan Neighborhood in which we attained a significant success. In many areas, the enemy suffered casualties more than us. Yet, we also suffered more casualties in some actions we conducted.

What is the final situation on three fronts?
We have made siginificant advances since we moved into offensive position on all three fronts, especially on the southern following the Botan operation. The ISIS gangs remain only in some houses in this area. The ISIS had made a significant advance on the eastern front during the period we remained in defensive position but with the most recent offensive, some major locations have been cleansed of ISIS gangs and liberated. We can now move freely in the areas we have captured on Aleppo road where our movements had been resitricted earlier. On the eastern front, we have now reached the border of the region we call Medresa Resh and our offensives are continuing on the basis of forming a line of defense. We also have the circumstances to take more key positions and to force the ISIS gangs to retreat further in the east.
On the southern front, the ISIS launched a major attack with armored vehicles and tanks on 29 November. They are not being able to conduct further attacks on the southern front after this attack of theirs was broken. Clashes are taking place in some areas but we are maintaining our lines of defense and inflicting severe blows on the enemy by advancing up to their inner lines in this region.

How did this offensive boost the morale of the fighters?
One other aspect of the offensive has been to boost the morale and motivation of our fighters. We had a high morale and mounted a strong resistance before the offensive as well but we were also facing some difficulties in terms of maintaining our morale while we remained in the defensive position. I can say that we have also gained a spiritual advantage now after moving into an offensive position. We are sometimes having difficulty in holding our forces as some comrades are conducting offensives against ISIS gangs and taking some houses despite there being no planning by our side. Our commitment and determination for Kobanê’s liberation has grown and greatened with this offensive. Our forces will continue their offensives against the ISIS by bearing superior morale and spirituality.

To what extend are the winter conditions affecting the battle?
Winter conditions have both advantages and disadvantages but this doesn’t matter to our units who are already prepared for harsh weather conditions. What matters in a fighting is the resistance and determination you bear. It is becoming difficult for the enemy to use the field because of the winter, and in this sense it has some advantages. However, as I’ve said, we are prepared for any case, including winter conditions and others. We stay focused on the target and strategy.
What position have the ISIS gangs taken in the face of your resistance and latest offensive?
While we were in defensive position, the ISIS gangs were mainly using weapons suitable for the battle inside the city, not mortars and heavy weapons. Following the initiation of our offensive, the ISIS gangs resorted to mortar and suicide attacks as they suffered heavier blows and were forced to retreat. This way of attacking shows the weakness and regression of the ISIS, also failing to help them accomplish a result against us. We are prepared for attacks of all kinds and levels.

Is there any probability of a new expansive wave of attacks by the ISIS?
The attacks by ISIS gangs may continue but as we said, we are ready for any kind of attacks and will be defending Kobanê in any case. There always exists the probability of a new wave of attacks, this is not something beyond possibility, especially while the ISIS gangs are continuing to make reinforcements and have recently lost their leading commanders and leaders in the battle. They are facing a defeat but they may launch further expansive attacks.

Can we say that circumstances for victory are currently present?
Right, we can say that circumstances for victory have ripened following our latest offensive in which we captured some areas and struck major blows on the gangs. It needs to be mentioned also that to us every inch of Kobanê is a land which we will consider as completely occupied unless the ISIS gangs are cleansed from every single inch of it. We cannot talk about success and victory while even a small piece of our land remains in the hands of the ISIS. However, we can say that circumstances are available in order for us to entirely push the ISIS away from our land.

What would you like to say in conclusion?
I would like to remark that we will continue launching our offensives and forcing the ISIS gangs back. I also have a message to the young women and men from Kobanê, they must join our ranks and take part in the phase of victory prior to Kobanê’s liberation. We are inviting the youths of Kobanê to their town to fight the ISIS.

YPJ Commander We moved from defensive into offensive position SYRIA 360
The Kurds should be better prepared for winter fighting against these pansy ass Jihadis from around the world.

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