Intolerant liberals harass, threaten those who agreed to perform at Trump's inauguration


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
With the help of the media, intolerant radicals don't believe that entertainers should be able to decide where to perform without being harassed and even threated with death. This is so far out of hand and the left isn't looking good these days. No lib leaders are coming out to defend anyone who chooses to attend or perform at the inauguration.

I think this is another thing that will come back to bite people in the ass. The Dems are already unpopular lately. Now, some performers better hope that enough liberals will continue to buy their music because a lot of people might be turned off by their refusal to serve people based on their creed. No, it's all about only working with those who share your political views.

It's a shame that some wanted to perform but were scared off by rabid liberals threatening to hurt or kill people. Considering the way the mobs are forming and ready to turn the city upside down, I don't blame some for being frightened.

Of course, anyone attending the inauguration and locals who live in the area are likely going to have things to deal with. As usual, the angry mobs have no consideration for anyone but themselves and could care less who they inconvenience, including ambulances and other emergency personnel. And when people get hurt, or worse, the left will quickly blame Trump for the actions of their own. The loudmouths are working hard to incite violence and it will be totally their fault when something happens. This is already an embarrassment. The groups planning to disrupt everything on the 20th are just plain fucking stupid. All they will accomplish is more destruction and more division, but then that is likely the real goal. I hope the weather is freezing that day.

"The liberal media is reporting constantly on the difficulty Donald Trump and company are having in finding performers for his inauguration – as if they aren’t partially responsible.

Who’d want to perform at his inauguration if it’s going to lead to them being ridiculed in the media?
And it’s not just the media. Would you believe the same people who express their frustration with losing by blocking off highways, smashing storefronts, setting police cars ablaze, and threatening electors would also threaten celebrities who dare perform at Trump’s inauguration? Those who performed at Obama’s inaugurals (Beyonce, U2, Stevie Wonder, and Bruce Springsteen) didn’t have to worry about that, but those who’ve agreed to perform at Trump’s quickly faced backlash.

Sixteen-year old “America’s Got Talent” contestant Jackie Evancho received “intense backlash” for daring to perform the Star-Spangled Banner at the end of the ceremony despite having a transgender sibling (as if Trump has ever said anything anti-transgender ever). She’s remaining as a performer, but a number have dropped out – the most recent being Andrea Bocelli and “Dreamgirl” Jennifer Holiday. Bocelli, who is blind, dropped out after receiving death threats.

In regards to Holiday, The Advocate adds that: After first defending her decision to sing at Donald Trump’s inauguration next week, Grammy- and Tony-winning Broadway star Jennifer Holliday has backed out of the performance."

ANOTHER famous singer backs out of Trump inauguration
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.
This is approved behavior from the left. Liberals believe that they are the sole voice of certain groups in society. Minority can not have any other opinion except for the approved left wing dogma. The same goes for women. Any of these groups that try to break away are vilified.

It is my hope that one day soon these people will realise that the Democrats think no more of them than as voting cattle.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.
So what your saying is that its ok to trample on someone's religious right ?
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
The left wants to force their views on people and they instantly explode when people reject them.

They are not tolerant in the least. Either fall in line behind them or become a target.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.
There is absolutely not a more violent, horrible, racist group of people than liberals. Bar none they are the top.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.

I know more than you and I prove it on a daily basis.......
There is absolutely not a more violent, horrible, racist group of people than liberals. Bar none they are the top.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.

I know more than you and I prove it on a daily basis.......
I think you're on my side? Not sure why I was quoted in there.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

So you are admitting that she was to stupid to know that up front.

You may buy that story (you are the stupid one).
There is absolutely not a more violent, horrible, racist group of people than liberals. Bar none they are the top.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.

I know more than you and I prove it on a daily basis.......
I think you're on my side? Not sure why I was quoted in there.

I think it was he was just adding to your point.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.

Hopefully the supreme court will reverse its ruling and let the states decide once more
There is absolutely not a more violent, horrible, racist group of people than liberals. Bar none they are the top.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.

I know more than you and I prove it on a daily basis.......
I think you're on my side? Not sure why I was quoted in there.

We are definitely kindreds...I was replying to Lakhota......
There is absolutely not a more violent, horrible, racist group of people than liberals. Bar none they are the top.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

At one time I was fine with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state thus making the state a third party entity of their union under admiralty/ UCC acts, statutes, codes and ordinances...then they fucked up by going after groups that were not on board with the queer agenda even after they won in court....totally changed my attitude. Now that the faglet faction wants the queer agenda included in Common Core and they are being allowed into schools under an offshoot LGBTQ group called GLSEN where queers and transgendred freaks of nature are allowed to visit even grade schools to preach tolerance of their depravity....I have a real problem with that. The queers are now working on getting the age of consent lowered so some 40 year old faglet can sodomize a 14 year old boy and not be charged with pedophilia. Even now they are trying to change the term "pedophile" to "Minor Attracted Persons".

You can take it to the bank that the pseudo liberal piles of shit will jump on the pedophilia bandwagon and claim that child sex between two consenting people regardless of age and regardless of their gender is perfectly natural and anyone that opposes it is a terrible person........that's how leftards "roll". They are the most disgusting excuses for human beings on the planet by far.........they disgust me.
More fake news hate from the dupes....start there.

I know more than you and I prove it on a daily basis.......
I think you're on my side? Not sure why I was quoted in there.

We are definitely kindreds...I was replying to Lakhota......
All good then.
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

So you are admitting that she was to stupid to know that up front.

You may buy that story (you are the stupid one).
I believe her. I know Republicans who have asked me why gays hate Trump. He's never said anything bad about them. Once I explained Pence, they said "oh". And left it at that.
And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

I consider myself a solid Republican and I love no animosity to anyone based on sexual preference.

Can you name any actually anti-gay planks in the Republican platform?
I watched the Joy Reid/Jennifer Holiday interview this morning and it was revealing.

Jennifer said she sang for every president since Reagan except Obama because he never invited her. That other blacks called her Aunt Jemima and said terrible things, but that was NOT the reason she decided not to sing.

She said gays told her about what Pence did in his state to attack gays. You could fire them. You could kick them out of rental houses or apartments. You could refuse to serve them at restaurants. All you had to say was they bothered your religious sensibilities.

She said that was too much. She said gays made her a star and they have always supported her career and she felt she owed them to much to turn her back on them now.

And that was why she decided not to sing.

So you are right. It was intolerance. Only it was Republican intolerance.

And you know how Republicans hate gays. That can't be denied.

So you are admitting that she was to stupid to know that up front.

You may buy that story (you are the stupid one).
I believe her. I know Republicans who have asked me why gays hate Trump. He's never said anything bad about them. Once I explained Pence, they said "oh". And left it at that.

Of course you are a moron.

None of that has been in the news ?

She never heard of any of that before.

With dicks like you bleating it out all the time (most of the time with major flaws in your contextual arrangements), she could not have missed it.
This is approved behavior from the left. Liberals believe that they are the sole voice of certain groups in society. Minority can not have any other opinion except for the approved left wing dogma. The same goes for women. Any of these groups that try to break away are vilified.

It is my hope that one day soon these people will realise that the Democrats think no more of them than as voting cattle.
Who are these Democrats you are talking about?

Democrats are a coalition party. The leadership of the Democratic Party is the leadership of all the individual groups that make up the party.

Republicans are 90% white. Differences between the groups there are very, very minor.

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