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So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
This is awesome! Not exactly what to make of its significance in the immediate future. But sure you imaginative folks will come up with something as I'm only picturing a bartender or the Browns next QB.

This is awesome! Not exactly what to make of its significance in the immediate future. But sure you imaginative folks will come up with something as I'm only picturing a bartender or the Browns next QB.

Lots of applications for the tech. Of course the military and first responders will be the first to make mass use of it.
Some scary shit when you think about it.

Hitching rails in front of schools?
A good civilian application is to replace minimum wage workers. All those jobs "Americans don't want".

These robots will replace more than that. Manufacturing, assembly, mechanics, construction worker, electricians, plumbers and carpenters will be done, but other AI will replace other jobs. Taxi, uber, pay pilots, truck driver will be gone. Accountants are close to being replaced.

That will be the within the next decade.

Yes there will be jobs that will be made from this. Robot engineers, robot repairs etc, but only a handful to the 1000s that are replaced!

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The potential for abuse is staggering.
Imagine a government being able to field thousands of unquestioning killers to suppress the populace.
Anyone that paranoid would think about the potential for abuse by a government that has everything from atomic bombs to drones to guns to laser weapons to, well you know.
These robots will replace more than that. Manufacturing, assembly, mechanics, construction worker, electricians, plumbers and carpenters will be done, but other AI will replace other jobs. Taxi, uber, pay pilots, truck driver will be gone. Accountants are close to being replaced.

That will be the within the next decade.

Yes there will be jobs that will be made from this. Robot engineers, robot repairs etc, but only a handful to the 1000s that are replaced!

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That's what's always been claimed since the industrial age began.
The potential for abuse is staggering.
Imagine a government being able to field thousands of unquestioning killers to suppress the populace.
Anyone that paranoid would think about the potential for abuse by a government that has everything from atomic bombs to drones to guns to laser weapons to, well you know.

I can really see you've thought this through......
The potential for abuse is staggering.
Imagine a government being able to field thousands of unquestioning killers to suppress the populace.
Anyone that paranoid would think about the potential for abuse by a government that has everything from atomic bombs to drones to guns to laser weapons to, well you know.

I can really see you've thought this through......
Correct. Not only thought through, but studied in history and followed throughout my life for the reasons George Santayana is quoted about:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Luddites: Who were the Luddites? - Ask History
“Luddite” is now a blanket term used to describe people who dislike new technology, but its origins date back to a 19th century labor movement that railed against the economic fallout of the Industrial Revolution. The original Luddites were British weavers and textile workers who objected to the increased use of automated looms and knitting frames. Most were trained artisans who had spent years learning their craft, and they feared that unskilled machine operators were robbing them of their livelihood. When their appeals for government aid and assistance were ignored, a few desperate weavers began breaking into factories and smashing textile machines.

An interesting essay by Keith Weiner: In the Future, Will Everyone Be Unemployed?
...Many people, from futurists to Leftists, are saying that machines will replace people and most people will be unemployed. This is hogwash, though it has been popular for at least 200 years, when the Luddites were smashing machinery.

Perhaps they didn’t know better, in the early days of Industrial Revolution. Maybe they really didn’t think of machines as providing an escape from drudgery.

They might not have thought that people were freed from long days of backbreaking labor. They may not have considered that increasing productivity benefits the worker, the investor, and the customer—pretty much everyone....

...Economists refuse to understand rising productivity. Futurists fret that there is a dark side to progress. All of them are lending their support to central planning, whether they realize it or not.

Implicit in every one of these views is a simple confession. The worker, the social thinker, the economist, and the futurist do not know what the next big industry, the next big employer, will be. And, it’s not their job to know that!

This is the flaw in central planning. The central planner does not know.

It’s the entrepreneur’s job to figure out how best to put people to work.
These robots will replace more than that. Manufacturing, assembly, mechanics, construction worker, electricians, plumbers and carpenters will be done, but other AI will replace other jobs. Taxi, uber, pay pilots, truck driver will be gone. Accountants are close to being replaced.

That will be the within the next decade.

Yes there will be jobs that will be made from this. Robot engineers, robot repairs etc, but only a handful to the 1000s that are replaced!

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That's what's always been claimed since the industrial age began.

That is always the argument, but some revolutions are different they others. The industrial revolution made the human workers job easier and more efficient.

The robot it AI revolution is replacing the human entirely with a humanoid like AI!

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That is always the argument, but some revolutions are different they others. The industrial revolution made the human workers job easier and more efficient.

The robot it AI revolution is replacing the human entirely with a humanoid like AI!

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Agreed revolutions can be different, but can you name one "Luddite" revolution that was correct?

If the AI revolution replaces all the humans, are you saying all the humans will be poor, starving and homeless? Who's going to buy the AI-produced widgets? How can the few people who are going to be rich stay rich if they can't sell their widgets?

Next factor in the old saying "The most dangerous man in the world is one who has nothing to lose". While many Americans have grown soft, weak and spineless, all it takes is 3% to be really and violently pissed-off to upset the entire apple cart.
This is awesome! Not exactly what to make of its significance in the immediate future. But sure you imaginative folks will come up with something as I'm only picturing a bartender or the Browns next QB.

No way that's the next QB for the Browns. Way to mobile.

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