Invasion USA

What would happen if the J6 insurgents had prepared just a little better or the DC forces had prepared less. Let's go back to 1952.

Which invasion is/was worse for America…..

This one-

Or this one-

Full disclosure: THIS IS A TEST
If you can't figure that out yourself, don't expect me to present the truth. You won't figure that out either.
You can’t provide any validation. What is it about you people you feel entitled to your opinion being qualified as fact?? Your retort was everything specious and no fact.

Step up and provide fact.
Which invasion is/was worse for America…..
This one-
Or this one-
Full disclosure: THIS IS A TEST
1. Is a protest by US citizens against perceived voter-fraud.
2. Is an invasion by illegal aliens, including America's enemies, allowed by a traitor in the Whitehouse.

What would happen if the J6 insurgents had prepared just a little better or the DC forces had prepared less. Let's go back to 1952.

STOP ! Big butt check
Invasion is a white supremacist idea philosophy

So you give the big lie over and over again. No matter how many times you repeat it, it's still a lie.
With so few options to work with, they've decided to run with the notion that the Insurrection was someone else's fault.

And the testimony of all the insurrectionists who have gone to jail, admitting what they did and why? Well, they're just actors, and the violence you see on video was just a Hollywood production.

This is a true group pathology, the world has seen it before, and it's why the usage of the term "cult" to describe it is so reasonable.
Over 250 Thousand Single Military Age Males From ( China) ( Iran) ( Syria ) ( Somalia ) ( Sudan) (Lebanon ) ( South Ossetia ) ( Pock e Stan ) ( Morocco ) ( Libya ) ( Russia ) ...
What would have happened if the CHOP/ CHAZ zone was flooded with Supporters and armed protestors and expanded from 8 block peak to 30 Block main zone with 4 other 6 block buffer / No Go Zones and LEOs stood down and MIL / NG were shunned and eschewed by sympathetic Marxist Governor ?
Now THAT was an insurrection. The radicals took over a section of an American city and claimed the land was no longer America.

And whatever happened to them? Were they all rounded up and put in jail, awaiting trials for years?
With so few options to work with, they've decided to run with the notion that the Insurrection was someone else's fault.

And the testimony of all the insurrectionists who have gone to jail, admitting what they did and why? Well, they're just actors, and the violence you see on video was just a Hollywood production.

This is a true group pathology, the world has seen it before, and it's why the usage of the term "cult" to describe it is so reasonable.
There was no insurrection.

And talk about group pathology! We see it from the radical leftists on campuses as they gather in mass encampments screaming “Death to Jews!” and “We will turn Jews into lampshades!” and “go back to the ovens, Jews!” Then they bully and assault Jews, and won’t let them go to class. THAT is group pathology.

Or what about the massive BLM riots, lasting for months and causing the deaths of 30 people and $2 billion in damages? THAT is group pathology.
With so few options to work with, they've decided to run with the notion that the Insurrection was someone else's fault.

And the testimony of all the insurrectionists who have gone to jail, admitting what they did and why? Well, they're just actors, and the violence you see on video was just a Hollywood production.

This is a true group pathology, the world has seen it before, and it's why the usage of the term "cult" to describe it is so reasonable.
There was no insurrection.

And talk about group pathology! We see it from the radical leftists on campuses as they gather in mass encampments screaming “Death to Jews!” and “We will turn Jews into lampshades!” and “go back to the ovens, Jews!” Then they bully and assault Jews, and won’t let them go to class. THAT is group pathology.

Or what about the massive BLM riots, lasting for months and causing the deaths of 30 people and $2 billion in damages? THAT is group pathology.
And, right on cue. Transparent deflection always appreciated.
Trump should have been exiled or executed for his attempt to have mob violence dictate policy.
I said Joe invited the invasion, when he told the third-world that should he become president, they should immediately "surge to the border".

Show me where I'm wrong.

You really need to prove he said that first. Then you need to include all the context that goes with it. Or you need to just fire off with the personal crude attacks on me and we can move on.
You really need to prove he said that first. Then you need to include all the context that goes with it. Or you need to just fire off with the personal crude attacks on me and we can move on.

So all this time you've been ignorant of this? I think you're the typical Dim.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.


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