Iowa Caucus Prediction Thread

Trump- Clinton

.... providing Microsoft acts in an impartial way...because I was reading that Microsoft has already called Iowa for Hillary ,before the votes have been counted!!!

It's going to be dirty!:mad-61:

He doesn't have a prayer, Dani

you wrong

he leading 9 point based on last usmb poll :badgrin::badgrin:

my source : First In The Nation Primary: GOP
I'm having such a hard time because I really believe we have so many good candidates out there. Truly spoiled this year. And no coronation. For the life of the Republican Party I really think they needed to be slapped silly and told you don't get to pick them anymore.

If there's one good thing that is going to come out of this whole election cycle it's the inside the beltway getting shaken to their core.
Trump- Clinton

.... providing Microsoft acts in an impartial way...because I was reading that Microsoft has already called Iowa for Hillary ,before the votes have been counted!!!

It's going to be dirty!:mad-61:

He doesn't have a prayer, Dani

you wrong

he leading 9 point based on last usmb poll :badgrin::badgrin:

my source : First In The Nation Primary: GOP

There were more people at the track this morning than voters in that poll. lol
Lets hear your predictions for tonite. I'll start off.
  • Trump wins in a landslide.
  • Marco Rubio surprises everyone with a 2nd place finish.
  • Cruz cruises to a 3rd place finish.
  • Hillary will squeeze out a win over Bernie Sanders.

Trump hasn't had much of a ground game in Iowa (which is EXTREMELY important) so it wouldn't surprise me to see Trump come in second or third. Cruz has (apparently) 10s of thousands on the ground - so, again, it wouldn't surprise me to see Cruz take Iowa.
Trump bought in to the Maytag plant there and then ordered new washers and dryers for his hotels saving 3000 jobs. That IS a ground game.

I was under the impression that the Maytag plant had shut down and those jobs went to Mexico?
That was the call before he bought in. It was the Galesburg plant that moved from a liberal democrat state.
Maytag Moves to Mexico

Oh, OK. I have also been hearing that GE is planning on moving their entire operation to Mexico City....don't know if it's true, but I had several friends who (luckily enough) have already retired from the Louisville Ky plant. Sucks for the young bloods, though.
Clinton by a nose over Sanders, Trump crushes Cruz.

I like Kasich, a lot, but his chances are almost non-existent. He surged in NH polls then fell back.
But who can't love this. And Iowa? Home of my breeder of the best black and tan coon hound Raven in the world.

The good people of Iowa get to rock it tonight. Hard choices. Let's see how this rolls.


“We’re hunters,” Eric Trump said when I brought this up. “At the end of the day, I think this country is full of hunters.”

He added that critics were often inconsistent: “You have a lot of people that say, maybe I’m anti-hunting, but then they’re eating a rib-eye at night. I take exception to that.”

I love this kid!
Lets hear your predictions for tonite. I'll start off.
  • Trump wins in a landslide.
  • Marco Rubio surprises everyone with a 2nd place finish.
  • Cruz cruises to a 3rd place finish.
  • Hillary will squeeze out a win over Bernie Sanders.

Trump hasn't had much of a ground game in Iowa (which is EXTREMELY important) so it wouldn't surprise me to see Trump come in second or third. Cruz has (apparently) 10s of thousands on the ground - so, again, it wouldn't surprise me to see Cruz take Iowa.

I beg to differ sir with all due respect. Trump's game in Iowa has been spot on. I think it was Perry's manager who said you can't spin around a dead cat in Iowa without hitting a Trump volunteer.


Now his sons are out hunting for great promo on Sunday with the Governor's son. Fabulous photo op.

Now that being said, so has Cruz. Both teams really effective. And kudos to both for really having boots on the ground working it. I admire both teams greatly.

No problem...I was listening to the news early this AM and someone (don't recall whom) was making that statement.
It's getting ready to snow in Ames, Iowa. Hillary wins, and probably Cruz. The Sanders people may have trouble finding the street--much less moving around in other precincts. Aames is 50% college students and teachers. Most likely more of them are for Sanders, in a warm and cozy kind of past tense. Western Iowa may not be a source of much energy for a turnout among white working labor--doing something unfamiliar--especially in the Northern part, like Aames itself, which is more toward the center. Older Democrats will likely give it one more push--for Iowa in the history books. Even by Hollywood comedy standards, they actually turned out more for the other first African American President in history, in 2008(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now not so much in Iowa, any more!)
But who can't love this. And Iowa? Home of my breeder of the best black and tan coon hound Raven in the world.

The good people of Iowa get to rock it tonight. Hard choices. Let's see how this rolls.


“We’re hunters,” Eric Trump said when I brought this up. “At the end of the day, I think this country is full of hunters.”

He added that critics were often inconsistent: “You have a lot of people that say, maybe I’m anti-hunting, but then they’re eating a rib-eye at night. I take exception to that.”

I love this kid!

Used to go to Northern Missouri, right on the Iowa border to hunt goose. My God, beautiful country, if you like flatlands :) me? I'm a mountain kind of guy :)

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