Iowa Caucus Prediction Thread

Overall voting stats okay? Lets use a SMALL number to educate you. Lets say there are 1000, oh that's to high a number for you.

100 TOTAL voters and 53 vote Trump. 40 vote Sanders and 4 vote for Cruz with 1 for Hillary.

So the OVERALL win goes to Trump. Because he got more of the states votes then anybody. Are you catching on now?


Thank you for confirming that you don't understand how it works.
Oh I understand how it works just fine. You just cannot see the larger picture and that is why you are always on the losing end of everything.

No, you don't. Saying that Trump will beat Sanders is like saying next weekend, the Panthers will beat the Clippers and Heat as well as the Broncos.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Clippers and Heat in 6. That was a poor example you used


Whatever, I'm not a sports guy. I just pulled random teams from a google search.
my joke fell flat :lol: :lol: You had it right with your analogy though :)

Thank you for confirming that you don't understand how it works.
Oh I understand how it works just fine. You just cannot see the larger picture and that is why you are always on the losing end of everything.

No, you don't. Saying that Trump will beat Sanders is like saying next weekend, the Panthers will beat the Clippers and Heat as well as the Broncos.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
Oh I understand how it works just fine. You just cannot see the larger picture and that is why you are always on the losing end of everything.

No, you don't. Saying that Trump will beat Sanders is like saying next weekend, the Panthers will beat the Clippers and Heat as well as the Broncos.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?
Lets hear your predictions for tonite. I'll start off.
  • Trump wins in a landslide.
  • Marco Rubio surprises everyone with a 2nd place finish.
  • Cruz cruises to a 3rd place finish.
  • Hillary will squeeze out a win over Bernie Sanders.

Trump hasn't had much of a ground game in Iowa (which is EXTREMELY important) so it wouldn't surprise me to see Trump come in second or third. Cruz has (apparently) 10s of thousands on the ground - so, again, it wouldn't surprise me to see Cruz take Iowa.

I beg to differ sir with all due respect. Trump's game in Iowa has been spot on. I think it was Perry's manager who said you can't spin around a dead cat in Iowa without hitting a Trump volunteer.


Now his sons are out hunting for great promo on Sunday with the Governor's son. Fabulous photo op.

Now that being said, so has Cruz. Both teams really effective. And kudos to both for really having boots on the ground working it. I admire both teams greatly.

No problem...I was listening to the news early this AM and someone (don't recall whom) was making that statement.

Know what is best of all? The passion between them all.

You can feel the ground swell. No conservative is going to be a loser this time round.

I've said it for years that I wished a candidate would come out after the first three states and announce a cabinet.

I would love Trump Prez. VP not sure. Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeeeze give me Cruz as AG, Carson as Surgeon General and Carly as WH Press Secretary. If Carly got that slot I would buy pay per views to witness her handle the Washington Press.

Bet you could balance the budget with the money brought in with her tackling them.

No, you don't. Saying that Trump will beat Sanders is like saying next weekend, the Panthers will beat the Clippers and Heat as well as the Broncos.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?

I believe that DarkFury is trying to compare the Democratic caucus results to the Republican caucus results. But you are correct in saying that comparing them is entirely irrelevant, since each Party runs their caucus differently.
The new evangelical poster boy, Trump and the no-negative-ads guy from Vermont. If Bernie had a helicopter and gave free rides to the kids, he'd beat them all.
i just hate ted cruz. .

where is jeb bush? i like jeb bush
nobody dont talk about him. :frown::frown::frown::frown:

Nobody talks about him for good reason.

Why don't you research the history of the Bush family.

Starting with Jeb's Grandfather that helped fund the Adolf and the Nazi's, mmmmkay?
No, you don't. Saying that Trump will beat Sanders is like saying next weekend, the Panthers will beat the Clippers and Heat as well as the Broncos.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?
If 75% of the entire state supports Trump who is the overall winner?
Overall FINAL standings
1, Trump
2, Sanders
3, Cruz
4, Clinton

You do understand that Trump and Cruz aren't running against Sanders or Clinton, right?
YOU do understand what OVERALL finish means right?

There's no such thing as "overall" in a primary caucus.

I don't think you're understanding how this works.
Overall voting stats okay? Lets use a SMALL number to educate you. Lets say there are 1000, oh that's to high a number for you.

100 TOTAL voters and 53 vote Trump. 40 vote Sanders and 4 vote for Cruz with 1 for Hillary.

So the OVERALL win goes to Trump. Because he got more of the states votes then anybody. Are you catching on now?

Are you trying to claim that coconuts are migratory?
Lets hear your predictions for tonite. I'll start off.
  • Trump wins in a landslide.
  • Marco Rubio surprises everyone with a 2nd place finish.
  • Cruz cruises to a 3rd place finish.
  • Hillary will squeeze out a win over Bernie Sanders.
I agree with all of that EXCEPT Hillary winning. I think Cruz got SMACKED on the last debate and if he falls to 3rd or even 2nd its gonna be blamed on that and make Trump look like even more of a genius!
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?
If 75% of the entire state supports Trump who is the overall winner?


You still don't get it, do you?

The Iowa caucuses are closed. Only registered republicans (about 30% of the registered voters in the state of Iowa) will even have the opportunity to caucus for Trump.
Sanders over Hillary..but it's very close.
Same with Cruz over Trump...Rubio does well in third....

Hillary has a bad night sleeping and in the morning takes a swipe at the vast right wing conspiricy.
Dude the Panthers cannot beat the Clippers and Heat next weekend. Thats a poor example
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?

I believe that DarkFury is trying to compare the Democratic caucus results to the Republican caucus results. But you are correct in saying that comparing them is entirely irrelevant, since each Party runs their caucus differently.
O'Malley at the caucas needs at least 15 people in the room to support him to even get listed otherwise Sanders and Clinton supporters get to vie for them. So for every cacus that O'Mally is NOT listed he did NOT garner 15 people.

Simple really.
He's a little slow CK, not to worry we ARE working with him.
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?

I believe that DarkFury is trying to compare the Democratic caucus results to the Republican caucus results. But you are correct in saying that comparing them is entirely irrelevant, since each Party runs their caucus differently.
O'Malley at the caucas needs at least 15 people in the room to support him to even get listed otherwise Sanders and Clinton supporters get to vie for them. So for every cacus that O'Mally is NOT listed he did NOT garner 15 people.

Simple really.

Nope, that's not how it works.

Here's a simple chart that might help you out:

Iowa Caucus
You missed the joke :lol: :lol:
I caught it. I just think when all the votes are counted and compared Trump will beat the entire field easy.
The entire Republican field yes....thats the only thing you can measure unless I'm missing something?

I believe that DarkFury is trying to compare the Democratic caucus results to the Republican caucus results. But you are correct in saying that comparing them is entirely irrelevant, since each Party runs their caucus differently.
O'Malley at the caucas needs at least 15 people in the room to support him to even get listed otherwise Sanders and Clinton supporters get to vie for them. So for every cacus that O'Mally is NOT listed he did NOT garner 15 people.

Simple really.

Nope, that's not how it works.

Here's a simple chart that might help you out:

Iowa Caucus
From YOUR link...
"Step 3 - These caucus meetings will determine the popularity of each candidate and will decide which candidates are to be retained and which are to be eliminated. Only candidates receiving 15% support from the individuals in the meeting will be eligible for the candidacy. Individuals supporting a candidate who received less than 15% support will be asked to join one of the other groups."

Is that not what I JUST said about O'Malley?
Lets hear your predictions for tonite. I'll start off.
  • Trump wins in a landslide.
  • Marco Rubio surprises everyone with a 2nd place finish.
  • Cruz cruises to a 3rd place finish.
  • Hillary will squeeze out a win over Bernie Sanders.
If the NYT predicts it that way, then it's a safe bet. After all, they ARE the establishment.

When the NYT precicts things are going according to plan, should we be worried? :badgrin:

'They're terrific people.' The complicated relationship between Trump and the Clintons: Keith Boag
Trump/Cruz virtual tie, with Rubio a distant third.

Sanders over the hildabitch. O'Malley not even enough for an honorable mention.

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