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Iowa marching band walks off field national anthem

I've done none of that. I've been very clear that I don't give a damn about his message, that I am opposing his choice on HOW to express it.

Right...he's expressing it in a way where you can't shut him down. That's the "how" we're talking about. You are dreaming up excuse after excuse to not receive his message and you're doing that because you lack the power to shut him up completely. If you had it your way, you wouldn't want any of these black men to express anything at all. You prefer they "pipe down" and sit at the back of the bus, that way you don't have to deal with what they're saying. That's what it's all about; you are unable to silence these guys' message so you dream up ways and excuses you can. What a fucking baby. What a fucking coward. You got no balls at all. You're just a limp-dicked nobody.

Stating that you will not show "pride" in a nation because that nation is supposedly "oppressive" is not

Again, it's your standard being applied there. I don't share that standard. It's also a standard you made up on the spot, for no other purpose than to deny listening to the grievances expressed by these players. All in service of your shitty little ego. Well, let me be the first to tell you; you're not special. You're not significant. You're not remarkable. You're a nobody with no power. Kaepernick has more power than you and he expressed that power. As do the other men kneeling at NFL games, and now kids in high school doing the same thing. Stop being such a scared little baby and listen.

It is NOT LOVING IT.Which has been my point, he hates this country, this country should hate him back.

Again, a standard you just made up on the spot. Your standard is not the standard. In fact, I'd argue your standard is the one that hates this country because forcing people to be patriotic according to an arbitrary standard you just made up on the spot, is anti-democratic and pro-fascism.

And what do we do to fascists, historically? We kill them.
Nice insulting. See below.

If the shoe fits...I can't help it that you're a giant pussy. I can't help it that your impotency is resulting in all this resentment and rage. I can't help it that you see black men kneeling as an assault on your fragile sensitivities. All that is your problem you need to solve on your own. Grow up, get over yourself, and take responsibility for the shit you believe.

The shoe doesn't fit. YOu are just an ass.

No, challenging my preconceived notions and/or the conventional wisdom, does not insult me.Insulting me, insults me, names such as "pussy", or "idiot" or, "whiny little bitch".That you can be such a fucking asshole and then seriously ask "what is insulting about what I say"

It sure seems to since you have to then feel the need to go further with your bullshit, or pretend like you're educated, experienced, and credible when we all you aren't. Stop being such a snowflake. I only insult you because you insult me with your bullshit arguments, your bullshit lies about yourself, your bullshit faith, and your bullshit beliefs. All that stuff deeply offends me and I take it as an insult. You seem desperate for any red herring you can find all to avoid answering for the stupid shit you believe. That's because you're an impotent turd who so desperately wants to claim some victimization for yourself. Why? Because you're insecure. Grow up, pull on your big boy pants, and do better.[/QUOTE]

So, you admit that you are have been insulting me.

So, when you asked "what is insulting about what I say" that was just you being a lying piece of shit.

Thanks for that admission.

Yes, that is that big lie. ie that I am "racist".OTHING I have said supports that vile lie of yours, you piece of shit.My "entitlement" LOL!!! Just enough excuse for you to NOT actually address what I say.It is people like you, and the inability of the traditional Right to stand up to you, that is growing the Alt-Right, not me.

Here's how you're a racist without even realizing it (year right, we both know you're a racist but whatever):

First by saying that black people are the ones responsible for police shooting them because of how they act. Then by denying that police and law enforcement exercises institutional racism...that makes you racist too. By telling a black man to "pipe down" and dare not express their grievances on the platform they earned...that makes you racist too. Merely being a Conservative makes you racist, but you take it one step further with your sloppy, lazy racism. And your bullshit unearned entitlement is you saying that black men have no right to take a knee during an anthem (which you say you don't even watch anyway, so what the fuck?) because it offends your whiny little bitch entitlement you think you've earned. Well guess what, you haven't earned shit. You're not entitled to shit, even your opinion on this. No one owes you anything. Your comfort is no one's concern. You're not special. You're not significant. You're not remarkable. You're barely a person as it is. You don't deserve to have your thoughts respected or even heard - what the fuck have you done to earn that? Nothing. You've done literally nothing to earn what you think you're entitled to feel and say.[/QUOTE]

1. I've been clear I'm not discussing this issue in relation to the Kneelers.

2. I've never said that any of the kneelers don't have a right to kneel. Shove your moronic entitlement shit up your ass.

3. I am offended by anti-American behavior from anyone regardless of race. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

4. I'm certainly entitled to my opinion, but it says a lot about YOU that you can claim that I am not.

5. My arguments stand or fall on their merits or lack there of. That you and yours cannot rationally refute then and are reduced to asshole logical fallacies, shows that they are worthy of consideration.

The discussion about police use of force has been on going for years, loud and clear and all over the place.Firing the players won't change that at all.That's not what our complaint is.We don't care what he has to say, he has offended US, by HOW he has said it.As has the other players who support him, black and white, and the white owners, and the League, who's various races, I don't know nor care.I am judging them all, not on the skin color(s) but on their anti-American actions.

First of all, yes, police brutality has been discussed for years...but you haven't participated in that discussion; you've just denied it either by blaming the victims, or denying that the problem exists at all, depending on what day of the week it is and how your argument is faring in any given thread. Secondly, by saying "you don't care what he has to say", you are proving what I said about you being racist true. It is racist to deny police brutality against minorities exists, as much as it's racist to blame the victims of that brutality and racism.

Since when did standing for the flag become the marker by which patriotism was measured? Since Kaepernick started kneeling, never before. Which means you all just made up that standard on the fucking spot and you did it because you deny the message either because you like police brutality, or you're just too much of a whiny little bitch coward to admit your thinking was wrong.[/QUOTE]

My saying that I don't care what he has to say, does NONE of the stuff you claim it does.

It demonstrates that I have no interest in what an anti-American piece of shit has to say, and that's it.

Your pretense that this is a new thing, ie conservatives being offended by displays of anti-Americanism is silly and dismissed.
Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

Hilarious that a Russian Troll would call an American anti-American when your entire job is to divide Americans. Kaepernick is a patriot; you're the traitor. As I said, it's possible to love something and still find glaring, ugly faults with it; your spouse can probably speak to that quite accurately.

America should show him the same love he shows US.e Zero.He lost any expectation of US listening to him when he insulted this great nation.

Notice how more and more the troll's comments become less and less articulate as the discussion continues. Almost as if there's a script they must follow...
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.

They are assholes.

They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

Their actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.

They are assholes.

They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

Their actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
Just who do you define as Americans?
I've done none of that. I've been very clear that I don't give a damn about his message, that I am opposing his choice on HOW to express it.

Right...he's expressing it in a way where you can't shut him down. That's the "how" we're talking about. You are dreaming up excuse after excuse to not receive his message and you're doing that because you lack the power to shut him up completely. If you had it your way, you wouldn't want any of these black men to express anything at all. You prefer they "pipe down" and sit at the back of the bus, that way you don't have to deal with what they're saying. That's what it's all about; you are unable to silence these guys' message so you dream up ways and excuses you can. What a fucking baby. What a fucking coward. You got no balls at all. You're just a limp-dicked nobody.

I can't shut down ANYONE.

The message has been/is/ and will be out there.

"Black men"? You're the ass making this about race, ass, not me.

NOt me. I've been clear that I oppose all of them, regardless of their race. Fuck them all.

Stating that you will not show "pride" in a nation because that nation is supposedly "oppressive" is not

Again, it's your standard being applied there. I don't share that standard. It's also a standard you made up on the spot, for no other purpose than to deny listening to the grievances expressed by these players. All in service of your shitty little ego. Well, let me be the first to tell you; you're not special. You're not significant. You're not remarkable. You're a nobody with no power. Kaepernick has more power than you and he expressed that power. As do the other men kneeling at NFL games, and now kids in high school doing the same thing. Stop being such a scared little baby and listen.[/QUOTE]

Every time in my life when the Anthem has been played in my presence, I have stood to show respect.

Yes, it's my standard.

I'm not claiming to be special or to have power here.

I am listening and watching. And remembering.

These assholes are dividing themselves away from me and America.

Fuck them.

It is NOT LOVING IT.Which has been my point, he hates this country, this country should hate him back.

Again, a standard you just made up on the spot. Your standard is not the standard. In fact, I'd argue your standard is the one that hates this country because forcing people to be patriotic according to an arbitrary standard you just made up on the spot, is anti-democratic and pro-fascism.

And what do we do to fascists, historically? We kill them.[/QUOTE]

Judging someone by his actions and stated words is not fascist.

But I am please that you admit to you desire to kill those who oppose you.

Do you think that the other anti-Americans who refuse to stand for the Anthem share your bloody hatred of Americans?
The shoe doesn't fit. YOu are just an ass.

Oh, it sure does fit. It fits so well that you don't even need to tie the laces!

So, you admit that you are have been insulting me.So, when you asked "what is insulting about what I say" that was just you being a lying piece of shit.Thanks for that admission.

You lying your ass off is an insult to me. You might think lying to people isn't insulting, but that's only because you spend all your time lying to yourself, that it's become nature for you to do so. I doubt you can even be truthful anymore. I don't think any of you troglodytes can be. If the insults really hurt your feelings that much, stop posting bullshit. Then your precious feelings won't be hurt, snowflake.

1. I've been clear I'm not discussing this issue in relation to the Kneelers.

Too bad because that's what we're discussing and that's what the OP is about. So we're going to have a debate along these lines. What is it you stand to lose by accepting the message of these guys? You lose nothing other than your shitty pride, by acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. So why don't you want to accept it? Because you're a coward. You have no courage. You have no convictions. You have no integrity. You're just a worthless, pointless piece of shit desperate for validation. You think that by posturing patriotism, that validates your bullshit. But it doesn't. It invalidates it.

2. I've never said that any of the kneelers don't have a right to kneel. Shove your moronic entitlement shit up your ass.3. I am offended by anti-American behavior from anyone regardless of race. YOu are a race baiting asshole.4. I'm certainly entitled to my opinion, but it says a lot about YOU that you can claim that I am not.5. My arguments stand or fall on their merits or lack there of. That you and yours cannot rationally refute then and are reduced to asshole logical fallacies, shows that they are worthy of consideration.

No, you're not entitled to your fucking opinion. That's what you don't get. Merely having an opinion doesn't mean you're entitled to it. You've done nothing, sacrificed nothing, and suffered nothing to earn entitlement. No one owes you anything. You're nothing. You're a nobody. You're not significant. You have no authority. You have no power. You are weak. So you drape yourself in phony patriotism, or wrap yourself in the symbolism of a flag because that's how you avoid hearing a message that you don't want to hear because it will upset your delicate sensitivities. My, such a snowflake!

My saying that I don't care what he has to say, does NONE of the stuff you claim it does.\It demonstrates that I have no interest in what an anti-American piece of shit has to say, and that's it.Your pretense that this is a new thing, ie conservatives being offended by displays of anti-Americanism is silly and dismissed.

You don't want to hear Kaepernick's message, so you cast him as un-American so you don't have to.

Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

Hilarious that a Russian Troll would call an American anti-American when your entire job is to divide Americans. Kaepernick is a patriot; you're the traitor. As I said, it's possible to love something and still find glaring, ugly faults with it; your spouse can probably speak to that quite accurately.

America should show him the same love he shows US.e Zero.He lost any expectation of US listening to him when he insulted this great nation.

Notice how more and more the troll's comments become less and less articulate as the discussion continues. Almost as if there's a script they must follow...

LOL!!! As you are unable to refute my points, more and more you try to change the subject to me.

Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

HIs words, actions and intent are clear.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.

They are assholes.

They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

Their actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
Just who do you define as Americans?

I'm not some Authority to define Americans. Americans are Americans.

If you are confused about that, that's off topic.

My point about his actions stands.
The shoe doesn't fit. YOu are just an ass.

Oh, it sure does fit. It fits so well that you don't even need to tie the laces!

NO, you are just a race baiting ass.

So, you admit that you are have been insulting me.So, when you asked "what is insulting about what I say" that was just you being a lying piece of shit.Thanks for that admission.

You lying your ass off is an insult to me. You might think lying to people isn't insulting, but that's only because you spend all your time lying to yourself, that it's become nature for you to do so. I doubt you can even be truthful anymore. I don't think any of you troglodytes can be. If the insults really hurt your feelings that much, stop posting bullshit. Then your precious feelings won't be hurt, snowflake.[/QUOTE]

So, if you believe all of that, then what was with that shit where you were acting like you didn't know why I would say you were so insulting?

You've been cold stone busted being a filthy liar. What else are you lying about?

1. I've been clear I'm not discussing this issue in relation to the Kneelers.

Too bad because that's what we're discussing and that's what the OP is about. So we're going to have a debate along these lines. What is it you stand to lose by accepting the message of these guys? You lose nothing other than your shitty pride, by acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. So why don't you want to accept it? Because you're a coward. You have no courage. You have no convictions. You have no integrity. You're just a worthless, pointless piece of shit desperate for validation. You think that by posturing patriotism, that validates your bullshit. But it doesn't. It invalidates it.[/QUOTE]

That's a lot of blather. I still think that you people, if you want your message heard, can come up with a better spokesperson than an anti-American piece of shit.

2. I've never said that any of the kneelers don't have a right to kneel. Shove your moronic entitlement shit up your ass.3. I am offended by anti-American behavior from anyone regardless of race. YOu are a race baiting asshole.4. I'm certainly entitled to my opinion, but it says a lot about YOU that you can claim that I am not.5. My arguments stand or fall on their merits or lack there of. That you and yours cannot rationally refute then and are reduced to asshole logical fallacies, shows that they are worthy of consideration.

No, you're not entitled to your fucking opinion. That's what you don't get. Merely having an opinion doesn't mean you're entitled to it. You've done nothing, sacrificed nothing, and suffered nothing to earn entitlement. No one owes you anything. You're nothing. You're a nobody. You're not significant. You have no authority. You have no power. You are weak. So you drape yourself in phony patriotism, or wrap yourself in the symbolism of a flag because that's how you avoid hearing a message that you don't want to hear because it will upset your delicate sensitivities. My, such a snowflake![/QUOTE]

Actually I am entitled to my opinion.

That you can actually deny that, shows you to be a want a be tyrant.

Your continued desire to deflect from the anti-Americanism of your position by making the topic about me is noted and dismissed, you piece of lying shit.

My saying that I don't care what he has to say, does NONE of the stuff you claim it does.\It demonstrates that I have no interest in what an anti-American piece of shit has to say, and that's it.Your pretense that this is a new thing, ie conservatives being offended by displays of anti-Americanism is silly and dismissed.

You don't want to hear Kaepernick's message, so you cast him as un-American so you don't have to.


I'm judging him, and those that support him by their words and their actions.

His message is completely irrelevant to that.
If you accept racism and bigotry as being intrinsic to American heritage, hossfly is certainly a fine example of that. But I've got a
different opinion of what an American is.
People of all races working together without prejudice to make this a better country for all
are the most patriotic Americans. The days of the hossflys amongst us are numbered.

The anti-Americanism and reflexive race baiting of people like you will create generations of "hossflies".

You do realize that, don't you?
No, i dont realize that...obsequiouness in the face of injustice will create monsters far worst than Hossfly. And your version of who is or what actions are unAmerican is just a shallow reflection of the tyranny in your heart.
You don't get to define me or any other citizen
with your pseudo- labels.

No one is supporting injustice.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

and rightly so.

That was my point.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".
You support injustice by ignoring it or by denying it exists.But you really can't deny the findings of various studies and DOJ probes
that proved unequivocally that injustice persists when Blacks interface with the justice system. The nationally televised videos showing cops murdering unarmed Blacks put the systemic disdain for Black life across the nation on display. Try as you may to trivialize those displays of systemic violence by some cops upon Black victims,
the title of this op suggests a growing number of people are pulling off the blinders.
Those who refuse to come to grips with murder by cop are as evil minded as those defeated Aryans who claimed not to know
what their government was doing to the Jews
even as the smell of death and the flakes of ash from burning corpses filled the air.

I am not arbitrarily calling people who disagree with me racist. If you don't have the minset i mentioned you aren't included in the definition.


Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

America should show him the same love he shows US.

ie Zero.

He lost any expectation of US listening to him when he insulted this great nation.
That's the point: Kaepernick has brought national attention to the. ongoing hypocrisy
that has permeated White RW society ever since blacks were manumitted. Televised cellphone and body cam video graphically thrusts the horror of police brutality in our faces. We are eyewitnesses to murder; and, those of us with a modicum of humanity
entertain some hope of seeing justice realized. All too frequently...we have been disappointed because of one racist juror or a RW judge's biased perogative.
I can't shut down ANYONE.The message has been/is/ and will be out there."Black men"? You're the ass making this about race, ass, not me.NOt me. I've been clear that I oppose all of them, regardless of their race. Fuck them all.

Well, you can't shut them down now only because you lack the power to do so, but that doesn't mean you're not trying. If the message has been out there, why aren't you receptive to it? What have you got to lose by acknowledging it as legitimate?

Every time in my life when the Anthem has been played in my presence, I have stood to show respect.Yes, it's my standard.I'm not claiming to be special or to have power here.I am listening and watching. And remembering.These assholes are dividing themselves away from me and America.Fuck them.

It's your choice to stand. If you are so insecure in your own patriotism that you feel the need to stand and make others stand, then the problem lies with you, not the players. It's you who is insecure in your patiotism. You're just projecting that insecurity on the players because it's really you who hates this country, probably because it gives them the freedom to use their platforms to express their grievances; a platform you, personally do not have. So there's envy and jealousy in there too. Envy and jealousy that these black guys, who you don't think earned their entitlement, have the success and power to bring the discussion to the mainstream when you don't want that to be the case.

Judging someone by his actions and stated words is not fascistBut I am please that you admit to you desire to kill those who oppose you.Do you think that the other anti-Americans who refuse to stand for the Anthem share your bloody hatred of Americans?

You have been judged to be a fascist by me and my standard. So just as you're applying your own personal standard to the players being "Un-American", I am applying my personal standard to you being a fascist.
The anti-Americanism and reflexive race baiting of people like you will create generations of "hossflies".

You do realize that, don't you?
No, i dont realize that...obsequiouness in the face of injustice will create monsters far worst than Hossfly. And your version of who is or what actions are unAmerican is just a shallow reflection of the tyranny in your heart.
You don't get to define me or any other citizen
with your pseudo- labels.

No one is supporting injustice.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

and rightly so.

That was my point.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".
You support injustice by ignoring it or by denying it exists.But you really can't deny the findings of various studies and DOJ probes
that proved unequivocally that injustice persists when Blacks interface with the justice system. The nationally televised videos showing cops murdering unarmed Blacks put the systemic disdain for Black life across the nation on display. Try as you may to trivialize those displays of systemic violence by some cops upon Black victims,
the title of this op suggests a growing number of people are pulling off the blinders.
Those who refuse to come to grips with murder by cop are as evil minded as those defeated Aryans who claimed not to know
what their government was doing to the Jews
even as the smell of death and the flakes of ash from burning corpses filled the air.

I am not arbitrarily calling people who disagree with me racist. If you don't have the minset i mentioned you aren't included in the definition.


Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

America should show him the same love he shows US.

ie Zero.

He lost any expectation of US listening to him when he insulted this great nation.
That's the point: Kaepernick has brought national attention to the. ongoing hypocrisy
that has permeated White RW society ever since blacks were manumitted. Televised cellphone and body cam video graphically thrusts the horror of police brutality in our faces. We are eyewitnesses to murder; and, those of us with a modicum of humanity
entertain some hope of seeing justice realized. All too frequently...we have been disappointed because of one racist juror or a RW judge's biased perogative.

"White RW society"? lol!

Kaepernick didn't do any of that. We've been discussing this issue for years.
NO, you are just a race baiting ass.

Please, tell me how your delicate racial sensitivities are being baited by calling out your shittiness?

So, if you believe all of that, then what was with that shit where you were acting like you didn't know why I would say you were so insulting?You've been cold stone busted being a filthy liar. What else are you lying about?

You calling me a liar doesn't mean I'm "busted", because you're just applying your own shitty personal standard. What have you got to lose by acknowledging the grievances of the players are legitimate? Nothing. You literally have nothing to lose. You are so insecure in your own patriotism that you project that onto the players. Like it baffles your tiny little mind that someone can love the country, yet still find faults with it. Like how your spouse loves you despite you being a worthless, over-sensitive, racist, reactionary asshole. So clearly people are capable of loving something that has huge, glaring faults. That's what love is. I don't think you really understand that because you are incapable of love. And why are you incapable of love? Because you're a sociopath.

That's a lot of blather. I still think that you people, if you want your message heard, can come up with a better spokesperson than an anti-American piece of shit..

It doesn't matter who the spokesman is, you're going to search for any reason to refuse to accept and acknowledge the legitimacy. Whether it's the messenger, the means by which that messenger is conveying their message, and the message itself. Again, it's all about your comfort level, and I'm telling you that your comfort means nothing. No one owes you comfort or conformity. Get the fuck over yourself and grow up. Act like an adult. Is that too much to ask? Are you not capable of that? Are you too lazy?

Actually I am entitled to my opinion.That you can actually deny that, shows you to be a want a be tyrant.Your continued desire to deflect from the anti-Americanism of your position by making the topic about me is noted and dismissed, you piece of lying shit.

No, no. An entitlement is something you earn. What have you done to earn the entitlement to your opinion? Nothing. You've done literally nothing. You're just lazy as fuck. Merely having a pulse doesn't entitle you to anything, even your stupid opinion.

I'm judging him, and those that support him by their words and their actions.His message is completely irrelevant to that.

Judging him on what grounds and with what entitlement? Nothing. It's just you trying to find a way to avoid talking about anything.
Kaepernick didn't do any of that. We've been discussing this issue for years.

No you haven't. You've been blaming the victims. Saying that they bring it on themselves because of their behavior. But that's a load of horseshit. You won't even acknowledge it's a legitimate grievance. So we're not discussing it because you're refusing to accept the very basic premise being discussed. We can't have a discussion on institutional racism because you don't believe it exists! You just deny it from your place of unearned entitlement and privilege.

No one owes you shit. You've done nothing to earn the entitlement you think you have.
I can't shut down ANYONE.The message has been/is/ and will be out there."Black men"? You're the ass making this about race, ass, not me.NOt me. I've been clear that I oppose all of them, regardless of their race. Fuck them all.

Well, you can't shut them down now only because you lack the power to do so, but that doesn't mean you're not trying. If the message has been out there, why aren't you receptive to it? What have you got to lose by acknowledging it as legitimate?

I'm not trying to shut them down. I just want Americans to realize how they are viewed with contempt by so many on the left.

And to respond in kind.

Every time in my life when the Anthem has been played in my presence, I have stood to show respect.Yes, it's my standard.I'm not claiming to be special or to have power here.I am listening and watching. And remembering.These assholes are dividing themselves away from me and America.Fuck them.

It's your choice to stand. If you are so insecure in your own patriotism that you feel the need to stand and make others stand, then the problem lies with you, not the players. It's you who is insecure in your patiotism. You're just projecting that insecurity on the players because it's really you who hates this country, probably because it gives them the freedom to use their platforms to express their grievances; a platform you, personally do not have. So there's envy and jealousy in there too. Envy and jealousy that these black guys, who you don't think earned their entitlement, have the success and power to bring the discussion to the mainstream when you don't want that to be the case.[/QUOTE]

Patriotism is about unity.

Standing together with your fellow citizens.

DO you support Patriotism and Nationalism?

Your continued race bating is noted and dismissed as idiocy.

Judging someone by his actions and stated words is not fascistBut I am please that you admit to you desire to kill those who oppose you.Do you think that the other anti-Americans who refuse to stand for the Anthem share your bloody hatred of Americans?

You have been judged to be a fascist by me and my standard. So just as you're applying your own personal standard to the players being "Un-American", I am applying my personal standard to you being a fascist.[/QUOTE]

But, you've demonstrated that you are a liar.

I don't think that you do really believe that I am a facist.

I think you say that to justify your rude behavior and your desire to kill me.

I repeat my question. Do you think that the Kneelers share your bloody hatred of Americans?
I'm not trying to shut them down. I just want Americans to realize how they are viewed with contempt by so many on the left. nd to respond in kind.

Wait, you think the left views the NFLers with contempt? Boy, if you wanted to give an example of projection, you couldn't have done a better job. Yes, you are trying to shut them down and you're doing it by pretending that they're being treated with contempt by "the left", when it's really you who are treating them with contempt and doing so from a completely unearned, entitled position. You have done literally nothing to entitle yourself to proclaiming who is treating whom. And that shit isn't working for you because the players are still kneeling, and more players and students are now joining the protest, as the OP shows.

Patriotism is about unity.

A standard you just made up on the spot. No, patriotism isn't about unity. Not even close. Now you're at the point in the conversation when you make broad, bullshit statements that are nothing more than you inventing standards depending on how the debate is going. That's why I have such a hard time believing the things you say about yourself.

Standing together with your fellow citizens.
DO you support Patriotism and Nationalism?
Your continued race bating is noted and dismissed as idiocy.

I support patriotism, not nationalism. But patriotism means criticizing the country and striving to make it better. You don't want to do that. You want to at least maintain the status quo and at worst regress. You people are a bunch of nobodies so insecure in your patriotism that you have to invent standards for it on the fly because you don't even know what being patriotic means. Draping yourself in the flag to insulate yourself from criticism isn't patriotism, it's delusion.

But, you've demonstrated that you are a liar.
I don't think that you do really believe that I am a facist.
I think you say that to justify your rude behavior and your desire to kill me.
I repeat my question. Do you think that the Kneelers share your bloody hatred of Americans?

I don't know what you actually believe since that seems to change depending on how your argument is faring. The problem with debating someone with no principles is that they will just invent new standards so they don't have to be held to account for anything. Like a bunch of coddled, spoiled, entitled children. Fuck you.
NO, you are just a race baiting ass.

Please, tell me how your delicate racial sensitivities are being baited by calling out your shittiness?

You falsely call me a racist.

That pisses me off.

That pisses off any minorities who believe your bullshit because they are falsely told that the nation is full of terrible white racists.

Crap like that is tearing this nation apart.

So, if you believe all of that, then what was with that shit where you were acting like you didn't know why I would say you were so insulting?You've been cold stone busted being a filthy liar. What else are you lying about?

You calling me a liar doesn't mean I'm "busted", because you're just applying your own shitty personal standard. What have you got to lose by acknowledging the grievances of the players are legitimate? Nothing. You literally have nothing to lose. You are so insecure in your own patriotism that you project that onto the players. Like it baffles your tiny little mind that someone can love the country, yet still find faults with it. Like how your spouse loves you despite you being a worthless, over-sensitive, racist, reactionary asshole. So clearly people are capable of loving something that has huge, glaring faults. That's what love is. I don't think you really understand that because you are incapable of love. And why are you incapable of love? Because you're a sociopath. [/QUOTE]

You are not busted because I called you a liar. YOu are busted because you got caught in a lie.

The fact that you can deny it, despite being cold stone busted just shows what a completely shameless liar you are.

Which we have to consider anytime you make a claim now.

That's a lot of blather. I still think that you people, if you want your message heard, can come up with a better spokesperson than an anti-American piece of shit..

It doesn't matter who the spokesman is, you're going to search for any reason to refuse to accept and acknowledge the legitimacy. Whether it's the messenger, the means by which that messenger is conveying their message, and the message itself. Again, it's all about your comfort level, and I'm telling you that your comfort means nothing. No one owes you comfort or conformity. Get the fuck over yourself and grow up. Act like an adult. Is that too much to ask? Are you not capable of that? Are you too lazy?[/QUOTE]

Actually I rarely attack the legitimacy of a messenger.

That's more often the game of the left.

No, it's not about my comfort level. I've repeatedly told you what it is about.

That you pretend that it is something else is just more of your dishonesty.

Actually I am entitled to my opinion.That you can actually deny that, shows you to be a want a be tyrant.Your continued desire to deflect from the anti-Americanism of your position by making the topic about me is noted and dismissed, you piece of lying shit.

No, no. An entitlement is something you earn. What have you done to earn the entitlement to your opinion? Nothing. You've done literally nothing. You're just lazy as fuck. Merely having a pulse doesn't entitle you to anything, even your stupid opinion.[/QUOTE]

And here you are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.

Quire ironic coming for the one that is soooo supposedly anti-fascist.

I've always said it. Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

I'm judging him, and those that support him by their words and their actions.His message is completely irrelevant to that.

Judging him on what grounds and with what entitlement? Nothing. It's just you trying to find a way to avoid talking about anything.[/QUOTE]

I have the right to an opinion on someone.

My judgement on his actions and words stand on their merits and the truth revealed by them.

Ironically, you can't refute them, which is why YOU are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.

As though YOU have the authority to do that.lol!!

I'm not trying to shut them down. I just want Americans to realize how they are viewed with contempt by so many on the left. nd to respond in kind.

Wait, you think the left views the NFLers with contempt? Boy, if you wanted to give an example of projection, you couldn't have done a better job. Yes, you are trying to shut them down and you're doing it by pretending that they're being treated with contempt by "the left", when it's really you who are treating them with contempt and doing so from a completely unearned, entitled position. You have done literally nothing to entitle yourself to proclaiming who is treating whom. And that shit isn't working for you because the players are still kneeling, and more players and students are now joining the protest, as the OP shows.

Your desire to deny people the right to have a fucking OPINION, is noted and incredible.

YOu also don't have the power to enforce that, thank god, so piss off.

And it is obvious that I was referring to you the Left, including the kneelers and their supporters in the League that have contempt for Americans.

Patriotism is about unity.

A standard you just made up on the spot. No, patriotism isn't about unity. Not even close. Now you're at the point in the conversation when you make broad, bullshit statements that are nothing more than you inventing standards depending on how the debate is going. That's why I have such a hard time believing the things you say about yourself.[/QUOTE]

A people that are united in love of country are a people that are united.

Traditionally patriotism has served that purpose in America.

You are the one that has been busted lying. If you really have doubts about what I say about myself, and I'm not sure what you are referring to, nor do I care, it is probably just you projecting your own dishonesty.

Standing together with your fellow citizens.
DO you support Patriotism and Nationalism?
Your continued race bating is noted and dismissed as idiocy.

I support patriotism, not nationalism. But patriotism means criticizing the country and striving to make it better. You don't want to do that. You want to at least maintain the status quo and at worst regress. You people are a bunch of nobodies so insecure in your patriotism that you have to invent standards for it on the fly because you don't even know what being patriotic means. Draping yourself in the flag to insulate yourself from criticism isn't patriotism, it's delusion.[/QUOTE]

I'm not afraid of constructive criticism. But that is not what we get from the Left today.

Nationalism is just as much a force for good as Patriotism is.

Patriotism is not disrespecting the symbols of the nation as a whole, because of an specific complaint.

That is not telling your spouse that they have an issue. lt is telling them that you hate them.

To use YOUR analogy.

But, you've demonstrated that you are a liar.
I don't think that you do really believe that I am a facist.
I think you say that to justify your rude behavior and your desire to kill me.
I repeat my question. Do you think that the Kneelers share your bloody hatred of Americans?

I don't know what you actually believe since that seems to change depending on how your argument is faring. The problem with debating someone with no principles is that they will just invent new standards so they don't have to be held to account for anything. Like a bunch of coddled, spoiled, entitled children. Fuck you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is more lies from you.

I've been very clear and consistent. You are the one all over the place.
LOL!!! As you are unable to refute my points, more and more you try to change the subject to me.

You've always been the subject of this debate. It's your inability to accept or even acknowledge the legitimacy of the players' grievances. This whole thread has been about how you refuse to do that, mostly because you're a pussy. Too afraid to have a conversation you know you can't win, so you try to shift the debate to your invented, improvised, personal standard of what "Patriotism" means. So you see, this debate is entirely about you. You've made it so.

Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.HIs words, actions and intent are clear.

Only if we apply the standard you made up on the spot to patriotism. And you made the standard up. You are applying your standard to patriotism when I say you're not entitled to that standard. You've done nothing to earn it. You've sacrificed nothing. You've struggled nothing. You're just lazy and entitled. A true moocher.

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