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Iowa marching band walks off field national anthem

Iowa marching band walks off field during national anthem

(By Todd Starnes) Ames High School has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the most un-American marching bands in the nation. More than a dozen members of the band linked arms and walked off the football field Friday night during a performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” An untold number of other band members refused to play their instruments. It was absolutely disgraceful. Sickening. The children


Oh some more ANTI AMERICAN pos losers that need sent over to N. Korea. Asses like this don't deceiver this Country.
Is freedom of speech and opinion, they should be able to do whatever they wish.
Don't We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH ????or have I missed something here....No one is being Anti-American BUT they are Anti-Trump and his Bullshit crap he spews.they have every right to say so>
just because you are a Trumpite Lemming,most of us have a brain...your post is futile to say the least
Of course they have freedom of speech, just not freedom from consequences.

Frankly, I hope that they all die in a fucking fire.

BTW, welcome to my ignore list, you fucking leftwing retard.
Showing some respect to your fellow citizens, is a very low level of conformity
But isn't that what Kaepernick's kneeling protest is all about? The disproportionate
Killing of unarmed blacks by cops and the subsequent exonerations by various courts
Implies a underlying general disdain for the lives of Blacks. There's no respect there but
there is plenty of RW conformity.

If I decide that the best way to make a political point is to come and shit on your lawn,

you aren't going to care what my point was, nor how committed I am to it.

You are going to be pissed off at my actions.

I don't give a shit what Kaepernick has to say.

He decided to say it by disrespecting the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

He has revealed that he has nothing but contempt for American and Americans, and I feel that America and Americans should return that same feeling.
I will never listen to any SOB who does not salute the flag during the national anthem. Kneeling is not a right and the 1st amendment doesn't have a damn thing to do with being disrespectful. When do you un-American trash receptacles get it through your commie skulls that it ain't about rights.

You are a good little Nazi. Kneeling is a right. Why don't you Nazis get the fact that the Constitution represents out country. The anthem and flag are nothing unless you respect the Constitution which you do not.
Sorry but I cannot agree with you regarding Hoss,he is a fine American,I may not agree with him on some issues,he is the opposite of a Nazi and a very decent man,he could eat(and drink) at my table anytime,just saying. tor

Anyone who pushes conformity is a Nazi. Kneeling is a right just as the 95 year old veteran did in solidarity with the players. It is about rights. Rights that somer people don't like.

Not all conformists are nazis. ONly a moron would say that they were.

Showing some respect to your fellow citizens, is a very low level of conformity.

You are an asshole.

You are the ASSHOLE!!

I don't show any respect for people who dishonor the flag for cheap political gain. I also have no respect for cultists who lack the ability to think for themselves.
you are the MORON!!! NAZI!!!

Kaepernick is the one dishonoring the flag for cheap political gain.

Patriotism is not cultist behavior, nor implies a lack of thinking for themselves.

Calling good people nazis, makes you the asshole here.

You are a good little Nazi. Kneeling is a right. Why don't you Nazis get the fact that the Constitution represents out country. The anthem and flag are nothing unless you respect the Constitution which you do not.
Sorry but I cannot agree with you regarding Hoss,he is a fine American,I may not agree with him on some issues,he is the opposite of a Nazi and a very decent man,he could eat(and drink) at my table anytime,just saying. tor
Hossfly is a good man, a veteran, and one who loves America. I don't agree with his politics at times, but he has an All American Heart.
If you accept racism and bigotry as being intrinsic to American heritage, hossfly is certainly a fine example of that. But I've got a
different opinion of what an American is.
People of all races working together without prejudice to make this a better country for all
are the most patriotic Americans. The days of the hossflys amongst us are numbered.

The anti-Americanism and reflexive race baiting of people like you will create generations of "hossflies".

You do realize that, don't you?
No, i dont realize that...obsequiouness in the face of injustice will create monsters far worst than Hossfly. And your version of who is or what actions are unAmerican is just a shallow reflection of the tyranny in your heart.
You don't get to define me or any other citizen
with your pseudo- labels.

No one is supporting injustice.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

and rightly so.

That was my point.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".
Iowa marching band walks off field during national anthem

(By Todd Starnes) Ames High School has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the most un-American marching bands in the nation. More than a dozen members of the band linked arms and walked off the football field Friday night during a performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” An untold number of other band members refused to play their instruments. It was absolutely disgraceful. Sickening. The children


Oh some more ANTI AMERICAN pos losers that need sent over to N. Korea. Asses like this don't deceiver this Country.

Considering the source; fake news
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.
Of course they have freedom of speech, just not freedom from consequences.

And the consequences would be...what? What consequences do you impotent Conservative nobodies think these NFL players are facing? Because with the exception of Kaepernick not getting hired, not one single NFL player has had their job affected at all by the protests. Neither has the NFL - the decline in NFL's ratings is smaller than the general decline in TV ratings overall. In fact, the #1 show on TV -The Walking Dead - saw a bigger year-over-year decline than football.

Frankly, I hope that they all die in a fucking fire.

Impotent Conservative white rage at being powerless to stop NFL players from kneeling to force a discussion on race. That's all this little tantrum is. You lack the power to stop black men from conveying a message that you can't accept becuase doing so would ruin the conventional "wisdom" you've bought into for no other reason than to confirm your bias.

Fucking. Pathetic.

BTW, welcome to my ignore list, you fucking leftwing retard.

Well, you can't spell ignorance without ignore.
Kaepernick is the one dishonoring the flag for cheap political gain.

The idea that kneeling during the anthem means disrespect for the flag is an idea you all just made up, on the spot, in order to try to silence Kaepernick's protest. And you used that weak excuse because you have no legitimate grounds to not be receptive to Kaep's message. There's no reason anyone shouldn't be receptive to the message of police brutality and institutional racism, unless you are a racist yourself.

Patriotism is not cultist behavior, nor implies a lack of thinking for themselves.

Standing for the anthem isn't patriotism, it's ritualism. Patriotism is protesting. Fascism is forcing people to stand. You're a fascist, or have fascist-leaning beliefs. That is, if you actually believe the shit you post...which I'm not so sure you really do. I think you're saying most of the crap you say for effect; trying to elicit a response out of people in order to get the validation you need to not consider yourself voiceless, powerless, and impotent.

Calling good people nazis, makes you the asshole here.Asshole.

You're not good people. You're the worst of us.
No one is supporting injustice.

By denying its existence, you are doing more to support it than not.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

You're not called a racist merely because you disagree with us. You're being called a racist because your disagreement is on racist grounds. Denying institutional racism, or blaming the victims of institutional racism for institutional racism makes you racist.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".

Blind allegiance isn't patriotism. It is possible to love something and still find glaring faults with it. I'm sure your spouse is in that boat.
Nice insulting. See below.

If the shoe fits...I can't help it that you're a giant pussy. I can't help it that your impotency is resulting in all this resentment and rage. I can't help it that you see black men kneeling as an assault on your fragile sensitivities. All that is your problem you need to solve on your own. Grow up, get over yourself, and take responsibility for the shit you believe.

No, challenging my preconceived notions and/or the conventional wisdom, does not insult me.Insulting me, insults me, names such as "pussy", or "idiot" or, "whiny little bitch".That you can be such a fucking asshole and then seriously ask "what is insulting about what I say"

It sure seems to since you have to then feel the need to go further with your bullshit, or pretend like you're educated, experienced, and credible when we all you aren't. Stop being such a snowflake. I only insult you because you insult me with your bullshit arguments, your bullshit lies about yourself, your bullshit faith, and your bullshit beliefs. All that stuff deeply offends me and I take it as an insult. You seem desperate for any red herring you can find all to avoid answering for the stupid shit you believe. That's because you're an impotent turd who so desperately wants to claim some victimization for yourself. Why? Because you're insecure. Grow up, pull on your big boy pants, and do better.

Yes, that is that big lie. ie that I am "racist".OTHING I have said supports that vile lie of yours, you piece of shit.My "entitlement" LOL!!! Just enough excuse for you to NOT actually address what I say.It is people like you, and the inability of the traditional Right to stand up to you, that is growing the Alt-Right, not me.

Here's how you're a racist without even realizing it (year right, we both know you're a racist but whatever):

First by saying that black people are the ones responsible for police shooting them because of how they act. Then by denying that police and law enforcement exercises institutional racism...that makes you racist too. By telling a black man to "pipe down" and dare not express their grievances on the platform they earned...that makes you racist too. Merely being a Conservative makes you racist, but you take it one step further with your sloppy, lazy racism. And your bullshit unearned entitlement is you saying that black men have no right to take a knee during an anthem (which you say you don't even watch anyway, so what the fuck?) because it offends your whiny little bitch entitlement you think you've earned. Well guess what, you haven't earned shit. You're not entitled to shit, even your opinion on this. No one owes you anything. Your comfort is no one's concern. You're not special. You're not significant. You're not remarkable. You're barely a person as it is. You don't deserve to have your thoughts respected or even heard - what the fuck have you done to earn that? Nothing. You've done literally nothing to earn what you think you're entitled to feel and say.

The discussion about police use of force has been on going for years, loud and clear and all over the place.Firing the players won't change that at all.That's not what our complaint is.We don't care what he has to say, he has offended US, by HOW he has said it.As has the other players who support him, black and white, and the white owners, and the League, who's various races, I don't know nor care.I am judging them all, not on the skin color(s) but on their anti-American actions.

First of all, yes, police brutality has been discussed for years...but you haven't participated in that discussion; you've just denied it either by blaming the victims, or denying that the problem exists at all, depending on what day of the week it is and how your argument is faring in any given thread. Secondly, by saying "you don't care what he has to say", you are proving what I said about you being racist true. It is racist to deny police brutality against minorities exists, as much as it's racist to blame the victims of that brutality and racism.

Since when did standing for the flag become the marker by which patriotism was measured? Since Kaepernick started kneeling, never before. Which means you all just made up that standard on the fucking spot and you did it because you deny the message either because you like police brutality, or you're just too much of a whiny little bitch coward to admit your thinking was wrong.
Sorry but I cannot agree with you regarding Hoss,he is a fine American,I may not agree with him on some issues,he is the opposite of a Nazi and a very decent man,he could eat(and drink) at my table anytime,just saying. tor
Hossfly is a good man, a veteran, and one who loves America. I don't agree with his politics at times, but he has an All American Heart.
If you accept racism and bigotry as being intrinsic to American heritage, hossfly is certainly a fine example of that. But I've got a
different opinion of what an American is.
People of all races working together without prejudice to make this a better country for all
are the most patriotic Americans. The days of the hossflys amongst us are numbered.

The anti-Americanism and reflexive race baiting of people like you will create generations of "hossflies".

You do realize that, don't you?
No, i dont realize that...obsequiouness in the face of injustice will create monsters far worst than Hossfly. And your version of who is or what actions are unAmerican is just a shallow reflection of the tyranny in your heart.
You don't get to define me or any other citizen
with your pseudo- labels.

No one is supporting injustice.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

and rightly so.

That was my point.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".
You support injustice by ignoring it or by denying it exists.But you really can't deny the findings of various studies and DOJ probes
that proved unequivocally that injustice persists when Blacks interface with the justice system. The nationally televised videos showing cops murdering unarmed Blacks put the systemic disdain for Black life across the nation on display. Try as you may to trivialize those displays of systemic violence by some cops upon Black victims,
the title of this op suggests a growing number of people are pulling off the blinders.
Those who refuse to come to grips with murder by cop are as evil minded as those defeated Aryans who claimed not to know
what their government was doing to the Jews
even as the smell of death and the flakes of ash from burning corpses filled the air.

I am not arbitrarily calling people who disagree with me racist. If you don't have the minset i mentioned you aren't included in the definition.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
Kaepernick is the one dishonoring the flag for cheap political gain.

The idea that kneeling during the anthem means disrespect for the flag is an idea you all just made up, on the spot, in order to try to silence Kaepernick's protest. And you used that weak excuse because you have no legitimate grounds to not be receptive to Kaep's message. There's no reason anyone shouldn't be receptive to the message of police brutality and institutional racism, unless you are a racist yourself.

The ritual of standing during the Anthem is to show respect and loyalty to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

NOT standing is obviously showing DISRESPECT.

Your lie is not fooling anyone, even yourself.

Also, Kaepernick has verbally expressed that he is not standing because he refuses to show "pride" in our nation.

I don't care what his message is, with this as his means of expressing it.

Patriotism is not cultist behavior, nor implies a lack of thinking for themselves.

Standing for the anthem isn't patriotism, it's ritualism. Patriotism is protesting. Fascism is forcing people to stand. You're a fascist, or have fascist-leaning beliefs. That is, if you actually believe the shit you post...which I'm not so sure you really do. I think you're saying most of the crap you say for effect; trying to elicit a response out of people in order to get the validation you need to not consider yourself voiceless, powerless, and impotent.[/QUOTE]

It is a ritual to show patriotism.

Protesting is not patriotism. That is a moronic claim.

Fascism is not forcing people to stand. Fascism is far worse than that. You are far to quick to smear good people. Because you are an asshole.

Your attempt to make this about me is noted and dismissed.

Calling good people nazis, makes you the asshole here.Asshole.

You're not good people. You're the worst of us.[/QUOTE]

You weren't just calling me a nazi, but it is not surprising that you would try to make it personal, because you are a dick.

My point stands. calling good people nazis makes you the asshole here.

No one is supporting injustice.

By denying its existence, you are doing more to support it than not.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

You're not called a racist merely because you disagree with us. You're being called a racist because your disagreement is on racist grounds. Denying institutional racism, or blaming the victims of institutional racism for institutional racism makes you racist.

I've done none of that. I've been very clear that I don't give a damn about his message, that I am opposing his choice on HOW to express it.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".

Blind allegiance isn't patriotism. It is possible to love something and still find glaring faults with it. I'm sure your spouse is in that boat.[/QUOTE]

Stating that you will not show "pride" in a nation because that nation is supposedly "oppressive" is not

"loving it despite faults".


Which has been my point, he hates this country, this country should hate him back.
Hossfly is a good man, a veteran, and one who loves America. I don't agree with his politics at times, but he has an All American Heart.
If you accept racism and bigotry as being intrinsic to American heritage, hossfly is certainly a fine example of that. But I've got a
different opinion of what an American is.
People of all races working together without prejudice to make this a better country for all
are the most patriotic Americans. The days of the hossflys amongst us are numbered.

The anti-Americanism and reflexive race baiting of people like you will create generations of "hossflies".

You do realize that, don't you?
No, i dont realize that...obsequiouness in the face of injustice will create monsters far worst than Hossfly. And your version of who is or what actions are unAmerican is just a shallow reflection of the tyranny in your heart.
You don't get to define me or any other citizen
with your pseudo- labels.

No one is supporting injustice.

People like you, smearing anyone that disagrees with you, with vile labels like "racists" will turn people, who might disagree with you on one issue, into "hossflies" who hate you with a fiery passion

and rightly so.

That was my point.

And stating that you won't show respect to America because it is a bad place, is "anti-American".
You support injustice by ignoring it or by denying it exists.But you really can't deny the findings of various studies and DOJ probes
that proved unequivocally that injustice persists when Blacks interface with the justice system. The nationally televised videos showing cops murdering unarmed Blacks put the systemic disdain for Black life across the nation on display. Try as you may to trivialize those displays of systemic violence by some cops upon Black victims,
the title of this op suggests a growing number of people are pulling off the blinders.
Those who refuse to come to grips with murder by cop are as evil minded as those defeated Aryans who claimed not to know
what their government was doing to the Jews
even as the smell of death and the flakes of ash from burning corpses filled the air.

I am not arbitrarily calling people who disagree with me racist. If you don't have the minset i mentioned you aren't included in the definition.


Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.

America should show him the same love he shows US.

ie Zero.

He lost any expectation of US listening to him when he insulted this great nation.
The discussion has been about Patriotism.

No, it's not about patriotism, it's about racial injustice at the hands of law enforcement and our Justice system. You are trying to make it about patriotism because you rightly recognize you have no position to stand on when it comes to race. So you are looking for any way you can to justify your racist attempt to shut down successful black men from using their platform to promote their causes and express their grievances. You get so filled with rage because there's nothing you can do to stop them. So you invent things and foist those straw men into the discussion. Which is impotent bullshit, and you know it. The very fact that these black guys have more power to get their message out than you do at silencing them is what drives all your rage on this.

Get the fuck over yourself, you whiny little bitch.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology. I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I think you've got a YUGE problem with it...that's why you're trying to make it about patriotism. Because you know you can't shut them down if the discussion were about racial injustice (mostly because you have no leg to stand on in that debate), so you try to shift it to more familiar grounds; fascist forced patriotism. It's not about patriotism for you at all, it's about silencing black men who are ruining this carefully-constructed delusion you have that our law enforcement and justice system aren't steeped in institutional racism. Your impotency is what is driving your rage, just like how a sexually impotent man would direct that rage outward. It bothers you so much that an individual black man has the power to get his message out that you stretch the bounds of taste and reason to justify you not receiving his message.

A good question would be; what do you have to lose if you do? What do you personally have to lose by acknowledging that the grievances of these NFL players are legitimate, and we need to do something about it? Nothing. You have literally nothing at stake here. So what's the reason then for your stupid position? Ego. That's it. Your fucking ego. Is your ego really worth it? I don't think so.

'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.

Funny coming from a Russian troll that I'm un-American. LOL! Anyway, it's un-American to force people to pledge fealty to an object. You can take your fake patriotism and shove it up your Russian ass.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

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