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Iowa marching band walks off field national anthem

LOL!!! As you are unable to refute my points, more and more you try to change the subject to me.

You've always been the subject of this debate. It's your inability to accept or even acknowledge the legitimacy of the players' grievances. This whole thread has been about how you refuse to do that, mostly because you're a pussy. Too afraid to have a conversation you know you can't win, so you try to shift the debate to your invented, improvised, personal standard of what "Patriotism" means. So you see, this debate is entirely about you. You've made it so.

Kaepernick is an anti-American ass.HIs words, actions and intent are clear.

Only if we apply the standard you made up on the spot to patriotism. And you made the standard up. You are applying your standard to patriotism when I say you're not entitled to that standard. You've done nothing to earn it. You've sacrificed nothing. You've struggled nothing. You're just lazy and entitled. A true moocher.

I'm not the one that invented the idea of standing during the Nation Anthem.

Kaepernick accepted that idea when he used his NOT standing as the way of expressing his "not pride" in his nation.

Me and Kaepernick are in agreement on that. Standing shows respect, not standing shows disrespect or "not pride".

I agree with him on the meaning of his actions and I am responding in kind.

He doesn't respect me, I don't respect him.

I think that every American who does feel "pride" in America, should consider what Kaerpernick has said and take him seriously, at his word.
The discussion has been about Patriotism.

No. The discussion is about police brutality. You are desperate to make it about patriotism because that's how you think you can shut the conversation of brutality and racism down. But it's not. It's not patriotic to judge someone based on how tall they stand during an anthem. That's what shitty, cowardly people say to avoid having a tough discussion they either don't want to have, or are incapable of having.

It takes a real fucking coward to hide behind the flag.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

Now you're just taking things from my post that I accuse you of, and projecting those things back on me...mostly because you recognize you're shit and I'm right, but don't want to give me that satisfaction. You lose nothing other than points to your ego by acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. Literally nothing. You have nothing to lose other than your shitty pride. So you cloak yourself in fake patriotism to hide your true cowardice. What a fucking loser.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.

You don't welcome the behavior because you're spending all this time trying to shut it down. So that means what these guys are doing must really be making you feel insecure if you have to run to a non-sequitur like "patriotism" to avoid acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. Accepting that legitimacy causes no harm to you. All you have to do is listen. You can't even do that. That's how fucking pathetic you are.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.
They are assholes.
They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

How are they a part of the "corrupt power structure" and what the fuck does "the corrupt power structure" even mean? It's just a generalized thing you vomited out there to paper over your glaring and apparent deficiencies, isn't it? You want to search for any way you can to not legitimize their message because you don't want to accept it. Why? Who the fuck knows? Who knows why the fuck you people do the things you do? I believe it's mostly because of your pride and you just don't want to have to admit that on a message board. Fucking coward. Fucking typical.

Why are they assholes? Because they kneel silently. Consider that for a second...you think someone is an assh9ole for silently kneeling during the anthem at a game you don't even watch. The mere fact that "knowing" that happens sends you into an emotional tailspin just shows how insecure and oversensitive you are. What a fuckin' baby.

Also, note how less articulate your posts are...you start off writing longer, more grammatically correct posts...but then after a while they start devolving into half-articulate sentence fragments. What's that all about? It almost seems like you have a script, but have been driven off-book. That would explain why suddenly your posts become less and less articulate.

heir actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
Just who do you define as Americans?

I don't define them because I'm not consumed with labels like you are. You need a label because it's not possible for you to think of things in complex terms. That's because your brain just isn't developed enough, nor will it ever be. You will forever be lizard-brained.

I'm not some Authority to define Americans. Americans are Americans.If you are confused about that, that's off topic.My point about his actions stands.

Well that's funny because you've set yourself as the authority on what's anti-American. What have you done to earn that authority? Nothing. You've done literally nothing. You've sacrificed nothing. You've struggled through nothing. You've done nothing to earn any entitlement. Everything you are saying is completely unearned. It's bullshit unearned entitlement.
You falsely call me a racist.That pisses me off.That pisses off any minorities who believe your bullshit because they are falsely told that the nation is full of terrible white racists.Crap like that is tearing this nation apart.

No, calling you a racist doesn't drive this country apart. You denying your racism is. You're basically saying don't call out your racist bullshit because it makes you all emotional. Such a fucking baby. This nation is most definitely filled with white racists, and we see it in your responses and in the responses of your fellow Conservative fools. And in the fat, orange goofball in the White House who blows those dog whistles and you come running like a bunch of idiots.

You are not busted because I called you a liar. YOu are busted because you got caught in a lie.The fact that you can deny it, despite being cold stone busted just shows what a completely shameless liar you are.Which we have to consider anytime you make a claim now.

I didn't lie about anything. You're just vomiting out the word "lie" because you have no defense for yourself. So instead of defending yourself, you just accuse others of lying about you. But you are a racist...a pretty shitty one at that since I don't think your racism serves any other purpose than protecting your fragile fucking ego because you're an oversensitive snowflake who thinks the world owes you. No one owes you shit.

Actually I rarely attack the legitimacy of a messenger.That's more often the game of the left.No, it's not about my comfort level. I've repeatedly told you what it is about.That you pretend that it is something else is just more of your dishonesty.

Hilarious. You've been attacking the legitimacy of Kaepernick and the players this entire thread. So don't fucking lie and pretend you do something that you don't. Let's talk about your legitimacy. How do you have any legitimate argument in this debate? Where do you get your legitimacy? Nowhere as far as I can tell. No, your "patriotism" argument isn't legitimate. It's bullshit unearned entitlement masquerading as legitimacy. I see right through it.

And here you are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.Quire ironic coming for the one that is soooo supposedly anti-fascist.I've always said it. Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

"Turnip" - stealing words from my previous posts and using them in yours because you lack the creativity to think of things yourself.

Secondly, yes! You're damn right I'm attacking your legitimacy. I don't see you as having any legitimacy, any principles, any integrity. You seem to think that merely having a pulse means you have legitimacy. It doesn't. You're not legitimate and your argument isn't legitimate. It's all just an exercise in making you feel better about yourself. If you tear down other, more accomplished peoples' legitimacy, it makes your lack of legitimacy easier for you to stomach.

Well, let me be the first to tell you; no one will ever be more illegitimate than you. Get over yourself.

I have the right to an opinion on someone.My judgement on his actions and words stand on their merits and the truth revealed by them.Ironically, you can't refute them, which is why YOU are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.

Says who? No one says that. An entitlement is something you earn, not something you get by virtue of having a pulse. You've done nothing to earn your entitlement. And your judgement comes from that unearned place of bullshit entitlement. You've never had to struggle for anything in your life. You've never had to sacrifice anything. So what fucking entitlement have you earned? None. Your opinion isn't even something you're entitled to, because you didn't earn it.

As though YOU have the authority to do that.lol!!Hypocrite.

Come back to me when you've actually earned something, instead of riding your bullshit entitlement you never fought for, worked for, struggled for, or suffered for.
Your desire to deny people the right to have a fucking OPINION, is noted and incredible.YOu also don't have the power to enforce that, thank god, so piss off.And it is obvious that I was referring to you the Left, including the kneelers and their supporters in the League that have contempt for Americans.

More whiny, unearned, bullshit entitlement there. It's hard to take you seriously when we know you've suffered and sacrificed nothing to earn your entitlement. The mere thought of someone kneeling during the anthem sends you into such fucking hysterics that you have to drape yourself in the cloth of the flag just to dry your fuckin' crocodile tears.

A people that are united in love of country are a people that are united.Traditionally patriotism has served that purpose in America.You are the one that has been busted lying. If you really have doubts about what I say about myself, and I'm not sure what you are referring to, nor do I care, it is probably just you projecting your own dishonesty.

It's possible to love something and still find glaring, awful, sickening, disgusting, terrible faults in it. Your spouse is the proof of that. I don't think you're capable of love, personally. I think sociopaths think faking principled outrage is the same as love. But it's not. It's just bullshit.

I'm not afraid of constructive criticism. But that is not what we get from the Left today.Nationalism is just as much a force for good as Patriotism is.Patriotism is not disrespecting the symbols of the nation as a whole, because of an specific complaint.That is not telling your spouse that they have an issue. lt is telling them that you hate them.To use YOUR analogy.

Fear is all that drives you. Fear is the only thing Conservatives have. The "fear" that seeing players kneeling during the anthem will result in....what? What is the fear there? What is it that you stand to lose when Kaepernick takes a knee? Nothing other than your shitty pride. You are so insecure in your patriotism that you have to invent a standard for it.

Yeah, that is more lies from you.I've been very clear and consistent. You are the one all over the place.

You haven't been clear and in fact, a case can be made that as the debate has continued, you've become less clear as you've been forced ofgf-script. I mean, really, we can see it in your posts. They go from paragraphs, complete sentences, and correct punctuation, to unclear and undisciplined sentence fragments that look increasingly like they've been put through an internet translator.
I'm not the one that invented the idea of standing during the Nation Anthem.

No, but you're here pushing the new idea that standing for it is how you measure patriotism. You called Kaep un-American simply because he kneeled during the anthem. That's a fucking bullshit unearned standard you invented on the spot, and you did it because you are insecure in your own patriotism. I think you think that fake outrage is the same as patriotism. But it's not. If you're going to be the arbiter of patriotism, you have to earn that title. You've earned nothing.

Kaepernick accepted that idea when he used his NOT standing as the way of expressing his "not pride" in his nation.Me and Kaepernick are in agreement on that. Standing shows respect, not standing shows disrespect

A STANDARD YOU JUST MADE UP RIGHT NOW, ON THE FLY. This is what I'm talking about. You invent standards on the spot because you're insecure. What if patriotism is measured instead by the faults and flaws you see in the country? That's the standard I'm applying to who is a patriot and who isn't. Because patriots strive to constantly make the country better, not preserve its shitty and shameful status quo.

You're no patriot, you're a fucking poseur

or "not pride".I agree with him on the meaning of his actions and I am responding in kind.He doesn't respect me, I don't respect him.I think that every American who does feel "pride" in America, should consider what Kaerpernick has said and take him seriously, at his word.

Well, since you don't take pride in America, what the fuck do you have to contribute to the discussion. You think you're proving your pride at how outraged you are at Kaepernick. Boy, is that fucking backwards. It's not Kaepernick whose patriotism is in question, it's yours since you think that the only way to judge patriotism is by standing during a fucking song.
I'm not the one that invented the idea of standing during the Nation Anthem.

No, you're the one who decided that it's a measurement of patriotism, and you only started doing that once Kaep started kneeling, which means it's a bullshit standard you made up on the spot in order to avoid having the discussion Kaep wants to have. That's because you're a big, fat, hairy pussy.

Kaepernick accepted that idea when he used his NOT standing as the way of expressing his "not pride" in his nation.

So as usual you are missing the point of why he kneels completely. It's not that he doesn't have pride in the country, it's that he thinks that the racial injustice isn't a point of pride, and because you all are denying it's happening, he's kneeling to draw attention to it. You prefer to not even have those discussions because doing so upsets the very delicate, fragile, unstable, easily breakable sensitivities and insecurities you have. That's because you're insecure in your own patriotism. That's why I always come back to the question of what do you have to lose by accepting the legitimacy of Kaep's argument? Nothing. You literally have nothing to use. So all this is in service of nothing. All of your screeching and whining is in service of nothing. You have nothing at stake by accepting racial injustice exists. You don't have to do anything except listen. Yet you struggle against even the bare minimum. Why? What have you got to lose other than your pride, which no one cares about?
Iowa marching band walks off field during national anthem

(By Todd Starnes) Ames High School has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the most un-American marching bands in the nation. More than a dozen members of the band linked arms and walked off the football field Friday night during a performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” An untold number of other band members refused to play their instruments. It was absolutely disgraceful. Sickening. The children


Oh some more ANTI AMERICAN pos losers that need sent over to N. Korea. Asses like this don't deceiver this Country.

Considering the source; fake news
Another intellectually dishonest flake who thinks attacking the source negates the content.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.

They are assholes.

They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

Their actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem
The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b)Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1)when the flag is displayed—
individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
Wow. No one in this thread said anything to justify that big helping of crazy.

Are you kidding? All you people have been crying about is how what the NFL players do offends your whiny bullshit unearned entitlement. How so deeply you're affected by seeing a few players kneeling (or not seeing them...just knowing they kneel gives you rage), and how ineffectual you are at forcing them not to. You have no power over these guys. And I think that's what's really got you in such a tizzy.

The discussion has been about Patriotism.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

I have no problem with my lack of power over them.

I'm HAPPY that this is happening because imo, you lefties have been anti-American for decades.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.
When oppressed citizens rise up against injustices perpetrated against them by RW white males, the actions they take are anti-tyranny not anti- American. They are as American as you think you are. Only kool aid drinkers like you think people who won't drink your kool aid are un American.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.

They are assholes.

They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

Their actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem
The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b)Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1)when the flag is displayed—
individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
The word "should identifes that code as an instruction...not a mandate. For those in uniform the code will be strengthened by a general directive replacing the word "should" with the word "will." Civilians are not obliged to comply.
The word "should identifes that code as an instruction...not a mandate. For those in uniform the code will be strengthened by a general directive replacing the word "should" with the word "will." Civilians are not obliged to comply.

That "should" ought to be replaced with "Shall".
The word "should identifes that code as an instruction...not a mandate. For those in uniform the code will be strengthened by a general directive replacing the word "should" with the word "will." Civilians are not obliged to comply.

That "should" ought to be replaced with "Shall".
If that ever happens this will no longer be the land of the free. And the Jehovah's Witnesses .would become criminals.

In a previous post i said:

The word "should identifes that code as an instruction...not a mandate. For those in uniform the code will be strengthened by a general directive replacing the word "should" with the word "will." Civilians are not obliged to comply.
Your resoonse:

Actually, that's not even remotely true.

What is not even remotely true and why do you think it isn't true.?
The discussion has been about Patriotism.

No. The discussion is about police brutality. You are desperate to make it about patriotism because that's how you think you can shut the conversation of brutality and racism down. But it's not. It's not patriotic to judge someone based on how tall they stand during an anthem. That's what shitty, cowardly people say to avoid having a tough discussion they either don't want to have, or are incapable of having.

It takes a real fucking coward to hide behind the flag.

I've discussed police brutality, liberal claims about it, false cases, ect, when the issue has come up in other cases.

BUt not this time. FUCK THE KNEELERS.

That you can't be honest about that, shows that you are insecure in your position and ideology.

Now you're just taking things from my post that I accuse you of, and projecting those things back on me...mostly because you recognize you're shit and I'm right, but don't want to give me that satisfaction. You lose nothing other than points to your ego by acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. Literally nothing. You have nothing to lose other than your shitty pride. So you cloak yourself in fake patriotism to hide your true cowardice. What a fucking loser.[/QUOTE]

When this issue comes up again, with a messenger that is not using anti-Americanism as his method of communication, I will be happy to discuss the issue.

I welcome behavior that will wake up more real Americans to how you people feel about them and this Great Nation.

You don't welcome the behavior because you're spending all this time trying to shut it down. So that means what these guys are doing must really be making you feel insecure if you have to run to a non-sequitur like "patriotism" to avoid acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. Accepting that legitimacy causes no harm to you. All you have to do is listen. You can't even do that. That's how fucking pathetic you are.[/QUOTE]

I've expressed my opinion on what should be done.

What I HOPE to have happen is for this anti-American behavior to continue and to wake up the tens of millions of white people that are still somehow unaware of how the Left thinks of them.

The sport of Football is a small price to pay for that.

And I've listened to this complaints before and addressed them at great length, and will again.

But not for the anti-American pieces of shit in question today.

The kneelers, the league, are not oppressed citizens.
They are assholes.
They are not rising up. They are already part of the corrupt power structure.

How are they a part of the "corrupt power structure" and what the fuck does "the corrupt power structure" even mean? .....[/QUOTE]

They are part of the rich and the super rich, they are certainly part of the Political Status Que. The issues and their methods fit in nicely with the norm of the Political Class.

Nothing they are doing is disruptive or change at all.

heir actions are anti-American. They express enmity with America and Americans.
Just who do you define as Americans?

I don't define them because I'm not consumed with labels like you are. You need a label because it's not possible for you to think of things in complex terms. That's because your brain just isn't developed enough, nor will it ever be. You will forever be lizard-brained.[/QUOTE]

1. You messed up my quote there. I didn't ask about who he defined as Americans.

2. Americans are a group. That group exists. What are we going to call it? Anything we call it becomes a "label". The Kneelers have expressed enmity with that group. Your pretend confusion about language is just a dodge of that valid point. You asshole.

I'm not some Authority to define Americans. Americans are Americans.If you are confused about that, that's off topic.My point about his actions stands.

Well that's funny because you've set yourself as the authority on what's anti-American. What have you done to earn that authority? Nothing. You've done literally nothing. You've sacrificed nothing. You've struggled through nothing. You've done nothing to earn any entitlement. Everything you are saying is completely unearned. It's bullshit unearned entitlement.[/QUOTE]

I'm not claiming Authority status that you should just defer to my judgement.

I've repeatedly explained my reasoning for my conclusion, and you have not been able to refute it at all.

(hint: flat denial and personal attacks are not refutation)

You're upset, perhaps offended by my reasoning.

But the fact remains, Kaepernick has clearly stated that he does not stand because he considers American an "oppressive" place.

Not that it is a good place with a problem with police brutality, but that that nation as a whole is oppressive.

That shows that his actions ARE against the nation as a whole, not a specific issue.

TO use your analogy, he is not telling his spouse that she has a flaw, he is telling her that he hates her because she is a bad person.
You falsely call me a racist.That pisses me off.That pisses off any minorities who believe your bullshit because they are falsely told that the nation is full of terrible white racists.Crap like that is tearing this nation apart.

No, calling you a racist doesn't drive this country apart. You denying your racism is. You're basically saying don't call out your racist bullshit because it makes you all emotional. Such a fucking baby. This nation is most definitely filled with white racists, and we see it in your responses and in the responses of your fellow Conservative fools. And in the fat, orange goofball in the White House who blows those dog whistles and you come running like a bunch of idiots.


YOur race baiting is noted.

I already know that you are a race baiting asshole.

What more do you want from me?

An award?

Here, it has al on it, but it's for you.

You are not busted because I called you a liar. YOu are busted because you got caught in a lie.The fact that you can deny it, despite being cold stone busted just shows what a completely shameless liar you are.Which we have to consider anytime you make a claim now.

I didn't lie about anything. You're just vomiting out the word "lie" because you have no defense for yourself. So instead of defending yourself, you just accuse others of lying about you. But you are a racist...a pretty shitty one at that since I don't think your racism serves any other purpose than protecting your fragile fucking ego because you're an oversensitive snowflake who thinks the world owes you. No one owes you shit.

Nah, you asked why I thought you were being insulting, and then repeatedly admitted that you were being insulting.

I asked you about the contradiction, but got nothing coherent from you, except more insults and ravings.

So, you are a liar, and fuck you.

Actually I rarely attack the legitimacy of a messenger.That's more often the game of the left.No, it's not about my comfort level. I've repeatedly told you what it is about.That you pretend that it is something else is just more of your dishonesty.

Hilarious. You've been attacking the legitimacy of Kaepernick and the players this entire thread. So don't fucking lie and pretend you do something that you don't. Let's talk about your legitimacy. How do you have any legitimate argument in this debate? Where do you get your legitimacy? Nowhere as far as I can tell. No, your "patriotism" argument isn't legitimate. It's bullshit unearned entitlement masquerading as legitimacy. I see right through it.[/QUOTE]

Here you pretend to think that "rarely" is defined as "never".

This is you being a liar again.

The default position of any civil society is that people deserve a certain level of civility.

It takes action to lose that. The kneelers have taken such action, I have not.

You keep saying "entitlement". That term has nothing to do with this discussion. It is another attempt by you to muddle the issue.

And here you are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.Quire ironic coming for the one that is soooo supposedly anti-fascist.I've always said it. Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

"Turnip" - stealing words from my previous posts and using them in yours because you lack the creativity to think of things yourself.[/QUOTE]

I've been using that line for years, before you were even on this site. Get over yourself.

Secondly, yes! You're damn right I'm attacking your legitimacy. I don't see you as having any legitimacy, any principles, any integrity. You seem to think that merely having a pulse means you have legitimacy. It doesn't. You're not legitimate and your argument isn't legitimate. It's all just an exercise in making you feel better about yourself. If you tear down other, more accomplished peoples' legitimacy, it makes your lack of legitimacy easier for you to stomach.

Well, let me be the first to tell you; no one will ever be more illegitimate than you. Get over yourself.

You are not an Authority to determine legitimacy. You are just a want a be tyrant as you have demonstrated with your stated belief that people you don't like, do not have the right to hold an opinion you disagree with.

Combined with your tacit admission that you want to kill those who oppose you, I think we are starting to see just who and what you are.

Do you admit that you are a marxist?

I have the right to an opinion on someone.My judgement on his actions and words stand on their merits and the truth revealed by them.Ironically, you can't refute them, which is why YOU are attacking the legitimacy of my having an opinion.

Says who? No one says that. An entitlement is something you earn, not something you get by virtue of having a pulse. You've done nothing to earn your entitlement. And your judgement comes from that unearned place of bullshit entitlement. You've never had to struggle for anything in your life. You've never had to sacrifice anything. So what fucking entitlement have you earned? None. Your opinion isn't even something you're entitled to, because you didn't earn it.[/QUOTE]

Your claim that one has to earn the right to have an opinion, let alone voice it, is contrary to Western Liberal Democratic tradition and culture for the last several centuries.

Not to mention both American and UN versions of Human Rights.

Thank you for being so open in your desire to be oppressive.

More and more you are revealing that you, if you had your way, would make a world were Kaepernick's complaints would look like some thing to reach FOR.

As though YOU have the authority to do that.lol!!Hypocrite.

Come back to me when you've actually earned something, instead of riding your bullshit entitlement you never fought for, worked for, struggled for, or suffered for.[/QUOTE]

So, how do you justify your pretense of outrage over alleged police brutality when you wish to have a world without free speech and with your political enemies killed?
Your desire to deny people the right to have a fucking OPINION, is noted and incredible.YOu also don't have the power to enforce that, thank god, so piss off.And it is obvious that I was referring to you the Left, including the kneelers and their supporters in the League that have contempt for Americans.

More whiny, unearned, bullshit entitlement there. It's hard to take you seriously when we know you've suffered and sacrificed nothing to earn your entitlement. The mere thought of someone kneeling during the anthem sends you into such fucking hysterics that you have to drape yourself in the cloth of the flag just to dry your fuckin' crocodile tears.

I have the right to an Opinion and to voice it.

That you don't agree with that, shows what type of person you are and what kind of nation you radical lefties want.

A people that are united in love of country are a people that are united.Traditionally patriotism has served that purpose in America.You are the one that has been busted lying. If you really have doubts about what I say about myself, and I'm not sure what you are referring to, nor do I care, it is probably just you projecting your own dishonesty.

It's possible to love something and still find glaring, awful, sickening, disgusting, terrible faults in it. Your spouse is the proof of that. I don't think you're capable of love, personally. I think sociopaths think faking principled outrage is the same as love. But it's not. It's just bullshit.[/QUOTE]

I think you responded to the wrong portion, but whatever.

And Kaepernick, but kneeling, showed that he does NOT love this country, that he is not a Patriot, and he went so far to insult the nation as a whole.

ONe CAN love someone or something despite it's flaws. If Kaepernick stood for the Anthem and made his protest some other time, some other way, that might be what he was doing.

But he has specifically stated that that is not what he is doing.

I'm not afraid of constructive criticism. But that is not what we get from the Left today.Nationalism is just as much a force for good as Patriotism is.Patriotism is not disrespecting the symbols of the nation as a whole, because of an specific complaint.That is not telling your spouse that they have an issue. lt is telling them that you hate them.To use YOUR analogy.

Fear is all that drives you. Fear is the only thing Conservatives have. The "fear" that seeing players kneeling during the anthem will result in....what? What is the fear there? What is it that you stand to lose when Kaepernick takes a knee? Nothing other than your shitty pride. You are so insecure in your patriotism that you have to invent a standard for it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's silly. You've made some general statements, based ironically on "labels" and faulty generalizations, and done nothing to support them.

Yeah, that is more lies from you.I've been very clear and consistent. You are the one all over the place.

You haven't been clear and in fact, a case can be made that as the debate has continued, you've become less clear as you've been forced ofgf-script. I mean, really, we can see it in your posts. They go from paragraphs, complete sentences, and correct punctuation, to unclear and undisciplined sentence fragments that look increasingly like they've been put through an internet translator.[/QUOTE]

So, I've been sloppy at sentence structure and you've expressed a desire to deny your political enemies the right to have an opinion, let alone voice it, AND, to kill your political enemies.

SO, I guess in your mind, I'm the bad guy.
I'm not the one that invented the idea of standing during the Nation Anthem.

No, but you're here pushing the new idea that standing for it is how you measure patriotism. You called Kaep un-American simply because he kneeled during the anthem. That's a fucking bullshit unearned standard you invented on the spot, and you did it because you are insecure in your own patriotism. I think you think that fake outrage is the same as patriotism. But it's not. If you're going to be the arbiter of patriotism, you have to earn that title. You've earned nothing.

Patriotism is a word with a real dictionary meaning.

I do not have to earn the right to point out that his actions are the opposite of that.

Kaepernick accepted that idea when he used his NOT standing as the way of expressing his "not pride" in his nation.Me and Kaepernick are in agreement on that. Standing shows respect, not standing shows disrespect

A STANDARD YOU JUST MADE UP RIGHT NOW, ON THE FLY. This is what I'm talking about. You invent standards on the spot because you're insecure. What if patriotism is measured instead by the faults and flaws you see in the country? That's the standard I'm applying to who is a patriot and who isn't. Because patriots strive to constantly make the country better, not preserve its shitty and shameful status quo.

You're no patriot, you're a fucking poseur

If Kearpernick had been spending his off time working so hard to address and fix those faults while making critical statements about certain aspects of this nation while expressing love for the nation as a whole, and I was still dismissing him as illegitimate, then you response would be spot on.

But, I didn't invent the word "Patriotism" nor define it.

Nor the concept of symbols, or even the specific symbol of a Flag, nor the specific Flag of America, nor the idea of showing respect to a symbol to show respect to what it represents.

Your position that this is a standard I invented is absurd.

Utterly absurd to the point that you have to know that.

This is another lie from you.

or "not pride".I agree with him on the meaning of his actions and I am responding in kind.He doesn't respect me, I don't respect him.I think that every American who does feel "pride" in America, should consider what Kaerpernick has said and take him seriously, at his word.

Well, since you don't take pride in America, what the fuck do you have to contribute to the discussion. You think you're proving your pride at how outraged you are at Kaepernick. Boy, is that fucking backwards. It's not Kaepernick whose patriotism is in question, it's yours since you think that the only way to judge patriotism is by standing during a fucking song.[/QUOTE]

I clearly said that I agree with Kaerpernick on the MEANING of his actions.

I did not say that I agree with Kaerpernick on his view of America.

I've never said that Standing for the Anthem is the only way to judge patriotism.

That was something you just made up. Ironically.

There are plenty of ways to have or express patriotism.

Disrespecting the nation as a whole, is not one of them. That is the OPPOSITE of patriotism.
I'm not the one that invented the idea of standing during the Nation Anthem.

No, you're the one who decided that it's a measurement of patriotism, and you only started doing that once Kaep started kneeling, which means it's a bullshit standard you made up on the spot in order to avoid having the discussion Kaep wants to have. That's because you're a big, fat, hairy pussy.

Kaepernick accepted that idea when he used his NOT standing as the way of expressing his "not pride" in his nation.

So as usual you are missing the point of why he kneels completely. It's not that he doesn't have pride in the country, it's that he thinks that the racial injustice isn't a point of pride, and because you all are denying it's happening, he's kneeling to draw attention to it. You prefer to not even have those discussions because doing so upsets the very delicate, fragile, unstable, easily breakable sensitivities and insecurities you have. That's because you're insecure in your own patriotism. That's why I always come back to the question of what do you have to lose by accepting the legitimacy of Kaep's argument? Nothing. You literally have nothing to use. So all this is in service of nothing. All of your screeching and whining is in service of nothing. You have nothing at stake by accepting racial injustice exists. You don't have to do anything except listen. Yet you struggle against even the bare minimum. Why? What have you got to lose other than your pride, which no one cares about?

You are assuming a distinction that he has expressly denied.

He did not say that parts of America were oppressive, or that some Americans were oppressive.

He said that AMERICA, was oppressive.

A verbal statement that fits in perfectly with his ACTIONS of disrespecting a symbol of America as a whole.
Your desire to deny people the right to have a fucking OPINION, is noted and incredible.YOu also don't have the power to enforce that, thank god, so piss off.And it is obvious that I was referring to you the Left, including the kneelers and their supporters in the League that have contempt for Americans.

More whiny, unearned, bullshit entitlement there. It's hard to take you seriously when we know you've suffered and sacrificed nothing to earn your entitlement. The mere thought of someone kneeling during the anthem sends you into such fucking hysterics that you have to drape yourself in the cloth of the flag just to dry your fuckin' crocodile tears.

I have the right to an Opinion and to voice it.

That you don't agree with that, shows what type of person you are and what kind of nation you radical lefties want.

A people that are united in love of country are a people that are united.Traditionally patriotism has served that purpose in America.You are the one that has been busted lying. If you really have doubts about what I say about myself, and I'm not sure what you are referring to, nor do I care, it is probably just you projecting your own dishonesty.

It's possible to love something and still find glaring, awful, sickening, disgusting, terrible faults in it. Your spouse is the proof of that. I don't think you're capable of love, personally. I think sociopaths think faking principled outrage is the same as love. But it's not. It's just bullshit.

I think you responded to the wrong portion, but whatever.

And Kaepernick, but kneeling, showed that he does NOT love this country, that he is not a Patriot, and he went so far to insult the nation as a whole.

ONe CAN love someone or something despite it's flaws. If Kaepernick stood for the Anthem and made his protest some other time, some other way, that might be what he was doing.

But he has specifically stated that that is not what he is doing.

I'm not afraid of constructive criticism. But that is not what we get from the Left today.Nationalism is just as much a force for good as Patriotism is.Patriotism is not disrespecting the symbols of the nation as a whole, because of an specific complaint.That is not telling your spouse that they have an issue. lt is telling them that you hate them.To use YOUR analogy.

Fear is all that drives you. Fear is the only thing Conservatives have. The "fear" that seeing players kneeling during the anthem will result in....what? What is the fear there? What is it that you stand to lose when Kaepernick takes a knee? Nothing other than your shitty pride. You are so insecure in your patriotism that you have to invent a standard for it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's silly. You've made some general statements, based ironically on "labels" and faulty generalizations, and done nothing to support them.

Yeah, that is more lies from you.I've been very clear and consistent. You are the one all over the place.

You haven't been clear and in fact, a case can be made that as the debate has continued, you've become less clear as you've been forced ofgf-script. I mean, really, we can see it in your posts. They go from paragraphs, complete sentences, and correct punctuation, to unclear and undisciplined sentence fragments that look increasingly like they've been put through an internet translator.[/QUOTE]

So, I've been sloppy at sentence structure and you've expressed a desire to deny your political enemies the right to have an opinion, let alone voice it, AND, to kill your political enemies.

SO, I guess in your mind, I'm the bad guy.[/QUOTE]


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