Iran attacks a U.S. Aircraftcarrier

The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.

My guess is, he's already failed the test.
Obamy is doing what he has always done best: Fucking golfing! It's only costing the US taxpayer close to half a million bucks a day.
Mele Kalikimaka: Taxpayer's gift to Obama is $470,000 a day Hawaiian vacation
At least he isn't sucking Saudi or Russian dicks.
He is despicable! He could have stayed in Washington and given that fucking money to the Vets!
The is the worst period in US Presidential history and we have partially the 'OJ jury' to blame and the White Guilter LIBs.
Thu Obama golfing ploy Doesn't fly bush spent most of his first term golfing!
Damn I don't remember reading about this...

Iraqi missile attack in 1991 Gulf War
On 25 February 1991, during the firstGulf War, the Phalanx-equipped frigateUSS Jarrett was a few miles from the US battleship USS Missouri and the British destroyer HMS Gloucester. The ships were attacked by an Iraqi Silkworm missile (often referred to as theSeersucker), at which time the Missourifired its SRBOC chaff. The Phalanx system on Jarrett, operating in the automatic target-acquisition mode, fixed on Missouri's chaff, releasing a burst of rounds. From this burst, four rounds hit Missouri which was two to three miles (about 5 km) from Jarrett at the time. There were no injuries.[19] ASea Dart missile was then launched from Gloucester in a 'tail end' engagement; destroying the Iraqi missile as it passed between Gloucesterand Missouri, achieving the first successful engagement of a missile by a missile during combat at sea
False comparison, but you had to say something.

Bullshit, you were to ignorant or unable to comprehend to see or read What he posted.
Ignorant is not a word you should toss around as it has come back and bitch slapped you .

Why so defenseless needle dick?

Oh I know what it is, could it be because the USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch and everyone blamed him for cutting the Navy warships ?
Hey captain dumbshit, it's defensive not defenseless.
And you don't know what it is.
The ship was not on alert .
We got caught with our pants down.

What do you mean I don't know what it is fuck head , I am the one who brought it up.
Bringing up a point is not the same as knowing what it's about as you prove every time you post.
About 1,500 yards is a close cal on the high seas but it's interesting that the U.S. Carrier watched the missile go by without taking any action. Are Carriers equipped to defend themselves from missile attack or are they under orders by the administration to surrender in the event of an attack?

They have the Phalanx , yea why didn't they use it?

It was a rocket. Maybe they realized they didn't need to. I mean, why show your hand if you don't have to.
Yes it was a rocket. The US navy computers had a signature on it a millisecond after it was launched. The Phalanx system would have been used had the rocket's trajectory threatened the ship. The distance was actually more than 2000 yards away from the ship. That's a distance of twenty football fields.
False comparison, but you had to say something.

Bullshit, you were to ignorant or unable to comprehend to see or read What he posted.
Ignorant is not a word you should toss around as it has come back and bitch slapped you .

Why so defenseless needle dick?

Oh I know what it is, could it be because the USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch and everyone blamed him for cutting the Navy warships ?
Hey captain dumbshit, it's defensive not defenseless.
And you don't know what it is.
The ship was not on alert .
We got caught with our pants down.
That's right you fucking idiot. The US Navy in the fucking Gulf wasn't on high alert' Dear God you're fucking dumb. Every US Navy vessel in the Gulf is 100% of the time on high alert. The US Navy has the most advanced technology in the world. The Navy tracks every boat in the Gulf 24/7. The Navy knew precisely where the sand monkeys boat was and the US Navy has technology to know to the millisecond when anything is fired from it.
You really really need to wise up. You're posts are like from a ten year old.
Could you be anymore paranoid?
The Iranians have missile technology which allows them to fire a missile with pinpoint accuracy. They know that the US knows it.
They are attempting to start an International incident. This will deflect the world's attention from their nuclear bomb making program.
They know the US knows what they are attempting.
If there is one round fired from one of Iran's rubber dinghies which hits a US warship WW111 will have officially started.
WWII would not begin because three warships shot down a missile and sank some rubber dingies and or fast boats. BTW, there are no missile types that can be carried on those small boats with the capability to sink an aircraft carrier like the Truman or the accompanying vessels. Those little boats were being targeted by a wide assortment of weapons before they even got close.

That dude is waiting in his porch for the nuclear Armageddon and race war.
Bullshit, you were to ignorant or unable to comprehend to see or read What he posted.
Ignorant is not a word you should toss around as it has come back and bitch slapped you .

Why so defenseless needle dick?

Oh I know what it is, could it be because the USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch and everyone blamed him for cutting the Navy warships ?
Hey captain dumbshit, it's defensive not defenseless.
And you don't know what it is.
The ship was not on alert .
We got caught with our pants down.
That's right you fucking idiot. The US Navy in the fucking Gulf wasn't on high alert' Dear God you're fucking dumb. Every US Navy vessel in the Gulf is 100% of the time on high alert. The US Navy has the most advanced technology in the world. The Navy tracks every boat in the Gulf 24/7. The Navy knew precisely where the sand monkeys boat was and the US Navy has technology to know to the millisecond when anything is fired from it.
You really really need to wise up. You're posts are like from a ten year old.
daws was talking about the USS Cole when it was in attacked while anchored in port.
not to worry Danny's roids can't read anyway !
I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.

How is this Iran "attacking" exactly? It isn't, is it?
The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.


Why bother? Who doesn't know exactly how feckless and incompetent he is by now?
That incident was 100% in the hands of the Commander of the USS Truman. He had the authority to do what he did or he had the authority to blow those boats out of the water, but he would have been held accountable for his actions. Obama would not have known about the incident until after it occurred.
About 1,500 yards is a close cal on the high seas but it's interesting that the U.S. Carrier watched the missile go by without taking any action. Are Carriers equipped to defend themselves from missile attack or are they under orders by the administration to surrender in the event of an attack?

They have the Phalanx , yea why didn't they use it?
Because the weren't fired on asshole
The Carrier could see the launch on just about every sensing device on board including the naked eye .
The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.

My guess is, he's already failed the test.
Obamy is doing what he has always done best: Fucking golfing! It's only costing the US taxpayer close to half a million bucks a day.
Mele Kalikimaka: Taxpayer's gift to Obama is $470,000 a day Hawaiian vacation
At least he isn't sucking Saudi or Russian dicks.
He is despicable! He could have stayed in Washington and given that fucking money to the Vets!
The is the worst period in US Presidential history and we have partially the 'OJ jury' to blame and the White Guilter LIBs.
Thu Obama golfing ploy Doesn't fly bush spent most of his first term golfing!
Who took more vacation -- George W. Bush or Barack Obama? Don't you ever get anything right? Get your tongue out of Obamy's asshole you idiot!
About 1,500 yards is a close cal on the high seas but it's interesting that the U.S. Carrier watched the missile go by without taking any action. Are Carriers equipped to defend themselves from missile attack or are they under orders by the administration to surrender in the event of an attack?

They have the Phalanx , yea why didn't they use it?
Because they were not under attack or threat of attack, in international waters and it would have been an act of war to fire on the Iranian boats who where also in international waters.

Yeah, but if we don't kill 'em, they won't learn nothin'.
Oh look at this the japs attack and down a U.S. warplane when Billy boy was president and he did NOTHING..
Sure the official report said "ACCIDENT"


Accidental downing of US aircraft by the Japanese destroyerYūgiri
On 4 June 1996, a Japanese Phalanx accidentally shot down a US A-6 Intruder from the USS Independence that was towing a radar target during gunnery exercises about 1,500 miles west of the main Hawaiian island ofOahu. A Phalanx aboard the Asagiri class destroyer Yūgiri locked onto the Intruder instead of the target. Both pilots ejected safely.[20] A post-accident investigation concluded that the Yūgiri's gunnery officer gave the order to fire before the A-6 was out of the CIWS engagement envelope.

I thought they were are buddies now or sumthing.....

An Iranian rocket came within 1,500 yards of American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Strait of Hormuz, a Pentagon official reportedly told CNN.

The incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 11:25 a.m., 23 minutes after the Iranian navy announced that it was about to conduct a live-fire training exercise in the area, Reuters reports.

According to an NBC report, multiple rockets were fired directly but not directly at the US aircraft carrier.

How is this Iran "attacking" exactly? It isn't is it?

Thought not.
Bullshit, you were to ignorant or unable to comprehend to see or read What he posted.
Ignorant is not a word you should toss around as it has come back and bitch slapped you .

Why so defenseless needle dick?

Oh I know what it is, could it be because the USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch and everyone blamed him for cutting the Navy warships ?
Hey captain dumbshit, it's defensive not defenseless.
And you don't know what it is.
The ship was not on alert .
We got caught with our pants down.
That's right you fucking idiot. The US Navy in the fucking Gulf wasn't on high alert' Dear God you're fucking dumb. Every US Navy vessel in the Gulf is 100% of the time on high alert. The US Navy has the most advanced technology in the world. The Navy tracks every boat in the Gulf 24/7. The Navy knew precisely where the sand monkeys boat was and the US Navy has technology to know to the millisecond when anything is fired from it.
You really really need to wise up. You're posts are like from a ten year old.
Could you be anymore paranoid?
First you claim the US navy was caught with their pants down in the most dangerous naval shipping lane in the world. Then you claim they are just being "paranoid" by being on high alert 24/7.
Which is it dummy?
Oh look at this the japs attack and down a U.S. warplane when Billy boy was president and he did NOTHING..
Sure the official report said "ACCIDENT"


Accidental downing of US aircraft by the Japanese destroyerYūgiri
On 4 June 1996, a Japanese Phalanx accidentally shot down a US A-6 Intruder from the USS Independence that was towing a radar target during gunnery exercises about 1,500 miles west of the main Hawaiian island ofOahu. A Phalanx aboard the Asagiri class destroyer Yūgiri locked onto the Intruder instead of the target. Both pilots ejected safely.[20] A post-accident investigation concluded that the Yūgiri's gunnery officer gave the order to fire before the A-6 was out of the CIWS engagement envelope.


And what would you suggest for a friendly fire accident? Attacking our greatest strategic ally in the region, the nation that houses almost the totality of our west pacific fleet and our number 2 trading partner?
The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.

My guess is, he's already failed the test.
Obamy is doing what he has always done best: Fucking golfing! It's only costing the US taxpayer close to half a million bucks a day.
Mele Kalikimaka: Taxpayer's gift to Obama is $470,000 a day Hawaiian vacation
At least he isn't sucking Saudi or Russian dicks.
He is despicable! He could have stayed in Washington and given that fucking money to the Vets!
The is the worst period in US Presidential history and we have partially the 'OJ jury' to blame and the White Guilter LIBs.
Thu Obama golfing ploy Doesn't fly bush spent most of his first term golfing!
Who took more vacation -- George W. Bush or Barack Obama? Don't you ever get anything right? Get your tongue out of Obamy's asshole you idiot!
Bush has more vacation days than Obama the article you posted proves that.
Thanks for playing

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