Iran attacks a U.S. Aircraftcarrier

..... it was an "accident",........

And you don't believe it was an accident?

I'm saying that often there's certain double standards. Imagine, even back then, if Egypt or Iran would have destroyed that vessel and killed those sailors....yes, they'd have been bombed.

Were they or are they one of our most trusted and important allies? Smarten up.

Define "Ally".
About 1,500 yards is a close cal on the high seas but it's interesting that the U.S. Carrier watched the missile go by without taking any action. Are Carriers equipped to defend themselves from missile attack or are they under orders by the administration to surrender in the event of an attack?

Yeah. That's it. They are under orders to surrender to the Iranian Naval fleet. Absolutely!
..... it was an "accident",........

And you don't believe it was an accident?

I'm saying that often there's certain double standards. Imagine, even back then, if Egypt or Iran would have destroyed that vessel and killed those sailors....yes, they'd have been bombed.

Were they or are they one of our most trusted and important allies? Smarten up.

Define "Ally".

No I meant for you to define it, not post a dictionary link.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and Bahrain are supposed to be Allies also....depends what your morals are or whether you even have any morals I suppose. I mean, those are such wonderful nations :rolleyes-41:
Could you be anymore paranoid?
First you claim the US navy was caught with their pants down in the most dangerous naval shipping lane in the world. Then you claim they are just being "paranoid" by being on high alert 24/7.
Which is it dummy?

They shouldn't be there in the first place. In the Middle East I mean, the West in general should never have started meddling in that region to begin with.
It was the main source of energy that fueled our giant economy and comfortable lifestyles during the second half of the 20th Century. We still depend on the oil that comes from that region and hence, there is still a reason to protect our interest there.

"Protecting" "interests" doesn't tend to include invading sovereign nations and bombing them and their people to pieces though....right?
Hey you you might be more lucid than I thought

She loves long as people keep to their kind.
The Iranians are testing Obama to see what he will do.


Why bother? Who doesn't know exactly how feckless and incompetent he is by now?

Ooooooh! He called Obama FECKLESS!!! That's one of the nutbag staple words. Well done!
does than mean the president has no fecks?
Sounds like a good thing to me.

Take a look at Mrs. Horrible President. Probably is a good thing if he has no fecks. After he's out of office he'll be fecking around like crazy.
One possible solution is for aircraft from the Truman to break the sound barrier above the Iranian ship.
Another is ramming speed with the carrier.
Another is a Destroyer, or CG practicing the Mark V across their bow..........

Another is just to blow their asses out of the water.......

I like the later.
Oh look at this the japs [sic] attack and down a U.S. warplane...

The word is "Japanese," genius, and your own quote shows that it was not an "attack," with the deliberateness you intended by using the word.

The word is Japs and take your PC crap that away >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you ignorant racist tub of shit.

Racist my ass, fuck head, say that while standing here. .

Oh look at this the japs [sic] attack and down a U.S. warplane...

The word is "Japanese," genius, and your own quote shows that it was not an "attack," with the deliberateness you intended by using the word.

The word is Japs and take your PC crap that away >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you ignorant racist tub of shit.

Racist my ass, fuck head, say that while standing here. .

View attachment 58278

What does that have to do with you being a racist shithead?
Oh look at this the japs [sic] attack and down a U.S. warplane...

The word is "Japanese," genius, and your own quote shows that it was not an "attack," with the deliberateness you intended by using the word.

The word is Japs and take your PC crap that away >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you ignorant racist tub of shit.

Racist my ass, fuck head, say that while standing here. .

View attachment 58278

What does that have to do with you being a racist shithead?

Oh look at this the japs [sic] attack and down a U.S. warplane...

The word is "Japanese," genius, and your own quote shows that it was not an "attack," with the deliberateness you intended by using the word.

The word is Japs and take your PC crap that away >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you ignorant racist tub of shit.

Racist my ass, fuck head, say that while standing here. .

View attachment 58278

What does that have to do with you being a racist shithead?

The word is "Japanese," genius, and your own quote shows that it was not an "attack," with the deliberateness you intended by using the word.

The word is Japs and take your PC crap that away >>>>>>>>>>>>>
you ignorant racist tub of shit.

Racist my ass, fuck head, say that while standing here. .

View attachment 58278

What does that have to do with you being a racist shithead?



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