Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

Arm yourself to the hilt Israel. There is a country close by that wants to wipe you off the map, and we are backing them 100%. Trust yourself and God only.


What country is that?

wipe you off the map

That was debunked, you know. Looks like you're behind the loop by a decade or more.
Who's the bull shitter now... ahem...

It was debunked. MEMRI did the, ..... (ahem)....."translating" .... for that, if you recall.

MEMRI is a well known Mossad disinformation group.
Arm yourself to the hilt Israel. There is a country close by that wants to wipe you off the map, and we are backing them 100%. Trust yourself and God only.


What country is that?

wipe you off the map

That was debunked, you know. Looks like you're behind the loop by a decade or more.
Who's the bull shitter now... ahem...

It was debunked. MEMRI did the, ..... (ahem)....."translating" .... for that, if you recall.

MEMRI is a well known Mossad disinformation group.
No it wasn't. Now you're a liar.
Why should Israel get rid of its nukes? Has it used them yet?

Not yet, but they are unstable. The only country that talks about the Sampson option, and I believe they are crazy enough to do it.

The worst they could do is use them on batshit crazy Islamists that are out to kill them.

batshit crazy Islamists that are out to kill them


Even if that were true...why do you suppose that is?

WOW! Just imagine? A nuke free Israel would have to GET ALONG with it's neighbors.

What an amazing concept, huh?
Arm yourself to the hilt Israel. There is a country close by that wants to wipe you off the map, and we are backing them 100%. Trust yourself and God only.


What country is that?

wipe you off the map

That was debunked, you know. Looks like you're behind the loop by a decade or more.
Who's the bull shitter now... ahem...

It was debunked. MEMRI did the, ..... (ahem)....."translating" .... for that, if you recall.

MEMRI is a well known Mossad disinformation group.
No it wasn't. Now you're a liar.

I'm not. But, you are. Google "Selective Memri" and stop being a troll.

Never mind...I know you won't look it up.

MEMRI As Mossad Op

MEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

Bobby, I have bifocals, so you don't need to post in super-large text. Your post has no extra credibility because it is in super-large font. I can tell from the beginning that it is complete bullshit.

By the way, the treaty has not been approved by the Senate, so it is premature to even talk about it.

That's an interesting opinion, you can tell it's complete BS, but you're not willing to tell anyone WHY you can tell it is complete BS.

I can tell you are a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Aren't you interested in seeing a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
Bobby, I have bifocals, so you don't need to post in super-large text. Your post has no extra credibility because it is in super-large font. I can tell from the beginning that it is complete bullshit.

By the way, the treaty has not been approved by the Senate, so it is premature to even talk about it.

That's an interesting opinion, you can tell it's complete BS, but you're not willing to tell anyone WHY you can tell it is complete BS.

I can tell you are a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Kerry: Congress Has No Role in Approving Iran Nuclear Deal

Aren't you interested in seeing a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
Kerry is a member of the lawless Obama administration, who believe that the United States Constitution is a dead letter document that is not binding on their raw exercise of power.

You obviously approve of this fascist theory of government that one man has all the power and everyone else has none.

The fact you are engaging in off topic, argumentum ad hominems, (attack the messenger), further proves my point about you being a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Sanctions, boycotts and public pressure eventually saw the end of Apartheid South Africa. If the same principles were used against Israel it would eventually have to fall into line. It is a pariah state but unfortunately many countries and organisations just keep rewarding its bad behavior. It is time the spoilt little child of the Middle East was dished out some discipline.
Perhaps you have ideas on how to "discipline" the Jews of Israel?

See again, post #7.

And please refrain from using buzzwords like the Jews (which are intended to provoke an emotive response). Stick to "Israel".

Didn't I tell you I can tell you are a BSer using BS. lol
You can't tell me what to say. Your hatred of Israel stems from the fact that you hate Jews.
The next President is going to have his hands full dealing with the chaos and insanity Obama has caused with his blundering foreign policy.

This guy actually was given a Nobel Peace Prize before he actually did anything to earn it.

And now it's too late to revoke it from the guy who's mistakes will lead to World War III.
Now we know Bobby is a complete idiot since he thinks Israel has used nuclear weapons against three other countries.
Bobby, I have bifocals, so you don't need to post in super-large text. Your post has no extra credibility because it is in super-large font. I can tell from the beginning that it is complete bullshit.

By the way, the treaty has not been approved by the Senate, so it is premature to even talk about it.

That's an interesting opinion, you can tell it's complete BS, but you're not willing to tell anyone WHY you can tell it is complete BS.

I can tell you are a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Aren't you interested in seeing a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
That's an interesting opinion, you can tell it's complete BS, but you're not willing to tell anyone WHY you can tell it is complete BS.

I can tell you are a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Kerry: Congress Has No Role in Approving Iran Nuclear Deal

Aren't you interested in seeing a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
Kerry is a member of the lawless Obama administration, who believe that the United States Constitution is a dead letter document that is not binding on their raw exercise of power.

You obviously approve of this fascist theory of government that one man has all the power and everyone else has none.

The fact you are engaging in off topic, argumentum ad hominems, (attack the messenger), further proves my point about you being a complete BSer and are completely BSing in this thread.

Sanctions, boycotts and public pressure eventually saw the end of Apartheid South Africa. If the same principles were used against Israel it would eventually have to fall into line. It is a pariah state but unfortunately many countries and organisations just keep rewarding its bad behavior. It is time the spoilt little child of the Middle East was dished out some discipline.
Perhaps you have ideas on how to "discipline" the Jews of Israel?

See again, post #7.

And please refrain from using buzzwords like the Jews (which are intended to provoke an emotive response). Stick to "Israel".

Didn't I tell you I can tell you are a BSer using BS. lol
You can't tell me what to say. Your hatred of Israel stems from the fact that you hate Jews.

LMAO These Jews you mean? I stand with them.


I don't hate Zionists or Israel; but I know Zionists (like you) hate me.

Like I said before. You are the BSer. I could tell before and you're making it obvious now by refusing to stay on topic and continually posting argumentum ad hominems (attack the messenger).
The next President is going to have his hands full dealing with the chaos and insanity Obama has caused with his blundering foreign policy.

This guy actually was given a Nobel Peace Prize before he actually did anything to earn it.

And now it's too late to revoke it from the guy who's mistakes will lead to World War III.

Interesting opinion. Worthless, but interesting.

What threats? One mistranslated sentence from a long gone minister? On the other hand, Israel has been threatening Iran, as well as murdering its scientists, for some years now. Time to let the inspectors into Israel, so it can join the rest of the civilised world.
Why should Israel get rid of its nukes? Has it used them yet?

Several times. Syria, Yemen, and Bali, just off the top of my head.

Israel used nukes several times?
Did they also put LSD in your bottled water?

Yep, your GOD named ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP covered it up, of course.

Conflict of interest, ya know.

Maybe I'll make Israels nuclear victims the topic of my next thread.

Is mental illness common in your family?
Bobby, you're a few bottles short of a six-pack. How is it that no one but a conspiracy blog knows about this nuclear war between Israel and Syria? You would think that SOMEONE would have noticed.
Why should Israel get rid of its nukes? Has it used them yet?

Several times. Syria, Yemen, and Bali, just off the top of my head.

Israel used nukes several times?
Did they also put LSD in your bottled water?

Yep, your GOD named ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP covered it up, of course.

Conflict of interest, ya know.

Maybe I'll make Israels nuclear victims the topic of my next thread.

Is mental illness common in your family?

Play the ... Off topic, argumentum ad hominem (attack the messenger) card, much?

You know what you get when you YAHOO the search term...Israel nuked Bali....?

Over 12 million hits. That means the subject is VIRAL. VIRAL means everybody online knows about it.

Unless, of course the person has their eyes WIDE shut, like yourself.

Bobby, you're a few bottles short of a six-pack. How is it that no one but a conspiracy blog knows about this nuclear war between Israel and Syria? You would think that SOMEONE would have noticed.

A "nuclear war" is when BOTH sides have nukes.

Nuclear terrorism is when only ONE side is using nukes.

As I just posted...when one YAHOO's the search term...Israel nuked Bali...they get over 12 million hits.

So yeah, SOMEBODY has indeed noticed and exposed schitzreal years and years ago....but, people like you will never admit schitzreal is nuking countries.

Why should Israel get rid of its nukes? Has it used them yet?

Several times. Syria, Yemen, and Bali, just off the top of my head.

Israel used nukes several times?
Did they also put LSD in your bottled water?
Israel Has Nuked Syria With 3 Nukes
I read that article ^^^, and I don't agree that the images show irrefutable evidence of a nuclear detonation. But, even is it's true, and all the major media have not reported it, why wouldn't Syria say something? Seriously, if someone just nuked your country you're not going to scream bloody murder? One would think Assad--and Iranian leadership--would be telling this to everyone every chance they get. Why would Iran agree to any limitations for its development of nuclear weapons if they knew Israel has already nuked its neighbor? :dunno:

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