Iran Hits Two Oil Tankers, What Will/Should Trump Do?

The aahollah meets with the Jap prime minister and then attacks a Jap oil tanker. Nice.
Iran is telling the Japanese that if Japan abides by the US sanctions, it will pay dearly for ME oil.
And the US wants Japan to buy oil from anyone else, but not Iran. Right?
I think the message is don't buy any ME oil if you are not buying from Iran.
Yes, that's the Iranian message. Hopefully, the quality of life in Iran will deteriorate enough that the people will take those religious gangsters to the streets and slaughter them.
Do you all remember when the last uprising by the people of Iran took place while Obungo was President and he backed the religious gangsters? That piece of shit showed who he was right there.
The aahollah meets with the Jap prime minister and then attacks a Jap oil tanker. Nice.
Iran is telling the Japanese that if Japan abides by the US sanctions, it will pay dearly for ME oil.
And the US wants Japan to buy oil from anyone else, but not Iran. Right?
I think the message is don't buy any ME oil if you are not buying from Iran.
Yes, that's the Iranian message. Hopefully, the quality of life in Iran will deteriorate enough that the people will take those religious gangsters to the streets and slaughter them.
Even the Dog Folk are oppressed in Iran

There is no proof at this time. No eyewitness reports. No affirmative or denial from Iran. Yet...IRAN!

Iran seems to be denying it.

‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman

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If she floats, she is a witch. If she sinks, she is a dead witch.

I don't see why Iran would go after Tankers in the Gulf... Totally against there interest... Israelis and Saudis would be the big winners...
They wouldn't. The same as Assad doesn't gas his own people, and Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and there were no huge mountain military complexes in Afghanistan manufacturing chemical weapons.
It's another bullshit ploy to get you to support another bullshit war.

Don't know about Assad but the others were all manufactured... As was Vietnam war...

But anyone thinking a bit of Chess would know that the Saudi bombing a Norwegian Ship and pinning it on Iran is perfect for them....

Does anyone think Trump will listen to the Intelligence Services..

LOL, you “don’t know about Assad”? The war with Syria was the most manufactured of them all, with your Hussein leading the way. He supported the “rebels” and called for a “regime change” in Syria when they never attacked us, or any of their neighbors.
Jimmy Carter is responsible for Iran. Weak little man.
Still believing that old stupid lie? Poppy's CIA totally railroaded Carter out.
The only reason he had to wait 8 years to be president is because Reagan came out of nowhere and won the nomination.

The main purpose of Reagan's 2 terms was to set the stage for George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton to systematically transform the US into a globalist corporatocracy.
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There is no proof at this time. No eyewitness reports. No affirmative or denial from Iran. Yet...IRAN!
Bolton and Pompeo's Gulf of Tonkin incident is what they would love.
Take It From an Iraq War Supporter—War With Iran Would Be a Disaster
Disagree. We would have allies. It wouldn't be easy and America would get hurt, but it needs to be done.
One of the BATTLES in the end times involves, Russia, Iran and Turkey as allies, and during the course of the battle, they turn towards Israel to attack it and wipe it off the map. But the entire military force is destroyed as they approach Israel on the mountains of Israel, not by an opposing Military Force, but by Supernatural Means. God does this so that The World will witness it, and know there is a God and have no excuse for rejecting God.

I believe Libya and a couple other Middle Eastern Countries are allied
LOL, you “don’t know about Assad”? The war with Syria was the most manufactured of them all, with your Hussein leading the way. He supported the “rebels” and called for a “regime change” in Syria when they never attacked us, or any of their neighbors.
And don't forget that at least a million refugees fled to Syria from ?
Iraq of course...between 2003 and 2011 probably more.
LOL, you “don’t know about Assad”? The war with Syria was the most manufactured of them all, with your Hussein leading the way. He supported the “rebels” and called for a “regime change” in Syria when they never attacked us, or any of their neighbors.
And don't forget that at least a million refugees fled to Syria from ?
Iraq of course...between 2003 and 2011 probably more.

To bad they didn’t build a wall.
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There is no proof at this time. No eyewitness reports. No affirmative or denial from Iran. Yet...IRAN!

Iran seems to be denying it.

‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman

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/——/ Well if Iran seems to be denying, what the hay. Who are we to question them?
It never fails, if a Republican is President, Satan himself could attack American Interests and dimocrap scum would side with him.

I know dims don't follow news that doesn't include their genitalia, but Iran has been spotted loading armed missiles (torpedoes) onto their light-attack boats.

And the US and Britain have been sending troops and equipment to the Region for over a Month.

And General McKenzie told ABC last week that he believed an Iranian attack was imminent.

the Lying Cocksucker had a chance to end Iran from within shortly after he took Office. Instead, he went on an apology tour, telling the word what people Americans are and left the rebelling Iranians to deal with Iran's murdering troops.

Thanks to the Lying Cocksucker, this beautiful woman will never have children, never have a family of her own.


Because dimocraps are cowards. Always have been, always will be.

I hope Trump begins unrestricted warfare against Iran starting tomorrow

So Trump breaks peace agreement...

Ships get attacked (we don't know by who)

But lets have a war...

We got it... Got young men, they need to get killed... And if they don't Trump can call them names when they get home...

When you goto another needless war this time, could you properly fund the Vet Affairs before hand... You get awkward guys who survive and burden the taxpayers with there problems... Those f*ckers could have just died...

By the way it doesn't take much bravery sending someone else son or daughter to war... How many of the Trump kids are going to see action?

Compare that to Biden? He at least had skin in the game...

the obama/Iran deal was not a peace agreement, it was a surrender to the terrorist regime including sending them billions of our money to use for further terrorist attacks. Damn, you libs are stupid.
No respected journalist newspaper or media around the world or any of our allies agree with your garbage propaganda. who starts that circle of b******* anyway, rush sean Trump? Poor America...

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