Iran Hits Two Oil Tankers, What Will/Should Trump Do?

Wow. I don't even wish that on Trump. What is WRONG with you? You need a vacation free of the internet and television for at least two weeks.

Carter was a treacherous, traitorous, total and complete scumbag.

Traitors occupy the 9th Circle of Hell. You should read more that Maxim once in a while
That was a poem, yannow.

Gosh, Golly, Shucks. Thanks for telling us all that.
Why is it a 'maxim' that an old Italian poet thought being a traitor was worse than being a murderer? That's the Italian guy's opinion.
You are frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal.
Wow. I don't even wish that on Trump. What is WRONG with you? You need a vacation free of the internet and television for at least two weeks.

Carter was a treacherous, traitorous, total and complete scumbag.

Traitors occupy the 9th Circle of Hell. You should read more that Maxim once in a while
That was a poem, yannow.

Gosh, Golly, Shucks. Thanks for telling us all that.
Why is it a 'maxim' that an old Italian poet thought being a traitor was worse than being a murderer? That's the Italian guy's opinion.
You are frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal.

Take a pill
AND if war breaks out they want the "deplorables " in the military to go fight and die for western euros and nip oil supplies


That's the saddest part of fighting for your Country. The cowards, the scum, the dimocrap filth benefit most of all.

But what choice do we have? Do we become what we hate more than any other thing -- dimocrap scum?

dimocrap scum will fight for nothing other than personal gain. They will ambush, they will back-stab, they will sneak-attack. But they will not stand on The Wall and fight.

Never have. Never will.

It has always been up to the best among us to uplift our Country. dimocraps are just human parasites, sucking the life-blood out of the Country.

So what else is new??

Like you have ever even seen a pair of combat boots

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never served
what does that have to do with the left wanting people they call evil deplorables who need to be bred out of existence ...Now they have to go fight and die for western european and japaneese oil supplies ?
Dont you have to get back to attacking right wing christans in and out of uniform ?
you morons should try some consistency and logic
What was Jimmy Carter supposed to do atrack Iran & hope Soviets didn't also invade?

He could have done the entire world a favor and committed suicide.

One of THE worst presidents in human history. A total and complete and utter PIECE OF SHIT.

I hope he dies extremely painfully. A long, slow death.

What's so bad about Carter in the first place?
LBJ , FDR, and W Bush messed up a lot worse than Carter.
Mama Always Said Obama was Gonna Cause Armageddon
Let’s see......

An election is coming up and Trump is trying to start a war
Nothing beats the Patriotism card

Got Bush re-elected
the obama/Iran deal was not a peace agreement, it was a surrender to the terrorist regime including sending them billions of our money to use for further terrorist attacks. Damn, you libs are stupid.

Sending them billions?

U.S. Transferred $1.3 Billion More in Cash to Iran After Initial Payment

Funny, this says otherwise.

My WSJ article documents that Obama sent Iran Billions. Your FactCheck link doesn't comment on that.
It was THEIR MONEY, and NOT OUR Money, and that is where Redfish's comment was wrong.

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a 37-year-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. The remaining $1.3 billion represented estimated interest on the Iranian cash the U.S. had held since the 1970s.

White House officials had said that they believed the U.S. would lose the arbitration case over the initial $400 million payment, made by the last Shah of Iran months before the Islamic Revolution. Such a decision would have made them liable for much more money

US made $1.7 billion transfer to Iran in foreign cash, Treasury says
Shouldn't you be more concerned with covering your ankles and washing your dirty Burkah, yah whore? Iran should have never gotten that money. And should have never gotten interest either. They are a Terrorist State.

Cover your ankles before you make some Iranian blow up a bus full of school kids.

Then Again.......
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Let’s see......

An election is coming up and Trump is trying to start a war
Nothing beats the Patriotism card

Got Bush re-elected
So Trump launched cruise missiles at Japanese Freighters to start a war?

When you suck ISIS dick, does it taste like Obama's Clitoris?
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


I think Trump wants a war, he wants to have “wartime CIC” in the history books after he is dead and gone.

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The problem for the OP is this didn't happen under Obama, it happened under Trump...

Iran knew there was a carrot and a stick... Trump doesn't know the players and is clueless on what he is doing... He might attack but he could be attacking the wrong country, they like false flags down there...

The main problem is Obama was playing Chess and Trump is playing Snap...
Trump Supporters only understand Snap and don't understand Chess...

LOL...Obama was playing Chess. That is flat out hilarious right there. Obama was the absolute worst president in US history with regards to foreign policy...hands down.
The latest I read was that these ships were struck above the water line, indicating that they were hit by missiles not torpedoes.

Whichever it was, there's enough U.S. Navy presence in the Gulf that their equipment should have detected the source...if they didn't it sure makes our Navy ships look vulnerable.

Only the Russians may have stealth assets that our Navy possibly could not detect. I doubt that the Iranians have stealth submarines.

Perhaps these weapons were fired from a source that our Navy has been ordered not to detect?
Probably a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway....

Why does the u.s. need to do anything at all? One was a Norwegian tanker, and the other Japanese. Both carrying Japanese cargo.

The Japanese navy is more than capable of retaliation if they so choose. I guess I'm not seeing why everytime there is a conflict in the world that the u.s. has to stick their nose in it.

It would be one thing if it was an ally and they had no way of defending themselves, but like I said, the Japanese navy is amply capable.
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


I think Trump wants a war, he wants to have “wartime CIC” in the history books after he is dead and gone.

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The problem for the OP is this didn't happen under Obama, it happened under Trump...

Iran knew there was a carrot and a stick... Trump doesn't know the players and is clueless on what he is doing... He might attack but he could be attacking the wrong country, they like false flags down there...

The main problem is Obama was playing Chess and Trump is playing Snap...
Trump Supporters only understand Snap and don't understand Chess...

LOL...Obama was playing Chess. That is flat out hilarious right there. Obama was the absolute worst president in US history with regards to foreign policy...hands down.

I'm not a fan of Obama's foreign policies by any means, but without a doubt Trumps foreign policies make Obama look like a foreign policy genius.

Doing absolutely nothing is a whole lot better totally fucking everything up!
Why does the u.s. need to do anything at all? One was a Norwegian tanker, and the other Japanese. Both carrying Japanese cargo.
Because the shipping lanes and oil supply are matters of our national security.
I can see that, but again, had they attacked American vessels, then I would understand u.s. intervention, but these were not u.s. ships.

If it came to a point where opposing forces were trying to blockade the strait, again, I could see intervention.

I'm just wondering, in this instance...why doesnt Japan handle it.
Never happened under Obama...

Weak Trump..

Might want to stop getting your information from PMSNBC.

Iran harassed and humiliated the US Navy under Obama — here's why it stopped under Trump

Under Obama, Iran SEIZED two Navy vessels.

2016 U.S.–Iran naval incident - Wikipedia

Iran KNEW Obama was a weak clueless Oreo and an embarrassment on the world stage. They would never do this shit with Trump. The boats they attacked were not US vessels. The boats they seized under Obama WERE.
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Why does the u.s. need to do anything at all? One was a Norwegian tanker, and the other Japanese. Both carrying Japanese cargo.
Because the shipping lanes and oil supply are matters of our national security.
I can see that, but again, had they attacked American vessels, then I would understand u.s. intervention, but these were not u.s. ships.

If it came to a point where opposing forces were trying to blockade the strait, again, I could see intervention.

I'm just wondering, in this instance...why doesnt Japan handle it.
Are you sure they're allowed? When North Korea was firing missiles over their heads, I asked the same question and discovered that Japan is still hogtied by restrictions imposed after WWII.
Am I wrong?

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