Iran Hits Two Oil Tankers, What Will/Should Trump Do?

Military industrial Complex and Deep State?

Seems every time we get a new Prez, it's not long before we have a new war?
Loads of money to be made from building bombs and ordinance.

How many Cruise Missiles were sent into Syria? at how much each?

Maybe there's a problem with our government? Don't know?
Jimmy Carter is responsible for Iran. Weak little man.
Still believing that old stupid lie? Poppy's CIA totally railroaded Carter out.
The only reason he had to wait 8 years to be president is because Reagan came out of nowhere and won the nomination.

The main purpose of Reagan's 2 terms was to set the stage for George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton to systematically transform the US into a globalist corporatocracy.
Yep, like I said, Carter was a weak little man.
This has false flag written all over it. Iran has no motive to attack tankers . Pretty much every country in the Mid East would like Iran blamed for this .
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I've got the national anthem on a loop right now!!!!!!!!!!!
Germany also claimed that Poland attacked, and that they were defending themselves.
This has false flag written all over it. Iran has no motive to attack tankers . Pretty much every country in the Mid East would like Iran blamed for this .
I don't know about that, but Saudi Arabia and the Emirates definitely, also Netanyahu.
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates


Well the assholes keep saying they want nukes so I think we should quit screwing around with these clowns and give them some. Right on top of teheran
Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

Well duhhh, Iran has been starting and causing and threatening death to America since the Shah days. I will take their word for it, OK?
Iran would not be threatening death to America if we hadn't funded a coup against Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950's to re-install the Shah.
Iran would not be chanting death to America if we hadn't (CIA), along with Mossad helped form and train the Savak to suppress their religious leaders and torture/imprison thousands of citizens.
Iran hates us because they TRIED to be Democratic and do it the western way and we fucked them.

Well the assholes keep saying they want nukes so I think we should stop screwing around with these clowns and give them some. Right on top of Tehran and if anyone bitches about it, give them some too.
I think that the 'slithering lizard' would get annoyed at your idea , I say , hey , what ever Pompeo , Bolton and President Trump think is best DickF.
This has false flag written all over it. Iran has no motive to attack tankers . Pretty much every country in the Mid East would like Iran blamed for this .
I don't know about that, but Saudi Arabia and the Emirates definitely, also Netanyahu.
Suck Mullah Ayatollah Cock All Day Long, while doing Reach Around Service for Obama and we are supposed to believe anything you say?

Why would The Saudis or Israel attack Japan?
Re-instate the peace agreement...

Trump asked for escalation... He got it... Are ye not happy...

Trump great at stiring it up but where were these ships escort?
Who owns the tanker? They going to cut off their own oil exports. We don't import the stuff anymore so it's not hurting us in any manner. Makes no sense to me. Don't really care.
Both tankers were hit amidship within 30 minutes of each other....torpedoes....could be a false-flag to start something. Wait until signal intel reports who was in the area at the time.
l hope they were not Russian tankers they might have screw up. But then again they are cutting off their own oil shipments or trying to sink a China tanker.Edited: The tanker were from the Free China isles.
We know what obama would do -- Preemptive surrender. But what will Trump do?

We know he is opposed to Foreign Wars. Hates them.

Iran has called his bluff, will he respond in kind??

Of course, the only decent news about almost anything comes from the Foreign Press. The American Press stopped being in the news business decades ago --

Oil tankers hit in fresh 'torpedo attack' in Gulf of Oman amid Iran tensions - live updates

Your government says Iran did it. Given that they have repeatedly lied to, and been believed by, a bunch of simple minded buffoons in the past, there is no reason to believe it will not work again.
Use a rover and side scan sonar. Look for debris of the torpedoes on the sea bed. As well as any parts found internally in the ship.
Find the country of origin and sink their naval fleet.

Poke the tiger, get your throat torn out.

There is no proof at this time. No eyewitness reports. No affirmative or denial from Iran. Yet...IRAN!

Iran said they rescued the sailors when we know thats not the case.
And really who else would do such a thing?
I'm not saying we have definitive proof but Iran is the most likely culprit.
Sounds pretty air tight go with that.
Small Problem... How do you know it is Iran?

Well duhhh, Iran has been starting and causing and threatening death to America since the Shah days. I will take their word for it, OK?
Iran would not be threatening death to America if we hadn't funded a coup against Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950's to re-install the Shah.
Iran would not be chanting death to America if we hadn't (CIA), along with Mossad helped form and train the Savak to suppress their religious leaders and torture/imprison thousands of citizens.
Iran hates us because they TRIED to be Democratic and do it the western way and we fucked them.
Why did we do that, Tijn Von Ingersleben ?
ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY – Encyclopaedia Iranica
Very informative, but I didn't really want to read anything that lengthy and detailed. It's good to have the sources of your statements, though.
So, short answer, to my question "Why?" - Oil for the U.S. Iran was declaring its independence from Britain, and was wanting to do what it pleased with its own resources (oil). Britain AND America said no way. The leader we deposed must have been a nationalist unwilling to play ball. After the new leader was installed, America received 40% of Iran's oil.
Do I have that right, Tijn Von Ingersleben ? I skimmed.
You are in the ball park. It is the same story as many other places before. The sad part was that Iran was really pro western standard in the 1950's.
Almost ALL of these problems in the middle east are the result of western and Israeli meddling.

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