Iran Hosts Conference on ‘Police Brutality Against Blacks in America’


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
:uhh: The mullah's following Obama's lead...


Iran is hosting a three-day conference this week focusing on “police brutality against blacks in America,” according to the event announcement.

Foreign Desk reported that the event’s organizer, Nader Talebzadeh, told an Iranian news outlet that he had extended invitations to the conference to 30 “anti-Israel blacks” from the United States. He said that the conference, beginning Monday, would feature “human rights defenders” and “social activists.”

“Blacks in America are the only group who utilize their right to protest, and Iran is the perfect place to host them and to initiate a direct relationship with this segment of the American population,” Talebzadeh said.

“This will be the start of a relationship based on culture, diplomacy, and revolution. We hope to serve as an international example,” Talebzadeh explained, noting that the treatment of African Americans at the hands of police is important to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei has previously accused U.S. law enforcement of using “cruel might” against blacks.

Iran Hosts Conference on ‘Police Brutality Against Blacks in America’
FFS, are they doing this in the same building they are hanging Christian's and gays?
As they say do as I say not as I do. Then again maybe Al and the gang will attend:)
This is pretty funny stuff. Is this conference going to held in a 8x10 room? That 's about the space they'll need for the crowd they'll attract and that's after they set up the head table and the podium!
Those crazy Iranians, they'll do damn near anything for a laugh!
I hope that Iran does not invade us to stop the "brutality". Obama will surrender us to them and we will become part of the caliphate.
:uhh: The mullah's following Obama's lead...


Iran is hosting a three-day conference this week focusing on “police brutality against blacks in America,” according to the event announcement.

Foreign Desk reported that the event’s organizer, Nader Talebzadeh, told an Iranian news outlet that he had extended invitations to the conference to 30 “anti-Israel blacks” from the United States. He said that the conference, beginning Monday, would feature “human rights defenders” and “social activists.”

“Blacks in America are the only group who utilize their right to protest, and Iran is the perfect place to host them and to initiate a direct relationship with this segment of the American population,” Talebzadeh said.

“This will be the start of a relationship based on culture, diplomacy, and revolution. We hope to serve as an international example,” Talebzadeh explained, noting that the treatment of African Americans at the hands of police is important to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei has previously accused U.S. law enforcement of using “cruel might” against blacks.

Iran Hosts Conference on ‘Police Brutality Against Blacks in America’
Typical Muslim
Damn even Iran is more concerned about Police brutality than republicans are.
When was the last time you exercised your "right to protest" by burning police cruisers, beating whites senseless, and looting storefronts? :dunno:
You're right... it's been too long! See you in 3 hours mothafuckas!!! WOOOOO!!!
This is pretty funny stuff. Is this conference going to held in a 8x10 room? That 's about the space they'll need for the crowd they'll attract and that's after they set up the head table and the podium!
Those crazy Iranians, they'll do damn near anything for a laugh!
They're not doing it for laughs, they're doing gain support from wacko, leftist, anarchist ,groups like "Black lives matter"
Damn even Iran is more concerned about Police brutality than republicans are.
Leftist love the mullah's more than conservative Americas. :uhoh3:

Conservatives share far more beliefs and opinions with the Mullah's than who you call "leftists."

Leftist are tyrannical. They like people subservient to the government. Which is why they flavor radical muslims over Christians, but you already knew that :slap::slap:
Damn even Iran is more concerned about Police brutality than republicans are.
Leftist love the mullah's more than conservative Americas. :uhoh3:

Conservatives share far more beliefs and opinions with the Mullah's than who you call "leftists."

Leftist are tyrannical. They like people subservient to the government. Which is why they flavor radical muslims over Christians, but you already knew that :slap::slap:
Lol okay. Go on pretending "leftists" haven't fought for centuries in this country to win rights that are frowned upon in the Koran AND Bible. Radical Christians in this country share far more beliefs with the radical Islamists in the middle east than they care to admit.

But you already knew all that. :slap:

Damn even Iran is more concerned about Police brutality than republicans are.
Leftist love the mullah's more than conservative Americas. :uhoh3:

Conservatives share far more beliefs and opinions with the Mullah's than who you call "leftists."

Leftist are tyrannical. They like people subservient to the government. Which is why they flavor radical muslims over Christians, but you already knew that :slap::slap:
Lol okay. Go on pretending "leftists" haven't fought for centuries in this country to win rights that are frowned upon in the Koran AND Bible. Radical Christians in this country share far more beliefs with the radical Islamists in the middle east than they care to admit.

But you already knew all that. :slap:


Leftist think saving unborn babies is worst than executing Gay people:uhoh3: Why do you and Obama favor the mullahs?
Damn even Iran is more concerned about Police brutality than republicans are.
Leftist love the mullah's more than conservative Americas. :uhoh3:

Conservatives share far more beliefs and opinions with the Mullah's than who you call "leftists."

Leftist are tyrannical. They like people subservient to the government. Which is why they flavor radical muslims over Christians, but you already knew that :slap::slap:
Lol okay. Go on pretending "leftists" haven't fought for centuries in this country to win rights that are frowned upon in the Koran AND Bible. Radical Christians in this country share far more beliefs with the radical Islamists in the middle east than they care to admit.

But you already knew all that. :slap:


Leftist think saving unborn babies is worst than executing Gay people:uhoh3: Why do you and Obama favor the mullahs?
Actually that's not true at all. Which you know of course.

But since you changed the subject I guess you ran out of arguments. Oh well.

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