Iran is close to getting a nuke

Indeed it is for everyone...but when you have 1 country with a monopoly on nuclear weapons in a region that is dangerous for everyone in the region. Another nation with them evens the playing field quite a bit.
We better bomb the shit out of em NOW! I mean, look what happened when we let N. Korea get a nuke!

Oh wait, never mind.
Israel has had nuclear capability for more than 50 years and has used it in the best way possible as a deterrent only In the same period of time ---muslims have genocided more than 20 million people out of existence in honor of their religion and with no nuclear bombs The possession of nuclear weapons by pakistan has rendered the pakistanis INCREASINGLY VIOLENT in their favorite mode TERRORISM

Keep in mind ---you read it here----As soon as the Iranians find themselves in possession of nuclear weapons they will ramp up the activity of their TERRORISM FOR THEIR 'god' PROGRAM---to wit HEZBOLLAH
1992: Israeli member of parliament Binyamin Netanyahu predicts that Iran was “3 to 5 years” from having a nuclear weapon.
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an Iranian nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV.
1995: The New York Times quotes US and Israeli officials saying that Iran would have the bomb by 2000.
1998: Donald Rumsfeld tells Congress that Iran could have an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the US by 2003.

OMG. Quick, invent time travel so we can nip back to '92 and stop them.

Are the US public so stupid as to believe Israel and the US right wing after this many lies?
an inaccurate prediction is not a "LIE" The good news is that if and when war breaks out----people get to CHOOSE SIDES Those eager to lick the asses of the ayatoilets may do so
1992: Israeli member of parliament Binyamin Netanyahu predicts that Iran was “3 to 5 years” from having a nuclear weapon.
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an Iranian nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV.
1995: The New York Times quotes US and Israeli officials saying that Iran would have the bomb by 2000.
1998: Donald Rumsfeld tells Congress that Iran could have an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the US by 2003.

OMG. Quick, invent time travel so we can nip back to '92 and stop them.

Are the US public so stupid as to believe Israel and the US right wing after this many lies?

Yes. I mean seriously as a whole the American people are stupid. They gave Bush 2 terms and looks like 2 terms for Obama as well...just to point out the obvious things.
an inaccurate prediction is not a "LIE" The good news is that if and when war breaks out----people get to CHOOSE SIDES Those eager to lick the asses of the ayatoilets may do so

Given those were 'inaccurate', why should anyone believe the new ones are accurate?
Iran Ready to Double Nuclear Output: UN...
Iran ready to double nuclear work in bunker: IAEA[]b
Nov 16, 2012 - It's ready to fire up reactors in underground facility
Iran is set to sharply expand its uranium enrichment in an underground plant after installing all the centrifuges it was built for, a U.N. report said, a move likely to increase Western alarm about Tehran's nuclear course. It also showed that Iran's stockpile of its most sensitive nuclear material - which could relatively quickly be processed further to bomb-grade uranium - had grown and was getting closer to an amount that could be sufficient for a nuclear weapon. The latest quarterly International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on Iran came 10 days after the re-election of U.S. President Barack Obama, which raised hopes for a revival of nuclear diplomacy with Iran following speculation that Israel might attack the nuclear facilities of its arch-enemy soon.

But the U.N. watchdog's findings underlined the tough task facing world powers seeking to pressure Iran to curb atomic activity they fear is aimed at developing a nuclear weapons capability, a charge Tehran denies. "The report paints the picture of Iran's continued lack of cooperation with the IAEA, and details its continued enrichment and installation of centrifuges in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions," a senior Western diplomat said. The Islamic state has put in place the nearly 2,800 centrifuges that the Fordow enrichment site, buried deep inside a mountain, was designed for, and is poised to double the number of them operating to roughly 1,400 from 700 now, according to the confidential IAEA report. "They can be started any day. They are ready," a senior diplomat familiar with the IAEA's investigation said. If Iran chose to dedicate the new machines to produce higher-grade uranium, it could significantly shorten the time required for any bid to build an atomic bomb. Iran says it needs to refine uranium to make reactor fuel.

In another potentially worrying development for the West, Iran appears to have virtually stopped converting this uranium into making civilian reactor fuel since the previous report. As a result, the stockpile of uranium gas refined to a fissile concentration of 20 percent increased by nearly 50 percent to 135 kg, the latest report said, still below the level of 200-250 kg experts say would be sufficient for an atomic bomb if refined further. "This puts added pressure on the West's diplomacy with Iran, which has to operate on a tighter schedule," said research fellow Shashank Joshi at the Royal United Services Institute. Israel has recently signaled that an attack on Iran was not imminent - after months of talk that it might be on the cards soon - by pointing to Iran's decision earlier this year to use part of its 20 percent uranium for civilian purposes. "As Iran's 20 percent stockpile approaches around 240 kg, the Israeli saber-rattling will resume," Joshi said.


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