Iran leaders are all Jewish .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
This info is from a 2019 paper but is very relevant now. Particularly if the current escalation leads to a wider Middle Eastern war .
The basis of the report is that all Iranese leaders since at least the 11th century have been Jewish .
This leads to some very interesting possible speculation which you can expand on if you wish and if you DYOR starting by reading the full report .

There are 30 detailed historical pages of pdf, source at foot. Iā€™ve copied and pasted a couple of snippets

Note: ā€œKomneneā€ is the Middle Eastern version of ā€œCohenā€

From page 1:

ā€œBut it got me thinking about Iran and its rulers ā€“ who they are and where they came from. So letā€™s take
a turn through the mainstream bios with our eyes open, and see what we see. As it turns out,
theyā€™re all Jewish. They are not ā€œArabā€ or ā€œPersianā€ or ā€œMiddle Easternā€. These are all just
broad ethnic terms that signify nothing. They are used merely to keep you off the scent. And
none of Iranā€™s leaders are Muslim, either. Most of Islamā€™s top clerics and religious leaders have
been placed there to control the religion and keep its adherents focused on the wrong things.
They are doing the same thing with Christianity in the West. See the Pope, Billy Graham, the
faith dealers, etc. So this paper is just more evidence that Islamic extremism isnā€™t a real thing,
nor has Iran ever been a nuclear threat.

The current Supreme Leader of Iran is Ali Khamenei. Since the Iranian Revolution of 1979
which overthrew the last imperial Shah, there have been two Supreme Leaders: Ruhollah
Khomeini (1979 ā€“ 1989) and Ali Khamenei (1989 ā€“ present). We pronounce their names the
same in English, and having heard the names frequently throughout my life, I had always
assumed these Iranian leaders were related. When I ask Google if theyā€™re related, Iā€™m told the
names sound very different in the Persian language, and they are both place names referring to
two distant towns where the two Supreme Leaders trace their family roots. Letā€™s unwind that.
Khamenei means ā€œfrom Khamanehā€, a town in the Azerbaijan province of Iran, in the northwest.
If you havenā€™t looked at a map of the Middle East recently, this is the area of Iran that borders
Armenia. Khamaneh is only 80 miles south of the Armenian border. Why is that important?
Because the crypto-Jewish Komnene family that infiltrated all the European thrones are from
Armenia. See Milesā€™ paper on the Crusades if you donā€™t know what I am talking about. In fact,
the Komneneā€™s Byzantine empire at one point encompassed present-day northwest Iran where
Khamaneh is located. Thatā€™s fairly strong evidence that the town itself was named in tribute to its
rulers, the Komnenes. The town can also be spelled Khāmneh or Khumna. Is it possible that the
Supreme Leader Khamenei is actually a Komnene? This would mean the mainstream story is
reversing the truth about his name. His family isnā€™t named for the town; the town is named for
his family.ā€

From page 5:

ā€œSo far, Iā€™ve demonstrated ā€“ without more than a few scrolls through Wikipedia ā€“ that Iran has
been ruled by Jews since at least the eleventh century, and that all rulers have been, in one way
or another, Komnenes. Before I get to the next chapter ā€“ the Pahlavi dynasty ā€“ let me briefly
remind you that since the 1979 revolution Iran has been ruled by two leaders whose names are
Khomeini and Khamenei. Knowing what we now know, does it still seem so far-fetched that
these latest rulers might also be Komnenes? Is it really far-fetched to assume that a dynasty that
had been in place for more than eight centuries might still be in place today? I donā€™t think so.ā€

Of couse many Americans and Jewish people will instantly be horrified by such taboo and "impossible" thinking .
Tough . Look for substance not hurt feelings ..
Can you imagine the reaction by the Racist Nazi Trolls on the site with blind allegiance to the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .
Exploding mini brains everywhere .

Read carefully and this will help avoiding a very simple error .
Very careless Mr Galt .
Perhaps over stressed if you continue to be a reformed character -- non smoker

Right. And Hitler was actually a "Joo", the Joos were really the ones behind 9/11, Dick Cheney was really a "Joo" and his Halliburton Weather Machine built by Joos was what caused Hurricane Katrina, and the Joos were behind the Kennedy assassination because there were Texas Joos on the grassy knoll with their Joo rifles.

Niggah pleeze. Now show me your titties.
Predictably Jews here are in complete denial and apparently do not have the intellectual courage to even try to digest the full 30 page paper .
It is a sad indictment of the position we have reached that one small ethnic group has built itself on the obvious absurdity of it being a Chosen race , and with the tentacles to ensure that this is never questioned along with their true history .
There even was one poster here who called into question that much of the modern roots of Judaism are embedded in Khazarian history .
Hasbara type misinformation at its most obvious .

Jewish people must be more honest about their full back history , praising and extolling its many good features, but rooting out the monstrous Evil that has allowed someone like Nutty Yahoo to have any sort of following .
Well, Jews lived in Persia since the Babylonian exile... Right up to the 1960s. They probably share DNA.
right----such is the nature of species that interbreed in nature.
Homo sapiens are ALL interbred.
Nobody will have read the 30 page paper .

The plot is that the Jewish peoples have infiltrated just about every piece of the planet and as such represent the modern Deep State . Here Iran is dealt with scholastically .

The very detailed accuracy of past claimed ethnicity is frankly completely irrelevant .
The key to the paper is seeing how groups in this area broadly alligned themselves to the Jewish positon AND WHY .

It is for example an absolute waste of time to argue details of the Khazars 1200 years ago when the simple fact is that they all became Fake Jews to avoid themselves being seen as either Pro Roman or Pro Ottoman and then being over- run by one or the other side .
Instead , they pretended to independence and told any lie to preserve cover . Pragmatic .Left alone .

But if Iran's leaders all have known Jewish bloodlines , that throws up staggering possibilities
Nobody will have read the 30 page paper .

The plot is that the Jewish peoples have infiltrated just about every piece of the planet and as such represent the modern Deep State . Here Iran is dealt with scholastically .

The very detailed accuracy of past claimed ethnicity is frankly completely irrelevant .
The key to the paper is seeing how groups in this area broadly alligned themselves to the Jewish positon AND WHY .

It is for example an absolute waste of time to argue details of the Khazars 1200 years ago when the simple fact is that they all became Fake Jews to avoid themselves being seen as either Pro Roman or Pro Ottoman and then being over- run by one or the other side .
Instead , they pretended to independence and told any lie to preserve cover . Pragmatic .Left alone .

But if Iran's leaders all have known Jewish bloodlines , that throws up staggering possibilities

The Khazars were big slavers. Jews cannot enslave other Jews.

The Crimea, a peninsula lying in the Northern part of the Black Sea at the juncture of trade routes from Europe to the East, has been inhabited by representatives of various ethnic groups and confessions since ancient times.

The Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Goths, Alans, Khazars, Cumans, Ottoman Turks, Crimean Tatars, and Russians succeeded one another in the struggle According to some estimates, in the first half of the sev- enteenth century the number of the captives taken to the Crimea was around 150,000ā€“200,000 persons.

According to the most recent study by Darjusz Kołodziejczyk, based on the authorā€™s comprehensive examination of varied source material, a number of captives transported by the Crimean Tatars from Poland-Lithuania and Russia (not including the Caucasus) approached 10,000 per annum, that is two million for the period between 1500 and 1700.

Thus, the Black Sea slave trade was fully comparable in size with the Atlantic slave trade of the same period (ca. two million between 1451 and 1600), and declined only in the eighteenth century.
Last edited:
Muslims have a 'Jewish hiding'

to excuse every degeneracy

for the "glory of Islam"...


This info is from a 2019 paper but is very relevant now. Particularly if the current escalation leads to a wider Middle Eastern war .
The basis of the report is that all Iranese leaders since at least the 11th century have been Jewish .
This leads to some very interesting possible speculation which you can expand on if you wish and if you DYOR starting by reading the full report .

There are 30 detailed historical pages of pdf, source at foot. Iā€™ve copied and pasted a couple of snippets

Note: ā€œKomneneā€ is the Middle Eastern version of ā€œCohenā€

From page 1:

ā€œBut it got me thinking about Iran and its rulers ā€“ who they are and where they came from. So letā€™s take
a turn through the mainstream bios with our eyes open, and see what we see. As it turns out,
theyā€™re all Jewish. They are not ā€œArabā€ or ā€œPersianā€ or ā€œMiddle Easternā€. These are all just
broad ethnic terms that signify nothing. They are used merely to keep you off the scent. And
none of Iranā€™s leaders are Muslim, either. Most of Islamā€™s top clerics and religious leaders have
been placed there to control the religion and keep its adherents focused on the wrong things.
They are doing the same thing with Christianity in the West. See the Pope, Billy Graham, the
faith dealers, etc. So this paper is just more evidence that Islamic extremism isnā€™t a real thing,
nor has Iran ever been a nuclear threat.

The current Supreme Leader of Iran is Ali Khamenei. Since the Iranian Revolution of 1979
which overthrew the last imperial Shah, there have been two Supreme Leaders: Ruhollah
Khomeini (1979 ā€“ 1989) and Ali Khamenei (1989 ā€“ present). We pronounce their names the
same in English, and having heard the names frequently throughout my life, I had always
assumed these Iranian leaders were related. When I ask Google if theyā€™re related, Iā€™m told the
names sound very different in the Persian language, and they are both place names referring to
two distant towns where the two Supreme Leaders trace their family roots. Letā€™s unwind that.
Khamenei means ā€œfrom Khamanehā€, a town in the Azerbaijan province of Iran, in the northwest.
If you havenā€™t looked at a map of the Middle East recently, this is the area of Iran that borders
Armenia. Khamaneh is only 80 miles south of the Armenian border. Why is that important?
Because the crypto-Jewish Komnene family that infiltrated all the European thrones are from
Armenia. See Milesā€™ paper on the Crusades if you donā€™t know what I am talking about. In fact,
the Komneneā€™s Byzantine empire at one point encompassed present-day northwest Iran where
Khamaneh is located. Thatā€™s fairly strong evidence that the town itself was named in tribute to its
rulers, the Komnenes. The town can also be spelled Khāmneh or Khumna. Is it possible that the
Supreme Leader Khamenei is actually a Komnene? This would mean the mainstream story is
reversing the truth about his name. His family isnā€™t named for the town; the town is named for
his family.ā€

From page 5:

ā€œSo far, Iā€™ve demonstrated ā€“ without more than a few scrolls through Wikipedia ā€“ that Iran has
been ruled by Jews since at least the eleventh century, and that all rulers have been, in one way
or another, Komnenes. Before I get to the next chapter ā€“ the Pahlavi dynasty ā€“ let me briefly
remind you that since the 1979 revolution Iran has been ruled by two leaders whose names are
Khomeini and Khamenei. Knowing what we now know, does it still seem so far-fetched that
these latest rulers might also be Komnenes? Is it really far-fetched to assume that a dynasty that
had been in place for more than eight centuries might still be in place today? I donā€™t think so.ā€

Of couse many Americans and Jewish people will instantly be horrified by such taboo and "impossible" thinking .
Tough . Look for substance not hurt feelings ..
Can you imagine the reaction by the Racist Nazi Trolls on the site with blind allegiance to the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .
Exploding mini brains everywhere .

Any nation beholden to the Rothchild Banking Cartel is beholden to "the Joos." They virtually run the entire world through usury interest. As the Bible says: "The borrower is a slave to the lender." The vast majority of Biden's Cabinet are "Chosen Ones." This causes a dilemma with them who worship "the Joos." If they insist that "the Joos" are "God's chosen" then they have no choice but to support Biden's advisors.

Here are some more "Chosen Ones" we're all called upon to worship:

George Soros
Klaus Schwab
Anthony Weiner
Harvey Weinstein
Mark Zuckerberg
Diane Feinstein
Jeffery Epstein
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Karl Marx

And the list is MUCH longer than that but you get the point. It'll be a cold day in hell when I pay an ounce of homage to these dangerous and deranged "Chosen Ones."
I am fascinated---where does it say in "the bible"---
"the borrower is a slave to the lender" ??? ANYONE?
Any nation beholden to the Rothchild Banking Cartel is beholden to "the Joos." They virtually run the entire world through usury interest. As the Bible says: "The borrower is a slave to the lender." The vast majority of Biden's Cabinet are "Chosen Ones." This causes a dilemma with them who worship "the Joos." If they insist that "the Joos" are "God's chosen" then they have no choice but to support Biden's advisors.

Here are some more "Chosen Ones" we're all called upon to worship:

George Soros
Klaus Schwab
Anthony Weiner
Harvey Weinstein
Mark Zuckerberg
Diane Feinstein
Jeffery Epstein
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Karl Marx

And the list is MUCH longer than that but you get the point. It'll be a cold day in hell when I pay an ounce of homage to these dangerous and deranged "Chosen Ones."

In the Art of the Deal Trump had a very different take on debt.

He said if you borrow enough money, you own the lender.

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