Iran put on notice

So how long does this notice last? Can Iran go to bed now?
Iran has been "put on notice", whatever the fuck that means, which is absolutely NOTHING. Iran tested a missile and Trump did nothing. Putting them on notice. Pathetic.

He's in office 2 whole fucking weeks. Had he attacked iran or moved a carrier group into the Gulf liberal trash like you would have been screaming "he's a war monger!"

Just go away.
Trump could not get his first Navy Seal 6 raid to grab some computers from an al Qaeda house right. What's he really gonna do against Iran? Is Trumpty Dumpty going to break up the US led Coalition with Iraq and Iran in driving ISIS out of Mosul. ISIS Is on the run in Iraq with much assistance from Iran. Is Trumpty Dumpty going to jeopardize are side in the battle we are winning for some blowhard warmongering points against Iran. And Trumpty and his minions here apparently dont know that testing missiles was never part of the nuclear deal.

Iran: Missile tests not in violation of nuclear deal

When saber rattling and war mongering is a must for wing nuts you ought to at least get your facts straight. The tests have nothing to do with the great nuclear deal achieved in 2015,

iran is FAR worse than ISIS, by 1,000 times. And no one claimed the ICBM tests have anything to do with the nuke agreement, it is a UNSC resolution that iran is violating. Keep throwing out strawmen to pretend you're intelligent or have any facts.
Spot On. Iran has no interest in war with the US. It has absolutely nothing to gain. It knows it can't possibly win. I think most Americans just assume that all Iranians are stupid. It's American arrogance. It's a country that has successfully developed nuclear technology. They're far from being stupid. Why would it attack the US, knowing it would result in their destruction?

Iran is an emerging powerhouse in the region. It's flexing its muscles. It's letting the world know it's arrived. It's demanding respect. And honestly, if the US hadn't committed the Iraq War blunder, Iran wouldn't be in the powerful position it's in today. The Iraq War handed Iraq over to the Shiites, who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's why i say we need to begin moving towards a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Our constant meddling has set the region ablaze. We need to scale things back bigtime.

iran is also conducting terrorism and wars across the mideast and world. Its current diseased regime must be destroyed or there will be millions more refugees heading into Europe.
Spot On. Iran has no interest in war with the US. It has absolutely nothing to gain. It knows it can't possibly win. I think most Americans just assume that all Iranians are stupid. It's American arrogance. It's a country that has successfully developed nuclear technology. They're far from being stupid. Why would it attack the US, knowing it would result in their destruction?

Iran is an emerging powerhouse in the region. It's flexing its muscles. It's letting the world know it's arrived. It's demanding respect. And honestly, if the US hadn't committed the Iraq War blunder, Iran wouldn't be in the powerful position it's in today. The Iraq War handed Iraq over to the Shiites, who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's why i say we need to begin moving towards a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Our constant meddling has set the region ablaze. We need to scale things back bigtime.

iran is also conducting terrorism and wars across the mideast and world. Its current diseased regime must be destroyed or there will be millions more refugees heading into Europe.

Iran is no threat to the US. It doesn't have the capabilities to be a threat. There is no nation currently on earth that can pose a serious threat to the US. There is no other military even close. Iran just realizes that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are planning to attack. It has to build up its defenses. That's just common sense.

But Iran is an emerging powerhouse in the region. And unfortunately, we've helped that happen. The Iraq War blunder helped the Shiites immensely. It handed the country over to them. And now, Iran is just reaping the huge rewards. It's just another bloody price we pay for meddling so much. When will it end?
Boy are you guys going to be red-faced that you spunked in your jeans over what will turn out to be just some more sanctions. :lol:

"But he sounded really tough when he did it!"
Yes, I'm quoting my psychic self.

Treasury Department announcing sanctions against Iran Friday morning -

The Treasury Department said it was applying sanctions on 25 individuals and companies connected to Iran's ballistic missile program and those providing support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Qods Force. That included three separate networks linked to supporting the missile program, which the US opposes.

Gee, that sound EXACTLY like what Obama did to Putin's friends! And the pseudocons to this day claim Obama did NOTHING.

Well, it appears Trump is as limp-dicked as he.
Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price

They HAVE been attacking their neighbors for DECADES.

Yet the back-stabbing viper who just left office made certain the 7th century savages would have nuclear weapons.

This, of course, after promising he'd not let that happen.
Treasury Department announcing sanctions against Iran Friday morning -

The Treasury Department said it was applying sanctions on 25 individuals and companies connected to Iran's ballistic missile program and those providing support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Qods Force. That included three separate networks linked to supporting the missile program, which the US opposes.

Gee, that sound EXACTLY like what Obama did to Putin's friends! And the pseudocons to this day claim Obama did NOTHING. Well, it appears Trump is as limp-dicked as he.
Dude...why are you even commenting on Iran? You got completely and totally humiliated in another thread insisting that Obama's obvious ransom payment for hostages was "not" and that it was (and I quote) "Iran's money already" only to have both Obama's state department and his own press secretary acknowledge it was in fact a ransom payment.

If I embarrassed myself to that degree on Iran - I would avoid any and all threads on Iran. You have 0 credibility snowflake. Literally 0. When you post - most people just skip over it. The few who do read your nonsense just laugh. I'm assuming you post just to see your own words on the page?
All those wanting Drumplethinskin 's war with Iran....go sign up now...or sign up your children....have fun.
All of those who are cowards and not willing to accept what America must do to secure liberty and ultimately long term peace - go renounce your citizenship now and take your children with you. Have fun living in Cuba or Jamaica.
Oh goody, more miserable war. Can't wait. Man, i sure hope Trump doesn't allow the Warmongers to drag him into more bloody quagmire wars. I hope he resists.

Actually, it may prevent one. Obama should never have trusted Iran. He ensured that they have the strength and money to pose a bigger threat. It was an incredibly stupid thing he did and they never had any intention of living up to their promises.
Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price

They HAVE been attacking their neighbors for DECADES.
Yet the back-stabbing viper who just left office made certain the 7th century savages would have nuclear weapons.

This, of course, after promising he'd not let that happen.
Don't forget overthrowing Mubarak in Egypt and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in taking power. Then doing the same thing with Gaddafi in Libya. Then attempting to do the same thing with Assad in Syria (only to have it fail once Putin and Russia stepped in). Or doing everything possible to alienate and offend Israel.

Nobody worked harder to advance the cause of muslims than Barack Obama. He made sure they were well armed, well funded, and in control of as many nations as possible.
Oh goody, more miserable war. Can't wait. Man, i sure hope Trump doesn't allow the Warmongers to drag him into more bloody quagmire wars. I hope he resists.
You mean like Barack Obama did? Overthrowing Mubarak in Egypt (and assisting the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood in taking control). Then overthrowing Gaddafi in Libya and losing more Americans there. Then losing more in Yemen. And how about his work in Syria?

Yeah - nobody invaded more countries, unconstitutionally waged war (since only Congress can declare war), and dragged the U.S. into more "bloody quagmires" than Barack Hussein Obama.
Treasury Department announcing sanctions against Iran Friday morning -

The Treasury Department said it was applying sanctions on 25 individuals and companies connected to Iran's ballistic missile program and those providing support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Qods Force. That included three separate networks linked to supporting the missile program, which the US opposes.

Gee, that sound EXACTLY like what Obama did to Putin's friends! And the pseudocons to this day claim Obama did NOTHING. Well, it appears Trump is as limp-dicked as he.
Dude...why are you even commenting on Iran? You got completely and totally humiliated in another thread insisting that Obama's obvious ransom payment for hostages was "not" and that it was (and I quote) "Iran's money already" only to have both Obama's state department and his own press secretary acknowledge it was in fact a ransom payment.

WTF are you talking about, tard? You never showed any such thing.

The Iranians' money was held until the hostages' release was arranged, not the other way around. The return of the money was part of the nuclear agreement, and our government added a further condition afterwards, vis a vis the release of the hostages.

Nice try, retard. Fail.

If I embarrassed myself to that degree on Iran - I would avoid any and all threads on Iran. You have 0 credibility snowflake. Literally 0. When you post - most people just skip over it. The few who do read your nonsense just laugh. I'm assuming you post just to see your own words on the page?
I'm sorry Trump is behaving just like Obama. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I told you tards you would be red-faced that you spunked in your jeans over what would turn out to be just some more sanctions. :lol:

"But he sounded really tough when he did it!"

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