Iran put on notice

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved

They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price
Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved

They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price
That there is some funny shit....:lol:
Bush effectively put Iraq on notice in 2002.

You people really want a Bush repeat, only worse?
Bush won by a landslide in the 2016 presidential election. He will be the best president ever.
I look forward to all those supporting going to war with Iran either signing up to fight themselves or giving their children over for cannon-fodder.
We know. A coward like you will hide behind the freedom they provide for you and saw off the hand that feeds you.
I look forward to all those supporting going to war with Iran either signing up to fight themselves or giving their children over for cannon-fodder.

And I look forward to the mentally weak like you joining the police force the next time you complain about crime, joining a street work crew the next time you whine about potholes, and becoming a sewer worker the next time you complain there's a flood in your neighborhood.

When your IQ is magically somehow tripled and you're able to offer an intelligent response, please let us know.
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I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

I'll ask you again, does the Iranian Leadership make their decisions based upon your values, or their Religion?

You're just not getting it. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense. Americans are being lied to. Iran doesn't have the capabilities to fight a war with the US. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US have basically pledged to attack Iran at some point. It has no choice but to defend itself. That's the position the US has put them in. It's why we need to disengage from the Middle East. It's time to get out. We've done enough damage over there.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows the Mullahs are expecting to have a nuclear bomb ASAP.
The day they have one they will start attempting to use the bomb to blackmail the 'sane' world leaders into dropping ALL sanctions. Declare the entire Strait of Hormuz Iranian territory.
And threaten Israel.
These are not the actions of a country who wants to live peacefully with its neighbors.
Iran WILL be prevented from making nuclear way or another.
No we didn't. Bush lost the war. The surge failed. There wasn't even supposed to have been need for a surge. What a joke that war was. The GOP is itching to fuck up another war, this time with Iran. My money is on Iran humiliating Trumptard. They get a nuke, and OrangeBabyMan can't do a thing to stop them. Look at what's already happened. An Iranian missle test is answered with a sternly worded lecture . Oooooooohhhh. I bet Iran is shaking in their boots. Pfffffft.

But but but the leftist trash like you claimed iran wasn't building nuclear weapons....claiming that "you have no proof" they are building them. Then when proven they are, your next idiocy will be "well Israel has them, so they should be allowed to have them..."

People like like are what makes the world suck, because your IQ is really, really low.
Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved

They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price

You make Iran out to be a sensible regime
I look forward to all those supporting going to war with Iran either signing up to fight themselves or giving their children over for cannon-fodder.

And I look forward to the mentally weak like you joining the police force the next time you complain about crime, joining a street work crew the next time you whine about potholes, and becoming a sewer worker the next time you complain there's a flood in your neighborhood.

When your IQ is magically somehow tripled and you're able to offer an intelligent response, please let us know.
I did my 21 years serving this already and still great country......and you?
SassyIrishLass, post: 16472224
Iran will soon find out they are playing with a different president than Ears who they played like a fiddle.

Trump could not get his first Navy Seal 6 raid to grab some computers from an al Qaeda house right.

What's he really gonna do against Iran?

Is Trumpty Dumpty going to break up the US led Coalition with Iraq and Iran in driving ISIS out of Mosul. ISIS Is on the run in Iraq with much assistance from Iran.

Is Trumpty Dumpty going to jeopardize are side in the battle we are winning for some blowhard warmongering points against Iran.

And Trumpty and his minions here apparently dont know that testing missiles was never part of the nuclear deal.

Meanwhile, Russia said the test by Iran does not contravene the UN resolution.

"Such actions, if they took place, do not breach the resolution," Sergei Ryabkov, the Russian deputy foreign minister, told Interfax news agency, saying demands for UN talks were aimed at "heating up the situation".

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

Iran: Missile tests not in violation of nuclear deal

When saber rattling and war mongering is a must for wing nuts you ought to at least get your facts straight.

The tests have nothing to do with the great nuclear deal achieved in 2015,

Speaking to reporters Thursday in Tehran, the Iranian adviser, Ali Akbar Velayati, dismissed what he called the US leader's "baseless ranting" and said that even Americans were not satisfied with "Trump's extremism," according to Iran's semiofficial Fars News Agency.

Velayati blasted Trump as lacking sufficient experience, saying he should take lessons from his predecessor, Barack Obama. Those who threaten the Muslim world should take a look at US failures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, he added.

He said that all test-fired missiles were defensive and that Iran did not need to seek permission to carry out such activities.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs insisted Tuesday that this week's test was not a violation of the Security Council resolution barring Iran from testing "ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons."

Iran has tested several ballistic missiles since the nuclear agreement was struck in 2015. In March, Iran test-fired two missiles with the words "Israel must be wiped off the Earth" written on them in Hebrew. The United States condemned that launch.

Trump knows he can't stop the Nuclear Deal.

And Iran knows Trump is an idiot so they will keep testing missiles all they want.

. (CNN)Iran vowed Thursday it would not bow to threats from the United States and would continue its missile activity.

A senior adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader, criticized the "extremism" of President Donald Trump, who has declared Iran was "on notice" after it test-fired a ballistic missile Sunday.

Iran dismisses Trump's 'ranting' and vows more missile tests -

Words from Trump / empty words.

Trump is mostly aiding and abetting hardliners in Tehran and jeopardizing the battle against ISIS.

For what? So Sassy gets to play right wing warmonger on a message board.

What is Trump gonna do after the next test? Bomb Putin's partner in the region?

Tweet some more stupid stuff.
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SassyIrishLass, post: 16472224
Iran will soon find out they are playing with a different president than Ears who they played like a fiddle.

Trump could not get his first Navy Seal 6 raid to grab some computers from an al Qaeda house right.

What's he really gonna do against Iran?

Is Trumpty Dumpty going to break up the US led Coalition with Iraq and Iran in driving ISIS out of Mosul. ISIS Is on the run in Iraq with much assistance from Iran.

Is Trumpty Dumpty going to jeopardize are side in the battle we are winning for some blowhard warmongering points against Iran.

And Trumpty and his minions here apparently dont know that testing missiles was never part of the nuclear deal.

Meanwhile, Russia said the test by Iran does not contravene the UN resolution.

"Such actions, if they took place, do not breach the resolution," Sergei Ryabkov, the Russian deputy foreign minister, told Interfax news agency, saying demands for UN talks were aimed at "heating up the situation".

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

Iran: Missile tests not in violation of nuclear deal

When saber rattling and war mongering is a must for wing nuts you ought to at least get your facts straight.

The tests have nothing to do with the great nuclear deal achieved in 2015,
The ignorance on Iran , and basically all of Radical Islam is that people from the West project our Western Values onto them. That is at beat silly and at worst suicidal. Radical Islam means what it says. Iran will pull out the big stick as soon as it's ready, it will not fail to use a Nuclear Weapon when they get it.
Spare me the use of the word "logical', and the term 'they can't win". It isn't ABOUT winning or losing, and they have no fear of death. Radical Islam is a death cult.

Iran's leadership is Radical Shia, they believe that there is a 12th Imam out there and that ONLY World Chaos will cause his return. This Imam is their Messiah, many Christians have come to see him as the Anti-Christ. This is a rather new idea as traditionally he has been thought to be coming from Europe. In both Daniel and Ezekiel the Angel tells them to "seal the scroll" and that the prophecies given were for "the end of times", and this has proven eerily to be true, as all the info has been in plain sight all of this time and also eerily nobody was able to see it. Iran sees itself as the people who will usher in the New Age under this "Imam". Our leaders, both Military and Civilian refuse to look at this, as does almost every Westerner. It simply seems inconceivable to them that any Nation could/would think this way. But they do. Despite these people strapping bombs to themselves, or picking up weapons and killing people around the world, people, especially the West refuses to believe what is happening right before our /their eyes.
Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

Iran knows that by attacking any of it's neighbors, the US would get involved

They are more interested in developing a "big stick" to make anyone attacking them pay a big price

Spot On. Iran has no interest in war with the US. It has absolutely nothing to gain. It knows it can't possibly win. I think most Americans just assume that all Iranians are stupid. It's American arrogance. It's a country that has successfully developed nuclear technology. They're far from being stupid. Why would it attack the US, knowing it would result in their destruction?

Iran is an emerging powerhouse in the region. It's flexing its muscles. It's letting the world know it's arrived. It's demanding respect. And honestly, if the US hadn't committed the Iraq War blunder, Iran wouldn't be in the powerful position it's in today. The Iraq War handed Iraq over to the Shiites, who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's why i say we need to begin moving towards a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Our constant meddling has set the region ablaze. We need to scale things back bigtime.
Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

I'll ask you again, does the Iranian Leadership make their decisions based upon your values, or their Religion?

You're just not getting it. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense. Americans are being lied to. Iran doesn't have the capabilities to fight a war with the US. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US have basically pledged to attack Iran at some point. It has no choice but to defend itself. That's the position the US has put them in. It's why we need to disengage from the Middle East. It's time to get out. We've done enough damage over there.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows the Mullahs are expecting to have a nuclear bomb ASAP.
The day they have one they will start attempting to use the bomb to blackmail the 'sane' world leaders into dropping ALL sanctions. Declare the entire Strait of Hormuz Iranian territory.
And threaten Israel.
These are not the actions of a country who wants to live peacefully with its neighbors.
Iran WILL be prevented from making nuclear way or another.

Our meddling will come back to bite us bigtime. You can't do this much meddling around the world, and not have it come back around on you at some point. Just look at the Iraq War blunder as an example. The invasion there handed Iraq over to the Shiites, who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It made Iran so much more powerful. An absolute blunder.

We're behaving like an Empire now. And that's exactly what our Founding Fathers didn't want us to become. Empires always fall. They eventually spread themselves too thin, and piss off too many folks in the world. We need to begin moving towards a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy. If we stay on this course, we're doomed.
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Iran has been "put on notice", whatever the fuck that means, which is absolutely NOTHING. Iran tested a missile and Trump did nothing.

Putting them on notice. Pathetic.
LOL, the willful ignorance concerning Radical Islam in the West is astonishing.

The wilful ignorance concerning radical right wing terrorism in the West is astonishing. You have white supremecists shooting up black churches, mosques, women's groups, but these are the "mentally ill", the "deranged". No they're not. They're right wing terrorists. Adam Lanza's mother was a right-wing conspiracy theory nut who believed Obama was going to take her guns. Adam was mentally unstable, but the apply fell directly under the family tree.
LOL, the willful ignorance concerning Radical Islam in the West is astonishing.

The wilful ignorance concerning radical right wing terrorism in the West is astonishing. You have white supremecists shooting up black churches, mosques, women's groups, but these are the "mentally ill", the "deranged". No they're not. They're right wing terrorists. Adam Lanza's mother was a right-wing conspiracy theory nut who believed Obama was going to take her guns. Adam was mentally unstable, but the apply fell directly under the family tree.

None of which has anything to do with reality of Radical Islam but hey, thanks for playing. Oh yes, put Lanza to death.

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