Iran put on notice

I'm sure it makes Trump erect to know he doesn't have to play toy soldier any more and that he has some real ones to boss around.

With his megalomaniacal ego, anything can happen.

I don't know about any of that and neither do you. I hope everybody stays calm and I hope Iran isn't ready to escalate yet.
Iran has actually fought in a brutal war with Iraq
Saudis have never fought anyone at anytime....they can't even beat Yemen

Please educate yourself son, Iran is fighting a proxy war with the Saudi's in Yemen.

True. But Saudi Arabia is struggling to win, despite the US daily bombings. I think the US will be ramping up the intervention in Yemen very soon. The Saudis are demanding more US involvement. I hope Trump doesn't get sucked into that bloody quagmire. But it looks like he is headed in that direction.

We should not go anywhere near it. Iran could however insure our involvement by hitting us as they did that ship yesterday. There is no upside here no matter what the Saudi's say.

Iran did not hit a US ship. That's a war propaganda lie. There is no evidence whatsoever proving Iran was involved with that attack. And it wasn't a US ship. It was a Saudi frigate.

I mean, why in the hell would Iran attack a US ship? Iran fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. Attacking a US ship would be absolute insanity. It didn't happen, and won't likely ever happen. Be very careful buying into Warmonger propaganda.
It is possible the Houthis thought they were shooting a US ship.

It's possible, but i've learned to be very skeptical of war propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if the incident never happened at all.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".
So the Comrade is setting up the lies for his first war. Reminds me of the lead up to the Iraq fiasco.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.
Meanwhile in Iran they're planning something :dunno:

Iran to ban US citizens in retaliation to Trump move | New York Post

I hope the situation won't get worse now :(
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
American assistance helped Saddam from losing his war with Iran.
Then America changed its mind and had regime change in Iraq.
Every time the war merchants in the USA get their way, the blood of American soldiers and innocent civilians bleach the land.
Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.
"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

I'll ask you again, does the Iranian Leadership make their decisions based upon your values, or their Religion?
Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

I'll ask you again, does the Iranian Leadership make their decisions based upon your values, or their Religion?

You're just not getting it. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense. Americans are being lied to. Iran doesn't have the capabilities to fight a war with the US. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US have basically pledged to attack Iran at some point. It has no choice but to defend itself. That's the position the US has put them in. It's why we need to disengage from the Middle East. It's time to get out. We've done enough damage over there.
I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Iran has no plans to attack the US. What would it gain? However, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US do have plans to attack Iran. So obviously it's wise for Iran to build up its defenses. It knows an attack is imminent. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense.

I'll ask you again, does the Iranian Leadership make their decisions based upon your values, or their Religion?

You're just not getting it. Iran is on Defense. It isn't on Offense. Americans are being lied to. Iran doesn't have the capabilities to fight a war with the US. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US have basically pledged to attack Iran at some point. It has no choice but to defend itself. That's the position the US has put them in. It's why we need to disengage from the Middle East. It's time to get out. We've done enough damage over there.

I get it more than you know. I'll ask you again. Does the Iranian Leadership make decisions based on your values or their Religious beliefs?

Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Meanwhile in Iran they're planning something :dunno:

Iran to ban US citizens in retaliation to Trump move | New York Post

I hope the situation won't get worse now :(
Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran

Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
American assistance helped Saddam from losing his war with Iran.
Then America changed its mind and had regime change in Iraq.
Every time the war merchants in the USA get their way, the blood of American soldiers and innocent civilians bleach the land.

Would like to inform all of you of something, and you can check it out if you doubt me-----------> were it not for Obama and his FOREIGN POLICY, (like it or hate it) Israel would have probably already attacked Iran, more than likely over a year ago. The main reason this did not happen was Obama putting pressure on Israel not to do it, and telling them that they would not politically support the attack.

But here is the kicker, and Americans live in their own little world, so are not so aware of what is happening---------> The House of Saud along with Egypt (after the Muslim brotherhood got their radical rearends thrown out) would cheer them on. Today, they are almost loose allies. Iran is the biggest threat to all THREE of these nations, and if you have been paying any sort of attention, you know this to be true.

People on this site think only in the context of how we are going to start a war. I think you are being over simplistic, unless you want to leave our allies hanging. The truth is----->unless Iran stops its provocative actions, all 3 of the nations I mentioned are going to have to get rid of them. Where and how does the United States fit in to the equation? I do not know, but I know the Trump administration will not stop any of them from launching preemptive attacks, especially if all 3 agree to work in conjunction. They will not follow the "Chamberlain folly" that Obama did.

I will remind all Americans, especially people on this site, that unless we FORCE our allies to do nothing, thus taking responsibility for stopping Iran on ourselves should something go wrong, the war/peace option is basically out of our hands. And if war it is, we will respond if our allies are losing, or are any of you suggesting we let those crazies have the whole Middle East.......or if they are winning, have Israel light off a nuke to turn the tide?

So you see, much of what will happen is out of our control. We can thank Obama, or we can thank Iran, or we can thank congress for not taking a stronger stance on the deal, or we can blame anyone you want, but if the poop hits the fan, WE will have to respond if need be, and all the blaming in the world doesn't change that at all. Consider that before you close your eyes tonight, and again I remind you, not much of anything we can do, the decision is probably out of our hands!

Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
American assistance helped Saddam from losing his war with Iran.
Then America changed its mind and had regime change in Iraq.
Every time the war merchants in the USA get their way, the blood of American soldiers and innocent civilians bleach the land.

Would like to inform all of you of something, and you can check it out if you doubt me-----------> were it not for Obama and his FOREIGN POLICY, (like it or hate it) Israel would have probably already attacked Iran, more than likely over a year ago. The main reason this did not happen was Obama putting pressure on Israel not to do it, and telling them that they would not politically support the attack.

But here is the kicker, and Americans live in their own little world, so are not so aware of what is happening---------> The House of Saud along with Egypt (after the Muslim brotherhood got their radical rearends thrown out) would cheer them on. Today, they are almost loose allies. Iran is the biggest threat to all THREE of these nations, and if you have been paying any sort of attention, you know this to be true.

People on this site think only in the context of how we are going to start a war. I think you are being over simplistic, unless you want to leave our allies hanging. The truth is----->unless Iran stops its provocative actions, all 3 of the nations I mentioned are going to have to get rid of them. Where and how does the United States fit in to the equation? I do not know, but I know the Trump administration will not stop any of them from launching preemptive attacks, especially if all 3 agree to work in conjunction. They will not follow the "Chamberlain folly" that Obama did.

I will remind all Americans, especially people on this site, that unless we FORCE our allies to do nothing, thus taking responsibility for stopping Iran on ourselves should something go wrong, the war/peace option is basically out of our hands. And if war it is, we will respond if our allies are losing, or are any of you suggesting we let those crazies have the whole Middle East.......or if they are winning, have Israel light off a nuke to turn the tide?

So you see, much of what will happen is out of our control. We can thank Obama, or we can thank Iran, or we can thank congress for not taking a stronger stance on the deal, or we can blame anyone you want, but if the poop hits the fan, WE will have to respond if need be, and all the blaming in the world doesn't change that at all. Consider that before you close your eyes tonight, and again I remind you, not much of anything we can do, the decision is probably out of our hands!

None of this has anything to do with me.
without reading 100+ posts I'm sure someone wants to know WTF "on notice" actually means ... on notice Trump's shittin' his drawers .. on notice RW's are fucking idots .. on notice Mom wants milk and bread ...

it doesn't get more vague than that.

gee, how fitting for Trump.
Actually....everyone in the world knows exactly what that means. You do too of course. But you're desperate to accuse President Trump of something. Praying that he won't win a second term. But....I think you're starting a little too early for that campaign snowflake and it's just making you look irrational.

BULLSHIT, it means nothing or something, it's totally openended ... go fuck yourself snowflake the little snowflake butt-hurt that We the People elected President Trump and the fragile little snowflake didn't get her way? It's ok can play with some play-doh.

Man, when will Americans stop accepting everything the Warmongers push, as absolute fact. I mean just think logically. Why would Iran attack a US ship? It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction.

So any reported 'Iran attack' on a US ship, will be regarded by me as a manufactured 'False Flag' event. There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships. Period, end of story.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Israel is pressing for its only ally in the world to have Iran destroyed. The Americans usually do as the Israelis want so we see the scene being set for the Americans to do some more shock and awe against the Iranian people this time. Maybe the English will join-in because they usually do.
Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Israel managed to stop both Iraq's and Syria's nuclear ambitions.....for a while......But, these 2 countries never had the support of Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, like Iran currently has........Let us be very careful of the trump's war hawks
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
American assistance helped Saddam from losing his war with Iran.
Then America changed its mind and had regime change in Iraq.
Every time the war merchants in the USA get their way, the blood of American soldiers and innocent civilians bleach the land.

Would like to inform all of you of something, and you can check it out if you doubt me-----------> were it not for Obama and his FOREIGN POLICY, (like it or hate it) Israel would have probably already attacked Iran, more than likely over a year ago. The main reason this did not happen was Obama putting pressure on Israel not to do it, and telling them that they would not politically support the attack.

But here is the kicker, and Americans live in their own little world, so are not so aware of what is happening---------> The House of Saud along with Egypt (after the Muslim brotherhood got their radical rearends thrown out) would cheer them on. Today, they are almost loose allies. Iran is the biggest threat to all THREE of these nations, and if you have been paying any sort of attention, you know this to be true.

People on this site think only in the context of how we are going to start a war. I think you are being over simplistic, unless you want to leave our allies hanging. The truth is----->unless Iran stops its provocative actions, all 3 of the nations I mentioned are going to have to get rid of them. Where and how does the United States fit in to the equation? I do not know, but I know the Trump administration will not stop any of them from launching preemptive attacks, especially if all 3 agree to work in conjunction. They will not follow the "Chamberlain folly" that Obama did.

I will remind all Americans, especially people on this site, that unless we FORCE our allies to do nothing, thus taking responsibility for stopping Iran on ourselves should something go wrong, the war/peace option is basically out of our hands. And if war it is, we will respond if our allies are losing, or are any of you suggesting we let those crazies have the whole Middle East.......or if they are winning, have Israel light off a nuke to turn the tide?

So you see, much of what will happen is out of our control. We can thank Obama, or we can thank Iran, or we can thank congress for not taking a stronger stance on the deal, or we can blame anyone you want, but if the poop hits the fan, WE will have to respond if need be, and all the blaming in the world doesn't change that at all. Consider that before you close your eyes tonight, and again I remind you, not much of anything we can do, the decision is probably out of our hands!
Why do you believe that Iranians are a "bunch of crazies", terms you do not use for the Israelis. And why do you think Iran wants to take-over Israel, Egypt, and Arabia? The only one of these allies of the USA who are invading neighbors and taking-over land are the Israelis now occupying Palestine.

"Why would Iran attack a US ship?"

Breathe son, nobody said they did.

"It fully understands it couldn't possibly win a war with the US. It's not crazy enough to ensure its own destruction."

I'll ask you again, do you believe Iran makes decisions based on your values or their Religion?

"There is absolutely no logical upside for Iran attacking US ships."

Radical Shia Islam is never "logical".

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

Americans often underestimate leaders of other countries. It's the Imperialist nature in em. Iranian leaders fully understand they can't possibly win a war with the US. They would not attack a US ship and ensure their end. They're not as dumb as most Americans have been led to believe.

Iran is building up its defenses. It understands that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US are likely planning to attack it. It's on Defense. It can't go on Offense. It can't win a confrontation with the US. As a sovereign nation, it has the right to defend itself. And that's what it's gonna do.

I'll ask you again, do you believe that the Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values, or their Religion?

Iran is a nation that's advanced enough to have developed nuclear technology. Do you really believe it's dumb enough to attack a US ship and ensure its own destruction? I assure you, the Iranians are smarter than that. They know they can't possibly win a war with the US. I'll dismiss any reported 'Iran attack' on US ships, as being manufactured 'False Flag' events. Such attacks make no logical sense.

I'll ask you again, do you think Iranian Leadership makes decisions based on your values or their Religion.

Maybe Trump will resist this Israeli pressing who knows? Or maybe the Israelis change their mind and quit their pressing on Iran :dunno:
Don't count on it.
Keep in mind what Iran did to Iraq during their war too.
Why would Americans keep in mind the war Iraq had with Iran. Wasn't Saddam getting help from the Americans then?
It would be nice if the Americans minded their own business for a change.
Yes...did that help Iraq win?
American assistance helped Saddam from losing his war with Iran.
Then America changed its mind and had regime change in Iraq.
Every time the war merchants in the USA get their way, the blood of American soldiers and innocent civilians bleach the land.

Would like to inform all of you of something, and you can check it out if you doubt me-----------> were it not for Obama and his FOREIGN POLICY, (like it or hate it) Israel would have probably already attacked Iran, more than likely over a year ago. The main reason this did not happen was Obama putting pressure on Israel not to do it, and telling them that they would not politically support the attack.

But here is the kicker, and Americans live in their own little world, so are not so aware of what is happening---------> The House of Saud along with Egypt (after the Muslim brotherhood got their radical rearends thrown out) would cheer them on. Today, they are almost loose allies. Iran is the biggest threat to all THREE of these nations, and if you have been paying any sort of attention, you know this to be true.

People on this site think only in the context of how we are going to start a war. I think you are being over simplistic, unless you want to leave our allies hanging. The truth is----->unless Iran stops its provocative actions, all 3 of the nations I mentioned are going to have to get rid of them. Where and how does the United States fit in to the equation? I do not know, but I know the Trump administration will not stop any of them from launching preemptive attacks, especially if all 3 agree to work in conjunction. They will not follow the "Chamberlain folly" that Obama did.

I will remind all Americans, especially people on this site, that unless we FORCE our allies to do nothing, thus taking responsibility for stopping Iran on ourselves should something go wrong, the war/peace option is basically out of our hands. And if war it is, we will respond if our allies are losing, or are any of you suggesting we let those crazies have the whole Middle East.......or if they are winning, have Israel light off a nuke to turn the tide?

So you see, much of what will happen is out of our control. We can thank Obama, or we can thank Iran, or we can thank congress for not taking a stronger stance on the deal, or we can blame anyone you want, but if the poop hits the fan, WE will have to respond if need be, and all the blaming in the world doesn't change that at all. Consider that before you close your eyes tonight, and again I remind you, not much of anything we can do, the decision is probably out of our hands!

None of this has anything to do with me.
American politicians do not agree with you.

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