Iran ship said to be Red Sea troop base off Yemen attacked


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
As Iran returns to nuclear arms talks, tensions should expected to rise in the Middle East. Iran suspects Israel.

" The Saviz had been under international sanctions until Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, which saw Tehran receive relief from sanctions in exchange for limiting its enrichment of uranium. The Trump administration later renewed American sanctions on the Saviz as part of its decision to unilaterally withdraw from the accord."
I honestly do not know what this thread title means. I wish headline writers would write in English! I know it's not the thread parent's fault. Just a very bad title. We're seeing more and more of that in the news --- just incoherent headlines.
An Iranian ship full of Iranian troops attacked?

I tried hard, but I couldn't seem to give a single f*ck.

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