Iran Violating Nuclear Deal

Best thing he ever did. Obozo gave Iran a fortune and paved the way for them to get the bomb. And don’t give me this shit about Iran was complying. Israeli and Arab countries didn’t think so, and they have a lot of skin in the game.
Why does it matter if Iran has the bomb or not?
If you have to ask, then you don't deserve an answer.
If you can't answer it's because you know it will illuminate your hypocrisy.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.
The deal no longer existed when the US broke it.
Besides, the “deal” was absolute shit. Obongo couldn’t get it to pass the senate because it sucked ass,
Because the Senate is controlled by right wing exceptionalist crazies.
The senate passed all
Sorta of shit that isn’t ideal To either side. Usually a middle ground of sorts is worked out.
Obama didn’t bother, because he would have had even some democrats vote against it. He didn’t want to work out any kind of deal with the republicans, so he made his bullshit “deal” with them bypassing the treaty process.
The senate passed all
Sorta of shit that isn’t ideal To either side.
Bullshit. It obstructed Obama at every point it could get away with. You're entitled to your own delusions but not your own history. That's not to say there wasn't a few exceptionalist crazies on the Democratic side.
Hopefully Israel is getting prepared for Biden treating them like a red-headed step child.
We'll probably see the return of Ketchup-boy Kerry back onto the scene.
Jesus, America, you really fucked up bigly!
They made 2 huge mistakes.

1)They believed the Democrats
2)They believed the media
I don't agree with DJT on everything, but he's right about the media. CNN, MSNBC, the NY Slimes and the Washington Pest are worthless as sources of info.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

exactly if the Iranians are breaking the deal it was because trump pulled out of the deal first and broke the deal. Trump also reinstated sanctions against them which is hurting the Iranian economy. So why are they going to stay in this deal even with the other countries when Trump sanctions are hurting them.

These sanctions imposed by Trump destroyed a bridge that had been built Now Iranians were not going to be our friend but the goal was to slow down their nuclear march. Deal with them one day a time. Trump plan lets blow it up and have no plan. Then because Obama got Bin Laden , Trump had to outperform him and order his own hit.

Trump's ego is the problem. He feels inadequate and must drive a big car.
Let's follow your logic...
Iran only breaks a deal because the US is not part of the deal.
So who needs the other nations?
The US will be the only watchdog who actually watches and the rest of the useless nations can sit back and wait for their next welfare check from the US taxpayer.

You forgot the part where US imposes sanctions which directly was aimed at their oil production. No oil no money honey

If the others can do nothing why should they stay in an agreement that was suppose to lift sanctions

Losing money has hurt their economy and the main reason sanctions.

yes Trump is to blame

if he did not impose sanctions and just left the deal then yeah it was no big deal.
Because murderers should always be allowed to make a living.
It's obvious you don't read the news everyday; Iranians want to overthrow their Mullahs.

well quote your source of news of what the Iranians want
no one I believe in can inspect their facilities.

No one you can believe in you say. So your saying you do not believe in the IAEA.
  • Thanks
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Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

exactly if the Iranians are breaking the deal it was because trump pulled out of the deal first and broke the deal. Trump also reinstated sanctions against them which is hurting the Iranian economy. So why are they going to stay in this deal even with the other countries when Trump sanctions are hurting them.

These sanctions imposed by Trump destroyed a bridge that had been built Now Iranians were not going to be our friend but the goal was to slow down their nuclear march. Deal with them one day a time. Trump plan lets blow it up and have no plan. Then because Obama got Bin Laden , Trump had to outperform him and order his own hit.

Trump's ego is the problem. He feels inadequate and must drive a big car.
Let's follow your logic...
Iran only breaks a deal because the US is not part of the deal.
So who needs the other nations?
The US will be the only watchdog who actually watches and the rest of the useless nations can sit back and wait for their next welfare check from the US taxpayer.
Let's follow the logic here...Trumpers are upset that Iran violated a deal that TRUMP pulled us out of
We pulled out of it.
Iran was still in the deal woth other nations, correct?
Besides, the “deal” was absolute shit. Obongo couldn’t get it to pass the senate because it sucked ass, so he had a handshake agreement. After he handed iran everything they could want, and the “promised” not to build nukes.
Wow. What a deal.

Trump initiative sanctions against Iran
So he pulled out of the deal and placed sanctions on their oil.

This put other signers our allies in a position of having to counter the embargo.

IAEA showed that for the following year the Iranians were compliant

In the same time frame the other members could not make up the difference because of the US departure.
The other member nations tried to make up the differences caused by the sanctions. That is how Trump treats American allies. America First which is just Me first

They couldn't counter the sanctions and now the Iranians are slowly backing out of the deal. Why because sanctions are hurting their economy and why should they agree to nuclear inspection if Trump broke the deal.

The US made a deal and backed out. Trump placed sanctions because he wanted the deal to completely fail by sabotaging it.

it was not because the deal was such a bad one but it was made by Obama and he wanted to make his own deal

That is not policy it is just egotism
It’s hard to believe anything the establishment media reports on Iran. They are controlled by the CIA and Israel. We know they would love a big war against Iran. Biden will likely do his best to give them that war.
Why would Biden do that? Under Obongo and him, they sucked off iran and gave them how much money?
They did all they could To help iran.
They sucked off Iran in order to get Bin Laden. The pallets of cash were hush money. They hold Obama bin Biden by the balls.

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

exactly if the Iranians are breaking the deal it was because trump pulled out of the deal first and broke the deal. Trump also reinstated sanctions against them which is hurting the Iranian economy. So why are they going to stay in this deal even with the other countries when Trump sanctions are hurting them.

These sanctions imposed by Trump destroyed a bridge that had been built Now Iranians were not going to be our friend but the goal was to slow down their nuclear march. Deal with them one day a time. Trump plan lets blow it up and have no plan. Then because Obama got Bin Laden , Trump had to outperform him and order his own hit.

Trump's ego is the problem. He feels inadequate and must drive a big car.
Let's follow your logic...
Iran only breaks a deal because the US is not part of the deal.
So who needs the other nations?
The US will be the only watchdog who actually watches and the rest of the useless nations can sit back and wait for their next welfare check from the US taxpayer.
Let's follow the logic here...Trumpers are upset that Iran violated a deal that TRUMP pulled us out of
We pulled out of it.
Iran was still in the deal woth other nations, correct?
Besides, the “deal” was absolute shit. Obongo couldn’t get it to pass the senate because it sucked ass, so he had a handshake agreement. After he handed iran everything they could want, and the “promised” not to build nukes.
Wow. What a deal.

Trump initiative sanctions against Iran
So he pulled out of the deal and placed sanctions on their oil.

This put other signers our allies in a position of having to counter the embargo.

IAEA showed that for the following year the Iranians were compliant

In the same time frame the other members could not make up the difference because of the US departure.
The other member nations tried to make up the differences caused by the sanctions. That is how Trump treats American allies. America First which is just Me first

They couldn't counter the sanctions and now the Iranians are slowly backing out of the deal. Why because sanctions are hurting their economy and why should they agree to nuclear inspection if Trump broke the deal.

The US made a deal and backed out. Trump placed sanctions because he wanted the deal to completely fail by sabotaging it.

it was not because the deal was such a bad one but it was made by Obama and he wanted to make his own deal

That is not policy it is just egotism
What use is a “deal” that allows iran to stipulate what and where inspections take place?

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

exactly if the Iranians are breaking the deal it was because trump pulled out of the deal first and broke the deal. Trump also reinstated sanctions against them which is hurting the Iranian economy. So why are they going to stay in this deal even with the other countries when Trump sanctions are hurting them.

These sanctions imposed by Trump destroyed a bridge that had been built Now Iranians were not going to be our friend but the goal was to slow down their nuclear march. Deal with them one day a time. Trump plan lets blow it up and have no plan. Then because Obama got Bin Laden , Trump had to outperform him and order his own hit.

Trump's ego is the problem. He feels inadequate and must drive a big car.
Let's follow your logic...
Iran only breaks a deal because the US is not part of the deal.
So who needs the other nations?
The US will be the only watchdog who actually watches and the rest of the useless nations can sit back and wait for their next welfare check from the US taxpayer.
Let's follow the logic here...Trumpers are upset that Iran violated a deal that TRUMP pulled us out of
We pulled out of it.
Iran was still in the deal woth other nations, correct?
Besides, the “deal” was absolute shit. Obongo couldn’t get it to pass the senate because it sucked ass, so he had a handshake agreement. After he handed iran everything they could want, and the “promised” not to build nukes.
Wow. What a deal.

Trump initiative sanctions against Iran
So he pulled out of the deal and placed sanctions on their oil.

This put other signers our allies in a position of having to counter the embargo.

IAEA showed that for the following year the Iranians were compliant

In the same time frame the other members could not make up the difference because of the US departure.
The other member nations tried to make up the differences caused by the sanctions. That is how Trump treats American allies. America First which is just Me first

They couldn't counter the sanctions and now the Iranians are slowly backing out of the deal. Why because sanctions are hurting their economy and why should they agree to nuclear inspection if Trump broke the deal.

The US made a deal and backed out. Trump placed sanctions because he wanted the deal to completely fail by sabotaging it.

it was not because the deal was such a bad one but it was made by Obama and he wanted to make his own deal

That is not policy it is just egotism
What use is a “deal” that allows iran to stipulate what and where inspections take place?
It did not do that

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

exactly if the Iranians are breaking the deal it was because trump pulled out of the deal first and broke the deal. Trump also reinstated sanctions against them which is hurting the Iranian economy. So why are they going to stay in this deal even with the other countries when Trump sanctions are hurting them.

These sanctions imposed by Trump destroyed a bridge that had been built Now Iranians were not going to be our friend but the goal was to slow down their nuclear march. Deal with them one day a time. Trump plan lets blow it up and have no plan. Then because Obama got Bin Laden , Trump had to outperform him and order his own hit.

Trump's ego is the problem. He feels inadequate and must drive a big car.
Let's follow your logic...
Iran only breaks a deal because the US is not part of the deal.
So who needs the other nations?
The US will be the only watchdog who actually watches and the rest of the useless nations can sit back and wait for their next welfare check from the US taxpayer.
Let's follow the logic here...Trumpers are upset that Iran violated a deal that TRUMP pulled us out of
We pulled out of it.
Iran was still in the deal woth other nations, correct?
Besides, the “deal” was absolute shit. Obongo couldn’t get it to pass the senate because it sucked ass, so he had a handshake agreement. After he handed iran everything they could want, and the “promised” not to build nukes.
Wow. What a deal.

Trump initiative sanctions against Iran
So he pulled out of the deal and placed sanctions on their oil.

This put other signers our allies in a position of having to counter the embargo.

IAEA showed that for the following year the Iranians were compliant

In the same time frame the other members could not make up the difference because of the US departure.
The other member nations tried to make up the differences caused by the sanctions. That is how Trump treats American allies. America First which is just Me first

They couldn't counter the sanctions and now the Iranians are slowly backing out of the deal. Why because sanctions are hurting their economy and why should they agree to nuclear inspection if Trump broke the deal.

The US made a deal and backed out. Trump placed sanctions because he wanted the deal to completely fail by sabotaging it.

it was not because the deal was such a bad one but it was made by Obama and he wanted to make his own deal

That is not policy it is just egotism
What use is a “deal” that allows iran to stipulate what and where inspections take place?
Its called compromise so that both sides get something that they want

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

Best thing he ever did. Obozo gave Iran a fortune and paved the way for them to get the bomb. And don’t give me this shit about Iran was complying. Israeli and Arab countries didn’t think so, and they have a lot of skin in the game.
Actually Iran’s step toward nuclear Energy and yes the capacity to develop a bomb began under the Shaw’s regime. Obama just gave the nut cases whatever they wanted for a worthless piece of paper.
Obama’s foreign policy initiative was one of appeasement, look who ran state, look who was in control. Now what, do you actually expect the UN or anyone else to stand tall? History again repeats itself. Iran had better be careful, Israel with this new basement President now stands alone, the last thing they want Is to play a game of chicken with someone who has already been kicked in the balls once.
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.

I don't care about muzzies. In fact, solving our jew problem would solve our domestic Muslim problem by default because they're the fuckers importing en masse them in the first place. What I do care about is the fact that Iran and a whole host of other peoples hate us only because we insist on backing their one common enemy that routinely behaves as one towards us. At least Iran's espionage operation here isn't operating openly or publicly giving our politicians awards for service to their nation. I highly doubt they're running child brothel operations for the benefit of those politicians either. Even the IRGC might be evil but they're not pedo sons of bitches like Mossad.

Your truly a misinformed uneducated conspiracy theorist. You are entitled to your opinion, I only hope there aren’t many of your kind wandering around.

Some European nations are still in it.
Trump ENDED that deal

Best thing he ever did. Obozo gave Iran a fortune and paved the way for them to get the bomb. And don’t give me this shit about Iran was complying. Israeli and Arab countries didn’t think so, and they have a lot of skin in the game.
Actually Iran’s step toward nuclear Energy and yes the capacity to develop a bomb began under the Shaw’s regime. Obama just gave the nut cases whatever they wanted for a worthless piece of paper.
Obama’s foreign policy initiative was one of appeasement, look who ran state, look who was in control. Now what, do you actually expect the UN or anyone else to stand tall? History again repeats itself. Iran had better be careful, Israel with this new basement President now stands alone, the last thing they want Is to play a game of chicken with someone who has already been kicked in the balls once.
When Obama told Netanyahu that Israel was not getting what they needed, Netanyahu sent a picture of Gaza the West Bank to Obama and asked Obama to picture these areas serving as parking lots.
Bennett and Shaked, who are about 1 election away from taking over, want to turn Gaza and the West Bank into parking lots.
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