Iran Violating Nuclear Deal

Some European nations are still in it.

Blame Trump
They were in compliance under Obama
How do you know?
I know, I know, a nation terrified of being nuked by Iran sent a pussified inspector.

Some European nations are still in it.

Blame Trump
They were in compliance under Obama
How do you know?
I know, I know, a nation terrified of being nuked by Iran sent a pussified inspector.
It's clear whatever trump is doing isn't working.

Some European nations are still in it.

Blame Trump
They were in compliance under Obama
How do you know?
I know, I know, a nation terrified of being nuked by Iran sent a pussified inspector.
It's clear whatever trump is doing isn't working.
What are you expecting?
The Mullahs order the populace to decorate their buildings with signs "Kill Americans, Kill Jews" and their populace wants the Mullahs gone.
The Mullahs have the weapons and Obama told the populace to fuck off.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.

I don't care about muzzies. In fact, solving our jew problem would solve our domestic Muslim problem by default because they're the fuckers importing en masse them in the first place. What I do care about is the fact that Iran and a whole host of other peoples hate us only because we insist on backing their one common enemy that routinely behaves as one towards us. At least Iran's espionage operation here isn't operating openly or publicly giving our politicians awards for service to their nation. I highly doubt they're running child brothel operations for the benefit of those politicians either. Even the IRGC might be evil but they're not pedo sons of bitches like Mossad.

Your truly a misinformed uneducated conspiracy theorist. You are entitled to your opinion, I only hope there aren’t many of your kind wandering around.
What do you think is a conspiracy theory?

That jew groups are central to enabling illegal immigration into white countries?
That Iran would be more open to cooperation with us if we stopped backing their chief existential threat via economic terrorism and the threat of potentially nuclear war?
That the Israel lobby openly controls our politicians?
That Israeli intelligence runs child trafficking operations for the sexual benefit of those politicians?

Some European nations are still in it.

Blame Trump
They were in compliance under Obama
How do you know?
I know, I know, a nation terrified of being nuked by Iran sent a pussified inspector.
Actually, teams of international inspectors from US, France, UK, Germany, China and Russia certified they were in compliance.

Trump broke the deal and reinstated sanctions

Now they have a nuclear program again

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the world trusts the US not to elect a Republican again. Any chance at international cooperation is gone

Trumps legacy
....ok so same people that applauded Trump breaking the Iran deal are now bitching about Iran not adhering to the deal....which was EXACTLY what Democrats said would happen if we pull out.

I guess coherency is a concept too liberal for some.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
They were collapsing, when the people rose up Obongo did and said nothing. Then He handed them billions of dollars in a “deal”.
What a joke
....ok so same people that applauded Trump breaking the Iran deal are now bitching about Iran not adhering to the deal.

Wow. I guess coherency is a concept too liberal for some.
Who’s bitching about iran breaking anything?
I don’t give a fuck. I never expected iran to uphold anything. Obama had a golden opportunity to help the people there oust the mullah. He blew it, and later made a “deal” where iran got billions.
tight work.
....ok so same people that applauded Trump breaking the Iran deal are now bitching about Iran not adhering to the deal.

Wow. I guess coherency is a concept too liberal for some.
Who’s bitching about iran breaking anything?
I don’t give a fuck. I never expected iran to uphold anything. Obama had a golden opportunity to help the people there oust the mullah. He blew it, and later made a “deal” where iran got billions.
tight work.

He go a deal where Iran verifiably halted it's nuclear program. Trump got a deal where Iran still kept all of the money you are bitching about but resumed it's nuclear program.

I like the first deal more.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the world trusts the US not to elect a Republican again. Any chance at international cooperation is gone

Trumps legacy

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
They were collapsing, when the people rose up Obongo did and said nothing. Then He handed them billions of dollars in a “deal”.
What a joke

And now they're building a nuke without regard for our objections.... If you were to look back at 1939 ...wouldn't you have rather had some inspectors in Berlin or Tokyo instead of finding out on 12/7/; they's gots weapons!
....ok so same people that applauded Trump breaking the Iran deal are now bitching about Iran not adhering to the deal.

Wow. I guess coherency is a concept too liberal for some.
Who’s bitching about iran breaking anything?
I don’t give a fuck. I never expected iran to uphold anything. Obama had a golden opportunity to help the people there oust the mullah. He blew it, and later made a “deal” where iran got billions.
tight work.

He go a deal where Iran verifiably halted it's nuclear program. Trump got a deal where Iran still kept all of the money you are bitching about but resumed it's nuclear program.

I like the first deal more.
Or option 3, make them collapse again, only this time take advantage of the situation and get rid of the mullah.
Best thing he ever did. Obozo gave Iran a fortune and paved the way for them to get the bomb. And don’t give me this shit about Iran was complying. Israeli and Arab countries didn’t think so, and they have a lot of skin in the game.
Why does it matter if Iran has the bomb or not?
Ask any Jew you fucking idiot!
What about the numerous Iranian jews? Israel doesn't give a fuck about them so long as Christian whites kill Muslim whites for the jew agenda.

I read a great quote yesterday. "America isn't Americans. America is Americans plus jews, just like France is the French plus jews, Germany is Germans plus jews, the UK is Britons plus jews, and so on." That mental adjustment really does help put the situation into its proper context. Every white nation is its indigenous people plus jews, the native politicians they've subverted into working for them, and whatever invading savages they've opened the gates for.

Americans, French, Germans, and Brits all have their own occasionally conflicting values and agendas, and the savage hoards are really only interested in doing what jews brought them in to do (rape white women/children/men, riot, murder whitey, loot, and, generally cause exploitable instability) but the only real factionalism among the jews of America, France, Germany, and the UK involve disputes on how best to jew the shkotzim.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
They were collapsing, when the people rose up Obongo did and said nothing. Then He handed them billions of dollars in a “deal”.
What a joke

And now they're building a nuke without regard for our objections.... If you were to look back at 1939 ...wouldn't you have rather had some inspectors in Berlin or Tokyo instead of finding out on 12/7/; they's gots weapons!
You learned the wrong lesson.
Obama was appeasing them. Much like hitler was appeased. How did that turn out?

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
They were collapsing, when the people rose up Obongo did and said nothing. Then He handed them billions of dollars in a “deal”.
What a joke

And now they're building a nuke without regard for our objections.... If you were to look back at 1939 ...wouldn't you have rather had some inspectors in Berlin or Tokyo instead of finding out on 12/7/; they's gots weapons!
You learned the wrong lesson.
Obama was appeasing them. Much like hitler was appeased. How did that turn out?

Appeasement? Don't be silly.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.
They were collapsing, when the people rose up Obongo did and said nothing. Then He handed them billions of dollars in a “deal”.
What a joke

And now they're building a nuke without regard for our objections.... If you were to look back at 1939 ...wouldn't you have rather had some inspectors in Berlin or Tokyo instead of finding out on 12/7/; they's gots weapons!
You learned the wrong lesson.
Obama was appeasing them. Much like hitler was appeased. How did that turn out?
In one country that had been in a depression just a year prior fending off America, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and just about every other jew-controlled nation all at the same time for about six years?

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