Iran Violating Nuclear Deal

Americans should care about Iran, a foreign nation, having the bomb because they pose a threat to Israel, another foreign nation. They also don't like us because we support Israeli interests even over our own. But the thing is, if we dropped Israel as our worst ally then Iran as an enemy would follow. Suddenly we would have no reason to care anymore.

Some European nations are still in it.

Blame Trump
They were in compliance under Obama
How do you know?
I know, I know, a nation terrified of being nuked by Iran sent a pussified inspector.
Actually, teams of international inspectors from US, France, UK, Germany, China and Russia certified they were in compliance.

Trump broke the deal and reinstated sanctions

Now they have a nuclear program again
Now you trust RUSSIA!!!!
Americans should care about Iran, a foreign nation, having the bomb because they pose a threat to Israel, another foreign nation. They also don't like us because we support Israeli interests even over our own. But the thing is, if we dropped Israel as our worst ally then Iran as an enemy would follow. Suddenly we would have no reason to care anymore.
What exactly are Israeli interests and how do you know these facts that you are about to post?
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.

I don't care about muzzies. In fact, solving our jew problem would solve our domestic Muslim problem by default because they're the fuckers importing en masse them in the first place. What I do care about is the fact that Iran and a whole host of other peoples hate us only because we insist on backing their one common enemy that routinely behaves as one towards us. At least Iran's espionage operation here isn't operating openly or publicly giving our politicians awards for service to their nation. I highly doubt they're running child brothel operations for the benefit of those politicians either. Even the IRGC might be evil but they're not pedo sons of bitches like Mossad.

Your truly a misinformed uneducated conspiracy theorist. You are entitled to your opinion, I only hope there aren’t many of your kind wandering around.
What do you think is a conspiracy theory?

That jew groups are central to enabling illegal immigration into white countries?
That Iran would be more open to cooperation with us if we stopped backing their chief existential threat via economic terrorism and the threat of potentially nuclear war?
That the Israel lobby openly controls our politicians?
That Israeli intelligence runs child trafficking operations for the sexual benefit of those politicians?

As I stated before your one sick MF, I pray you will get professional help.
I'm sorry but when did they ever comply with it? Zippy the Pinhead (aka Obama) gave them pallets of cash in the middle of the night and freed up their other assets. Once they have that, what would make them comply? Nothing.

Enter Trump and sanctions. What ensues? Liberals screaming like raped panthers about Trump being a jerk to the Ayatollah.

Some European nations are still in it.
In other news, almost 99% of divorced people violate the compact of the marriage they terminated.
The “deal” is still in effect for European nation sand iran. We were the ones that said “adios”.
Europe was still holding up their end. Iran went and violated it, as they always were going to.
As shitty and weak as Obozo’s deal was, iran still didn’t bother to adhere to it.

Im curious...what was our end of the bargain?
We got to “inspect” the facilities iran let us, when they let us.
What a deal.

Was that all? Seems like I remember something about an easing of economic sanctions.
Yup. We had iran crippled economically. Then iran nearly had a change of power due to the people rising up because of horrible economics. Obongo sat on his hands, didn’t even issue a statement. He later threw the mullah a hundred billion dollar bone by the way of that deal, helping to stabilize them.
Who’s side was Obongo on?

They were developing nuclear weapons...Obama had them they're doing it again.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the world trusts the US not to elect a Republican again. Any chance at international cooperation is gone

Trumps legacy
The globalists love to promote these things. The world is mad we want to reduce the amount of troops in the middle east and at the same time condemns us for wanting NATO and others to pay their fair share. And that includes Prog voters here.
As I stated before your one sick MF, I pray you will get professional help.
And you are sad because I won't pay attention to you...right?
He wasnt talking to you. He was talking to that jew hating scumbag.
Maybe if the jews would stop stealing everybody’s foreskin, people wouldn’t hate them.
Finish your bowl of boogers and go color.
Tell us, have you stolen foreskins?
Are you the foreskin fairy?
As I stated before your one sick MF, I pray you will get professional help.
And you are sad because I won't pay attention to you...right?
He wasnt talking to you. He was talking to that jew hating scumbag.
Maybe if the jews would stop stealing everybody’s foreskin, people wouldn’t hate them.
Finish your bowl of boogers and go color.
Tell us, have you stolen foreskins?
Are you the foreskin fairy?
Only if you have sold fetal body parts, sperm burper.
As I stated before your one sick MF, I pray you will get professional help.
And you are sad because I won't pay attention to you...right?
He wasnt talking to you. He was talking to that jew hating scumbag.
Maybe if the jews would stop stealing everybody’s foreskin, people wouldn’t hate them.
Finish your bowl of boogers and go color.
Tell us, have you stolen foreskins?
Are you the foreskin fairy?
Only if you have sold fetal body parts, sperm burper.
I only fart sperm out. Burping is unbecoming.
It’s hard to believe anything the establishment media reports on Iran. They are controlled by the CIA and Israel. We know they would love a big war against Iran. Biden will likely do his best to give them that war.
Why would Biden do that? Under Obongo and him, they sucked off iran and gave them how much money?
They did all they could To help iran.
$150 Billion. Obama claims he is a Christian, but his Father was a Moslem and he loves Moslems.

Obama did not GIVE Iran any money at all, but merely returned Iranian money we illegally held for decades.

And the US is the one who violated the nuclear deal with Iran, not Iran.
Why does it matter if Iran has the bomb or not?

If you have to ask, then you don't deserve an answer.
That seems like a cop out.

Go read some books on it. I grow weary of answering highly stupid questions.

It is not a stupid question because no one can use nuclear weapons offensively because of the retaliation.
And Iran certainly can not use them on Israel.
Not only has Iran never been involved in any conflict with Israel, but the majority of the people in Israel and Palestine are Muslims. There are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, and 12 million Muslims.

Since the US illegally attacked Iraq based on lies, now all countries not only have a right to a nuclear deterrent, but are idiots if they don't have or get one.
It's funny how we're supposed to hate all of these countries that are only a threat to us because we back Israel. If we dropped our worst ally so many enemies would drop off the list with them.
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.
Obama and now Joe Biden want to kiss Iran's ass again. What an amazing blunder
to ignore Israel and hug Iran. Israeli operatives reportedly killed al Qaeda's No. 2 leader in Iran in August

That is foolish because we created al Qaeda in 1979, to cause trouble for the Soviets by using Arab volunteers in Afghanistan.
The Israelis assassinate, which means no trial, evidence, proof, or truth.
We have no idea who or why Israel murdered the people they assassinated.
But assassinations are illegal under US and international law. They are also very stupid because our own leaders are extremely vulnerable is that is the way everyone wants to go?

Iran is no problem to the US at all in any way.
But Israel not only is violating hundreds of UN resolutions, but costing us over $5 billion a year.
They are making everything harder for us.
It's funny how we're supposed to hate all of these countries that are only a threat to us because we back Israel. If we dropped our worst ally so many enemies would drop off the list with them.
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.
Obama and now Joe Biden want to kiss Iran's ass again. What an amazing blunder
to ignore Israel and hug Iran. Israeli operatives reportedly killed al Qaeda's No. 2 leader in Iran in August

That is foolish because we created al Qaeda in 1979, to cause trouble for the Soviets by using Arab volunteers in Afghanistan.
The Israelis assassinate, which means no trial, evidence, proof, or truth.
We have no idea who or why Israel murdered the people they assassinated.
But assassinations are illegal under US and international law. They are also very stupid because our own leaders are extremely vulnerable is that is the way everyone wants to go?

Iran is no problem to the US at all in any way.
But Israel not only is violating hundreds of UN resolutions, but costing us over $5 billion a year.
They are making everything harder for us.
Iran has been funding Hezbollah and Hamas for years. Iran indirectly is funding Islamic terrorism all over the ME.
I'm sure the CIA is enjoying reading everyone of your posts.
Have a nice day rag-head!
It's funny how we're supposed to hate all of these countries that are only a threat to us because we back Israel. If we dropped our worst ally so many enemies would drop off the list with them.
How is Israel our worst ally? Just in August they killed the number two man in Al Qaeda
who pulled off two bombings of US embassies in Africa in 1998!

We should throw them overboard? To please some Muslim shit hole? I think not.
Obama and now Joe Biden want to kiss Iran's ass again. What an amazing blunder
to ignore Israel and hug Iran. Israeli operatives reportedly killed al Qaeda's No. 2 leader in Iran in August

That is foolish because we created al Qaeda in 1979, to cause trouble for the Soviets by using Arab volunteers in Afghanistan.
The Israelis assassinate, which means no trial, evidence, proof, or truth.
We have no idea who or why Israel murdered the people they assassinated.
But assassinations are illegal under US and international law. They are also very stupid because our own leaders are extremely vulnerable is that is the way everyone wants to go?

Iran is no problem to the US at all in any way.
But Israel not only is violating hundreds of UN resolutions, but costing us over $5 billion a year.
They are making everything harder for us.
Iran has been funding Hezbollah and Hamas for years. Iran indirectly is funding Islamic terrorism all over the ME.
I'm sure the CIA is enjoying reading everyone of your posts.
Have a nice day rag-head!

That is stupid because Hezbollah and Hamas are legal, above board, elected representatives of the population of Gaza and Lebanon.
They do nothing outside of Palestine and Lebanon, and it is only Israel that causes ALL the problems in those countries, by its criminal war crimes, like murder, invasion, assassination, starvation, blockade, etc.
Hamas and Hezbollah are probably the most respected freedom fighters in the whole world.

If you think Hamas or Hezbollah commit "terrorism all over the ME", then you should easily be able to give us an example?

And by the way, while Hezbollah may be Shiite, Hamas is Sunni, so could never have any sort of relationship with Iran, which is Shiite. It is Saudi Arabia who funds Hamas, because the Saudis are Sunni.

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