Iran Violating Nuclear Deal

Trump destroyed the Obama deal and promised to negotiate a better deal.

Trumps better deal was to allow Iran to restart their nuclear program

If Trump is out, then Sleepy Joe has a free hand to send the mullahs over as much cash as he wants.

I doubt if Iran trusts the US to keep its agreements anymore
They have no assurance that we will not elect another Republican

They had no guarantee of that the first time, yet still made the deal.

Further, if Biden really creates the Heaven on Earth Utopia he inferred he would if elected, he should have no problem being elected twice followed by 2 terms of his son and heir, Hunter Biden's, rule. Why shouldn't the mullahs think that Sleepy Joe will do what he promised?
There will be war because the TDS leftists cheated to elect a dementia riddled limp wristted leftist. Young Americans will.die because Hillary was guaranteed to win but she didnt and the woke leftists threw a hissy fit for four years.
Biden is much tougher than Trump, who just talks a lot and lies.
The Iran Nuclear "deal" is one of the best illustrations of the advantages of having a businessman in charge, rather than a politician.

A politician will almost never walk away from a negotiation without a deal. If a good deal is not available, he will make a bad deal. Better to have a "deal" than not to have a "deal." The Iran Nuclear "deal" was a bad deal. It guaranteed Iran that, in time, it could start to enrich uranium to weapon-grade levels, and as everyone knows, they have been enriching uranium all along, just secretly.

A businessman walks away from Iran because (a) Iran LIES, as a matter of policy, and (b) IRAN HAS NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO ENRICH URANIUM FOR ANY PURPOSE! So agreeing with them like this is incredibly stupid.

Why does Iran claim to have "peaceful" reasons to enrich? Commercial nuclear power? Are you fucking serious? Iran sits on an ocean of oil and natural gas. Do you really think they want to "reduce their carbon footprint"? They are concerned about the planet?

If you believe that you are an idiot. They have no legitimate reason to have any nuclear facilities of any kind, and enabling that project was foolish.

Which is why Biden will pursue it. He is a buffoon; he was a buffoon even when he was firing on all cylinders, which he decidedly is not right now.

Oh yes, I forgot all about Donnie Dealmaker

He mocked the deal Obama got with Iran and bragged how he would negotiate a better deal.

Iran told him to fuck off and restarted their nuclear program.
Trump is so naive and self-confident, he thinks others think of him like he does and will do what he says.
Oh never stopped. What a moron

Not only did production stop but all stockpiles were destroyed and verified.

Thanks to Trump, we now have a nuclear Iran

Aren't they going to honor "the deal" now? Biden is going to send them pallets of cash money, no?
He'll send them pallets of cash only if his crackhead son can be there to help them distribute that cash. Don't forget the big mans 10%, or does a fraudulent President rate 20%?
We returned frozen assets that we had held back
It was THEIR money
There will be war because the TDS leftists cheated to elect a dementia riddled limp wristted leftist. Young Americans will.die because Hillary was guaranteed to win but she didnt and the woke leftists threw a hissy fit for four years.
Biden is much tougher than Trump, who just talks a lot and lies.

The difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden is trusted to keep his word
The Iran Nuclear "deal" is one of the best illustrations of the advantages of having a businessman in charge, rather than a politician.

A politician will almost never walk away from a negotiation without a deal. If a good deal is not available, he will make a bad deal. Better to have a "deal" than not to have a "deal." The Iran Nuclear "deal" was a bad deal. It guaranteed Iran that, in time, it could start to enrich uranium to weapon-grade levels, and as everyone knows, they have been enriching uranium all along, just secretly.

A businessman walks away from Iran because (a) Iran LIES, as a matter of policy, and (b) IRAN HAS NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO ENRICH URANIUM FOR ANY PURPOSE! So agreeing with them like this is incredibly stupid.

Why does Iran claim to have "peaceful" reasons to enrich? Commercial nuclear power? Are you fucking serious? Iran sits on an ocean of oil and natural gas. Do you really think they want to "reduce their carbon footprint"? They are concerned about the planet?

If you believe that you are an idiot. They have no legitimate reason to have any nuclear facilities of any kind, and enabling that project was foolish.

Which is why Biden will pursue it. He is a buffoon; he was a buffoon even when he was firing on all cylinders, which he decidedly is not right now.

Oh yes, I forgot all about Donnie Dealmaker

He mocked the deal Obama got with Iran and bragged how he would negotiate a better deal.

Iran told him to fuck off and restarted their nuclear program.
You'll be speaking Chinese well before any of your imaginary nuclear fears will be possible. Then again, it's very possible Biden will fuck this thing up too. They were correct when they said he never gets anything right.
President Obama worked with UK, France, Germany, Russia and China to negotiate with Iran and get them to destroy existing stockpiles of enriched Uranium and agree to international inspections in return for lifting of sanctions and return of frozen funds.
International inspections revealed Iran was in compliance with the agreement.

Then the US elected Donald J Trump. Trump destroyed the deal and reinstated sanctions.
As expected, Iran’s response was to restart their nuclear program

It never stopped, Dummy.
President Obama worked with UK, France, Germany, Russia and China to negotiate with Iran and get them to destroy existing stockpiles of enriched Uranium and agree to international inspections in return for lifting of sanctions and return of frozen funds.
International inspections revealed Iran was in compliance with the agreement.

Then the US elected Donald J Trump. Trump destroyed the deal and reinstated sanctions.
As expected, Iran’s response was to restart their nuclear program

Since when has Iran ever really been in compliance with this?

AND BTW, who are the inspectors saying Iran was in compliance because they never were.
They were ALWAYS in compliance and had international inspections to verify it.

Once Trump destroyed the deal, they had no reason to not start over
Hey Stupid, many sites were off limits to inspections.

That means inspections were useless, much like you.
Oh never stopped. What a moron

Not only did production stop but all stockpiles were destroyed and verified.

Thanks to Trump, we now have a nuclear Iran

Aren't they going to honor "the deal" now? Biden is going to send them pallets of cash money, no?
He'll send them pallets of cash only if his crackhead son can be there to help them distribute that cash. Don't forget the big mans 10%, or does a fraudulent President rate 20%?
We returned frozen assets that we had held back
It was THEIR money
That they used to kill American soldiers.
Iran only reacts, however clumsily, to how it is treated. None of this happens in a vacuum
Biden stated that under "no circumstance will Iran ever get the nuclear bomb" on his watch.
That should put the issue to bed right?
Iran is months away from getting the 'bomb'.
Anyone who believes Iran will not threaten and attempt to blackmail the world is fucking delusional!.
Iran only reacts, however clumsily, to how it is treated. None of this happens in a vacuum
Biden stated that under "no circumstance will Iran ever get the nuclear bomb" on his watch.
That should put the issue to bed right?
Iran is months away from getting the 'bomb'.
Anyone who believes Iran will not threaten and attempt to blackmail the world is fucking delusional!.
I'm from the government and I got a bridge from Oakland to San Francisco to sell you.
Oh never stopped. What a moron

Not only did production stop but all stockpiles were destroyed and verified.

Thanks to Trump, we now have a nuclear Iran

Aren't they going to honor "the deal" now? Biden is going to send them pallets of cash money, no?
He'll send them pallets of cash only if his crackhead son can be there to help them distribute that cash. Don't forget the big mans 10%, or does a fraudulent President rate 20%?
We returned frozen assets that we had held back
It was THEIR money
Possession is 90% of the law. We didn't owe them shit. Just like we don't owe China shit.
Why does it matter if Iran has the bomb or not?

If you have to ask, then you don't deserve an answer.
That seems like a cop out.

Go read some books on it. I grow weary of answering highly stupid questions.

It is not a stupid question because no one can use nuclear weapons offensively because of the retaliation.
And Iran certainly can not use them on Israel.
Not only has Iran never been involved in any conflict with Israel, but the majority of the people in Israel and Palestine are Muslims. There are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, and 12 million Muslims.

Since the US illegally attacked Iraq based on lies, now all countries not only have a right to a nuclear deterrent, but are idiots if they don't have or get one.

You're a terrorist sympathizer since you trust a State sponsor of Terrorism like Iran to have nukes and not use them.
Total stupidity on your part.

That is ridiculous.
Obviously, the greatest state sponsor of terrorism is the US.
What do you think we use all those drones for?
You think blowing up cars that 99% of the time are carrying innocent people isn't terrorism?
In fact, even when they get the guy they really were aiming for, like Solieamani, how is that not illegal terrorism?
Just look at all the millions of innocent civilians we illegally murdered, (illegal because they were not harming or threatening us).
We killed 3 million in Vietnam, thousands in Grenada and Panama, half a million in Iraq, almost a million in Afghanistan, tens of thousands in Libya, etc.

So tell us all how you think Iran would use nukes if they had them?

I don't debate or negotiate with terrorists like yourself. I usually put them on ignore.

Name an instance of Iranian sponsored terrorism?
Help me over come my ignorance.

HEZBOLLAH for starters, :asshole:.

Hezbollah is an organization of Shiites in Lebanon, so is not terrorism, criminal, or anything wrong.
It is a democratic political group.
It is perfectly legal and not at all associated with terrorism.
If you believe Hezbollah is associated with terrorism, then you are the one obligated to give examples of terrorism by Hezbollah to prove it.
There will be war because the TDS leftists cheated to elect a dementia riddled limp wristted leftist. Young Americans will.die because Hillary was guaranteed to win but she didnt and the woke leftists threw a hissy fit for four years.
Biden is much tougher than Trump, who just talks a lot and lies.

The difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden is trusted to keep his word

Your opinion is a 40 year career politician can be trusted to keep his word.

Oh never stopped. What a moron

Not only did production stop but all stockpiles were destroyed and verified.

Thanks to Trump, we now have a nuclear Iran

Aren't they going to honor "the deal" now? Biden is going to send them pallets of cash money, no?
He'll send them pallets of cash only if his crackhead son can be there to help them distribute that cash. Don't forget the big mans 10%, or does a fraudulent President rate 20%?
We returned frozen assets that we had held back
It was THEIR money
Possession is 90% of the law. We didn't owe them shit. Just like we don't owe China shit.
Now, thanks to Trump, we don’t have shit

His promised renegotiation of the Iran deal never happened.
What did happen is Iran restarted their nuclear program.
There will be war because the TDS leftists cheated to elect a dementia riddled limp wristted leftist. Young Americans will.die because Hillary was guaranteed to win but she didnt and the woke leftists threw a hissy fit for four years.
Biden is much tougher than Trump, who just talks a lot and lies.

The difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden is trusted to keep his word

Your opinion is a 40 year career politician can be trusted to keep his word.

Biden has a long reputation of sticking to his word.

Trump never has
There will be war because the TDS leftists cheated to elect a dementia riddled limp wristted leftist. Young Americans will.die because Hillary was guaranteed to win but she didnt and the woke leftists threw a hissy fit for four years.
Biden is much tougher than Trump, who just talks a lot and lies.

The difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden is trusted to keep his word

Your opinion is a 40 year career politician can be trusted to keep his word.

Biden has a long reputation of sticking to his word.

Trump never has
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh that is funny. 50 years of doing nothing for anyone but himself.

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