Iran warns Us: Keep carrier out of gulf!!


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010
The rhetoric is rising in the Gulf. The latest outburst warns the US to keep its carriers out of the Gulf. Iran's army chief Gen. Ataollah Salehi said the following:

"We recommend to the American warship that passed through the Strait of Hormuz and went to Gulf of Oman not to return to the Persian Gulf," Salehi was quoted as saying by the state news agency IRNA.

Iran warns U.S. carrier to stay out of Persian Gulf | Journal and Courier |

Words will not cause a conflict and how many times through history have countries said something but could or did not back it up. When it comes down to it they will not attempt direct military force against the US because it would be suicidal. The only way anything would start would be if we or someone else attacked them and then they would respond.
The pen won't stay the demon's wings...
the hour approaches, pounding out the devil's sermon.
It does feel like a drumbeat for war is happening. And it is being neat by the Iranians not the US. However they may be taking a look at the US political scene and seeing the upcoming election as an opportunity. Certainly they do not want a Repub in there or maybe they might like Paul in there although I any US President would be forced to respond to any Iranian action in the Gulf because of National Security.

It may be another foreign government misreading what we will allow and what we will not allow,
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The rhetoric is rising in the Gulf. The latest outburst warns the US to keep its carriers out of the Gulf. Iran's army chief Gen. Ataollah Salehi said the following:

"We recommend to the American warship that passed through the Strait of Hormuz and went to Gulf of Oman not to return to the Persian Gulf," Salehi was quoted as saying by the state news agency IRNA.

Iran warns U.S. carrier to stay out of Persian Gulf | Journal and Courier |

Words will not cause a conflict and how many times through history have countries said something but could or did not back it up. When it comes down to it they will not attempt direct military force against the US because it would be suicidal. The only way anything would start would be if we or someone else attacked them and then they would respond.

Nice of you to be able to read the mind of crazy people and declare them sane.
Words will not cause a conflict and how many times through history have countries said something but could or did not back it up. When it comes down to it they will not attempt direct military force against the US because it would be suicidal. The only way anything would start would be if we or someone else attacked them and then they would respond.

I think Iranian want you out of Iraq politically so that they can rule the sector there . US warships are sailing in national waters which means no real war but to make silly of you in eyes of Khumaini folowers !

the big loser in Middle East is democracy and Security
They seem to think that Obama will let them close the gulf, allow gas prices to double, make him look silly all in an election year. This is not the time for them to play chicken with a man down in the polls.

I have gone so far in paranoia with this bastard as a president that i almost feel that he is conspiring with the Iranians to make him look good this year before the election. But the idea that Iran would sacrifice a battleship to get him re elected is too much of a stretch.

But Obama needs to look good again. The death of Osama gave him a bump. Maybe the death of 300 or so Iranian sailors would do him even more good. Iran has done very well off the last three years of Obama's reign. They have no interest in the lives of their own citizens.

I remember how much of a bump Clinton got off that execution he pushed through as governor the week before the New Hampshire primary. This game of chicken sure seems a bit of a set up to assist Obama. They don't seriously believe that their pathetic excuse for a navy can do anything about a US aircraft carrier.

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