Iran. We are capable of producing a nuclear bomb.

You support nobody having nukes. Fascinating!

Do you also support fair and ethical treatment of unicorns and dragons?

Absolutely. I did note the alternative I support.

Do you support Zeus's claim to dominion over the universe?

Do you support Truman over Dewey in the next election?


I support all being able to have a deterrent for defense.
Absolutely. I did note the alternative I support.

I support all being able to have a deterrent for defense.
*including nukes

But you support no nukes.

What a luxury it must be to hold two diametrically opposed beliefs at the same time.
The agreement gave Iran 10 years of disarmament along with international inspections

Because Trump fucked up a good deal, Iran rearmed in five years
You're full of it.
Obama gave them the money they needed to fund terrorism and get their nuke program off the ground.
He also landed a Top Secret drone in Tehran airport so they could use reverse technology to build their own.
You're full of it.
Obama gave them the money they needed to fund terrorism and get their nuke program off the ground.
He also landed a Top Secret drone in Tehran airport so they could use reverse technology to build their own.

Old Obama was a pretty amazing guy for being able to do this even as a lowly Senator.

George Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria, the former president reveals in his memoirs.

George Bush's memoirs reveal how he considered attacks on Iran and Syria
Have you heard of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei? He is currently in charge of Iran.

"Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday said he seeks Israel’s destruction but not the annihilation of all Jews, after Israeli and American leaders accused him of encouraging genocide. He said Iran would support any nation or group that fights against Israel"

"This is ‘Eliminating Israel'” he explained, insisting “it will happen."

- Times of Israel

That's what the Times of Israel says for the past 25 years.
That's what the Times of Israel says for the past 25 years.
A bizarre, inappropriate response by you.

The Ayatollah of Iran said it, not the times of Israel. Those are direct quotes. And it was not 25 years ago, or even 2.

Surada, you always seem to malfunction, when anything regarding a muslim country or islam comes up. I haven't quite pegged why that is.
A bizarre, inappropriate response by you.

The Ayatollah of Iran said it, not the times of Israel. Those are direct quotes. And it was not 25 years ago, or even 2.

Surada, you always seem to malfunction, when anything regarding a muslim country or islam comes up. I haven't quite pegged why that is.

I have been following this very closely for 50 years. It's been the same claims for 25 years.. the same threats.

This crap feeds Zionism, justifies taking more land and keeps the foreign aid flowing.
I've noted for years and years that despite the rhetoric, no one was going to stop Iran from nuclear capabilities. People often want to use this as a political talking point but the fact is, Iran will be nuclear (even if they are not now) and no one is going to stop them. No amount of threats or treaties will stop them.

Advisor to Iran's Khamenei: Tehran capable of producing nuclear bomb
Wait are saying that Trumps plan of ripping up the nuclear deal didn’t work?! Wow what a shocker!!!

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