Iran. We are capable of producing a nuclear bomb.

I've noted for years and years that despite the rhetoric, no one was going to stop Iran from nuclear capabilities. People often want to use this as a political talking point but the fact is, Iran will be nuclear (even if they are not now) and no one is going to stop them. No amount of threats or treaties will stop them.

Advisor to Iran's Khamenei: Tehran capable of producing nuclear bomb

That's cute.

As long as they do not see the need for us to get involved either.
Well that's pretty sillyand reactionary. Because they don't see an immediate threat and need to destroy a facility, we shouldn't get involved to keep it from getting that far? Sorry,couldn't disagree more.
Well that's pretty sillyand reactionary. Because they don't see an immediate threat and need to destroy a facility, we shouldn't get involved to keep it from getting that far? Sorry,couldn't disagree more.

No, we should not. I support no one having nukes or I understand why other countries want them to protect themselves from those who do.
No, we should not. I support no one having nukes or I understand why other countries want them to protect themselves from those who do.
You support nobody having nukes. Fascinating!

Do you also support fair and ethical treatment of unicorns and dragons?

Do you support Zeus's claim to dominion over the universe?

Do you support Truman over Dewey in the next election?

Lol, like Biden is doing?
Biden has had exactly one budget: 2022.

It is now July 2022.

Last quarter, we paid down the national debt for the first time in 6 years.

See what happens when you just pull dumb shit out of your ass you"want" to be true? You embarrass yourself. And you do this all the time.
Biden has had exactly one budget: 2022.

It is now July 2022.

Last quarter, we paid down the national debt for the first time in 6 years.

See what happens when you just pull dumb shit out of your ass you"want" to be true? You embarrass yourself. And you do this all the time.
Biden's Whitehouse has printed up to 9 trillion dollars in 2022 and is wanting to spend trillions more.

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