Iran "White House is afflicted by mental retardation."

The Hooothies are concerning irosie big time, because according to her, Iran has ordered them to take over the world.
She just sent me a note. It turns out, according to her analysis, Iranians are NOT trying to take over the world. They are trying to take over "Black Rock", which, granted, might just be the term for "the world" among hysterical, borderline demented, Israeli housewives, but I don't think so. Either way, apparently, we are still justified in helping the glorious Saudis incinerate every last one of the Hoottoot children because their parents are "friends" with the country of Iran.
"Rouhani said: "You sanction the foreign minister simultaneously with a request for talks?""

Trump has made it, Iran has ended diplomacy between the two countries. The Orange Madman again puts the whole world at risk.

Iran says Trump ‘mentally retarded’ and vows NO MORE nuke talks after sanctions

Good. Now that Iran has:
  • Caused the entire problem through decades of western hostility, threats and intransigence.
  • Attacked our air ships.
  • Bombed our oil vessels.
  • Cut off all talks (as if they were ever "talking" in the first place!).
The "orange madman" is now free to lay the pedal to the metal. Fuck Iran. Time to turn up the heat to a NINE.

The whole world was already at risk, Moron! We've been walking on eggshells tiptoeing around land mines for decades kissing Iranian ass! But Trump will fix that.
We don´t know who is behind the tanker attack. Don´t impose your US "truth" on me.

Japan Suggests Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls US Claims Fake
The Hooothies are concerning irosie big time, because according to her, Iran has ordered them to take over the world.
Really! Well, that IS some sophisticated analysis right there. Because who could be less likely to be suspected of trying to take over the world than a bunch of sheepherders from one of the poorest countries on earth. It would be just like those wily Iranians to choose the most improbable world conquerors in the world through whom to launch their bid to take over the world. I wonder, has she applied her analytic prowess to the question of who ordered the Iranians to order the Hooties to take over the world? I'd give anything to get her insight on that complex geopolitical question.
It is the strategy of provoked underestimation!
Iran said there will only be negotiations when the US comes back to the nuke deal and lifts the sanctions.
Iran, world sponsor of terrorism, boats it will wipe Israel and the USA off the face of the planet. Yeah, let's give 'em, nukes.
Because some people said some things that sound hostile, we should incinerate millions of people? You are Satanic.

Out of curiosity, in your Satanic worldview, what's the difference between "Yeah, let's give 'em, nukes" or "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" and "Death to America"? Can you answer that, you bloodthirsty contemptible thing?

"Street Juice," yeah, a country promises to wipe us off the planet and you question US instead our wanting them not to ever get nuclear bombs?

"Satanic" world view, hey, that is pretty good, Squirt, are you calling us the 'Great Satan?'



"Bloodthirsty, contemptible thing," Ouch. Get me the burn unit. What is the difference? THE DIFFERENCE, ASSWIPE is that our decision not to given them nukes or the decision to kick their asses in a fight if they start one is a DEFENSIVE, REACTIONARY one, Son. Their "Death To America" has been and is a THREAT, a proactive one to which we are merely responding.

But since you like Iran so much, do me a favor and move there and join their army. I want you there as one of the first hit when they finally attack us and we start bombing them from low earth orbit back to Allah.

There can be and never will be peace in this world so long as 12th century Islamic neoliths have control of weapons of mass destruction.
"Rouhani said: "You sanction the foreign minister simultaneously with a request for talks?""

Trump has made it, Iran has ended diplomacy between the two countries. The Orange Madman again puts the whole world at risk.

Iran says Trump ‘mentally retarded’ and vows NO MORE nuke talks after sanctions
Oh, so you side with the enemy against America?
Your fucking Phrump is creating unnecessary tensions. To hell with him. Also, Phrump declared Europe an enemy. Note that you have only enemies and that this is your own retarded choice.
So the Iranians attack our interests and Trump should just allow them to do whatever they want??
What fucking country are you from, dirtbag?
When downing a drone that violates Iranian airspace is attacking US interests, then US interests are hostile by default. Iran even made a choice to down a drone and not a manned aircraft. They are not seeking tensions.
What if it wasn't over Iranian airspace? What if your muslim buds were lying about that?
Do you always believe the propaganda that is spoon fed to you, comrade?
Iran said there will only be negotiations when the US comes back to the nuke deal and lifts the sanctions.
As their economy has shrank 10% over the last two years. Yes, they are in the driver's seat with the negotiating. :auiqs.jpg:
Comrade, wake up to reality
"Rouhani said: "You sanction the foreign minister simultaneously with a request for talks?""

Trump has made it, Iran has ended diplomacy between the two countries. The Orange Madman again puts the whole world at risk.

Iran says Trump ‘mentally retarded’ and vows NO MORE nuke talks after sanctions
Oh, so you side with the enemy against America?
Your fucking Phrump is creating unnecessary tensions. To hell with him. Also, Phrump declared Europe an enemy. Note that you have only enemies and that this is your own retarded choice.
So the Iranians attack our interests and Trump should just allow them to do whatever they want??
What fucking country are you from, dirtbag?
When downing a drone that violates Iranian airspace is attacking US interests, then US interests are hostile by default. Iran even made a choice to down a drone and not a manned aircraft. They are not seeking tensions.
What if it wasn't over Iranian airspace? What if your muslim buds were lying about that?
Do you always believe the propaganda that is spoon fed to you, comrade?
The Roossians confirm it was.
Oh, so you side with the enemy against America?
Your fucking Phrump is creating unnecessary tensions. To hell with him. Also, Phrump declared Europe an enemy. Note that you have only enemies and that this is your own retarded choice.
So the Iranians attack our interests and Trump should just allow them to do whatever they want??
What fucking country are you from, dirtbag?
When downing a drone that violates Iranian airspace is attacking US interests, then US interests are hostile by default. Iran even made a choice to down a drone and not a manned aircraft. They are not seeking tensions.
What if it wasn't over Iranian airspace? What if your muslim buds were lying about that?
Do you always believe the propaganda that is spoon fed to you, comrade?
The Roossians confirm it was.
Yeah, the roossians have no skin in the game, do they? :laughing0301:
What flag flies at your state dept?
Iran said there will only be negotiations when the US comes back to the nuke deal and lifts the sanctions.
As their economy has shrank 10% over the last two years. Yes, they are in the driver's seat with the negotiating. :auiqs.jpg:
Comrade, wake up to reality
The world economy is currently preparing for the post-dollar era. It was in the news lately that China and Russia have agreed to accelerate this development. The US is well-advised to give up on its exceptionalist terrorism.

Iran said there will only be negotiations when the US comes back to the nuke deal and lifts the sanctions.
As their economy has shrank 10% over the last two years. Yes, they are in the driver's seat with the negotiating. :auiqs.jpg:
Comrade, wake up to reality
The world economy is currently preparing for the post-dollar era. It was in the news lately that China and Russia have agreed to accelerate this development. The US is well-advised to give up on its exceptionalist terrorism.

Wow! Comrade.....were you deflecting to something with a totally different topic? lame
Talking about it? That's laughable for the foreseeable future. Why? We have the most stable government and
economy at this time.
Iran said there will only be negotiations when the US comes back to the nuke deal and lifts the sanctions.
As their economy has shrank 10% over the last two years. Yes, they are in the driver's seat with the negotiating. :auiqs.jpg:
Comrade, wake up to reality
The world economy is currently preparing for the post-dollar era. It was in the news lately that China and Russia have agreed to accelerate this development. The US is well-advised to give up on its exceptionalist terrorism.

Wow! Comrade.....were you deflecting to something with a totally different topic? lame
Talking about it? That's laughable for the foreseeable future. Why? We have the most stable government and
economy at this time.

It means not a threat to the US but the effect of US sanctions will reserve and the US will be isolated by its own measures. In a world market that doesn´t know US tools to exclude this or that person, company or country, your Boltons can impose what they like, it won´t matter.
While it is the US that generates huge profits for companies it is China that owns the factories. The Chinese market will grow and the profits made on the US market won´t be that attractive in the future that Washington can continue to blackmail companies.
Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism on the planet. You claim they don't attack other countries.....but causing wars and providing support for insurgencies is the same thing. Anyone who claims Iran is innocent is nothing more than an Iranian propagandist.

WE are the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, sport. I think we gave Israel 800 billion dollars last year, which helped pay Israeli security forces to kill 290 Palestinians, including 55 minors. Of the casualties, 254 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 34 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and two within Israel.

TWO within Israel.

You should be ashamed of your despicable bloodlust
Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism on the planet. You claim they don't attack other countries.....but causing wars and providing support for insurgencies is the same thing. Anyone who claims Iran is innocent is nothing more than an Iranian propagandist.

WE are the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, sport. I think we gave Israel 800 billion dollars last year, which helped pay Israeli security forces to kill 290 Palestinians, including 55 minors. Of the casualties, 254 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 34 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and two within Israel.

TWO within Israel.

You should be ashamed of your despicable bloodlust
It's not terrorism to defend yourself from rock throwing assholes and blowing the shit out of rocket launchsites filled with human shields to cause causalities.
Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism on the planet. You claim they don't attack other countries.....but causing wars and providing support for insurgencies is the same thing. Anyone who claims Iran is innocent is nothing more than an Iranian propagandist.

WE are the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, sport. I think we gave Israel 800 billion dollars last year, which helped pay Israeli security forces to kill 290 Palestinians, including 55 minors. Of the casualties, 254 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 34 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and two within Israel.

TWO within Israel.

You should be ashamed of your despicable bloodlust
It's not terrorism to defend yourself from rock throwing assholes and blowing the shit out of rocket launchsites filled with human shields to cause causalities.
Israel killed more people outside its borders last year than Iran did. Way more. But Iran is the "terrorist" state and Israel is defending itself. Doesn't that seem painfully insane to you? Serious question: are you Jewish? I'm trying to get a handle on all this.
Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism on the planet. You claim they don't attack other countries.....but causing wars and providing support for insurgencies is the same thing. Anyone who claims Iran is innocent is nothing more than an Iranian propagandist.

WE are the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, sport. I think we gave Israel 800 billion dollars last year, which helped pay Israeli security forces to kill 290 Palestinians, including 55 minors. Of the casualties, 254 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 34 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and two within Israel.

TWO within Israel.

You should be ashamed of your despicable bloodlust
It's not terrorism to defend yourself from rock throwing assholes and blowing the shit out of rocket launchsites filled with human shields to cause causalities.
Israel killed more people outside its borders last year than Iran did. Way more. But Iran is the "terrorist" state and Israel is defending itself. Doesn't that seem painfully insane to you? Serious question: are you Jewish? I'm trying to get a handle on all this.
Iran is responsible for almost every death of American and foreign troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran has been funding the Syrian government keeping the slaughter going for years. Iranian involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic are close strategic allies, and Iran has provided significant support for the Syrian Government in the Syrian Civil War, including logistical, technical and financial support, as well as training and some combat troops. Iran sees the survival of the Syrian government as being crucial to its regional interests.[32][33] Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, was reported in September 2011 to be vocally in favor of the Syrian government.[34] When the uprising developed into the Syrian civil war, there were increasing reports of Iranian military support, and of Iranian training of NDF (National Defence Forces) both in Syria and Iran.[35]

Iran funds Hezbollah who have been firing rockets into Israeli cities.

Hezbollah also receives financial and political assistance, as well as weapons and training, from Iran. The US estimates that Iran was giving Hezbollah about $60–$100 million per year in financial assistance...... Funding of Hezbollah - Wikipedia
Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism on the planet. You claim they don't attack other countries.....but causing wars and providing support for insurgencies is the same thing. Anyone who claims Iran is innocent is nothing more than an Iranian propagandist.

WE are the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world, sport. I think we gave Israel 800 billion dollars last year, which helped pay Israeli security forces to kill 290 Palestinians, including 55 minors. Of the casualties, 254 were killed in the Gaza Strip, 34 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and two within Israel.

TWO within Israel.

You should be ashamed of your despicable bloodlust
It's not terrorism to defend yourself from rock throwing assholes and blowing the shit out of rocket launchsites filled with human shields to cause causalities.
Israel killed more people outside its borders last year than Iran did. Way more. But Iran is the "terrorist" state and Israel is defending itself. Doesn't that seem painfully insane to you? Serious question: are you Jewish? I'm trying to get a handle on all this.
Iran is responsible for almost every death of American and foreign troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran has been funding the Syrian government keeping the slaughter going for years. Iranian involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic are close strategic allies, and Iran has provided significant support for the Syrian Government in the Syrian Civil War, including logistical, technical and financial support, as well as training and some combat troops. Iran sees the survival of the Syrian government as being crucial to its regional interests.[32][33] Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, was reported in September 2011 to be vocally in favor of the Syrian government.[34] When the uprising developed into the Syrian civil war, there were increasing reports of Iranian military support, and of Iranian training of NDF (National Defence Forces) both in Syria and Iran.[35]

Iran funds Hezbollah who have been firing rockets into Israeli cities.

Hezbollah also receives financial and political assistance, as well as weapons and training, from Iran. The US estimates that Iran was giving Hezbollah about $60–$100 million per year in financial assistance...... Funding of Hezbollah - Wikipedia
Thus Iran helped defeating terrorists.

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