Iranian Attack Expected on Israel in Next Two Days

Orchestrated? You give others far too much credit. The muslim weirdos did exactly what they said for decades that they wanted to do and would do, in Iran.
You're not exactly an unbiased opinion, you have an axe to grind, it appears,
Of course he was not a good leader

How many autocrats are?

Are you saying the crazy mullah was a good leader?

If so thats laughable

Western style white Christian democracies do not happen overnight

But given the opportunity to set roots they can be achieved even in iran
Can't you read?
The Shah was an autocrat, but in the middle east then and now who isnt?

And he was friendly to the US
They have certainly never forgotten that.

And they are no longer under threat on their eastern border. Pakistan is far more friendly to Iran then they will be to us.

They have certainly never forgotten that.

And they are no longer under threat on their eastern border. Pakistan is far more friendly to Iran then they will be to us.

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Iran wants to blow up the world

The next big war is going to be the last, and iran will be right in the middle of it
Israel mishandled this situation. Hamas exploited it. The U.S. would be crazy to allow these two sides to manipulate it as well.
Not interfering in democratic countries' elections in favor of oil companies is better than doing so.

The oil companies prefer the US government stay out of it completely. They always screw things up. The British model is even worse. Oilmen are not there to change their religion or culture and traditions. They are there to produce petroleum.

Iran and Iraq have been through hell because of US government interference.

Remember. The oil business hates a fucking war zone.

Then there's this bit of idiocy.

BTW, the Arabs have their own democratic representation process.. it's called Majlis.
The oil companies prefer the US government stay out of it completely. They always screw things up. The British model is even worse. Oilmen are not there to change their religion or culture and traditions. They are there to produce petroleum.

Iran and Iraq have been through hell because of US government interference.

Remember. The oil business hates a fucking war zone.

Then there's this bit of idiocy.

BTW, the Arabs have their own democratic representation process.. it's called Majlis.
Unless the conflict results in oil having control. The intervention in Iran that ruined things was not in the interest of the American people, the British people or the Iranian people.
Unless the conflict results in oil having control. The intervention in Iran that ruined things was not in the interest of the American people, the British people or the Iranian people.

Oil having control?????

What does that mean?
Why does the American taxpayer have any responsibility to Israel? Why should we even concern ourselves with their war? Is it because we provide them most of their munitions, including all those cool armored bulldozers, or is it some other reason? Is the Christian assembly powerful enough to say we need to declare war?

All depends on who is in office. Think about that. The Christian assembly in this country, if organized and involved in politics, will lead us there.

This report is preliminary and I've seen no other corroboration but this could be the beginning:
Why does the American taxpayer have any responsibility to Israel? Why should we even concern ourselves with their war? Is it because we provide them most of their munitions, including all those cool armored bulldozers, or is it some other reason? Is the Christian assembly powerful enough to say we need to declare war?

All depends on who is in office. Think about that. The Christian assembly in this country, if organized and involved in politics, will lead us there.

The Israelis can pick a fight that disrupts the oil business and then....


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