Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

Playing games with his dual citizenship, taking into account the relationship between the US and Iran, is being an idiot.

We need to remember as this man has over and over traveled between Iran and the US with citizenship in both countries, the US has been assassinating scientists in Iran with its allies , to include Israel.
The guy is originally from Iran and knows it's laws.

He willingly chose to violate Iranian law and commit criminal acts.

Subsequently, he was caught, tried, and sentenced.

So I fail to see the problem. .... :cool:
The guy broke Iranian law, was convicted in a court and sentenced, and now has to do the time.

I fail to see the problem?? .... :cool:

Being that your new avatar says you love Jesus as a Muslim, can't you convince those Iranian crazies to let those Christians in Iran show their love for Jesus too? I doubt very much if Sunni Man even has a problem with the ailing pastor recently sentenced to jail.
I don't view the Iranians as crazies. They have their laws and we have ours.

If an Iranian citizen came to America and broke U.S. law.

I would have no problem seeing him sent to prison. ... :cool:

You support a " law" which forbids freedom of Religion and actually punishes people for doing so? Why not? That is what your " religion" is all about. :cool:

Syria: Catholic Priest beheaded by Islamists - SyriaNews

Another small example :cuckoo:
You support a " law" which forbids freedom of Religion and actually punishes people for doing so?
You can be any religion that you want in Iran.

But you can't proselytize or promote it.

The country of Iran has this law and the Iranian people overwhelmingly support it.

Their country, their laws.

Don't go there if you don't agree. .... :cool:
You support a " law" which forbids freedom of Religion and actually punishes people for doing so?
You can be any religion that you want in Iran.

But you can't proselytize or promote it.

The country of Iran has this law and the Iranian people overwhelmingly support it.

Their country, their laws.

Don't go there if you don't agree. .... :cool:

Still notice you actually support it. A Uncivilized, Savage " Religion" ::lol: :cuckoo:
All of Europe plus Canada have banned the death penalty in their countries.

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

But we in the U.S. like the death penalty laws and don't care whether anyone likes it or not.

Same with the Iranian's and their countries laws. ... :cool:
All of Europe plus Canada have banned the death penalty in their countries.

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

But we in the U.S. like the death penalty laws and don't care whether anyone likes it or not.

Same with the Iranian's and their countries laws. ... :cool:

good point sunni Countries have a right to their laws----people have a right
to determine them DEMOCRATICALLY----or however. In recent years MALDIVES
enacted a law which can serve as a PRECEDENT ----for civilized nations---
Maldives determined that one must be a muslim to be eligible for citizenship
in that country----even citzens NOT muslim were STRIPPED of citzenship----
MARVELOUS PRECEDENT-----civilized countries should take note and
enact laws stripping all those who practice the stink of meccaism-----of
citizenship. In the shariah cesspit in which my husband was born-----
ONLY muslims are permitted to hold public office. About 20 years ago ---
a foward thinking young lawyer decided to challenge that law-----
but he was defeated-------Not only muslim a person be an adherent of the
stench of meccaism------BOTH OF HIS PARENTS must also be meccaist dogs
in order to hold public office.

would that civlizied countries take up the cue------and rid themselves of the
stink of meccaism -----using similar methods
All of Europe plus Canada have banned the death penalty in their countries.

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

But we in the U.S. like the death penalty laws and don't care whether anyone likes it or not.

Same with the Iranian's and their countries laws. ... :cool:

Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joshua Komisarjevsky, the second man who was found guilty of killing a Connecticut mother and her two daughters during a horrific 2007 home invasion, was formally sentenced to death today. Komisarjevsky expressed regret over the deaths of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, and her daughters, Hayley, 17, and Michaela, 11, but continued to blame accomplice and fellow death row inmate Steven Hayes for much of the horrors of that day: “I know my responsibilities, but what I cannot do is carry the responsibilities of the actions of another,” Komisarjevsky said. “I did not want those innocent women to die.”

Komisarjevsky denied he killed anyone, said he didn’t rape Michaela, and claimed he didn’t start the fire. Talking about his death sentence he said, “I wonder when the killing will end.” He added that he had family and supporters who don’t want him to die, and said being sentenced to death was a "surreal experience." The lone survivor of the home invasion, Dr. William Petit, called the loss of his wife and two daughters a "personal holocaust."

CT Triple Murderer: My Death Sentence Is "Surreal Experience": Gothamist

Obviously, this is just one small example. Happened in a State not too far from me. The mother couldn't even be identified except through her Dental Records. Give us just one reason why these men deserve to live.

They " deserve" to live but those who prostelize Christianity don't? No wonder the Muslim World in general is though of as Uncivilized , Savage, and Barbaric :cool: :lol: :evil:
All of Europe plus Canada have banned the death penalty in their countries.

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

But we in the U.S. like the death penalty laws and don't care whether anyone likes it or not.

Same with the Iranian's and their countries laws. ... :cool:

Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joshua Komisarjevsky, the second man who was found guilty of killing a Connecticut mother and her two daughters during a horrific 2007 home invasion, was formally sentenced to death today. Komisarjevsky expressed regret over the deaths of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, and her daughters, Hayley, 17, and Michaela, 11, but continued to blame accomplice and fellow death row inmate Steven Hayes for much of the horrors of that day: “I know my responsibilities, but what I cannot do is carry the responsibilities of the actions of another,” Komisarjevsky said. “I did not want those innocent women to die.”

Komisarjevsky denied he killed anyone, said he didn’t rape Michaela, and claimed he didn’t start the fire. Talking about his death sentence he said, “I wonder when the killing will end.” He added that he had family and supporters who don’t want him to die, and said being sentenced to death was a "surreal experience." The lone survivor of the home invasion, Dr. William Petit, called the loss of his wife and two daughters a "personal holocaust."

CT Triple Murderer: My Death Sentence Is "Surreal Experience": Gothamist

Obviously, this is just one small example. Happened in a State not too far from me. The mother couldn't even be identified except through her Dental Records. Give us just one reason why these men deserve to live.

They " deserve" to live but those who prostelize Christianity don't? No wonder the Muslim World in general is though of as Uncivilized , Savage, and Barbaric :cool: :lol: :evil:

does anyone have any evidence that the iranian christian actually went around
TRYING TO PROSELYTIZE? ------like by accosting people in the streets forcing
upon them or their children------christian literature? seems to me that his
whole crime is----he is christian. It it a crime in Iran to try to convert non muslims
Has everyone noticed how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies? Perhaps it is long overdo for us Americans to make some changes in our immigration laws to prevent the likes of Sunni Man thinking.

All of Europe plus Canada have banned the death penalty in their countries.

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

But we in the U.S. like the death penalty laws and don't care whether anyone likes it or not.

Same with the Iranian's and their countries laws. ... :cool:
Has everyone noticed how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies? Perhaps it is long overdo for us Americans to make some changes in our immigration laws to prevent the likes of Sunni Man thinking.
You are about 30 yrs. too late dickweed. .. :eusa_angel:
Has everyone noticed how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies? Perhaps it is long overdo for us Americans to make some changes in our immigration laws to prevent the likes of Sunni Man thinking.
You are about 30 yrs. too late dickweed. .. :eusa_angel:

CT Triple Murderer: My Death Sentence Is "Surreal Experience": Gothamist

Joshua Komisarjevsky, the second man who was found guilty of killing a Connecticut mother and her two daughters during a horrific 2007 home invasion, was formally sentenced to death today. Komisarjevsky expressed regret over the deaths of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, and her daughters, Hayley, 17, and Michaela, 11, but continued to blame accomplice and fellow death row inmate Steven Hayes for much of the horrors of that day: “I know my responsibilities, but what I cannot do is carry the responsibilities of the actions of another,” Komisarjevsky said. “I did not want those innocent women to die.”

Komisarjevsky denied he killed anyone, said he didn’t rape Michaela, and claimed he didn’t start the fire. Talking about his death sentence he said, “I wonder when the killing will end.” He added that he had family and supporters who don’t want him to die, and said being sentenced to death was a "surreal experience." The lone survivor of the home invasion, Dr. William Petit, called the loss of his wife and two daughters a "personal holocaust."

Obviously, this is just one small example. Happened in a State not too far from me. The mother couldn't even be identified except through her Dental Records. Give us just one reason why these men deserve to live.

They " deserve" to live but those who prostelize Christianity don't? No wonder the Muslim World in general is though of as Uncivilized , Savage, and Barbaric

Still refuse to answer the question; You Dick :lol:
You support a " law" which forbids freedom of Religion and actually punishes people for doing so?
You can be any religion that you want in Iran.

But you can't proselytize or promote it.

The country of Iran has this law and the Iranian people overwhelmingly support it.

Their country, their laws.

Don't go there if you don't agree. .... :cool:

Still notice you actually support it. A Uncivilized, Savage " Religion" ::lol: :cuckoo:

Respecting a nation's sovereignity does not necessarily equate to endorsing and supporting all of that nation's policies.
You are such an idiot.

I am pro death penalty you nitwit........ :cuckoo:

They think Americans are barbaric savages for executing criminals convicted of 1st degree murder.

Comparing those who proselytize Christianity to those who deliberately kill . Guess you are pro death Penalty you Barbaric Nitwit :cuckoo:
Why is the death penalty OK anytime?

And what is that to do with the idiot we are discussing?

He has not been sentenced to death.
You are such an idiot.

I am pro death penalty you nitwit........ :cuckoo:
Being pro Death penalty for 'Apostasy' and 'Insulting Islam' doesn't count Here. :^)


Iran Begins National Christian Church Shutdown
Iran Begins National Christian Church Shutdown

Earlier this week, international leaders praised Iran for closing down some of its nuclear program. The U.S. and EU are both reportedly easing some economic sanctions on Iran as a result, one of the conditions of an agreement made last year.

According to Michael Wood of Open Doors USA, a nationwide church shutdown is also underway.

“It’s basically illegal to even go to a church,” Wood explains. “Those that have been going—the government has their names, their addresses; they’re really being scrutinized and followed.”

Believers began meeting in houses instead, but even then they weren’t safe.

“Anything that draws large crowds to a home brings attention and investigation,” says Wood. “I know of one church leader who is encouraging his people to ... just go out and have coffee or something, and that’s their church. They share what God’s doing in their lives one on one.”

Wood says the situation has gotten increasingly difficult for believers since the last presidential election. More people are coming to Christ, he says, which results in resistance from Iran’s Islamic government.

Shortly after Christmas, Farsi-speaking members of a major church in Tehran were told they can no longer attend service. Farsi is Iran’s official language, and the majority of this church’s congregation are Farsi-speakers.
Iran Begins National Christian Church Shutdown
Iran Begins National Christian Church Shutdown

Earlier this week, international leaders praised Iran for closing down some of its nuclear program. The U.S. and EU are both reportedly easing some economic sanctions on Iran as a result, one of the conditions of an agreement made last year.

According to Michael Wood of Open Doors USA, a nationwide church shutdown is also underway.

“It’s basically illegal to even go to a church,” Wood explains. “Those that have been going—the government has their names, their addresses; they’re really being scrutinized and followed.”

Believers began meeting in houses instead, but even then they weren’t safe.

“Anything that draws large crowds to a home brings attention and investigation,” says Wood. “I know of one church leader who is encouraging his people to ... just go out and have coffee or something, and that’s their church. They share what God’s doing in their lives one on one.”

Wood says the situation has gotten increasingly difficult for believers since the last presidential election. More people are coming to Christ, he says, which results in resistance from Iran’s Islamic government.

Shortly after Christmas, Farsi-speaking members of a major church in Tehran were told they can no longer attend service. Farsi is Iran’s official language, and the majority of this church’s congregation are Farsi-speakers.

All the more reason to stay away. Not exactly a hot Vacation spot. An American travelling to Iran really is taking a big risk. America and Iran are at War. It's an ugly Cold War. America and Israel have assassinated Iranians in Iran. They're also currently funding dissent there by way of espionage. So obviously Iran is skeptical of any Americans travelling there. My advice would be to simply stay away. This is not a good time to be an American in Iran. Americans need to understand the big risks before deciding to travel there.

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