Iranian Jets Commit Act Of War Yet Obama Administration Hides Attack Till Today

Yawn. Wake me up when this movie gets to the good part. Gulf of Tonkin reruns anyone?
Drone? Hey, unless that drone was carrying free food and cigarettes and cash for ME, I really don't care.

I've adopted a whole new attutude about how to live my life.

It's all about ME and what freebees my government will give me!

LOL I Hear you. Clearly we can't beat them, Might as well join them. I mean if they are just going to suck this Nation Dry sucking on it's Tit, we might as well get our share before the whole fucking thing collapses.

The only bigger joke than the Obama admin, is the fact that the GOP could not beat him.

Two Iranian Jets shot at an unarmed drone patrolling the Persian Gulf Nov 1st yet we weren't allowed to know it till 2pm today.

They hid the facts on Benghazi for two weeks and now this.

That's okay. We don't need to trust our leaders anymore long as they keep giving us our stuff.

By Barbara Starr

Two Iranian Su-25 fighter jets fired on an unarmed U.S. Air Force Predator drone in the Persian Gulf last week, CNN has learned.

The incident raises fresh concerns within the Obama administration about Iranian military aggression in crucial Gulf oil shipping lanes.

The drone was in international airspace east of Kuwait, U.S. officials said, adding it was engaged in routine maritime surveillance.

Although the drone was not hit, the Pentagon is concerned.

Two U.S. officials explained the jets were part of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps force, which has been more confrontational than regular Iranian military forces.

The Obama administration did not disclose the incident, which occurred just days before the presidential election on November 1, but three senior officials confirmed the details to CNN.
FIRST ON CNN: Iranian jets fire on U.S. drone – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Now I know it's no big deal. Who cares, right?

Pretty soon they're going to kill someone and then we ether go to war or chicken out.

Guess we'll just chicken out.....again.

4 more years. LMAO!!!!!!

I could swear I heard Brian (crooked-nose) Williams on the news earlier say this incident took place about a year ago. I could be mistaken I guess but, I don't know. Wish I would have recorded the news earlier now.
The Predator drone was flying over international waters approximately 16 nautical miles off the Iranian coastline, which was well within Iran's defensive perimeter and Iran may have taken defensive action by firing warning shots at the approaching unmanned drone which was on a routine surveillance mission to check on Iranian nuclear facilities and the Obama administration did not disclose the incident until after last Tuesday’s presidential elections fearing that it would affect Obama negatively at the polls.

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