Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

It’s called bait and switch..... this is how you get people and he press to stop talking about the impeachment all while he’s in Florida laid up!!!!
Iran, Russia and Turkey are completely destroyed and lose 90% of their military force when they decide to attack Israel.

Read Ezekiel 38 & 39
WAG THE DOG, Trump style?

Only instead of it actually being something of lesser significance than his impeachment that we can be distracted by, Iran is saying on the news, this act was a declaration of war... by the USA against them? :eek:

But as demented as we know the president is, I would not doubt he would think this assassination was just what he needed to help get his own rear end, out of trouble.... and the focus on something else...

He may have whacked a hornet's nest, worse than Bush 2 in Iraq... instead of just wagging the dog! Oh good Lord, I hope not!

For those that do pray, let us pray for the diplomats, military, and US Contractors and their safety, while stationed in the middle east! :(
America doesnt need a new president, my friends, America needs a new Congress.

Democrats are just like Republicans, only nicer. they're too nice to kill folks like this dude
Those folks killed hundreds of us and were making plans to move in on our diplomats, basquebromance. They keep killing our American citizens, and they will have to face our military, which they should avoid, because they used to be our allies, but evil people took over and used their religion to destroy everything American they could get their evil fingers around.

They needed a reminder that American citizens ought to be left alone. We've done nothing but good to Iran and it's coming after us as if there were no consequences to this evil. There are good consequences when they wake up and smell the coffee and stop hurting Americans.
It’s called bait and switch..... this is how you get people and he press to stop talking about the impeachment all while he’s in Florida laid up!!!!
It’s called The End Times where 90% of Iran, Turkey &Russia’s Armies are exterminated on the mountains of Israel.
Loved it when he blew up about 50 Russian MIGs in Syria with Cruise

Trump certainly comes down hard on Putin's allies, (even now as Iran, Russia and China share joint military exercises) so maybe We can turn to Nancy Pelosi for some perspective here as she has said "all roads lead to Russia"
I mean maybe all the Democrat nut jobs, can finally post a public apology for claiming such things as Trump being Putin's puppet, bitch, and for being an operative of Russia. How long will we have to wait for their public retractions? of course that would mean admitting that the entire impeachment of Trump is a fabrication. Actions by Trump have destroyed any narrative they have ever had.

Yep, building a Trump tower in Moscow, thats just business, ....blowing up 50 Russian MIGs, thats personal.
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Trump started all this shit when he withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. Hell is coming...
what ?? are you trying to say that Iraq was not a terrorist state before the nuclear deal ??? i cant believe you are that stupid ...but then again .....
They were a terrorist-funding State. One without nuclear weapons. Trump fixed that.
are you trying to say that those evil scum were not going to try to get a nuke if we stuck to the deal ?? wow !
Yes. There were inspections and verification.

Trust, but verify. Remember that? Maybe not - it was a conservative position.
what ??there were nuclear sites that inspectors were not allowed to visit !! say whatever you want about the great and peaceful country you love called Iran all you want !! many in the lefts base may buy it but independents and conservatives know better !! Trump is going to be reelected by a land slide and we will keep the senate and maybe even take the house back !
"From a military and diplomatic perspective, Soleimani was Iran’s David Petraeus and Stan McChrystal and Brett McGurk all rolled into one,"
"Trump's Soleimani airstrike is utterly righteous. Soleimani was one of the worst human beings on the planet. America had to re-establish deterrence after Obama's appeasement. This will not be the end of the story -- Iran will continue to lash out. But they're certainly on notice." - Sassy Ben Shapiro
Democrat and left-wing icons Qassim Sueimani and Mahdi al Muhandis were killed in an air strike today. It is a sad day for the democrat party, the piles of shit in the fake news media and the America-hating asshole leftists. Right now, they need time to grieve for their fallen heroes, hold candlelight vigils for them, then go on to influence Americans into thinking these two dead shitbags were the greatest people to never win the Nobel Peace Prize.

After that, somebody has to be held accountable for this travesty. Soon the democrats and their sluts in the media will be calling for President Donald J. Trump to be impeached for this. Oh, they'll come up with something like Trump denied them due process, cruel and unusual punishment or something along that line.

Well, in conclusion, thank you President Trump. The world is now a better place. The left, the media, democrats all of you can eat shit.
Those men were not democrats. They weren't even Americans. Unless you count Putin as a republican. We don't know if this makes the world a better place. I doubt if tomorrow the Iranian leader will be calling trump tomorrow tellig him, "I quit."

we don’t know if this makes the world a better place? We kinda do. One less terrorist asshole with American blood on his hands.
It’s called bait and switch..... this is how you get people and he press to stop talking about the impeachment all while he’s in Florida laid up!!!!
wag the dog

The phrase 'Wag the Dog' is used to indicate that attention is purposely being diverted from something of greater importance to something of lesser importance. Example of Use: “He's wagging the dog to keep you from discovering the truth about the car wreck.”
Democrat and left-wing icons Qassim Sueimani and Mahdi al Muhandis were killed in an air strike today. It is a sad day for the democrat party, the piles of shit in the fake news media and the America-hating asshole leftists. Right now, they need time to grieve for their fallen heroes, hold candlelight vigils for them, then go on to influence Americans into thinking these two dead shitbags were the greatest people to never win the Nobel Peace Prize.

After that, somebody has to be held accountable for this travesty. Soon the democrats and their sluts in the media will be calling for President Donald J. Trump to be impeached for this. Oh, they'll come up with something like Trump denied them due process, cruel and unusual punishment or something along that line.

Well, in conclusion, thank you President Trump. The world is now a better place. The left, the media, democrats all of you can eat shit.
Those men were not democrats. They weren't even Americans. Unless you count Putin as a republican. We don't know if this makes the world a better place. I doubt if tomorrow the Iranian leader will be calling trump tomorrow tellig him, "I quit."

Can you say something that has some substance it it.

You don't know.....that says a lot.

You doubt ?......who really cares.
I hope Trump doesn't go into full blown war. My gut tells me he has no interest in this. This is right out of the Reagan handbook. If someone is hellbent on hurting your citizens and soldiers, they will be warned, and if they continue to pursue their objectives, they will be dealt with.

I don't celebrate death, but I certainly don't celebrate spreading of terror and their sponsors. Reagan was just as aggressive whenever facing existential threats to Americans. People knew where he stood.
I know how you feel shockedcanadian. Nobody likes war, but after so many killings of its citizens a nation has a responsibility to do all it can to stop the murders. We took off the head of the snake. It's up to Iran to re-evaluate its plan to kill more and more and more Americans. Hopefully they will see the light now.
"Soleimani was responsible for unthinkable violence and world is better off without him. But Congress didn’t authorize and American people don’t want a war with Iran. All steps must now be taken to protect our forces against the almost inevitable escalation and increased risk." - Shiffty Schiff
Trump started all this shit when he withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. Hell is coming...
what ?? are you trying to say that Iraq was not a terrorist state before the nuclear deal ??? i cant believe you are that stupid ...but then again .....
They were a terrorist-funding State. One without nuclear weapons. Trump fixed that.
are you trying to say that those evil scum were not going to try to get a nuke if we stuck to the deal ?? wow !
Yes. There were inspections and verification.

Trust, but verify. Remember that? Maybe not - it was a conservative position.

I don't give a crap about Obama's Iran deal. The fact is even though Obama made a deal with them, Iran was still actively involved in murdering American soldiers. Where the hell do you think all those IEDs came from that blew up Americans in Iraq? They were planned and orchestrated by that shithead we killed tonight.

Get that through your goddamned thick skull. What the fuck is wrong with you anyway?

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