Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !


Same thing we're hearing from every other Democrat asshole tonight:

"Terrorists bad....but...Trump..."
"Trump's Soleimani airstrike is utterly righteous. Soleimani was one of the worst human beings on the planet. America had to re-establish deterrence after Obama's appeasement. This will not be the end of the story -- Iran will continue to lash out. But they're certainly on notice." - Sassy Ben Shapiro

Huh. So arch-conservative Ben Shapiro doesn't think we're at war. Interesting. He thinks we've just "put them on notice." He's a very smart guy, so maybe he's right. Just a warning shot?

This is , indeed, just a warning shot.

The Supreme Leader of Iran is still alive and well. He wouldn't be, if we were at war.
80 million people live in Iran. I know many wonderful people from Iran. I don’t want 20 yr olds from Indiana to go there & kill civilians & kids & then get killed themselves. Imperial war is the darkest evil.

Do we really want to get into perpetual warfare in the Middle East? It's easy for politicians to pound the table & talk about how tough they are, but it will not be the sons & daughters of billionaires that get killed.
"Soleimani was responsible for unthinkable violence and world is better off without him. But Congress didn’t authorize and American people don’t want a war with Iran. All steps must now be taken to protect our forces against the almost inevitable escalation and increased risk." - Shiffty Schiff
They're coming to take Schiff away to the funny farm if he in any way butts into the military wing with his multiple lies and yarns. We've had about enough of Adam Schiff's lies.
80 million people live in Iran. I know many wonderful people from Iran. I don’t want 20 yr olds from Indiana to go there & kill civilians & kids & then get killed themselves. Imperial war is the darkest evil.

There isn't going to be a war. The Iranian mullahs will bluster a bit, but accept the fact that they were outsmarted by Donald J. Trump.

They aren't quite as stupid as American liberals
fuck Quid pro Joe and his inability to see that justice has finally been delivered to one of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet !! and besides the idiot is asleep right now and does not have the mental capacity to write a statement that long without forgetting the subject matter or where he is even at !
I'm not in the know to understand what comes next, but I do know that outright terror against citizens on ANY nation should not expect, that when intelligence identifies his movement, that he will not face consequences.

If someone is a reasonable, logical, human being, even some of the worst people can change their direction. If they are hellbent on destroying you, well, they know the risks they face.

If what is being said about this general is true, he must have known about these risks...
Jihad tends to take reason out of the equation, shockedcanadian.
Obama sent them cash...Trump turned them to ash!
Obama screwed with America. He was never on our side, and everything he ever did showed it. He did manage to try to get rid of President Trump, but it flat out didn't work. His best bet is to STFU.
President Trump should ask President Obama, Val Jarrett, John Kerry and the Clintons to serve as America's official representatives to Soleiamani's funeral. After all,with the love they have for the mullahs , they will want to pay their respects

That gives me an idea ... :04:

You mean a drone attack on the funeral? It would make a good tight target.

I didn't say that! I didn't say that!!

Weddings are better. The bride can register with Lockheed Martin ... they always deliver.
America doesnt need a new president, my friends, America needs a new Congress.

Democrats are just like Republicans, only nicer. they're too nice to kill folks like this dude
Those folks killed hundreds of us and were making plans to move in on our diplomats, basquebromance. They keep killing our American citizens, and they will have to face our military, which they should avoid, because they used to be our allies, but evil people took over and used their religion to destroy everything American they could get their evil fingers around.

They needed a reminder that American citizens ought to be left alone. We've done nothing but good to Iran and it's coming after us as if there were no consequences to this evil. There are good consequences when they wake up and smell the coffee and stop hurting Americans.

No beautress, what you say about what happened between us and Iran is wrong. These guys that got killed were evil, but killing them is not going to remind them to do anything but increase their attacks. You might want to go read some history.
Why would they attack me? I'm hoping they will learn a lesson from their mistake and stop killing American citizens. The best thing that could happen right now is for them to apprize their harsh position and take into consideration the pain they have inflicted on American families with all those murders they were doing. We don't want to hurt any more people, but we do have the right to stop a bully who thinks we cannot fight back. Bad estimation on the part of their now-dead leaders. Perhaps the surviving leaders will see the light and go for a peace agreement and stick to it this time.

You are truly ignorant of the history between us and Iran. People like you call them bullies while they are over there calling us the great satan for what we have done to them and the region. We have been meddling in their lives since the 1950's because we have wanted the oil. You really need to go look it up. I don't know what makes people like you think that we can just kill anybody we want and they better not fight back. They are going to fight back. We had a peace agreement with them. trump tore it up.
God will slaughter 90% of Iran’s, Russia’s and Turkey’s armies in the Battle of Gog and Magog and then destroy most of the people in those nations. America not Israel will have to lift a finger. Divine Judgment is coming.

If you have friends in Iran, tell them to accept Jesus as their savior and God because Judgment Day is not far away. Could be tomorrow or could be 10 years from now, but odds are with this alliance of Iran, Russia and Turkey that was prophesied, it’s not far away.

80 million people live in Iran. I know many wonderful people from Iran. I don’t want 20 yr olds from Indiana to go there & kill civilians & kids & then get killed themselves. Imperial war is the darkest evil.

Do we really want to get into perpetual warfare in the Middle East? It's easy for politicians to pound the table & talk about how tough they are, but it will not be the sons & daughters of billionaires that get killed.
Democrat and left-wing icons Qassim Sueimani and Mahdi al Muhandis were killed in an air strike today. It is a sad day for the democrat party, the piles of shit in the fake news media and the America-hating asshole leftists. Right now, they need time to grieve for their fallen heroes, hold candlelight vigils for them, then go on to influence Americans into thinking these two dead shitbags were the greatest people to never win the Nobel Peace Prize.

After that, somebody has to be held accountable for this travesty. Soon the democrats and their sluts in the media will be calling for President Donald J. Trump to be impeached for this. Oh, they'll come up with something like Trump denied them due process, cruel and unusual punishment or something along that line.

Well, in conclusion, thank you President Trump. The world is now a better place. The left, the media, democrats all of you can eat shit.
Those men were not democrats. They weren't even Americans. Unless you count Putin as a republican. We don't know if this makes the world a better place. I doubt if tomorrow the Iranian leader will be calling trump tomorrow tellig him, "I quit."
Russians are socialist and communist as far as i know only one party has socialists running for office ..and thats your American hating treasonous left wing party.
Obama sent them cash...Trump turned them to ash!
Obama screwed with America. He was never on our side, and everything he ever did showed it. He did manage to try to get rid of President Trump, but it flat out didn't work. His best bet is to STFU.
That's a damn lie! You will learn that this move was a mistake.
fuck Quid pro Joe and his inability to see that justice has finally been delivered to one of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet !! and besides the idiot is asleep right now and does not have the mental capacity to write a statement that long without forgetting the subject matter or where he is even at !

The Entire Left nearly all of them hate America and hate Israel because they know their time on Earth is nearing an end as judgment days draws nigh.
Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
Statement by the Department of Defense
JAN. 2, 2020​
At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.

I would start being very concerned about your security.
why has Iran suddenly turned hostile to America ??
America doesnt need a new president, my friends, America needs a new Congress.

Democrats are just like Republicans, only nicer. they're too nice to kill folks like this dude
Those folks killed hundreds of us and were making plans to move in on our diplomats, basquebromance. They keep killing our American citizens, and they will have to face our military, which they should avoid, because they used to be our allies, but evil people took over and used their religion to destroy everything American they could get their evil fingers around.

They needed a reminder that American citizens ought to be left alone. We've done nothing but good to Iran and it's coming after us as if there were no consequences to this evil. There are good consequences when they wake up and smell the coffee and stop hurting Americans.

No beautress, what you say about what happened between us and Iran is wrong. These guys that got killed were evil, but killing them is not going to remind them to do anything but increase their attacks. You might want to go read some history.
Why would they attack me? I'm hoping they will learn a lesson from their mistake and stop killing American citizens. The best thing that could happen right now is for them to apprize their harsh position and take into consideration the pain they have inflicted on American families with all those murders they were doing. We don't want to hurt any more people, but we do have the right to stop a bully who thinks we cannot fight back. Bad estimation on the part of their now-dead leaders. Perhaps the surviving leaders will see the light and go for a peace agreement and stick to it this time.

You are truly ignorant of the history between us and Iran. People like you call them bullies while they are over there calling us the great satan for what we have done to them and the region. We have been meddling in their lives since the 1950's because we have wanted the oil. You really need to go look it up. I don't know what makes people like you think that we can just kill anybody we want and they better not fight back. They are going to fight back. We had a peace agreement with them. trump tore it up.
I am not intimidated by your failed threat nor your character assassination of me. The Iranians are going to do whatever it is they are going to do, and for their sake, I hope they take a stab in the dark at peace, because it will restore them. If they continue the Jihad, so sad, too bad.
Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
Statement by the Department of Defense
JAN. 2, 2020​
At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.

I would start being very concerned about your security.
IM2 said: I would start being very concerned about your security.​
Why is that?

You will see. The Iranians will not be backing down. Hopefully trump learns how to create a strategy.
Their thinking is wrong. They have to back down, or they will go from being the richest small country in the world to being the poorest. That's not a consequence anybody wants, IM2.
Actually your thinking is wrong. And it has been this kind of thinking we have held on to since at least the 1950's that has created the problem we face now.
Read Ezekiel 38-39 to see how Iran is utterly Destroyed and nearly wiped off the face of the earth.

Democrat and left-wing icons Qassim Sueimani and Mahdi al Muhandis were killed in an air strike today. It is a sad day for the democrat party, the piles of shit in the fake news media and the America-hating asshole leftists. Right now, they need time to grieve for their fallen heroes, hold candlelight vigils for them, then go on to influence Americans into thinking these two dead shitbags were the greatest people to never win the Nobel Peace Prize.

After that, somebody has to be held accountable for this travesty. Soon the democrats and their sluts in the media will be calling for President Donald J. Trump to be impeached for this. Oh, they'll come up with something like Trump denied them due process, cruel and unusual punishment or something along that line.

Well, in conclusion, thank you President Trump. The world is now a better place. The left, the media, democrats all of you can eat shit.
Those men were not democrats. They weren't even Americans. Unless you count Putin as a republican. We don't know if this makes the world a better place. I doubt if tomorrow the Iranian leader will be calling trump tomorrow tellig him, "I quit."
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