Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
Statement by the Department of Defense
JAN. 2, 2020​
At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.

I would start being very concerned about your security.


Go do some reading on the things we have done. Then remember that war we started in Iraq for no reason.
Iran attacks our embassy...Trump threatens Iran...Iran says "we had nothing to do with it"...and Soleimani is just hanging out at the iraq airport but sheer coincidence?

So we snuffed that fucker out like a candle!

He just got his 72 virgins...and found out they were all men :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see those clerics laugh again.
You might not like it if they do.
its about time ! and going after the lranian leaders may be the new approach that will slap some sense into those murdering terrorist !! and it may also give the opposition inside of Iran the the boost they need to kick out the Islamic extremest running their country !
I hear Obama and Kerry burst into tears. :laughing0301:
Iran will be exterminated by God. We don’t have to do a damn thing to them but torment them a little. 90% of their military will be wiped out on The Mountains of Israel by Divine Judgment and they’ll never recover from that.

Ezekiel 38 & 39

80 million people live in Iran. I know many wonderful people from Iran. I don’t want 20 yr olds from Indiana to go there & kill civilians & kids & then get killed themselves. Imperial war is the darkest evil.

Do we really want to get into perpetual warfare in the Middle East? It's easy for politicians to pound the table & talk about how tough they are, but it will not be the sons & daughters of billionaires that get killed.

I see no reason for troops on the ground in Iran except maybe infiltrated for Humint, or painting targets with IR. Might be time for a new deck of playing cards with pictures on them. Most of the people on the Iraqi playing cards were taken out by rockets and airdropped guided munitions. I have no problem with targeted air strikes. There is no excuse for another Regime Change strategy. We're not good it. We are much better just generally breaking crap and taking out specific people. We're still stuck in the Middle East after we screwed up the entire Middle East with the last Regime Change war. Specific targeted drone missions and and airstrikes as necessary, no ground forces. no need to get in a hurry either. Just smack the crap out of them on an on provocation basis is fine. Should have done that last year when they started taking oil tankers.
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So did Faun, Drunk Indian, and Basque.
its about time ! and going after the lranian leaders may be the new approach that will slap some sense into those murdering terrorist !! and it may also give the opposition inside of Iran the the boost they need to kick out the Islamic extremest running their country !
I hear Obama and Kerry burst into tears. :laughing0301:
WW3 is coming, let’s hope this ends Trumps presidency so we can try to pick up the pieces of what he’s destroyed.
You might not like it if they do.

Is the big bad towel heads going to kill the US military?

Let 'em try!

I hope this is the catalyst for the iranian people to do away with their gov't! I have nothing against the people of Iran...but it's gov't officials need to be wrapped in bacon & buried facing south!
The Iranians and their military will be burned alive and lose 90% of their military.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
Statement by the Department of Defense
JAN. 2, 2020​
At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.

I would start being very concerned about your security.
IM2 said: I would start being very concerned about your security.​
Why is that?

You will see. The Iranians will not be backing down. Hopefully trump learns how to create a strategy.
I was hoping they would save themselves and agree to stop the killing of Americans.
GOD Bless President Trump! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

(please merge if necessary)

To the Mullahs .....Do not mess with America!

Bravo Mr President Bravo all Patriots!

Qassem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran’s Quds Force, was killed in an airstrike at Baghdad International Airport, Iraqi TV and three Iraqi officials officials said Friday

The officials said the strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces.

Iran Quds Force head Qassem Soleimani killed in Baghdad strike — Iraqi TV

bye bye now!

He looks like a pretty tough adversary

I’m glad he’s dead

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