Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.
What channel you watching?

I don't think you can pick it up. It's the Rachel Maddow show on PMSNBC. Sorry, Bush I watch all news shows at one time or another.
The Iranian Regime and their military will be obliterated and exterminated burned alive on The Mountains of Israel by divine judgment.

90% of their military is destroyed as well
as 90% of Russia and Iran’s military.

It will take 7 months to bury their bodies.

IM2 said: I would start being very concerned about your security.​
Why is that?

You will see. The Iranians will not be backing down. Hopefully trump learns how to create a strategy.
Their thinking is wrong. They have to back down, or they will go from being the richest small country in the world to being the poorest. That's not a consequence anybody wants, IM2.
Actually your thinking is wrong. And it has been this kind of thinking we have held on to since at least the 1950's that has created the problem we face now.
Why would they attack me? I'm hoping they will learn a lesson from their mistake and stop killing American citizens. The best thing that could happen right now is for them to apprize their harsh position and take into consideration the pain they have inflicted on American families with all those murders they were doing. We don't want to hurt any more people, but we do have the right to stop a bully who thinks we cannot fight back. Bad estimation on the part of their now-dead leaders. Perhaps the surviving leaders will see the light and go for a peace agreement and stick to it this time.

You are truly ignorant of the history between us and Iran. People like you call them bullies while they are over there calling us the great satan for what we have done to them and the region. We have been meddling in their lives since the 1950's because we have wanted the oil. You really need to go look it up. I don't know what makes people like you think that we can just kill anybody we want and they better not fight back. They are going to fight back. We had a peace agreement with them. trump tore it up.
I am not intimidated by your failed threat nor your character assassination of me. The Iranians are going to do whatever it is they are going to do, and for their sake, I hope they take a stab in the dark at peace, because it will restore them. If they continue the Jihad, so sad, too bad.

You not being intimidated is not my problem since I am not trying to intimidate anyone. But your ignorance concerning our relationship with Iran is troubling. We need to take that same stab at peace. People in that region have been asking us to leave them alone since the 70's and people like you have always refused to listen. We've been killing them for almost 70 years. We are the ones who started a war in Iraq for no reason, not them. Understand that before you talk.
Actually, Saddam pulled a few fast ones on America, bub, and I read everything Madeline Albright said in her Secretary of State notes which she made public. His deeds toward every single one of his neighbors was chilling, and I know a couple of people in Kuwait he murdered outright with his army, and the rapes his men committed when they took over our ally. Have you forgotten? You should get a transcript of Secretary of State Albright's records. You'll find that I am 100% right on top of this situation in Iran as well as the old one of Iraq. I don't buy your bluster, but I understand the cloud Obama's world was all about, and it is showing up in the crimes he committed when he got on board the "Get Trump" train. Treason can be dealt with as death penalty stuff and don't you ever forget it.
Saddam was hired as a CIA hit man to take out the PM Quasim of Iraq in 1959. He failed and ran to Syria. He was on the US payroll during Reagan. He got the stuff he used on the Kurds from us. He was our partner in the region until he refused to obey our government and he invaded Kuwait only after Kuwait was caught drilling oil inside of Iraq. You aren't 100% on top of anything. You have been fed a load of garbage you have chosen to believe about Obama because of your personal problem. There were no crimes and this is not about Obama. trump may have just made a huge mistake and the only treason we see today is trump giving aid and comfort to Putin. Maybe you just need to wise up.
Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.

Iran didn't have permission to have their soldiers in Iraq, engaged in operations.

I hope they ship Soleimani's corpus to America, if there is much left. I think the people of this country might want to see it
The General Trump just assassinated is THE MOST POPULAR FIGURE IN THE NATION. He’s a hero to 82% of Iran. Anybody telling you otherwise is pushing propaganda...he helped defeat ISIS
Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.
What channel you watching?

I don't think you can pick it up. It's the Rachel Maddow show on PMSNBC. Sorry, Bush I watch all news shows at one time or another.
I watch none. Get my information from online resources. Weather Channel and C-Span is all I watch. TV is a waste of time. Turns people into vegetables.
"Every Persian American I've spoken to is thrilled about Soleimani's death. Could be that people from Iran - and who have relatives living in Iran right now - might know a thing or two you that the white liberals don't." - Crazy Mike Cernovich
The General Trump just assassinated is THE MOST POPULAR FIGURE IN THE NATION. He’s a hero to 82% of Iran. Anybody telling you otherwise is pushing propaganda...he helped defeat ISIS
Well you seem to forget about the large opposition movement in Iran that hates his ass and the religious police.
Iran is Demonic and will be destroyed and burned alive during the end times.

Ezekiel 38-39.

The General Trump just assassinated is THE MOST POPULAR FIGURE IN THE NATION. He’s a hero to 82% of Iran. Anybody telling you otherwise is pushing propaganda...he helped defeat ISIS
Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.

Iran didn't have permission to have their soldiers in Iraq, engaged in operations.

I hope they ship Soleimani's corpus to America, if there is much left. I think the people of this country might want to see it

I don't believe in passing around the dead as war trophies, but I wouldn't ship it back to Iran either. Drop in the sea as they did Bin Laden.
Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.
What channel you watching?

I don't think you can pick it up. It's the Rachel Maddow show on PMSNBC. Sorry, Bush I watch all news shows at one time or another.
I watch none. Get my information from online resources. Weather Channel and C-Span is all I watch. TV is a waste of time. Turns people into vegetables.
I keep it going in the library when I am online, especially when news is breaking. News channel varies, everything every viewpoint except OAN.
"Trump may have just started a war with no congressional debate. I really hope the worst case scenario doesn’t happen but everything about this situation suggests serious escalation to come." - Obama Adviser Big Ben Rhodes
Petraeus warns that “there inevitably will be consequences in various locations” for Soleimani's slaying. Petraeus' ex-adviser David Kilcullen says there could be “unconventional style hits in Europe, Africa, South America and/or the continental U.S.”
Some jerk, named McGurk (an envoy,not really sure what that is) is on TV saying a state of war now exists with Iran. I can't see it. If the Iranian General did not wish to be a target, he should have had be judgement than to be walking around in Baghdad, Iraq coordinating with militia.

Iran didn't have permission to have their soldiers in Iraq, engaged in operations.

I hope they ship Soleimani's corpus to America, if there is much left. I think the people of this country might want to see it

I don't believe in passing around the dead as war trophies, but I wouldn't ship it back to Iran either. Drop in the sea as they did Bin Laden.
I hope all they have is a finger to send to Tehran in a zip-lock bag.
"Trump may have just started a war with no congressional debate. I really hope the worst case scenario doesn’t happen but everything about this situation suggests serious escalation to come." - Obama Adviser Big Ben Rhodes

Doubt it. If it did, they are only up to asymmetric warfare, nothing requiring more boots on the ground. Troop in theater and allies and ships in the need to be on heighten alert and had better be for a few months. They'll respond, but probably not tonight, maybe not even this month.
"Trump may have just started a war with no congressional debate. I really hope the worst case scenario doesn’t happen but everything about this situation suggests serious escalation to come." - Obama Adviser Big Ben Rhodes
Ohhhhhh the fear! What has Trump done now...oh my...the end is near! Liberals are freaking out.:eek-52: Fuck all Obama advisors.

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