Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?

BBC News - Iraq will ask US troops to stay post-2011, says Panetta
How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?

BBC News - Iraq will ask US troops to stay post-2011, says Panetta
Panetta: Iraqis want some U.S. troops to stay - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

In Baghdad, two of Iraq’s top spokesmen said late Friday in response to Panetta’s remarks that no agreement on troop presence had yet been reached by the Iraqi government, reporter Annie Gowen writes.

Ali al-Mussawi, the media adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, said in a television interview that Panetta’s statement was “not true” and the possibility that a small contingent of American troops will stay on in Iraq after the December deadline “hasn’t been agreed on yet.”


“At this time, there has been no decision made about future U.S. security arrangements in Iraq beyond 2011 and our policy remains unchanged,” a spokesman for the U.S. forces in Iraq said Saturday. “We are on track to complete the withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end of 2011.”
Fact: Obama tried to stay in Iraq.

Now let us see the left double talk dance. Mind you, they brag that he ended the Iraq war and pulled the troops out.

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard
Well that settles it!

From your link:

"It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay."

Well it certainly settles something. In a way, it is defending Obama. Who, wanted to stay in Iraq. of course, that may or may not upset you, but it sure as shit contradicts any of you ignorant, hypocritical dickbags who try and give ALL the credit you do to Obama for ending the Iraq war. Which, he did not end it.

You are the same people remember that did not and will not hold Hillary accountable for voting for the Iraq war. I know, you say she was lied to, even though it was her husband who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds before Bush took office.

Oh never mind. It has long been established and proven by me that you liberals who claim to be anti-war, are actually anti-American.

Hey, are you even capable of acknowledging that America's enemies violate all of the laws of the Geneva convention, or are you one of those that only point out the violations of America?
Bush had been helping to guide Maliki along by mentoring him. O basically made Maliki take the training wheels off before he was ready.

Maliki regressed and made decisions that really hurt Sunnis. When the Sunnis were attacked by ISIS, Sunni soldiers and police had already given up on Maliki's leadership.

Do you know what sovereignty means? Maliki shoved the training wheels right up Lil Dubya's doofus ass.

The only glue was on Dubya's lips glued to Malikis's ass hoping that Dubya could salvage something positive out of his disastrous lie and boondoggle guaqmire when the shit hit the fan in Iraq about this time:

."This broadly representative unity government offers a new opportunity for progress in Iraq," President Bush said in a statement congratulating al-Maliki on the formation of his Cabinet.

New Iraqi government sworn in - Chicago Tribune

From the same link:

In a sign of the rifts that persist among the factions, however, the key ministries of interior, defense and national security were left without permanent occupants, calling into question the ability of the new team to quickly win the confidence of this deeply divided nation and quell rising sectarian violence.

It looks like Maliki was leading Bush around by the nose the whole time:

Snow said Bush told al-Maliki not to worry about U.S. politics "because we are with you and we are going to be with you."

Al-Suneid, however, said al-Maliki was intentionally using the displeasure of American voters over Bush's handling of the war to strengthen his position.

"It's al-Maliki's chance to get what he wants. It's a chance for al-Maliki to force a better deal for himself," he said.

Al-Suneid said Bush accepted Iraq's position that a renewal of the U.N. mandate for the U.S.-led military force was conditional on swift action to hand full control of the Iraqi army to the Baghdad government and the withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraqi cities and towns when the army is ready to take control.

Bush also agreed to set up a joint military operations room early next year that would give Iraqi authorities a say in the movement of U.S. and Iraqi troops, al-Suneid said. That is meant to head off unannounced raids like one Wednesday in Baghdad that targeted an alleged Shiite death squad leader.

Al-Maliki, Bush to Speed Up Transfer of Army to Iraq's Control | Fox News

Citing Bush as a mentor for anything above huntin armadillos was a foolhardy argument on your part.
obama pissed away gains bought over many years with the blood and sweat of our best people, and now some of the results are beginning to show. All for the expectation of a mere moment's political boost for him personally. Par for the course with this irresponsible, unqualified, narcissistic fool.

the left is always talking about the thousands of lives lost fro no reason. Well now that obama has taken his eye of the problem and let the situation deteriorate to this, i guess they are right.
Bush had been helping to guide Maliki along by mentoring him. O basically made Maliki take the training wheels off before he was ready.

Maliki regressed and made decisions that really hurt Sunnis. When the Sunnis were attacked by ISIS, Sunni soldiers and police had already given up on Maliki's leadership.

Do you know what sovereignty means? Maliki shoved the training wheels right up Lil Dubya's doofus ass.

The only glue was on Dubya's lips glued to Malikis's ass hoping that Dubya could salvage something positive out of his disastrous lie and boondoggle guaqmire when the shit hit the fan in Iraq about this time:

."This broadly representative unity government offers a new opportunity for progress in Iraq," President Bush said in a statement congratulating al-Maliki on the formation of his Cabinet.

New Iraqi government sworn in - Chicago Tribune

From the same link:

In a sign of the rifts that persist among the factions, however, the key ministries of interior, defense and national security were left without permanent occupants, calling into question the ability of the new team to quickly win the confidence of this deeply divided nation and quell rising sectarian violence.

It looks like Maliki was leading Bush around by the nose the whole time:

Snow said Bush told al-Maliki not to worry about U.S. politics "because we are with you and we are going to be with you."

Al-Suneid, however, said al-Maliki was intentionally using the displeasure of American voters over Bush's handling of the war to strengthen his position.

"It's al-Maliki's chance to get what he wants. It's a chance for al-Maliki to force a better deal for himself," he said.

Al-Suneid said Bush accepted Iraq's position that a renewal of the U.N. mandate for the U.S.-led military force was conditional on swift action to hand full control of the Iraqi army to the Baghdad government and the withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraqi cities and towns when the army is ready to take control.

Bush also agreed to set up a joint military operations room early next year that would give Iraqi authorities a say in the movement of U.S. and Iraqi troops, al-Suneid said. That is meant to head off unannounced raids like one Wednesday in Baghdad that targeted an alleged Shiite death squad leader.

Al-Maliki, Bush to Speed Up Transfer of Army to Iraq's Control | Fox News

Citing Bush as a mentor for anything above huntin armadillos was a foolhardy argument on your part.

well except that in 2011, when who was president? Iraq requested troops to stay. See bush had gotten the situation under control, it was time to leave. obama let it deteriorate, leaving led to this collapse
Well, there are Okinawans and South Koreans and I imagine Germans and elements in any number of countries that would like the U.S. to leave their countries where we currently have troops...and we don't leave....and we defeated them in the telling the Iraqis behind the scenes that we are staying until their goofed up country gets it's act together and not a minute before that, and they wouldn't have much to say...

But the main point...obama didn't want to keep troops there because of his screwed up understanding of our country, history and the way the real world works...
How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?

Then why the hell are we back ... numbnuts?
Bush had been helping to guide Maliki along by mentoring him. O basically made Maliki take the training wheels off before he was ready.

Maliki regressed and made decisions that really hurt Sunnis. When the Sunnis were attacked by ISIS, Sunni soldiers and police had already given up on Maliki's leadership.

Do you know what sovereignty means? Maliki shoved the training wheels right up Lil Dubya's doofus ass.

The only glue was on Dubya's lips glued to Malikis's ass hoping that Dubya could salvage something positive out of his disastrous lie and boondoggle guaqmire when the shit hit the fan in Iraq about this time:

New Iraqi government sworn in - Chicago Tribune

From the same link:


It looks like Maliki was leading Bush around by the nose the whole time:

Snow said Bush told al-Maliki not to worry about U.S. politics "because we are with you and we are going to be with you."

Al-Suneid, however, said al-Maliki was intentionally using the displeasure of American voters over Bush's handling of the war to strengthen his position.

"It's al-Maliki's chance to get what he wants. It's a chance for al-Maliki to force a better deal for himself," he said.

Al-Suneid said Bush accepted Iraq's position that a renewal of the U.N. mandate for the U.S.-led military force was conditional on swift action to hand full control of the Iraqi army to the Baghdad government and the withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraqi cities and towns when the army is ready to take control.

Bush also agreed to set up a joint military operations room early next year that would give Iraqi authorities a say in the movement of U.S. and Iraqi troops, al-Suneid said. That is meant to head off unannounced raids like one Wednesday in Baghdad that targeted an alleged Shiite death squad leader.
Al-Maliki, Bush to Speed Up Transfer of Army to Iraq's Control | Fox News

Citing Bush as a mentor for anything above huntin armadillos was a foolhardy argument on your part.

well except that in 2011, when who was president? Iraq requested troops to stay. See bush had gotten the situation under control, it was time to leave. obama let it deteriorate, leaving led to this collapse
that's a lie, but prove me wrong and post a link to Maliki, the only person who can make such a request, making a formal request for the troops to stay in 2011. It was Bush's "trainee" Maliki, who screwed the pooch!
Alright, the Iraqis told us to leave.

So why is Obama authorizing air strikes in Iraq?
How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?

BBC News - Iraq will ask US troops to stay post-2011, says Panetta
Panetta: Iraqis want some U.S. troops to stay - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

In Baghdad, two of Iraq’s top spokesmen said late Friday in response to Panetta’s remarks that no agreement on troop presence had yet been reached by the Iraqi government, reporter Annie Gowen writes.

Ali al-Mussawi, the media adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, said in a television interview that Panetta’s statement was “not true” and the possibility that a small contingent of American troops will stay on in Iraq after the December deadline “hasn’t been agreed on yet.”


“At this time, there has been no decision made about future U.S. security arrangements in Iraq beyond 2011 and our policy remains unchanged,” a spokesman for the U.S. forces in Iraq said Saturday. “We are on track to complete the withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end of 2011.”

Why did you pull the rug out from under EconChick's SOFA argument?

"But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay. "

In Fact it was the Iraqis..

mmmmm not acording to leon panetta
You already had that lie debunked the last time you posted it!

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Adolf Hitler
Of course Iraq was not on the ballot, but it was a major plank in their platforms and a major talking point. Americans were war weary and did not think Iraq was worth the cost and wanted nothing more to do with the country.
I doubt most people knew what "the plank" was. What was the McCain and Romney's position, without looking it up? If it wasn't worth it then why is it worth it now? Or is it?

Really? You do not think the war was on people's mind when they choose a candidate?
well except that in 2011, when who was president? Iraq requested troops to stay. See bush had gotten the situation under control, it was time to leave. obama let it deteriorate, leaving led to this collapse

What collapse? ISIS has only taken over in Sunni areas. Baghdad has not collapsed not anywhere in the Shiite south.

And who are those Iraqis that makes up your "Iraq requested" point? I mean can anyone on the street request US troops an the US has to send them? What an insane idea. Did your "Iraq" requests for troops come with the authority to grant them immunity from Iraq's courts and laws?

Explain yourself if you think you have a point. This is not the Rush Limbaugh Show were you can repeat things you heard. You need to bring some facts and reality.
well except that in 2011, when who was president? Iraq requested troops to stay. See bush had gotten the situation under control, it was time to leave. obama let it deteriorate, leaving led to this collapse

What collapse? ISIS has only taken over in Sunni areas. Baghdad has not collapsed not anywhere in the Shiite south.

And who are those Iraqis that makes up your "Iraq requested" point? I mean can anyone on the street request US troops an the US has to send them? What an insane idea. Did your "Iraq" requests for troops come with the authority to grant them immunity from Iraq's courts and laws?

Explain yourself if you think you have a point. This is not the Rush Limbaugh Show were you can repeat things you heard. You need to bring some facts and reality.

so why are we bombing them again?
Well, there are a few reasons why this country truly cannot ever win a war again. The simple fact is most people have absolutely no clue what it entails and all of the logistical realities. It is hell, and that is a fact. However, there is a lot more to it.

Please tell us what makes you such an expert on this subject?

This "war on terror" was never going to be about eliminating one terror group, or getting rid of one leader etc. That, is the naivety that has been truly causing the mass murders we see today. If we think this war on terror has been about causing "disruption" for al qaeda, or killing bin laden then we just do not get it. If we actually think this was all about a thump and run after 911, then we are really lost.
However this is what was sold to the American public to get their support
for the WOT

That is what it seems most of America believes. Hence, we are in a quagmire like Vietnam, which is truly when we started getting immense pressure to conduct politically correct wars. Still to this day, stopping the spread of communism was a righteous thing. South Korea can tell you all about it. Of course that type of thing is not acknowledged by our commie press.
I do not believe anyone is putting pressure on to conduct politically correct wars, It is the Americans are just putting pressure on to conduct just wars that actually protect the continental United States. Vietnam and Korea were not wars to protect the United States.

We are very fortunate WWII was fought just before the press became what it has become today. Very fortunate. Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with the reality we face now. We are surrounded by a naive public that truly does not know what this war on terror is about, how it should be conducted, and the only way it can be won.
So tell us old wise one, What is the WOT all about? How should we conduct the WOT, and how can it be won? Also again I ask what is your skill set that lets you answer these questions.

Those thinking if we leave the whole area and just abandon Israel, or whatever will end the spread of terror, then you truly have no clue and are just awfully naive.

Sounds like a viable plan to me. No more wasted American Lives or Treasure.

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