Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

well except that in 2011, when who was president? Iraq requested troops to stay. See bush had gotten the situation under control, it was time to leave. obama let it deteriorate, leaving led to this collapse

What collapse? ISIS has only taken over in Sunni areas. Baghdad has not collapsed not anywhere in the Shiite south.

And who are those Iraqis that makes up your "Iraq requested" point? I mean can anyone on the street request US troops an the US has to send them? What an insane idea. Did your "Iraq" requests for troops come with the authority to grant them immunity from Iraq's courts and laws?

Explain yourself if you think you have a point. This is not the Rush Limbaugh Show were you can repeat things you heard. You need to bring some facts and reality.

so why are we bombing them again?[/QUOTE]

That's an easy question.

We are bombing them so that Obama could give the GOP a twofer. You know what a "twofer" is? No?

That's when Obama finds himself in another position where the Republicans will condemn him from both sides of the issue for the decision HE makes.

If he had done nothing. Condemned.

If he did something. Condemned.

Twofer one again.
What collapse? ISIS has only taken over in Sunni areas. Baghdad has not collapsed not anywhere in the Shiite south.

And who are those Iraqis that makes up your "Iraq requested" point? I mean can anyone on the street request US troops an the US has to send them? What an insane idea. Did your "Iraq" requests for troops come with the authority to grant them immunity from Iraq's courts and laws?

Explain yourself if you think you have a point. This is not the Rush Limbaugh Show were you can repeat things you heard. You need to bring some facts and reality.

so why are we bombing them again?[/QUOTE]

That's an easy question.

We are bombing them so that Obama could give the GOP a twofer. You know what a "twofer" is? No?

That's when Obama finds himself in another position where the Republicans will condemn him from both sides of the issue for the decision HE makes.

If he had done nothing. Condemned.

If he did something. Condemned.

Twofer one again.

It's always works for the GOP base.
so why are we bombing them again?[/QUOTE]

That's an easy question.

We are bombing them so that Obama could give the GOP a twofer. You know what a "twofer" is? No?

That's when Obama finds himself in another position where the Republicans will condemn him from both sides of the issue for the decision HE makes.

If he had done nothing. Condemned.

If he did something. Condemned.

Twofer one again.

It's always works for the GOP base.

or for democrats when trying to cover up a blowjob.
so why are we bombing them again?

We are not bombing 'them' as Bush did. Those bombs were dropped on The Government of Iraq's military troops and facilities and assorted state infrastructure.

Now we are bombing known terrorists at the request of the government of Iraq and in order to protect regugees and our people in the areas being approached by the terrorist army.

When a government requests US help in bombing then that bombing is the complete opposite of bombing a government in order to destroy it.

It is not that complicated.
Hey, dummy, Obama ran on getting us out of Iraq. It was the pillar of his platform.

Deanie Weanie has to be one of the dumbest human being ever.
Of course Iraq was not on the ballot, but it was a major plank in their platforms and a major talking point. Americans were war weary and did not think Iraq was worth the cost and wanted nothing more to do with the country.
I doubt most people knew what "the plank" was. What was the McCain and Romney's position, without looking it up? If it wasn't worth it then why is it worth it now? Or is it?

Really? You do not think the war was on people's mind when they choose a candidate?
It was not the main issue for most. People were told the Republicans, Bush mostly, destroyed the economy and Obama would fix it. But you didn't answer the question.
Alright, the Iraqis told us to leave.

So why is Obama authorizing air strikes in Iraq?

That is quite simple to answer;

Actually democratic rule told us combat/armed US troops could not stay beyond January 1 2012 with the same legal protections they had per the 2008 agreement signed by Bush.

The Iraqi Government, the will of the majority (mostly Shiites) and the 2008 SOFA agreement set the date for when US troops must leave. Since the 2008 agreement hit its deadline for departure in 2012 once again the will of the majority and the Iraqi governmen that represents them decided not to extend the SOFA with the same legal protections.

Therefore we pulled out per their decision as a sovereign nation.

Uhderstanding that, the reason besides the obvious hitting a terrorist army with limited strikes, that US warplanes and Drones are bombing terrorist targets in Iraq right now is be it is the will of the majority if Iraqis that want the US to do it.

And there are no ground troops from the US to be engaged in the ground fighting that it will take to ultimately destroy the terrorists wherever the run.

That what the Iraqis oppose. Foreign ground troops working check points etc.

No ground troops is the will of the majority in the US and Iraq as it should be.

But limited airstrikes hitting the terrorists where needed and requested is the will of the majority in Iraq and should be ok with most sensible people in the US.

This just in:

Fifty-eight percent of Americans in the new poll supported Obama's authorization of air strikes against insurgents in Iraq, while 24 percent said they oppose the move. A similar percentage said they would approve of the use of drones. The air strikes brought a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, with 66 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of Republicans supporting the move. Independents expressed less positive opinions, with just half approving.

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Alright, the Iraqis told us to leave.

So why is Obama authorizing air strikes in Iraq?

That is quite simple to answer;

Actually democratic rule told us combat/armed US troops could not stay beyond January 1 2012 with the same legal protections they had per the 2008 agreement signed by Bush.

The Iraqi Government, the will of the majority (mostly Shiites) and the 2008 SOFA agreement set the date for when US troops must leave. Since the 2008 agreement hit its deadline for departure in 2012 once again the will of the majority and the Iraqi governmen that represents them decided not to extend the SOFA with the same legal protections.

Therefore we pulled out per their decision as a sovereign nation.

Uhderstanding that, the reason besides the obvious hitting a terrorist army with limited strikes, that US warplanes and Drones are bombing terrorist targets in Iraq right now is be it is the will of the majority if Iraqis that want the US to do it.

And there are no ground troops from the US to be engaged in the ground fighting that it will take to ultimately destroy the terrorists wherever the run.

That what the Iraqis oppose. Foreign ground troops working check points etc.

No ground troops is the will of the majority in the US and Iraq as it should be.

But limited airstrikes hitting the terrorists where needed and requested is the will of the majority in Iraq and should be ok with most sensible people in the US.

This just in:

Fifty-eight percent of Americans in the new poll supported Obama's authorization of air strikes against insurgents in Iraq, while 24 percent said they oppose the move. A similar percentage said they would approve of the use of drones. The air strikes brought a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, with 66 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of Republicans supporting the move. Independents expressed less positive opinions, with just half approving.

Americans Support Air Strikes In Iraq, But Strongly Oppose Sending In Troops


Propaganda. Obama was bragging about ending the war in Iraq and bringing everyone home a few years ago. We now have him on film. Too bad. So sad.
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OBAMA Declares The End of Iraq War FULL UNCUT SPE…: [ame=]OBAMA Declares The End of Iraq War FULL UNCUT SPEECH 12/14/2011 (HD) - YouTube[/ame]
What an idiot.

That's what they do in Logic 101.

That's how I know you've never had a logic class. That and you get TROUNCED on the ability to argue logically.

Really dude, if you haven't graduated from high school yet, you really should go post in the general section and stay out of complicated sections like politics.

Logic 101?
Having read your increasing irrational and incoherent posts I'm coming to the logical conclusion that the only reason you've even heard of 'Logic 101' is because you heard a couple of the smart kids at school talking about it.

She is ECON CHICK. Holder of 73 Masters degrees in EVERYTHING. Multi gazallioniare from her 45 years as a trader on Wall street. This chick is consulted by EVERY Repub politician from 1980 on. And her advice has caused many of them to be elected. She just can't tell you which ones. It's a secret. And incoherence is a specialty of hers. Well that and her self professed moments of brilliance and importance.

If that fails to impress you idb, she also throws a mean insult. But they are no better than the run of the mill Republican insults on here. I wonder why she can't insult better. Maybe she needs another degree?

Cheers, this is the first time I've come across her...another right-wing crazy.
There must be a machine somewhere churning them out.
Cheers, this is the first time I've come across her...another right-wing crazy.
There must be a machine somewhere churning them out.
I thought libs consider everyone that disagrees with them crazy. The best compliment a conservative can get is disapproval by the left.:D
Obama said the war is over. What happened?

The war between Iraqis and the US and UK invaders from 2003 *The DUMB War* is over. It is over. Get used to it. What's happening now is proof that it is over. The Iraqis ask for some kinetic energy dispersal on their territory Obama and the USAF and Navy are quite pleased to oblige.
Obama said the war is over. What happened?

The war between Iraqis and the US and UK invaders from 2003 *The DUMB War* is over. It is over. Get used to it. What's happening now is proof that it is over. The Iraqis ask for some kinetic energy dispersal on their territory Obama and the USAF and Navy are quite pleased to oblige.
The war was over in about ten minutes. Where were you? Iraq was important enough to stay around and fine tune. Then it wasn't. Now it is.
Obama said the war is over. What happened?

The war between Iraqis and the US and UK invaders from 2003 *The DUMB War* is over. It is over. Get used to it. What's happening now is proof that it is over. The Iraqis ask for some kinetic energy dispersal on their territory Obama and the USAF and Navy are quite pleased to oblige.
The war was over in about ten minutes. Where were you? Iraq was important enough to stay around and fine tune. Then it wasn't. Now it is.

Mission Accomplished then?

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