Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

The war between Iraqis and the US and UK invaders from 2003 *The DUMB War* is over. It is over. Get used to it. What's happening now is proof that it is over. The Iraqis ask for some kinetic energy dispersal on their territory Obama and the USAF and Navy are quite pleased to oblige.
The war was over in about ten minutes. Where were you? Iraq was important enough to stay around and fine tune. Then it wasn't. Now it is.

Mission Accomplished then?
According to the general that ordered the banner, Tommy Franks. But I guess you knew more about it.
The left is never going to admit Obama bragged about everyone coming home. Fascinating to watch. Cult-Like.
Yes, it's a cult. Reason being, liberalism is a religion. There is no higher calling. The leader at the moment is more than man. Disagreement is not only wrong, it's evil.
The war was over in about ten minutes. Where were you? Iraq was important enough to stay around and fine tune. Then it wasn't. Now it is.

Mission Accomplished then?
According to the general that ordered the banner, Tommy Franks. But I guess you knew more about it.

I'm sure that GWB can apologise for himself - but I'm equally sure that he'll be grateful for your assistance.
The left is never going to admit Obama bragged about everyone coming home. Fascinating to watch. Cult-Like.

It was a good day for many American families.
Do you disagree?

Yes, I disagree. I can make you a martini that you'll love. It can also kill you if I put poison in it. Do you disagree?

Meaningless drivel. Children are being murdered and beheaded, which would not be happening if Obama had left a contingency force, something he bragged about not doing during the debate with Romney. Do you need to see it?
The left is never going to admit Obama bragged about everyone coming home. Fascinating to watch. Cult-Like.

It was a good day for many American families.
Do you disagree?

Yes, I disagree. I can make you a martini that you'll love. It can also kill you if I put poison in it. Do you disagree?

Meaningless drivel. Children are being murdered and beheaded, which would not be happening if Obama had left a contingency force, something he bragged about not doing during the debate with Romney. Do you need to see it?

It wouldn't be happening?
How are things in Afghanistan?
I'm sure there's no mayhem going on there.

Somalia worked out pretty well too.

Iraq was handed back to the Iraqis - Mission Accomplished.
They've asked for help.
It was a good day for many American families.
Do you disagree?

Yes, I disagree. I can make you a martini that you'll love. It can also kill you if I put poison in it. Do you disagree?

Meaningless drivel. Children are being murdered and beheaded, which would not be happening if Obama had left a contingency force, something he bragged about not doing during the debate with Romney. Do you need to see it?

It wouldn't be happening?
How are things in Afghanistan?
I'm sure there's no mayhem going on there.

Somalia worked out pretty well too.

Iraq was handed back to the Iraqis - Mission Accomplished.
They've asked for help.

Our generals told Obama a small force should be kept in Iraq for a while. Obama said "no" and then bragged about getting everyone out. Purely political, which is why you said the families were happy. Do you think the families of dead American soldiers are happy today?
Yes, I disagree. I can make you a martini that you'll love. It can also kill you if I put poison in it. Do you disagree?

Meaningless drivel. Children are being murdered and beheaded, which would not be happening if Obama had left a contingency force, something he bragged about not doing during the debate with Romney. Do you need to see it?

It wouldn't be happening?
How are things in Afghanistan?
I'm sure there's no mayhem going on there.

Somalia worked out pretty well too.

Iraq was handed back to the Iraqis - Mission Accomplished.
They've asked for help.

Our generals told Obama a small force should be kept in Iraq for a while. Obama said "no" and then bragged about getting everyone out. Purely political, which is why you said the families were happy. Do you think the families of dead American soldiers are happy today?

I'm sure they're not - so why would you want more of them?
It wouldn't be happening?
How are things in Afghanistan?
I'm sure there's no mayhem going on there.

Somalia worked out pretty well too.

Iraq was handed back to the Iraqis - Mission Accomplished.
They've asked for help.

Our generals told Obama a small force should be kept in Iraq for a while. Obama said "no" and then bragged about getting everyone out. Purely political, which is why you said the families were happy. Do you think the families of dead American soldiers are happy today?

I'm sure they're not - so why would you want more of them?

I never said I want more dead American soldiers. Why didn't Obama do what his generals advised, which would have prevented the disaster happening today?
Our generals told Obama a small force should be kept in Iraq for a while. Obama said "no" and then bragged about getting everyone out. Purely political, which is why you said the families were happy. Do you think the families of dead American soldiers are happy today?

I'm sure they're not - so why would you want more of them?

I never said I want more dead American soldiers. Why didn't Obama do what his generals advised, which would have prevented the disaster happening today?

You guys need to get your talking points in order.
Some of you are saying that Obama wanted to stay, some are saying he couldn't wait to get out.

At what point do you cease occupation of a sovereign country?
When they ask you to leave maybe?
I'm sure they're not - so why would you want more of them?

I never said I want more dead American soldiers. Why didn't Obama do what his generals advised, which would have prevented the disaster happening today?

You guys need to get your talking points in order.
Some of you are saying that Obama wanted to stay, some are saying he couldn't wait to get out.

At what point do you cease occupation of a sovereign country?
When they ask you to leave maybe?

Obama's the one giving two stories. Remember the debates where he said he wasn't going to leave a force? The confusion is deliberate. Obama is a liar. Give me your thoughts on this.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…:
Last edited by a moderator:
I never said I want more dead American soldiers. Why didn't Obama do what his generals advised, which would have prevented the disaster happening today?

You guys need to get your talking points in order.
Some of you are saying that Obama wanted to stay, some are saying he couldn't wait to get out.

At what point do you cease occupation of a sovereign country?
When they ask you to leave maybe?

Obama's the one giving two stories. Remember the debates where he said he wasn't going to leave a force? The confusion is deliberate. Obama is a liar. Give me your thoughts on this.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…: [ame=]Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Why would you even try to negotiate if one of the most fundamental conditions can't be agreed upon, i.e. that US forces are not subject to Iraqi civil law while executing their duties?
According to the general that ordered the banner, Tommy Franks. But I guess you knew more about it.

I'm sure that GWB can apologise for himself - but I'm equally sure that he'll be grateful for your assistance.
WTF are you babbling about? When libs meet truth they shift topics.
The day the Right tells the truth will be the day the Earth comes to an end!

Ted Koppel Interviews Gen. Tommy Franks - ABC News

KOPPEL: Now, you didn't suggest that he put on a flight suit and sit back seat on a plane landing on a, on an aircraft carrier, did you?

FRANKS: No one asked me about, about how he ought to do it, Ted.

KOPPEL: And I assume you didn't paint the banner that said "mission accomplished" either?

FRANKS: No, but I would have agreed with it
You guys need to get your talking points in order.
Some of you are saying that Obama wanted to stay, some are saying he couldn't wait to get out.

At what point do you cease occupation of a sovereign country?
When they ask you to leave maybe?

Obama's the one giving two stories. Remember the debates where he said he wasn't going to leave a force? The confusion is deliberate. Obama is a liar. Give me your thoughts on this.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…: [ame=]Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Why would you even try to negotiate if one of the most fundamental conditions can't be agreed upon, i.e. that US forces are not subject to Iraqi civil law while executing their duties?

Obama doesn't mention that. Did you watch the video? Obama clearly says leaving troops behind will bogg us down. What is your response to that?
obama pissed away gains bought over many years with the blood and sweat of our best people, and now some of the results are beginning to show. All for the expectation of a mere moment's political boost for him personally. Par for the course with this irresponsible, unqualified, narcissistic fool.

What "gains" were that?

The only thing the IRaqis agreed upon, other than their hatred for each other, was how much they hated us being there. Everyone knew the minute we left this would happen.

Now we are all acting surprised?
Obama's the one giving two stories. Remember the debates where he said he wasn't going to leave a force? The confusion is deliberate. Obama is a liar. Give me your thoughts on this.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…: Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq - YouTube

Why would you even try to negotiate if one of the most fundamental conditions can't be agreed upon, i.e. that US forces are not subject to Iraqi civil law while executing their duties?

Obama doesn't mention that. Did you watch the video? Obama clearly says leaving troops behind will bogg us down. What is your response to that?

Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?
Why would you even try to negotiate if one of the most fundamental conditions can't be agreed upon, i.e. that US forces are not subject to Iraqi civil law while executing their duties?

Obama doesn't mention that. Did you watch the video? Obama clearly says leaving troops behind will bogg us down. What is your response to that?

Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.

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