Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Then we both agree Obama's lying in the debate video.
That is impossible to tell from your dishonestly edited video which rudely interrupted Obama's answer just like the vile Bishop Willard was doing. Obviously you don't want Obama's answer to be heard because it probably kills your claim or you wouldn't have dishonestly edited it out.

Post the whole answer and then I'll decide tho is lying.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Then we both agree Obama's lying in the debate video.
That is impossible to tell from your dishonestly edited video which rudely interrupted Obama's answer just like the vile Bishop Willard was doing. Obviously you don't want Obama's answer to be heard because it probably kills your claim or you wouldn't have dishonestly edited it out.

Post the whole answer and then I'll decide tho is lying.

Then show us the unedited video. You claim my video is dishonestly edited. You made the charge. Back it up. Go.
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I doubt most people knew what "the plank" was. What was the McCain and Romney's position, without looking it up? If it wasn't worth it then why is it worth it now? Or is it?

Really? You do not think the war was on people's mind when they choose a candidate?
It was not the main issue for most. People were told the Republicans, Bush mostly, destroyed the economy and Obama would fix it. But you didn't answer the question.

By the question you mean was it worth it?
Not in the least, a total waste of American lives and Treasure.
It did not even make America Safer in fact it may have made America less safe.
No they didn't you fucking scumbag.

Obama didn't like the leaders of Iraq on a personal level, so he pulled out to appease shit like you here and get back at IraQ.

How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?
He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

He only wanted a few thousand for training. That what is said in the article. It also said this: It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.
And by a few you mean 10,000 and the Iraqis would only approve trainers, which Iraq believed they still needed.
Then we both agree Obama's lying in the debate video.
That is impossible to tell from your dishonestly edited video which rudely interrupted Obama's answer just like the vile Bishop Willard was doing. Obviously you don't want Obama's answer to be heard because it probably kills your claim or you wouldn't have dishonestly edited it out.

Post the whole answer and then I'll decide tho is lying.

Then show us the unedited video. You claim my video is dishonestly edited. You made the charge. Back it up. Go.
Your video is obviously edited cutting off Obama's answer just as the moderator tells the rude Bishop Willard to let Obama answer. Logic dictates the answer was good or the Right would not have cut it off. I need nothing more than that. If you believe differently, the burden is on YOU to post the unedited video, not me.
Obama doesn't mention that. Did you watch the video? Obama clearly says leaving troops behind will bogg us down. What is your response to that?

Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.

To be fair, your challenge had me go out and do a bit of looking around.
It's incredibly complicated...much more so than the Obama-haters are painting it.

This is an excellent place to start
Iraq: Obama Administration Debates Continued Troop Presence In Face Of Withdrawal Deadline

The guts of it is that the WH were concerned about just walking out of Iraq but, unless the original SOFA signed by GWB in 2008 could be satisfactorily re-negotiated there was no option but to leave by the end of 2011.
Several Iraq experts and former defense officials, including people who were involved in the formulation of the original 2008 agreement that permitted American troops to remain in Iraq, said the administration appears to be wary of the consequences of leaving Iraq in full, or with too few troops left in place – and is in the process of seeking a new pact with the Iraqi government.

"At the time of the negotiations it was made clear that it would not be the last agreement, it would be the first," said a former defense official with knowledge of the talks over the 2008 pact, known as the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

"Subject to conditions on the ground in 2011 there might be revisiting of the agreement -- if not as a SOFA then as part of the Strategic Framework. But there was never a contemplation that we would walk out of Iraq at end of 2011 like we did at the end of Vietnam. The SOFA was a bridge document to get us to end of 2011."
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Which is it Obama???? you fucking liar....


On 08-12-2014 at 08:01 PM 1776 wrote, "Obama didn't like the leaders of Iraq on a personal level, so he pulled out to appease shit like you here and get back at Iraq."

Let's hope Obama didn't like Maliki. Iraq's PM that Bush had 'mentored' since 2006, according to Fox News set himself up as PM and Defense and Interior Minister *That's Army and Police.... directly under his control with no checks and balance.

It appears Fox News did not expect that you were going to try to turn Maliki into some kind of likeable, honest unifier of Iraq that you expect Obama to personally like. Too bad for you.

Maliki, refusing to appoint either a defense or an interior minister since the formation of his second government in 2010, has effectively held both portfolios ever since. His Iraq ranks No. 171 out of 177 nations in a world corruption index. It possesses possibly the largest oil wealth on the planet, but independent oil companies such as Exxon, Occidental Petroleum, and Statoil are either pulling out or selling down.

Most importantly, after eight years of increasingly sectarian rule despite a parliamentary coalition system that twice put him in power with a broad electoral base (and heavy U.S. backing), the arch-Shia chauvinist Maliki is hopelessly, terminally divisive.

Read the LINK: Iraq cannot survive with Maliki in charge | Fox News And Learn something about Iraq and its top leader since 2006, but now appears to be on his way out.
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Which is it Obama???? you fucking liar....

Obama says keeping US Troops in Iraq starting in 2012 and having the same exact legal protections that they had under the Bush negotiated SOFA that ran out was not his decision. And it wasn't. Why are you calling him a liar?
yabut Republicans like [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & [MENTION=37219]Quantumwindbag[/MENTION] say another decade or two and another $5TRILLION of borrowed taxpayer money & they'll learn to love us infidels as brothers :rolleyes: Repub-voters :lol: deficit hawks too :rofl:

[MENTION=41066]Kimura[/MENTION] says that debt is good
On 08-11-2014 at 01:59 PM deltex1 wrote, "Bullshit. Obabble said that...not Iraq. It's what he wanted since 2003."

Of course Obama wanted our troops not to go in because it was dumb (you admit Bush didn't execute the war properly & that alone is dumb when sacrificing the lives of so many of our great troops) So what's your problem with wanting our troops to come home ASAP from Bush's dumb quagmire in Iraq since 2003?

And when you say that "Iraq" wanted our troops to stay after 2011, who are you calling "Iraq"? The truth is that some in Iraq wanted our troops to stay but most didn't. And more importantly the one's who didn't want US Troops to stay where in the majority in the legislature including members of Maliki's own majority.

Keep it up. The more you write the more we see how little you know about Iraq.
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Keep it up. The more you write the more we see how little you know about Iraq.

Let's get something straight, Mr. Yes-you-are-a-fool. You know absolutely nothing about Iraq.

I was actually there at the time, working not many doors down from the Ambassador's contingent in the Palace.

You've never been to Iraq. You've never been to the Middle East. You know how I know? Because people who've been there can see right through comments you make that show you don't understand the culture.

Everything you say reflects ZERO understanding of this topic.

I've wasted about 20 hours in the past weeks trying to patiently explain why your comments are so far off about the SOFA.


You talk as if there was one SOFA.

You talk as if there was a SOFA and no negotiations before, during, and after.

Your simple mind can't grasp that the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a 2011 FINAL SOFA. Yes, moron, there was an outline for a 2011 SOFA that didn't get signed because O dropped the ball.

You're too stupid to understand these differences. That's why you can't understand when I talk about the Iraqi Parliament. You keep thinking there was just ONE event.

The fact is that there were ROLLING NEGOTIATIONS ....and then a SOFA and then more rolling negotiations with an outline drafted for the 2011 SOFA.

You talk like you can't distinguish between the 2008 placeholder and the 2011 SOFA that Bush's team had set up for O to finish.

When a person with a lot of experience hears one of you lefties say "but Maliki said the troops have to go," it's a sure sign we're dealing with unsophisticated idiots that have no right talking about this subject.

That was called "domestic consumption" you moron. That's how negotiations are done. That's how they're done everywhere. Behind the scenes is where the real haggling goes on.

You lefties on this thread can lie for the next 1000 days, as I'm sure you will.

But the public is overwhelmingly dismissing the leftie lies. Next week it will be worse for you liars. And even worse the week after that.

But it's a free country so go right ahead.

I'd be curious to see how you probably rewrite WWII and the Cold War as well with some FLAT OUT LIE version that America actually lost being slurped up by lefties on this thread.
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Were "we" invited guests to begin with?

Another know nothing.

Yes we WERE invited. I actually drove through the streets heading to Erbil where Kurds lined the streets with adults and children waving American flags.

I won't waste more time explaining. I'm sure your next post will reveal more of your ignorance.
^ not one link in either of your posts :eusa_think:

No link, idiot?

I'm the person people would be getting a link FROM. I don't go chase down some dumbass journalist's opinion ...someone that's never been there. He or she would be sourcing someone like me, you half wit.

You couldn't figure that out from my post?

Jesus, we have some really intellectually deficient people on here....

Nonsense. Obama said America's war in IRAQ [corrected typo] had come to an end. And it did. He says the war ends not with a final battle but by Americans coming home. We left Iraq because Iraqis wanted to finish 'their' war and their defense on their own.

Than ran into something they can't handle so they asked us for assistance. For the love of killing terrorists... Obama has cut our pilots loose... until the Iraqis and Kurds and Moderate Sunnis get their shit together...
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That is impossible to tell from your dishonestly edited video which rudely interrupted Obama's answer just like the vile Bishop Willard was doing. Obviously you don't want Obama's answer to be heard because it probably kills your claim or you wouldn't have dishonestly edited it out.

Post the whole answer and then I'll decide tho is lying.

Then show us the unedited video. You claim my video is dishonestly edited. You made the charge. Back it up. Go.
Your video is obviously edited cutting off Obama's answer just as the moderator tells the rude Bishop Willard to let Obama answer. Logic dictates the answer was good or the Right would not have cut it off. I need nothing more than that. If you believe differently, the burden is on YOU to post the unedited video, not me.

Fuck You. YOU made the charge that it's edited. Show the unedited version or else go fuck yourself and whine to your mama.
Obama took credit for Iraq. He said we leave Iraq stable. The surge Obama opposed as a senator worked. Biden said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. Go fuck yourselves.

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