Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

Poor rdean.

When his hero is caught fucking up, he has to think up a lie to defend him. That has kept him running around in circles for the last 6 years.

No, U.S. Troops Didn't Have to Leave Iraq | National Review Online

You're quoting National Review, the place that did more saber-rattling than anyone else.

Fact is, the Iraqis wanted us out and we wanted to get out.

But I think we should make up a special brigade of patriots to go over and save the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis. Bill Kyrstol can be their colonel and they can roll Charles Krauthammer down the street to set off any IED's.

Is that what they called and said to Obama last week? Another simpleton BUSTED.

Doesn't matter what they said last week.

At the time of the withdrawal, Obama offered to keep troops in as long as we got a status of forces agreement that allowed our military to deal with any wrongdoing by our soldiers instead of an Iraqi court. they refused. We left.

And again, there's nothing stopping you and Bill Krystol from starting a "Freedom Brigade" to go over and save the Yazidis.
Republicans want a hundred thousand of our troop to stand as targets and the dividing line in a religious war that has been going on for a thousand years. How dumb is that?

If Republicans didn't believe that education is for snobs (a la Santorum) and actually studied Iraq before that unfortunate fiasco, they wouldn't have spent three trillion and made a new friend for Iran.

Then again, they might have done it anyway, They aren't very bright. We know that from their pitiful comments.
Told you liberals stand for nothing. There is actual genocide happening. Actual genocide.

Liberals do not care.

The only thing we know for sure, is they hate America.

Has any liberal started a thread showing their disgust over the Christians being systematically killed?

No, not one liberal has posted a thing.


Cause they are hypocrites who pretend to care for tortured, down trodden, poor people. They could not possibly care less.

Never think for one moment folks that they are anti-war. I also think they think terrorism started during the GW administration. I wouldn't have thought they could possibly be that dumb. However, hypocritical left wing hacks like Rdean makes me reconsider. Perhaps there is no word in the English language that describe how pathetic liberals are.

Bottom line folks. Do not think for one second that these left wing morons are anti-war, or anti-torture, etc. No, they simply hate America. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Until one of them actually start a thread that voices concerns over how America's enemies carry out torture and it is those countries that violate every "law" of the Geneva convention, then everything I say is 100% true.

Do not get sucked into these hypocrites' hypocritical disposition on every issue. They are sacks of shit.

This bears repeating.
There sure apoears to be a lot of conflicting stories with this president. Perhaps Obama is a pathological liar.

Or Republicans have "OBS", Obama Derangement Syndrome.

A significant number feel Obama let people die because he was slow to act after Katrina.
You're quoting National Review, the place that did more saber-rattling than anyone else.

Fact is, the Iraqis wanted us out and we wanted to get out.

But I think we should make up a special brigade of patriots to go over and save the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis. Bill Kyrstol can be their colonel and they can roll Charles Krauthammer down the street to set off any IED's.

Is that what they called and said to Obama last week? Another simpleton BUSTED.

Doesn't matter what they said last week.

At the time of the withdrawal, Obama offered to keep troops in as long as we got a status of forces agreement that allowed our military to deal with any wrongdoing by our soldiers instead of an Iraqi court. they refused. We left.

And again, there's nothing stopping you and Bill Krystol from starting a "Freedom Brigade" to go over and save the Yazidis.

You're lying. I showed a video of Obama saying that leaving a force behind would bogg us down. Show us where Obama says what you claim. You can't because he never said it until a short time ago when this problem popped up. You're being a useful idiot by promoting the lie.
yabut Republicans like [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & [MENTION=37219]Quantumwindbag[/MENTION] say another decade or two and another $5TRILLION of borrowed taxpayer money & they'll learn to love us infidels as brothers :rolleyes: Repub-voters :lol: deficit hawks too :rofl:
obama pissed away gains bought over many years with the blood and sweat of our best people, and now some of the results are beginning to show. All for the expectation of a mere moment's political boost for him personally. Par for the course with this irresponsible, unqualified, narcissistic fool.

What "gains" were that?

The only thing the IRaqis agreed upon, other than their hatred for each other, was how much they hated us being there. Everyone knew the minute we left this would happen.

Now we are all acting surprised?
Cheney knew it since 1992.

Then Sec Def Dick Cheney explaining why not to invade Iraq.

But let's assume for the moment that we would have been able to do it — ...
Then the question comes [of] putting a government in place of the one you've just gotten rid of; you can't just sort of turn around and walk away — you have now accepted the responsibility for what happens in Iraq. What kind of government do you want us to create in place of the old Saddam Hussein government? Do you want a Sunni government, or a Shi'a government or maybe it ought to be a Kurdish government, or maybe one based on the Ba'ath Party or maybe some combination of all of those? How long is that government likely to survive without U.S. military forces there to keep it propped up?

 If you get into the business of committing U.S. forces on the ground in Iraq, to occupy the place, my guess is I'd probably still have people there today instead of having been able to bring them home. ...
The bottom line question for me was: How many additional American lives is Saddam Hussein worth? The answer: not very damn many.
Last edited by a moderator:
Told you liberals stand for nothing. There is actual genocide happening. Actual genocide.

Liberals do not care.

The only thing we know for sure, is they hate America.

Has any liberal started a thread showing their disgust over the Christians being systematically killed?

No, not one liberal has posted a thing.


Cause they are hypocrites who pretend to care for tortured, down trodden, poor people. They could not possibly care less.

Never think for one moment folks that they are anti-war. I also think they think terrorism started during the GW administration. I wouldn't have thought they could possibly be that dumb. However, hypocritical left wing hacks like Rdean makes me reconsider. Perhaps there is no word in the English language that describe how pathetic liberals are.

Bottom line folks. Do not think for one second that these left wing morons are anti-war, or anti-torture, etc. No, they simply hate America. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Until one of them actually start a thread that voices concerns over how America's enemies carry out torture and it is those countries that violate every "law" of the Geneva convention, then everything I say is 100% true.

Do not get sucked into these hypocrites' hypocritical disposition on every issue. They are sacks of shit.

Fucking liar.

I made this video before Obama even became president.

I was threatened by the USMB for starting too many threads about Bush neglecting the Christians of Iraq. I was told I brought the subject up so many times that they would treat it like "spam".

And look as some of these links. The American Conservative. Laura Ingram. The Catholic News. They know who to blame. It takes a special kind of ignorant turd to talk such shit when even conservatives know the truth. Go learn something fool. You embarrass this country that someone as ignorant as yourself could even live here.

Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq | World news | The Guardian

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

On March 18, 2003, two days before the invasion, the Pope warned of “tremendous consequences” :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: "Iraq is worse than before we went in"
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Obama doesn't mention that. Did you watch the video? Obama clearly says leaving troops behind will bogg us down. What is your response to that?

Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.
There sure apoears to be a lot of conflicting stories with this president. Perhaps Obama is a pathological liar.

Or Republicans have "OBS", Obama Derangement Syndrome.

A significant number feel Obama let people die because he was slow to act after Katrina.

There's a reason Obama's numbers are falling. He's a liar.

Bullshit. You know what this means?

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

With Republicans in the house at a historic low of 7%, they are like Shaw's pigs. They like to get dirty. They drag everyone down.
Told you liberals stand for nothing. There is actual genocide happening. Actual genocide.

Liberals do not care.

The only thing we know for sure, is they hate America.

Has any liberal started a thread showing their disgust over the Christians being systematically killed?

No, not one liberal has posted a thing.


Cause they are hypocrites who pretend to care for tortured, down trodden, poor people. They could not possibly care less.

Never think for one moment folks that they are anti-war. I also think they think terrorism started during the GW administration. I wouldn't have thought they could possibly be that dumb. However, hypocritical left wing hacks like Rdean makes me reconsider. Perhaps there is no word in the English language that describe how pathetic liberals are.

Bottom line folks. Do not think for one second that these left wing morons are anti-war, or anti-torture, etc. No, they simply hate America. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Until one of them actually start a thread that voices concerns over how America's enemies carry out torture and it is those countries that violate every "law" of the Geneva convention, then everything I say is 100% true.

Do not get sucked into these hypocrites' hypocritical disposition on every issue. They are sacks of shit.

Fucking liar.

I made this video before Obama even became president.

I was threatened by the USMB for starting too many threads about Bush neglecting the Christians of Iraq. I was told I brought the subject up so many times that they would treat it like "spam".

And look as some of these links. The American Conservative. Laura Ingram. The Catholic News. They know who to blame. It takes a special kind of ignorant turd to talk such shit when even conservatives know the truth. Go learn something fool. You embarrass this country that someone as ignorant as yourself could even live here.

Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq | World news | The Guardian

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

On March 18, 2003, two days before the invasion, the Pope warned of “tremendous consequences” :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: "Iraq is worse than before we went in"

Your links are lies and propaganda. Laura Ingram never blamed Bush. Read it.
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Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Then we both agree Obama's lying in the debate video.
Yes I did...he hardly got a chance for a full explanation over Romney's hectoring, did he?

He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

He only wanted a few thousand for training. That what is said in the article. It also said this: It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.
Told you liberals stand for nothing. There is actual genocide happening. Actual genocide.

Liberals do not care.

The only thing we know for sure, is they hate America.

Has any liberal started a thread showing their disgust over the Christians being systematically killed?

No, not one liberal has posted a thing.


Cause they are hypocrites who pretend to care for tortured, down trodden, poor people. They could not possibly care less.

Never think for one moment folks that they are anti-war. I also think they think terrorism started during the GW administration. I wouldn't have thought they could possibly be that dumb. However, hypocritical left wing hacks like Rdean makes me reconsider. Perhaps there is no word in the English language that describe how pathetic liberals are.

Bottom line folks. Do not think for one second that these left wing morons are anti-war, or anti-torture, etc. No, they simply hate America. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Until one of them actually start a thread that voices concerns over how America's enemies carry out torture and it is those countries that violate every "law" of the Geneva convention, then everything I say is 100% true.

Do not get sucked into these hypocrites' hypocritical disposition on every issue. They are sacks of shit.

Fucking liar.

I made this video before Obama even became president.

I was threatened by the USMB for starting too many threads about Bush neglecting the Christians of Iraq. I was told I brought the subject up so many times that they would treat it like "spam".

And look as some of these links. The American Conservative. Laura Ingram. The Catholic News. They know who to blame. It takes a special kind of ignorant turd to talk such shit when even conservatives know the truth. Go learn something fool. You embarrass this country that someone as ignorant as yourself could even live here.

Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq | World news | The Guardian

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

On March 18, 2003, two days before the invasion, the Pope warned of “tremendous consequences” :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: "Iraq is worse than before we went in"

Your links are lies and propaganda. Laura Ingram never blamed Bush. Read it.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.”

Watch the video below from Fox News Sunday, broadcast Aug. 10, 2014.

Who the fuck do you think she is talking about? Most of the Christians chased from Iraq were chased out before Obama even became president. Watch the video.
Last edited by a moderator:
He denies he wants a force left behind. Time to get honest, unless you have video from that time period of Obama saying he wanted to leave a force behind. You don't because he never said it. I'm informed.
MISinformed you mean!

From the Right-wing Weekly SubStandard no less!

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer
7:59 PM, Oct 22, 2012

But the truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

He only wanted a few thousand for training. That what is said in the article. It also said this: It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Oh, so Obama negotiated directly with the Iraqi citizens. Interesting, but a lie.
Fucking liar.

I made this video before Obama even became president.

I was threatened by the USMB for starting too many threads about Bush neglecting the Christians of Iraq. I was told I brought the subject up so many times that they would treat it like "spam".

And look as some of these links. The American Conservative. Laura Ingram. The Catholic News. They know who to blame. It takes a special kind of ignorant turd to talk such shit when even conservatives know the truth. Go learn something fool. You embarrass this country that someone as ignorant as yourself could even live here.

Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq | World news | The Guardian

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

On March 18, 2003, two days before the invasion, the Pope warned of “tremendous consequences” :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: "Iraq is worse than before we went in"

Your links are lies and propaganda. Laura Ingram never blamed Bush. Read it.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.”

Watch the video below from Fox News Sunday, broadcast Aug. 10, 2014.

Who the fuck do you think she is talking about? Most of the Christians chased from Iraq were chased out before Obama even became president. Watch the video.

Pretty letters. She never blamed Bush and never mentions Bush. Try again.

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