Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

As a veteran, it does to me.

I feel it's particularly upsetting that someone should survive two tours in Iraq, only to be critically injured by police for exercising their constitutional rights after returning home.
He deserves no sympathy......Shouldn't have gotten himself involved with a group of violent, dirty, unbathed morons.

There is no constitutional right to throw bottles and shit at police. And when you do, you should expect a just response.
I don't know, I know as far as the Air Force goes those MEPS positions are highly coveted and only the best Personnelists can get them, your last 5 Enlisted Performance Reports (EPRS) all have to be 5's and you can't have any disciplinary troubles, so the Air Force only sends their best to those positions, you are going to be the face of your branch when you see those civilians entering the service for the first time, so I don't see why any Branch would sent shit birds to the MEPS, that would be crazy.

Might be so, I cant speac for the Air force. I can only speak as it was put to me by my chief. And I will go by his word, even though it was told to me years ago. All the Navy uniforms I saw in Oakland MEPS reflected badly on the command there. E-6's walking around out side with there hats off and sleeves rolled up. I was happy not to have to be around that place continually. That still dose not change the fact that that sailor was caught in video and on stills participating in an act of civil disobedience. He was either a fake, or out. Gaybikersailer's little link is bullshit. If not he will past up where it says that's ok.

Apparently your Chief never participated in those kind of independent duty billets, because otherwise he would have told you of the extremely thorough screening that you have to go through in order to get it.

Maybe you were such a shit sack that he told you that to discourage you from trying for the billet, because he didn't want you to be disappointed when you failed the screenings.

Nope. Did quite well while I was there. Pleas post where the guy is not in violation of any regulations ? Actually, gohead and start another thread about it.
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Facts to support your opinion ? Like I said, the fellow who runs the web site, a recor for students, ill take his word for it.
Then go ahead and post where he said they need permission.

Go head and post where they are required to go into hazardous situations like riots.
They aren't required to put themselves in danger for the most part. Though on occasion they are forced to stay on duty during hurricanes. Nor are they given permission by the police to perform their jobs as you keep implying.

Notice that there was no EMT personnel in evidence to begin with. The protestors ended out driving the guy to the hospital themselves.
Then go ahead and post where he said they need permission.

Go head and post where they are required to go into hazardous situations like riots.
They aren't required to put themselves in danger for the most part. Though on occasion they are forced to stay on duty during hurricanes. Nor are they given permission by the police to perform their jobs as you keep implying.

Notice that there was no EMT personnel in evidence to begin with. The protestors ended out driving the guy to the hospital themselves.

That is true. I think some where there is a picture of him at the back of an ambulance, but everything I have read says his friends drove him in. Storms, earth quakes and forest fires are one thing, but going into a situation like a riot or shooting (no shooting there) is another.
He deserves no sympathy......Shouldn't have gotten himself involved with a group of violent, dirty, unbathed morons.

There is no constitutional right to throw bottles and shit at police. And when you do, you should expect a just response.

Hmm, except the only people that claimed the crowd was throwing bottles was the Police.

The mayor was apparently on the other side of the country at the time, so she wouldn't know.

We have video evidence of the police throwing and shooting grenades (both Flash/Bangs and Tear Gas).

We have video evidence that they were throwing them directly at people.

We have video evidence that the person in question was in fact knocked down at the site that the police were aiming projectiles.

We have medical evidence that the person in question was injured with a head wound and testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade.

We have been given absolutely no evidence, of any kind, except testimony from a few police officers, that there was any throwing of "bottles and shit", and the police have every reason to make it seem like the crowd made the first move.

If the only evidence we had of bad behavior on the part of the police was testimony from the protesters, I would not believe it. I feel the same way about the testimony from the police.

Now, I KNOW that someone among the police had a video camera, or that a traffic camera must have captured SOMETHING... That is, if there was something to capture.

So, show me some evidence of this "bottle and rock throwing". As of now, there has been none at all.

As for your description of the protesters:
"Dirty" and "Unbathed" may in fact be accurate, if only because of the circumstances, but certainly there is no proof at all that they were "Violent". "Morons" is of course a completely arbitrary insult.
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He deserves no sympathy......Shouldn't have gotten himself involved with a group of violent, dirty, unbathed morons.

There is no constitutional right to throw bottles and shit at police. And when you do, you should expect a just response.

Hmm, except the only people that claimed the crowd was throwing bottles was the Police.

The mayor was apparently on the other side of the country at the time, so she wouldn't know.

We have video evidence of the police throwing and shooting grenades (both Flash/Bangs and Tear Gas).

We have video evidence that they were throwing them directly at people.

We have video evidence that the person in question was in fact knocked down at the site that the police were aiming projectiles.

We have medical evidence that the person in question was injured with a head wound and testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade.

We have been given absolutely no evidence, of any kind, except testimony from a few police officers, that there was any throwing of "bottles and shit", and the police have every reason to make it seem like the crowd made the first move.

If the only evidence we had of bad behavior on the part of the police was testimony from the protesters, I would not believe it. I feel the same way about the testimony from the police.

Now, I KNOW that someone among the police had a video camera, or that a traffic camera must have captured SOMETHING... That is, if there was something to capture.

So, show me some evidence of this "bottle and rock throwing". As of now, there has been none at all.

As for your description of the protesters:
"Dirty" and "Unbathed" may in fact be accurate, if only because of the circumstances, but certainly there is no proof at all that they were "Violent". "Morons" is of course a completely arbitrary insult.
Yeah, ok buddy!

Even one of the dirty lil' libs admitted it to MSNBC that the dirty, unbathed, lil' liberal idiots were getting violent before the cops rightfully went after the dirty lil' bastrds.......There is no sympathy deserved for that ignorant moron who got his head bashed in for being stupid...Vet or not!

[ame=]Occupy Oakland Protester admits bottles were thrown at Police BEFORE police responded - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, ok buddy!

Even one of the dirty lil' libs admitted it to MSNBC that the dirty, unbathed, lil' liberal idiots were getting violent before the cops rightfully went after the dirty lil' bastrds.......There is no sympathy deserved for that ignorant moron who got his head bashed in for being stupid...Vet or not!

Occupy Oakland Protester admits bottles were thrown at Police BEFORE police responded - YouTube

Saw that, that's the only person that has been recorded saying that at all. No clue who they are. Are they a protester? I have no idea. Just some random person on the scene.
He deserves no sympathy......Shouldn't have gotten himself involved with a group of violent, dirty, unbathed morons.

There is no constitutional right to throw bottles and shit at police. And when you do, you should expect a just response.

Hmm, except the only people that claimed the crowd was throwing bottles was the Police.

The mayor was apparently on the other side of the country at the time, so she wouldn't know.

We have video evidence of the police throwing and shooting grenades (both Flash/Bangs and Tear Gas).

We have video evidence that they were throwing them directly at people.

We have video evidence that the person in question was in fact knocked down at the site that the police were aiming projectiles.

We have medical evidence that the person in question was injured with a head wound and testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade.

We have been given absolutely no evidence, of any kind, except testimony from a few police officers, that there was any throwing of "bottles and shit", and the police have every reason to make it seem like the crowd made the first move.

If the only evidence we had of bad behavior on the part of the police was testimony from the protesters, I would not believe it. I feel the same way about the testimony from the police.

Now, I KNOW that someone among the police had a video camera, or that a traffic camera must have captured SOMETHING... That is, if there was something to capture.

So, show me some evidence of this "bottle and rock throwing". As of now, there has been none at all.

As for your description of the protesters:
"Dirty" and "Unbathed" may in fact be accurate, if only because of the circumstances, but certainly there is no proof at all that they were "Violent". "Morons" is of course a completely arbitrary insult.

#1, That lie has been disprove a few times already.

#2, And you do ?

#3, Another lie. There is no video of a cop SHOOTING anything. If there is pleas present it.

#4, no you dont. You only have one video that there is no explanation for.

#5, Same as #4.

#6, No you dont.

You have been repeatedly proven wrong, and a liar. Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade. there are none. Only statements from family and friends. My links are all through many threads on this topic. You only brought on video.
Then go ahead and post where he said they need permission.

Go head and post where they are required to go into hazardous situations like riots.
They aren't required to put themselves in danger for the most part. Though on occasion they are forced to stay on duty during hurricanes. Nor are they given permission by the police to perform their jobs as you keep implying.

Notice that there was no EMT personnel in evidence to begin with. The protestors ended out driving the guy to the hospital themselves.

You can bet your ass there was a fire rescue and an ambulance behind the police lines..... And if those idiots would have stayed back the young fool would have got better medical care faster.........
#1, That lie has been disprove a few times already.

#2, And you do ?

#3, Another lie. There is no video of a cop SHOOTING anything. If there is pleas present it.

#4, no you dont. You only have one video that there is no explanation for.

#5, Same as #4.

#6, No you dont.

You have been repeatedly proven wrong, and a liar. Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade. there are none. Only statements from family and friends. My links are all through many threads on this topic. You only brought on video.

#1: Nothing I just said is false.

#2: Repeatedly stating that what I said is a lie, does not constitute "disproving" anything. So, no NOTHING has been "disproven" in any way shape or form.

Though that doesn't stop you from repeating yourself, again and again.

#3: You're still insane.

#4: Here is what I said, word for word:

"testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade."

Here is what you just claimed I said:

"Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade"

See the difference?

Note how you provided false representation of my statement in order to attempt to prove I was lying?

So, Why are you such a massive liar? What is your major malfunction anyway?
Go head and post where they are required to go into hazardous situations like riots.
They aren't required to put themselves in danger for the most part. Though on occasion they are forced to stay on duty during hurricanes. Nor are they given permission by the police to perform their jobs as you keep implying.

Notice that there was no EMT personnel in evidence to begin with. The protestors ended out driving the guy to the hospital themselves.

You can bet your ass there was a fire rescue and an ambulance behind the police lines..... And if those idiots would have stayed back the young fool would have got better medical care faster.........

Yup....them calling for help was really hindering things...

They aren't required to put themselves in danger for the most part. Though on occasion they are forced to stay on duty during hurricanes. Nor are they given permission by the police to perform their jobs as you keep implying.

Notice that there was no EMT personnel in evidence to begin with. The protestors ended out driving the guy to the hospital themselves.

You can bet your ass there was a fire rescue and an ambulance behind the police lines..... And if those idiots would have stayed back the young fool would have got better medical care faster.........

Yup....them calling for help was really hindering things...


That really did suck big time. That's partly why it is so important to adhere to Non Violence. It helps big time to be Civil and not antagonize verbally, too. Nobody should be throwing anything. It will provoke Violence, Over Response, that is not a good thing at all. Everyone, on all sides is on a short fuse, things can escalate and blow out of control too easily. Take the hit and Document everything you can, if you are interested in effecting change. It was very bad what happened.
#1, That lie has been disprove a few times already.

#2, And you do ?

#3, Another lie. There is no video of a cop SHOOTING anything. If there is pleas present it.

#4, no you dont. You only have one video that there is no explanation for.

#5, Same as #4.

#6, No you dont.

You have been repeatedly proven wrong, and a liar. Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade. there are none. Only statements from family and friends. My links are all through many threads on this topic. You only brought on video.

#1: Nothing I just said is false.

#2: Repeatedly stating that what I said is a lie, does not constitute "disproving" anything. So, no NOTHING has been "disproven" in any way shape or form.

Though that doesn't stop you from repeating yourself, again and again.

#3: You're still insane.

#4: Here is what I said, word for word:

"testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade."

Here is what you just claimed I said:

"Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade"

See the difference?

Note how you provided false representation of my statement in order to attempt to prove I was lying?

So, Why are you such a massive liar? What is your major malfunction anyway?

Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact. I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.
You can bet your ass there was a fire rescue and an ambulance behind the police lines..... And if those idiots would have stayed back the young fool would have got better medical care faster.........

Yup....them calling for help was really hindering things...


That really did suck big time. That's partly why it is so important to adhere to Non Violence. It helps big time to be Civil and not antagonize verbally, too. Nobody should be throwing anything. It will provoke Violence, Over Response, that is not a good thing at all. Everyone, on all sides is on a short fuse, things can escalate and blow out of control too easily. Take the hit and Document everything you can, if you are interested in effecting change. It was very bad what happened.

That was the plan, but rowdy's showed up.
Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact.

Seriously, what are you even talking about here? I have done no such thing. I have specifically not used witness testimony from protesters, and repeatedly stated that witness testimony of that sort was suspect. It's like you're not even reading my posts, and just assuming I said something completely different from what was actually stated.

I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

And, here, you specifically do what you just falsely accused me of doing.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.

Who the fuck cares what some lone posting board contributor says? I'm sure if i go back far enough in YOUR personal posts right here on this posting board, I can find posts that are just as bad, if not worse.

Hell, it was probably YOU that wrote that post on the OWA site.
It takes a real piece of shit to watch that video and defend the flash grenade throwing cop.

It will be investigated. But I simply cannot feel sorry for idiots who think they can win against trained police forces with paint , bottles, and rocks.......

Yeah, if you just pretend the people in the video were doing anything you just mentioned it's easy not to feel sorry for them.

Of course, there is no evidence in the video those people were doing any of those things.

Yet you defend the cop's actions anyway.

Take that uniform you are surely too bloated to fit into and throw it away.
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#1, That lie has been disprove a few times already.

#2, And you do ?

#3, Another lie. There is no video of a cop SHOOTING anything. If there is pleas present it.

#4, no you dont. You only have one video that there is no explanation for.

#5, Same as #4.

#6, No you dont.

You have been repeatedly proven wrong, and a liar. Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade. there are none. Only statements from family and friends. My links are all through many threads on this topic. You only brought on video.

#1: Nothing I just said is false.

#2: Repeatedly stating that what I said is a lie, does not constitute "disproving" anything. So, no NOTHING has been "disproven" in any way shape or form.

Though that doesn't stop you from repeating yourself, again and again.

#3: You're still insane.

#4: Here is what I said, word for word:

"testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade."

Here is what you just claimed I said:

"Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade"

See the difference?

Note how you provided false representation of my statement in order to attempt to prove I was lying?

So, Why are you such a massive liar? What is your major malfunction anyway?

Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact. I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.

You are way out of line. You have Every Right to Peaceful Protest. You have No Right to Incite Riot. Grow the Fuck Up.

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