Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

It takes a real piece of shit to watch that video and defend the flash grenade throwing cop.

It will be investigated. But I simply cannot feel sorry for idiots who think they can win against trained police forces with paint , bottles, and rocks.......

Yeah, if you just pretend the people in the video were doing anything you just mentioned it's easy not to feel sorry for them.

Of course, there is no evidence in the video those people were doing any of those things.

Yet you defend the cop's actions anyway.

Take that uniform you are surely too bloated to fit into and throw it away.
STFU, ya' drug addicted douchebag!

You could only wish you were EVER qualified to wear that uniform, you fuckin' chaptered out no-go!
Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact.

Seriously, what are you even talking about here? I have done no such thing. I have specifically not used witness testimony from protesters, and repeatedly stated that witness testimony of that sort was suspect. It's like you're not even reading my posts, and just assuming I said something completely different from what was actually stated.

I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

And, here, you specifically do what you just falsely accused me of doing.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.

Who the fuck cares what some lone posting board contributor says? I'm sure if i go back far enough in YOUR personal posts right here on this posting board, I can find posts that are just as bad, if not worse.

Hell, it was probably YOU that wrote that post on the OWA site.

Thats only one. read more. And listen to the video, dont just watch. As for not reading your post, I can say the same about you. You are not trying to get to the bottom of anything, and have posted nothing to back anything you have stated.
It will be investigated. But I simply cannot feel sorry for idiots who think they can win against trained police forces with paint , bottles, and rocks.......

Yeah, if you just pretend the people in the video were doing anything you just mentioned it's easy not to feel sorry for them.

Of course, there is no evidence in the video those people were doing any of those things.

Yet you defend the cop's actions anyway.

Take that uniform you are surely too bloated to fit into and throw it away.
STFU, ya' drug addicted douchebag!

You could only wish you were EVER qualified to wear that uniform, you fuckin' chaptered out no-go!

Notice that Wicked Jester has nothing at all to really say here.

His post is equivalent to a rhetorical armpit fart.
Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact.

Seriously, what are you even talking about here? I have done no such thing. I have specifically not used witness testimony from protesters, and repeatedly stated that witness testimony of that sort was suspect. It's like you're not even reading my posts, and just assuming I said something completely different from what was actually stated.

I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

And, here, you specifically do what you just falsely accused me of doing.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.

Who the fuck cares what some lone posting board contributor says? I'm sure if i go back far enough in YOUR personal posts right here on this posting board, I can find posts that are just as bad, if not worse.

Hell, it was probably YOU that wrote that post on the OWA site.

Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.
Yup....them calling for help was really hindering things...


That really did suck big time. That's partly why it is so important to adhere to Non Violence. It helps big time to be Civil and not antagonize verbally, too. Nobody should be throwing anything. It will provoke Violence, Over Response, that is not a good thing at all. Everyone, on all sides is on a short fuse, things can escalate and blow out of control too easily. Take the hit and Document everything you can, if you are interested in effecting change. It was very bad what happened.

That was the plan, but rowdy's showed up.
It's up to the Organizers and the Participants to Strongly Adhere to Non Violence and make sure Everyone Else does. This cannot be over emphasized. It is Critical to the Safety of every Participant. What one person does can effect the well being of Thousands. The Protest is about effecting Change, Document so that Others can see for themselves, do not Escalate, you are out gunned. There will be no good end to Riot.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.
#1: Nothing I just said is false.

#2: Repeatedly stating that what I said is a lie, does not constitute "disproving" anything. So, no NOTHING has been "disproven" in any way shape or form.

Though that doesn't stop you from repeating yourself, again and again.

#3: You're still insane.

#4: Here is what I said, word for word:

"testimony from medical personnel that the wound was caused by a projectile similar to a grenade."

Here is what you just claimed I said:

"Pleas present the statement of the doctor stating unequivocally that his wound was from a tear gas grenade"

See the difference?

Note how you provided false representation of my statement in order to attempt to prove I was lying?

So, Why are you such a massive liar? What is your major malfunction anyway?

Go back and hit all the links I posted, and Quotes I pasted. You present vague statements from protesters and expect them to be taken as fact. I recommend that if anyone wants to get facts, that they follow the live blog at the Bay Area Citizen, and OWS's own web site.

Here you go lil'buddy, I will do it again. I will also show some of a post from a member there again that will contain a link to the Citizen's live blog that follows the event as it happened

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS |

Here is one little gem of the OWS website you may enjoy while you look.

ronimacarroni -5 points 1 day ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

Such wisdom. Such peace.

You are way out of line. You have Every Right to Peaceful Protest. You have No Right to Incite Riot. Grow the Fuck Up.

I will also mention one more time that all the OWS was not getting violent. Some went to help clean the mess after the riot after they got out of jail.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.

The Tea Party is not there to do Civil Disobedience. They wouldn't let matters deteriorate that far. They are more Permits, Porta Potties, Go there, make your point, and go home.

This is a completely different style. It's also a learning experience for both the Demonstrators and the Police. Allow for growing pains. Both sides have much to learn. Respect for Other Human Beings, on All Sides, and watching your Brothers back are two of them.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.

Then you are confused. No official allegation of police brutality has been made. As for Tea Party guy, I cant cay anything there because they have never incited a riot. And they dont carry guns where its a no no. They obey the law.
You have allot of People there with different messages, that's neither good or bad in itself. Clarity of Purpose and Clarity of Expression is where the focus should be. Steer away from the antagonism and violence.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.
Nowhere in the First Amendment does it say throwing rocks and bottles at cops is a "right".
The Tea Party is not there to do Civil Disobedience. They wouldn't let matters deteriorate that far. They are more Permits, Porta Potties, Go there, make your point, and go home.

This is a completely different style. It's also a learning experience for both the Demonstrators and the Police. Allow for growing pains. Both sides have much to learn. Respect for Other Human Beings, on All Sides, and watching your Brothers back are two of them.

Except that, in many, many cases, members of the Tea Party specifically carried firearms where local ordinances prohibited them.

They did this to make a point about the second amendment, and I AGREED with their point.

However, they WERE in fact breaking the law, and if local police had so chosen, they could have moved in on the Tea Party members in question and tried to take their weapons.

And I'm thinking the response to that would probably have been not a good one.

So, the comparison does in fact apply.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.
YOU unmask opponent of the Second Amendment.
Then you are confused. No official allegation of police brutality has been made. As for Tea Party guy, I cant cay anything there because they have never incited a riot. And they dont carry guns where its a no no. They obey the law.

That is simply not true. At a Tea Party rally in Wisconsin in early August, for instance, members proudly carried weapons in a state park. Which is in fact against the law in Wisconsin.

There are many more examples of this, that's just the first one I grabbed after like a minute of looking.
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.
Nowhere in the First Amendment does it say throwing rocks and bottles at cops is a "right".
And they cry like babies when law enforcement does thier job in keeping order.
YOU unmask opponent of the Second Amendment.

No... you read that wrong. I'm a SUPPORTER of the 2nd amendment.

I was pointing out that the local laws were unconstitutional.
Then you are confused. No official allegation of police brutality has been made. As for Tea Party guy, I cant cay anything there because they have never incited a riot. And they dont carry guns where its a no no. They obey the law.

That is simply not true. At a Tea Party rally in Wisconsin in early August, for instance, members proudly carried weapons in a state park. Which is in fact against the law in Wisconsin.

There are many more examples of this, that's just the first one I grabbed after like a minute of looking.
Were they arrested?
Then do it. I dont give a fuck. Your behavior right here is proof you are not interested in any other side but the one you support.

No, see, it's not a matter of "sides".

It's a matter of police brutality against people that are trying to exercise their first amendment rights.

If this were a bunch of Tea Partiers, and they were carrying guns...

And then local law enforcement decided to exercise local gun laws and arrest them. Gun laws which I would consider to be unconstitutional as per the second amendment...

And then this happened, I would be just as angry.

This is not a "my side / your side" thing. This is a travesty of justice that must be redressed.
Nowhere in the First Amendment does it say throwing rocks and bottles at cops is a "right".

It is a crime under any circumstance. During a Demonstration it is Incitement to Riot.
Nowhere in the First Amendment does it say throwing rocks and bottles at cops is a "right".

And, again, no proof has been presented here that rocks or bottles were thrown, except for some scattered testimony, mostly by people with a vested interest in making it seem like they were being thrown.

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