Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

First asswipe I don't drink, or do drugs.........
Second the post was in response to your sidekicks personal attack on me and my service to this fine country.

Oh, you mean you just post like that naturally? Oh...

As far as his comment went, as far as I can see, he was making a personal attack on you, and your weight. And then saying that as someone who wore the uniform, you should back constitutional rights, or your wearing of the uniform was all for naught.

I mean, that's how I read it, I guess I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

And anyone who throws rocks at police officers is scum...... And I don't give a flying rats ass if you want to believe it or not....You know damned well some asshole threw something, We have the picture of the idiots standing in front of the barricades challenging the police..... I still hope that if that idiot in the sailor suit is on active duty he gets Identified and charged.........

How does standing in place in front of the barricade translate to attacking the police?

Seems to me like those guys should have been issued some tickets for jaywalking.

instead they got gas cannisters fired at their heads.

WOW, so you are one of those.... I said they were in front of the barricade challenging the police, (I am quite certain that this sort of points them out as being agitators), but I did not say they were attacking the police. Now admit that you are wrong, again.........
You should not drink either. You have yet to produce any video of the police firing anything at the protesters, or any evidence (other then hearsay) that the man was wounded by the police.

[ame=]OCCUPY OAKLAND Police launch tear gas, flash bang canisters into crowd of protesters OWS Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Footage of Scott Olsen being shot by Police at Occupy Oakland - YouTube[/ame]

Old news bubba. Where is the one where the cop shoots him in the head. And the police statement admitting that they did it ? Oh ok, you already said you did not have one .
Hearsay. No proof of that at all.

Hearsay would be if I heard from someone third-hand what happened.

My judgement of what happened based on video combined with what I consider to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence has nothing to do with hearsay, except for the fact that you are hearing it from me.
And, again, no proof has been presented here that rocks or bottles were thrown, except for some scattered testimony, mostly by people with a vested interest in making it seem like they were being thrown.
Ya' mean like the liberal I posted who fully said those dirty, unbathed liberal idiots were tossing shit at the cops?

The same liberal who had been giving interviews from the Oakland protest to MSNBC, for several days before those dirty, unbathed, liberal idiots decided to get violent with the cops?

Yeah, I guess your beloved liberal MSNBC was using plants as their sources, for days before the dirty lil' libs decided to get violent............LMAO!:lol:

O'donnell must be hiding his head in shame...when interviewing a protestor, the protestor said that they were throwing rocks and bottles at police...when HE tried to make a case for police brutality...

The Rock and Bottle Throwing was very bad. It's not hard for thew Police to get footage, Eye Witnesses and apprehend the Perpetrators, now or later. It's not hard for Shielded and Protected Riot Cops to get by without tear gassing the masses, unless things really, really, deteriorate. I wasn't there, so I will not say they were not justified, but I can question the Overuse of Force, very probably on Innocents. I truly hope they learn from it. You want the Perpetrators arrested, not hospitalized. You don't want collateral damage.

Everything that does go down, you can bet on Al-Jezzera and Russian TV broadcasting it around the World.
Hearsay. No proof of that at all.

Hearsay would be if I heard from someone third-hand what happened.

My judgement of what happened based on video combined with what I consider to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence has nothing to do with hearsay, except for the fact that you are hearing it from me.

You are right you heard it 10th or 11th hand. There is no circumstantial evidence. You have no evidence and no professional opinion stating he got hit with a tear gas canister fired from a weapon, which was what you alleged in your first post. There is only evidence that the police used the tools they had as they were meant to be used, and since you support the OWS cause, are unwilling to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I'm trying to put together everything that happened and get a timeline on the actions. It appears the rock and bottle throwing, (and possibly some blue paint?) happened earlier and the Police fired rubber bullets, hitting several of the protesters. (One of whom isn't even an American?) There is no doubt that the police ordered the protesters to disperse before they used the CS and flash bangs..... The crowd refused, they were wrong................
First asswipe I don't drink, or do drugs.........
Second the post was in response to your sidekicks personal attack on me and my service to this fine country.

Oh, you mean you just post like that naturally? Oh...

As far as his comment went, as far as I can see, he was making a personal attack on you, and your weight. And then saying that as someone who wore the uniform, you should back constitutional rights, or your wearing of the uniform was all for naught.

I mean, that's how I read it, I guess I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

And anyone who throws rocks at police officers is scum...... And I don't give a flying rats ass if you want to believe it or not....You know damned well some asshole threw something, We have the picture of the idiots standing in front of the barricades challenging the police..... I still hope that if that idiot in the sailor suit is on active duty he gets Identified and charged.........

How does standing in place in front of the barricade translate to attacking the police?

Seems to me like those guys should have been issued some tickets for jaywalking.

instead they got gas cannisters fired at their heads.

WOW, so you are one of those.... I said they were in front of the barricade challenging the police, (I am quite certain that this sort of points them out as being agitators), but I did not say they were attacking the police. Now admit that you are wrong, again.........

What exactly do you think "You know damned well some asshole threw something" means? Do you think that throwing objects at the police is not attacking them?
The Right of people to peaceably assemble doesn't mean you and I can block traffic where ever the heck we feel like it: Demonstrators on the Washington Mall, or anywhere else, are required to obtain a permit.

Strange that I don't find a section titled "exceptions to the First Amendment" in the Bill of Rights.

Were the protesters on privately-owned property or public property?


The violent protesters were in violation of local ordinance.
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The Rock and Bottle Throwing was very bad. It's not hard for thew Police to get footage, Eye Witnesses and apprehend the Perpetrators, now or later. It's not hard for Shielded and Protected Riot Cops to get by without tear gassing the masses, unless things really, really, deteriorate. I wasn't there, so I will not say they were not justified, but I can question the Overuse of Force, very probably on Innocents. I truly hope they learn from it. You want the Perpetrators arrested, not hospitalized. You don't want collateral damage.

Everything that does go down, you can bet on Al-Jezzera and Russian TV broadcasting it around the World.

Word. We don't need that kind of bad publicity as a nation.

Though one must admit, it wasn't ambulances driving by with machine-guns mounted on them, mowing down protesters, like in Libya.

But I imagine if that happened, there would still probably be people on this board defending the perpetrators.
Hearsay. No proof of that at all.

Hearsay would be if I heard from someone third-hand what happened.

My judgement of what happened based on video combined with what I consider to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence has nothing to do with hearsay, except for the fact that you are hearing it from me.

[ame=]OMG WHO THE HELL CARES! - YouTube[/ame]

We've been telling you for weeks that eventually this group would claim this. The whole thing was part of their plan. It's what they do.

It's just like we told everyone before Obama was elected he would turn out to be this type of President. None of us are surprised this happened. It's not worth arguing about.
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Ya' mean like the liberal I posted who fully said those dirty, unbathed liberal idiots were tossing shit at the cops?

The same liberal who had been giving interviews from the Oakland protest to MSNBC, for several days before those dirty, unbathed, liberal idiots decided to get violent with the cops?

Yeah, I guess your beloved liberal MSNBC was using plants as their sources, for days before the dirty lil' libs decided to get violent............LMAO!:lol:

O'donnell must be hiding his head in shame...when interviewing a protestor, the protestor said that they were throwing rocks and bottles at police...when HE tried to make a case for police brutality...

The Rock and Bottle Throwing was very bad. It's not hard for thew Police to get footage, Eye Witnesses and apprehend the Perpetrators, now or later. It's not hard for Shielded and Protected Riot Cops to get by without tear gassing the masses, unless things really, really, deteriorate. I wasn't there, so I will not say they were not justified, but I can question the Overuse of Force, very probably on Innocents. I truly hope they learn from it. You want the Perpetrators arrested, not hospitalized. You don't want collateral damage.

Everything that does go down, you can bet on Al-Jezzera and Russian TV broadcasting it around the World.
Sure they are...and always have been? As to those that caused the police to act? The 'collateral damage'?

When things got heated? Those not participating should have done a quick to those that instigated it? They got what they deserved.

There are consequences for assaulting Law enforcement.

The protesters were in violation of local ordinance.

Any local law that directly contradicts the Bill of Rights is illegal and unconstitutional.

Wrong again dumbass........ Blocking a public throughway is illegal. so is inciting to riot.

There are hundreds of thousands of local ordanances that you could claim contradict the bill of rights but they actually don't.....

Did you see the video from earlier in the day when the Police were surrounded and had paint thrown at them? Or didn't that happen either?
There is some video on this blog from the citizen. I recommend it to any one who wants to be informed on the issue. Lots of good stiff there. Aside from the protesters yelling "fuck you Fuck you" at the cops tell me what you see right at the beginning of the video.

Watch it a couple times.

The First Tear Gas Incident at #OccupyOakland - Frequencies - The Bay Citizen

Less than 30 seconds in I see a Protest sign thrown at the cops and two traffic cones thrown. That is Not Civil Disobedience, neither is Yelling Fuck You, that is antagonizing. The Problem on the Protest Side is allowing things to deteriorate to that degree in the First Place. You need to do CD Seminars on what not to do, and the danger you put others in when that kind of action is demonstrated. It's on you to either keep the Anarchists in line, or have them leave and not be a part of the Protest. You need to Establish a Code of Nonviolence, and have the Participants agree to it, or agree to leave when they can no longer comply. Check out "Battle For Seattle", the Movie.
When things got heated? Those not participating should have done a quick to those that instigated it? They got what they deserved.

There are consequences for assaulting Law enforcement.

Yes, and consequences for assaulting citizens. Fortunately.
Wrong again dumbass........ Blocking a public throughway is illegal. so is inciting to riot.

There are hundreds of thousands of local ordanances that you could claim contradict the bill of rights but they actually don't.....

Did you see the video from earlier in the day when the Police were surrounded and had paint thrown at them? Or didn't that happen either?

I did not see that video. Please link it.

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