Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police


The protesters were in violation of local ordinance.

Any local law that directly contradicts the Bill of Rights is illegal and unconstitutional.

That has to work it's way up to the Supreme Court, if you are lucky, and that is a matter of lengthy Due Process, and Still, the Court is the Last Word. Inciting Riot, Insurrection, are not Constitutionally Protected Rights, they are Hurtful to Everyone involved.

Part of the applied Theory behind Civil Disobedience, where matters of Conscience, Principle,take Precedent over Ordinance, is doing the Crime, Submitting to the Authority, be it Ticket or Arrest, and having your day in Court. You accept the Judgement of the Court. Do the Time, Pay the Fine, what ever suits you. Assaulting the Police puts you and everyone around you in danger. There is no place for violence at a peaceful protest. Study, King, Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke.

The protesters were in violation of local ordinance.

Any local law that directly contradicts the Bill of Rights is illegal and unconstitutional.

And showing up at a protest with gas masks and sticks means you are looking for trouble. Did you see the protestors throwing stuff at the cops in the last video ?

Police Raid Occupy Oakland - The Bay Citizen

The protesters that remained were a diverse mix of parents, young activists, artists, musicians, homeless, and other Oakland residents. Jordan said a large portion of protesters came from outside of the city. Many obscured their faces with bandanas, and a few wore gas masks and carried sticks.

“OK, we’re all here for Occupy, right?” yelled a young woman at the start of the meeting, to a resounding affirmative reply.

“And we’re all here for nonviolence, right?” she yelled, prompting a mixture of yeses and nos.
Less than 30 seconds in I see a Protest sign thrown at the cops and two traffic cones thrown. That is Not Civil Disobedience, neither is Yelling Fuck You, that is antagonizing. The Problem on the Protest Side is allowing things to deteriorate to that degree in the First Place. You need to do CD Seminars on what not to do, and the danger you put others in when that kind of action is demonstrated. It's on you to either keep the Anarchists in line, or have them leave and not be a part of the Protest. You need to Establish a Code of Nonviolence, and have the Participants agree to it, or agree to leave when they can no longer comply. Check out "Battle For Seattle", the Movie.

While I agree with this, if you turn up the audio, you hear the sounds of the police firing weapons at the crowd. Presumably they are non-deadly crowd control weapons, like rubber bullets, etc, but those things hurt like a bitch, and I'd probably be yelling curses if I got hit with those too.

I'm in agreement that there are proper ways to handle yourself in these situations though. Unfortunately not all the protesters attended seminars it would seem.

I still do not see any sign of "bottles and rocks" though.

There's obviously a large difference between lobbing the sign that you are holding at cops, (that are shooting you with crowd control rounds) and viciously throwing rocks and bottles at police in an attempt to hurt them.
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There is some video on this blog from the citizen. I recommend it to any one who wants to be informed on the issue. Lots of good stiff there. Aside from the protesters yelling "fuck you Fuck you" at the cops tell me what you see right at the beginning of the video.

Watch it a couple times.

The First Tear Gas Incident at #OccupyOakland - Frequencies - The Bay Citizen

Less than 30 seconds in I see a Protest sign thrown at the cops and two traffic cones thrown. That is Not Civil Disobedience, neither is Yelling Fuck You, that is antagonizing. The Problem on the Protest Side is allowing things to deteriorate to that degree in the First Place. You need to do CD Seminars on what not to do, and the danger you put others in when that kind of action is demonstrated. It's on you to either keep the Anarchists in line, or have them leave and not be a part of the Protest. You need to Establish a Code of Nonviolence, and have the Participants agree to it, or agree to leave when they can no longer comply. Check out "Battle For Seattle", the Movie.

Right on. In the link up here ^ you can rad about how they seemed to be trying to prevent violence. Not everyone was out for trouble.
That has to work it's way up to the Supreme Court, if you are lucky, and that is a matter of lengthy Due Process, and Still, the Court is the Last Word. Inciting Riot, Insurrection, are not Constitutionally Protected Rights, they are Hurtful to Everyone involved.

Part of the applied Theory behind Civil Disobedience, where matters of Conscience, Principle,take Precedent over Ordinance, is doing the Crime, Submitting to the Authority, be it Ticket or Arrest, and having your day in Court. You accept the Judgement of the Court. Do the Time, Pay the Fine, what ever suits you. Assaulting the Police puts you and everyone around you in danger. There is no place for violence at a peaceful protest. Study, King, Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke.

I agree, 100%.

There is still no evidence however, that protesters were in fact "assaulting the police". Even in the video you posted, the people seemed to be running, and throwing whatever they are holding in the direction of the cops in an attempt to stop the police from assaulting THEM.

The worst thing I saw them do is throw paint on the police. Paint. Not exactly "assault" now is it?
Less than 30 seconds in I see a Protest sign thrown at the cops and two traffic cones thrown. That is Not Civil Disobedience, neither is Yelling Fuck You, that is antagonizing. The Problem on the Protest Side is allowing things to deteriorate to that degree in the First Place. You need to do CD Seminars on what not to do, and the danger you put others in when that kind of action is demonstrated. It's on you to either keep the Anarchists in line, or have them leave and not be a part of the Protest. You need to Establish a Code of Nonviolence, and have the Participants agree to it, or agree to leave when they can no longer comply. Check out "Battle For Seattle", the Movie.

While I agree with this, if you turn up the audio, you hear the sounds of the police firing weapons at the crowd. Presumably they are non-deadly crowd control weapons, like rubber bullets, etc, but those things hurt like a bitch, and I'd probably be yelling curses if I got hit with those too.

I'm in agreement that there are proper ways to handle yourself in these situations though. Unfortunately not all the protesters attended seminars it would seem.

I still do not see any sign of "bottles and rocks" though.

There's obviously a large difference between lobbing the sign that you are holding at cops, (that are shooting you with crowd control rounds) and viciously throwing rocks and bottles at police in an attempt to hurt them.

Semantics. You are wrong. And I wonder what was going on down the street ? Why were all the cops all looking behind them ? What were all those guys filming ? And you do know the protestors were throwing fire crackers and smoke bomb at the police to ? Watch the second video. Not the fight at basic, the other one.
Wrong again dumbass........ Blocking a public throughway is illegal. so is inciting to riot.

There are hundreds of thousands of local ordanances that you could claim contradict the bill of rights but they actually don't.....

Did you see the video from earlier in the day when the Police were surrounded and had paint thrown at them? Or didn't that happen either?

I did not see that video. Please link it.

I see, so you don't check links that people provide.... Someone else already posted the link earlier in this thread.

The First Tear Gas Incident at #OccupyOakland - Frequencies - The Bay Citizen
That has to work it's way up to the Supreme Court, if you are lucky, and that is a matter of lengthy Due Process, and Still, the Court is the Last Word. Inciting Riot, Insurrection, are not Constitutionally Protected Rights, they are Hurtful to Everyone involved.

Part of the applied Theory behind Civil Disobedience, where matters of Conscience, Principle,take Precedent over Ordinance, is doing the Crime, Submitting to the Authority, be it Ticket or Arrest, and having your day in Court. You accept the Judgement of the Court. Do the Time, Pay the Fine, what ever suits you. Assaulting the Police puts you and everyone around you in danger. There is no place for violence at a peaceful protest. Study, King, Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke.

I agree, 100%.

There is still no evidence however, that protesters were in fact "assaulting the police". Even in the video you posted, the people seemed to be running, and throwing whatever they are holding in the direction of the cops in an attempt to stop the police from assaulting THEM.

The worst thing I saw them do is throw paint on the police. Paint. Not exactly "assault" now is it?
It's straight up assault!

Look, the protesters instigated ths shit after being RIGHTFULLY kicked out. The protesters decided to try and return. That right there shows they were looking for a confrontation. Throw in the bottles, rocks, paint, traffic cones, etc., and the cops had every right to go into clearing mode......Those protesters deserve no sympathy whatsoever. And that includes that idiotic vet who got himself involved with those losers in the first place.

Problem liberals have in general, is the fact they are known for continually engaging in that kind of BS. History of peaceful protest is not on their dirty, unbathed, class lacking side.


FLASHBACK: Oakland Paid $2 Million Settlement After Attacking Dozens Of Antiwar Protesters In 2003 | ThinkProgress
That has to work it's way up to the Supreme Court, if you are lucky, and that is a matter of lengthy Due Process, and Still, the Court is the Last Word. Inciting Riot, Insurrection, are not Constitutionally Protected Rights, they are Hurtful to Everyone involved.

Part of the applied Theory behind Civil Disobedience, where matters of Conscience, Principle,take Precedent over Ordinance, is doing the Crime, Submitting to the Authority, be it Ticket or Arrest, and having your day in Court. You accept the Judgement of the Court. Do the Time, Pay the Fine, what ever suits you. Assaulting the Police puts you and everyone around you in danger. There is no place for violence at a peaceful protest. Study, King, Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke.

I agree, 100%.

There is still no evidence however, that protesters were in fact "assaulting the police". Even in the video you posted, the people seemed to be running, and throwing whatever they are holding in the direction of the cops in an attempt to stop the police from assaulting THEM.

The worst thing I saw them do is throw paint on the police. Paint. Not exactly "assault" now is it?
It's straight up assault!

Look, the protesters instigated ths shit after being RIGHTFULLY kicked out. The protesters decided to try and return. That right there shows they were looking for a confrontation. Throw in the bottles, rocks, paint, traffic cones, etc., and the cops had every right to go into clearing mode......Those protesters deserve no sympathy whatsoever. And that includes that idiotic vet who got himself involved with those losers in the first place.

Problem liberals have in general, is the fact they are known for continually engaging in that kind of BS. History of peaceful protest is not on their dirty, unbathed, class lacking side.


I agree the Protestors were way out of hand, and that when Demonstrations go sour like that, they can be very dangerous environments, if the Veteran was involved with Illegal Activity, he brought it upon himself, if he was Innocent, nonviolent, it was a crime against him. Intentional, non intentional, is another matter. If the hostility was that bad, that tear gas had to be used, and he was not targeted, and he played no part in the violence, he deserves sympathy.
Occupy Oakland and the Militarization of America's Police - Esquire

Make no mistake about it: The actions of the police department in Oakland last night were a military assault on a legitimate political demonstration. That it was a milder military assault than it could have been, which is to say it wasn't a massacre, is very much beside the point. There was no possible provocation that warranted this display of force. (Graffiti? Litter? Rodents? Is the Oakland PD now a SWAT team for the city's health department?) If you are a police department in this country in 2011, this is something you do because you have the power and the technology and the license from society to do it. This is a problem that has been brewing for a long time. It predates the Occupy movement for more than a decade. It even predates the "war on terror," although that has acted as what the arson squad would call an "accelerant" to the essential dynamic.

Read more: Occupy Oakland and the Militarization of America's Police - Esquire
There is video of him supposedly just minutes before the incident where he was on the wrong side of the barricade... I would call him an agitator........
I agree, 100%.

There is still no evidence however, that protesters were in fact "assaulting the police". Even in the video you posted, the people seemed to be running, and throwing whatever they are holding in the direction of the cops in an attempt to stop the police from assaulting THEM.

The worst thing I saw them do is throw paint on the police. Paint. Not exactly "assault" now is it?
It's straight up assault!

Look, the protesters instigated ths shit after being RIGHTFULLY kicked out. The protesters decided to try and return. That right there shows they were looking for a confrontation. Throw in the bottles, rocks, paint, traffic cones, etc., and the cops had every right to go into clearing mode......Those protesters deserve no sympathy whatsoever. And that includes that idiotic vet who got himself involved with those losers in the first place.

Problem liberals have in general, is the fact they are known for continually engaging in that kind of BS. History of peaceful protest is not on their dirty, unbathed, class lacking side.


I agree the Protestors were way out of hand, and that when Demonstrations go sour like that, they can be very dangerous environments, if the Veteran was involved with Illegal Activity, he brought it upon himself, if he was Innocent, nonviolent, it was a crime against him. Intentional, non intentional, is another matter. If the hostility was that bad, that tear gas had to be used, and he was not targeted, and he played no part in the violence, he deserves sympathy.
Once he returned with his fellow protesters, it was obvious they were instigating a confontation. Once he chose to stand there and stare down the cops, after being warned to disperse, he himself was instigating a confrontation.

He deserves no sympathy.
Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

Shame on the Oakland police for being cowards and not having the savvy or patience to deal with mass frustration. No wonder the 'Raiders' are so flaky. Environment over nurture in this case.
Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

Shame on the Oakland police for being cowards and not having the savvy or patience to deal with mass frustration. No wonder the 'Raiders' are so flaky. Environment over nurture in this case.
Somebody throws a rock or bottle at me, i'm busting their heads wide open..........The cops were absolutely justified in dealing with the smelly, dirty, unbathed, poorly educated liberal idiots!

They deserve NO sympathy!


"Google said it refused the request, placed sometime between June and January of this year, though it did not specify why".

United States – Google Transparency Report

And the date of the request. "January to June 2011"

That has nothing to do what ever with Oakland PD or any of the other law enforcement agency's involved with this issue considering the request to remove the information to be removed was made almost nine months before the issue being discussed.

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