Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

booo hooo those bad guys hit me with a paint ball. Bruised my ego all to hell.

Words of advice for any would be protester-

People show up to what is a supposedly "peaceful "protest with bandanas to hide their faces, gas masks, and sticks? If that is not a sure indicator of people looking for and expecting a fight with police, I don't know what would be! On top of that, veteran or permanent civilian, NO ONE has any constitutional right to riot!
People show up to what is a supposedly "peaceful "protest with bandanas to hide their faces, gas masks, and sticks? If that is not a sure indicator of people looking for and expecting a fight with police, I don't know what would be! On top of that, veteran or permanent civilian, NO ONE has any constitutional right to riot!

None ? Rioting is not covered under the 1st amendment ?
People show up to what is a supposedly "peaceful "protest with bandanas to hide their faces, gas masks, and sticks? If that is not a sure indicator of people looking for and expecting a fight with police, I don't know what would be! On top of that, veteran or permanent civilian, NO ONE has any constitutional right to riot!

None ? Rioting is not covered under the 1st amendment ?

Someone should have informed the Revolutionaries. poor King! had to put up with such disrespect.
At this point I have 0 sympathy for any of these idiots, veteran or not. Many of these protesters have crossed the line of acceptable public behavior. You choose to associate with this group you get what you deserve. Gotta pay to play.

He is no different than any other American. He deserves our gratitude for his service to our nation, not some special treatment. Had the police targeted him specifically because of his vet status then you would have a legit complaint. But you don't. You got a left wing manufactured bullshit story.
They didn't look all that hostile to me.
The crowd was upset with the police, they got to close and it was unknown if any had weapons.

They were told to leave and they didn't, so they got the boom boom

Yes. Next time some people think they should use bullets, right?


I'm sure the left would love that. Then instead of having to make up bullshit stories they would finally have a real story.
The crowd was upset with the police, they got to close and it was unknown if any had weapons.

They were told to leave and they didn't, so they got the boom boom

Yes. Next time some people think they should use bullets, right?


Hyperbole. No comparison.

Disagreed. As mentioned in another thread, this is a failure of leadership on the part of those elected to run Oakland. The failure starts at the top with the Mayor.

So, after listening to all the arguments justifying the use of force in this incident, if tear gas isn't enough and some protesters continue to throw rocks or, if one or two draw guns, then the police are justified in opening up with machine guns on the crowd, right? Isn't that the prevailing logic of those who say this action was justified?

The Mayor lost control of her city because she fucked up. Let's not blame the police or the innocent bystanders or peaceful protesters injured by the actions of that night. I suggest we place the blame where it belongs: with the leadership of the city controlling it. They have the resources to do what needs to be done and failed.
Yes. Next time some people think they should use bullets, right?


Hyperbole. No comparison.

Disagreed. As mentioned in another thread, this is a failure of leadership on the part of those elected to run Oakland. The failure starts at the top with the Mayor.

So, after listening to all the arguments justifying the use of force in this incident, if tear gas isn't enough and some protesters continue to throw rocks or, if one or two draw guns, then the police are justified in opening up with machine guns on the crowd, right? Isn't that the prevailing logic of those who say this action was justified?

The Mayor lost control of her city because she fucked up. Let's not blame the police or the innocent bystanders or peaceful protesters injured by the actions of that night. I suggest we place the blame where it belongs: with the leadership of the city controlling it. They have the resources to do what needs to be done and failed.

You seriously gonna blame leadership and then leave out the very leaders that encourage this stupidity? Reid, Pelosi and Obama.

Or you could realize that despite our leaders failed leadership the responsibility for acceptable behavior still belongs to the individual.

You people disgust me. Your everything that's wrong with our country. Someone else is always to blame. No personal responsibility. Yet your happy to demand things of those you blame. Pathetic
Yes. Next time some people think they should use bullets, right?


Hyperbole. No comparison.

Disagreed. As mentioned in another thread, this is a failure of leadership on the part of those elected to run Oakland. The failure starts at the top with the Mayor.

So, after listening to all the arguments justifying the use of force in this incident, if tear gas isn't enough and some protesters continue to throw rocks or, if one or two draw guns, then the police are justified in opening up with machine guns on the crowd, right? Isn't that the prevailing logic of those who say this action was justified?

The Mayor lost control of her city because she fucked up. Let's not blame the police or the innocent bystanders or peaceful protesters injured by the actions of that night. I suggest we place the blame where it belongs: with the leadership of the city controlling it. They have the resources to do what needs to be done and failed.

Thats your opinion based 100% on the limited footage you will look at. Neither you or anyone else have presented any evidence proving the police acted outside of the law. You have your mind made up, you had it made up, so stop the bull shit and dont try to explain it. You dont like the cops, and they could (most likely do) have hours of video showing all the angles tho OWS and media cameramen missed, or edited and you wouldn't change your mind.
Thats your opinion based 100% on the limited footage you will look at. Neither you or anyone else have presented any evidence proving the police acted outside of the law. You have your mind made up, you had it made up, so stop the bull shit and dont try to explain it. You dont like the cops, and they could (most likely do) have hours of video showing all the angles tho OWS and media cameramen missed, or edited and you wouldn't change your mind.

Results count. If you ever served in the military or were in a leadership position you'd know what I am talking about. As it is, I've stated several times that we should wait until the investigation is complete before drawing conclusions. I noted that you never agreed with that opinion nor stated it yourself even once.
You seriously gonna blame leadership and then leave out the very leaders that encourage this stupidity? Reid, Pelosi and Obama.

You are free to carry those goal posts as far as you can carry them, sir.

You are the one carrying the (dirty) water for the left. I simply connected the dots you refuse to admit exist.
You are free to carry those goal posts as far as you can carry them, sir.

You are the one carrying the (dirty) water for the left. I simply connected the dots you refuse to admit exist.

Really? What makes you think I am doing that?

You seriously have to ask? The 3 I mentioned are on tv nearly everyday giving support to these fools. Yet when peaceful gatherings of the teaparty took place they were condemned.

I'm starting to believe you really do need someone to connect the dots for you.

Radicals are overwhelming any acceptable message that ows displayed when they began. Polls are on the decline for this group and it will only get worse from here.
The Left blew it when they decided to call themselves "Occupiers." The term 'Occupation' immediately makes people think violence. Maybe that's the effect they were looking for? I don't know. They could have come up with a better name for their protest group.
You are the one carrying the (dirty) water for the left. I simply connected the dots you refuse to admit exist.

Really? What makes you think I am doing that?

You seriously have to ask? The 3 I mentioned are on tv nearly everyday giving support to these fools. Yet when peaceful gatherings of the teaparty took place they were condemned.

I'm starting to believe you really do need someone to connect the dots for you.

Radicals are overwhelming any acceptable message that ows displayed when they began. Polls are on the decline for this group and it will only get worse from here.
As the violence and damage being caused by these people continues to mount, their support will no doubt fade. And, as one poster up here pointed out, once the media stops covering them, the violence and damage these loons will no doubt cause, will be ten fold.......It's just the way it is with liberals and their protests.

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