IRAQ: Was it worth it?

Just because Obama fucked up what the US military accomplished doesn't make the Iraq War a failure.

Obama fucked it all up when he left zero US combat forces there to kill off any terrorists that came back.

This is what you get with liberals in charge.

Bush the sub human piece of dog excrement has the blood of Americans an Iraqis on his hand , and all because of this

too bad this guy didn't have better aim
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He is telling her what to say this Sunday....."Ok blame Bush and some video. Oh yeah, and there are no terrorists in Iraq or Libya for that matter."

We can all breathe a sigh of relief. obama is meeting with his national security advisor, Susan Rice. She will give him answers on what to do. See. obama has it all under control.

The terrorist are all over the dang region............

Until those countries who openly support terrorism pay a price for their support nothing will change. It can't be done by RULES............It is WAR, and the job to win a War is to Kill or Break the enemy. If they refuse to change then they see Allah early..................

We have used PC Culture to decide WAR by politicians sitting on their Fat Asses in Washington DC...........Had we just blown the whole dang area up a bit after 9/11 and left we would have accomplished much more for a whole lot less.

If you are going to step on someones foot, CRUSH IT..........They will think twice before they ever mess with you again.

That was exactly my disagreement of going in and fighting a PC war.

We created a huge number of veterans, all needing lifelong care.
While half the government advocated massive budget cuts to the same federal government that would care for them.

I love American. I'll never "hate" America. But I do HATE some of the decisions we have made.

Thus far, of course not. But Saddam was a monster, and covert ops to eliminate him are illegal. Yet, he was going down, Baghdad had electricity a few hours, a few days a week. The hundreds of thousands of lives lost.........trillion & a half cost, again, thus far..........I believe there were other options, but no one can prove that now. The false statements leading up the invasion are only part of the picture, yet I believed some of WMDS! NUKES! campaign myself. We do know, invading Iraq substituted a dictator with a useless US chosen leader. And gave Islamic radicals an open door; al Qaeda has its own splinter group, and ISI brutality shocks humans worldwide. The "big lie" worked, yet again.........
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It is in their culture to be ruled..............
Except they've been proving that wrong since before Alexander's conquest.

If they're so ready to be ruled by a Muslim tyrant then why do they fight against Obama, a Muslim tyrant?

You are a tool. And even a tool knows that the area is ruled by Tyrants and Dictators..........THEY DESERVE THEM...........Because sometimes people need a boot on their head for their own good.
So why do they keep fighting against a Muslim tyrant named Obama?
As much as it sucks to say this, after years of thought and study in to the middle east, it's better for the world if there's a crazy tyrant in charge of those countries.

Those people are not rational. They want to live under sharia law. Which means they embrace the stone age.

Democracy WILL NEVER work there! If they want to live in the stone age, I say we should help them out. Bomb them into oblivion until a lunatic takes over that can handle all of his peasants.
Just because Obama fucked up what the US military accomplished doesn't make the Iraq War a failure.

Obama fucked it all up when he left zero US combat forces there to kill off any terrorists that came back.

This is what you get with liberals in charge.

Bush the sub human piece of dog excrement has the blood of Americans an Iraqis on his hand , and all because of this

too bad this guy didn't have better aim

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Iraq was a success until people in DC decided to block the Sunnis from rebuilding Iraq, thus the insurgency working with AQ terrorists.

Once the Iraqis realized AQ was the enemy, not the US and the Sunnis were included in the new Iraq...things settled down.

Bush then made a plan to pull most combat troops out but Obama decided to pull every US troop out being a to today with AQ back in town thanks to Obama.

Iraq was never a success man. The best the world can hope for is that a new Saddam rises up and uses whatever means necessary to get the psychopaths there under control.

If we need to hurl a few bombs over there I'm cool with that. But I don't want even a single soldier at risk in that hellhole.
if that was sissy Obama that shoe would have beaned him right between the eyes
Uh, yes it was.

Once the Sunnis were part of the process, the Iraqi people decided to help the US troops take out the AQ terrorists and a transitional Iraqi GOV was stood up.

Bush handed this over to Obama who in turn fucked it all up.....see today.

Iraq was a success until people in DC decided to block the Sunnis from rebuilding Iraq, thus the insurgency working with AQ terrorists.

Once the Iraqis realized AQ was the enemy, not the US and the Sunnis were included in the new Iraq...things settled down.

Bush then made a plan to pull most combat troops out but Obama decided to pull every US troop out being a to today with AQ back in town thanks to Obama.

Iraq was never a success man. The best the world can hope for is that a new Saddam rises up and uses whatever means necessary to get the psychopaths there under control.

If we need to hurl a few bombs over there I'm cool with that. But I don't want even a single soldier at risk in that hellhole.

We created a huge number of veterans, all needing lifelong care.
While half the government advocated massive budget cuts to the same federal government that would care for them.

I love American. I'll never "hate" America. But I do HATE some of the decisions we have made.

A major loss of human life and treasure.
There are around 45,000 vets without arms and legs having a very bad week realizing they were fucking duped in order to make Dick Cheney a wealthy man, along with his military industrialist friends.

And let's not forget the cost to taxpayers: $2,000,000,000,000

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study | Reuters

NOW...maybe now these vets and families of the dead soldiers will petition the Hague and have Bush and Cheney brought to justice and hanged for the war criminals that they are.

Haul that Bush pussy away from his painting easel in Dallas and Cheney away from his ranch in Wyoming, put them in shackles and put them on trial.

BUsh stood up and said in 2002 that invading Iraq and "liberating" the people would cost 2 billion. Liar. Why were Republicans SO STUPID to reelect him?
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Uh, yes it was.

Once the Sunnis were part of the process, the Iraqi people decided to help the US troops take out the AQ terrorists and a transitional Iraqi GOV was stood up.

Bush handed this over to Obama who in turn fucked it all up.....see today.

Iraq was a success until people in DC decided to block the Sunnis from rebuilding Iraq, thus the insurgency working with AQ terrorists.

Once the Iraqis realized AQ was the enemy, not the US and the Sunnis were included in the new Iraq...things settled down.

Bush then made a plan to pull most combat troops out but Obama decided to pull every US troop out being a to today with AQ back in town thanks to Obama.

Iraq was never a success man. The best the world can hope for is that a new Saddam rises up and uses whatever means necessary to get the psychopaths there under control.

If we need to hurl a few bombs over there I'm cool with that. But I don't want even a single soldier at risk in that hellhole.

Name a single successful Islamic democracy in the middle east besides Turkey.
No. After ensuring no wmd threat existed and killing saddam we should have left iraq returning only to decimate their major cities with air power..

And then confiscating just enough oil to repay us for the favor...
When we invaded Iraq, George W. Bush did not know the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

it helps to have a smart president.
As much as it sucks to say this, after years of thought and study in to the middle east, it's better for the world if there's a crazy tyrant in charge of those countries.

Those people are not rational. They want to live under sharia law. Which means they embrace the stone age.

Democracy WILL NEVER work there! If they want to live in the stone age, I say we should help them out. Bomb them into oblivion until a lunatic takes over that can handle all of his peasants.

I agree.

Who would one put in charge of a max security prison: A nun or a tough as nails warden who wont hesitate to lay down the law.

The Middle East is batshit crazy and heavily armed. They need a tyrant to keep them in line.
He is telling her what to say this Sunday....."Ok blame Bush and some video. Oh yeah, and there are no terrorists in Iraq or Libya for that matter."

The terrorist are all over the dang region............

Until those countries who openly support terrorism pay a price for their support nothing will change. It can't be done by RULES............It is WAR, and the job to win a War is to Kill or Break the enemy. If they refuse to change then they see Allah early..................

We have used PC Culture to decide WAR by politicians sitting on their Fat Asses in Washington DC...........Had we just blown the whole dang area up a bit after 9/11 and left we would have accomplished much more for a whole lot less.

If you are going to step on someones foot, CRUSH IT..........They will think twice before they ever mess with you again.

That was exactly my disagreement of going in and fighting a PC war.

Politicians are usually a bunch of dumb asses, and they get people killed as a result.

I got in an argument with my brother before we went into Iraq over the same thing. I told him blow the dang place up and walk away. I also stated we'd get in there and get stuck, and reminded him of the lessons learned by Israel. My nephew is 90% disabled due to an IED near fallujah. He was the only survivor in the Humvee..................For what.........................

It is now taken by a bunch of inbred camel jockeys.

We created a huge number of veterans, all needing lifelong care.
While half the government advocated massive budget cuts to the same federal government that would care for them.

I love American. I'll never "hate" America. But I do HATE some of the decisions we have made.

Thus far, of course not. But Saddam was a monster, and covert ops to eliminate him are illegal. Yet, he was going down, Baghdad had electricity a few hours, a few days a week. The hundreds of thousands of lives lost.........trillion & a half cost, again, thus far..........I believe there were other options, but no one can prove that now.

bush actually murdered more Iraqis than Saddam did. There's no statute of limitations for murder. I'd vote for the first candidate that says they'd bring bush to trial. And of course rice cheney rumsfeld.
As much as it sucks to say this, after years of thought and study in to the middle east, it's better for the world if there's a crazy tyrant in charge of those countries.

Those people are not rational. They want to live under sharia law. Which means they embrace the stone age.

Democracy WILL NEVER work there! If they want to live in the stone age, I say we should help them out. Bomb them into oblivion until a lunatic takes over that can handle all of his peasants.

I agree.

Who would one put in charge of a max security prison: A nun or a tough as nails warden who wont hesitate to lay down the law.

The Middle East is batshit crazy and heavily armed. They need a tyrant to keep them in line.

It's sad for them... but it's true. I hope they're children can find better lives by getting the hell out of there.
When we invaded Iraq, George W. Bush did not know the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

it helps to have a smart president.

bottom line, bush the lesser's reason

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:badgrin: You said it with Turkey......good God. :lol:

Turkey....a member of NATO and an Islamic country, oh believe they are all knuckledraggers.

Uh, that would be Afghanistan......the goat fucking fags of Afghanistan.

Uh, yes it was.

Once the Sunnis were part of the process, the Iraqi people decided to help the US troops take out the AQ terrorists and a transitional Iraqi GOV was stood up.

Bush handed this over to Obama who in turn fucked it all up.....see today.

Iraq was never a success man. The best the world can hope for is that a new Saddam rises up and uses whatever means necessary to get the psychopaths there under control.

If we need to hurl a few bombs over there I'm cool with that. But I don't want even a single soldier at risk in that hellhole.

Name a single successful Islamic democracy in the middle east besides Turkey.
if that was sissy Obama that shoe would have beaned him right between the eyes

I call Bush The Artful Dodger, you are correct only in the fact the Bush boy would never stay where personal danger was threatening. I remember how he ducked & ran after 9/11. Jeb! is like him, when a strong tropical storm got within 200 miles of Tallahassee, Jeb! went to south east Florida! And Tallahassee is many miles inland.

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